JUNE 10, 2019
Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young
-The show began with Seth Rollins hitting the ring to a large “Burn It Down” yell from the audience. Rollins walked to the ring with a steel chair while Renee Young and Michael Cole talked about Rollins using the chair on Brock Lesnar at Super Showdown. As soon as Rollins got into the ring, Cole cued up a hype video that detailed the Universal Championship match between Rollins and Baron Corbin at Super Showdown in Saudi Arabia. And yes, Cole did mention Saudi Arabia by name.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Boy, this hype video was better and more dramatic than the match itself. I supposed that’s the point. Cole mentioned Saudi Arabia by name. Just unreal. At least they owned it, but still. Just unreal.
When the video ended, Rollins smiled and looked at the steel chair in his hand. From there, he told San Jose that he felt alive and that they were entering a new era with the Universal Championship. He said that the locker room has three choices when dealing with his title. He said they can try and fight him for it or do things the hard way like Brock Lesnar. Rollins said that nobody has ever done to Lesnar what he did to him at Super Showdown and that it felt really good to lay a chair into Lesnar’s back over and over and over. As he was speaking, Baron Corbin hit the ring to a chorus of boos.
Heydorn’s Analysis: I liked the intensity that Rollins showed within what he was saying. From a content perspective, he mentioned three choices that people had concerning the Universal Championship, but only talked about two. How does that make it through a production meeting? Just say two instead of three. On the writers, Vince McMahon, and Rollins as well.
Corbin smiled when he walked out and after he began talking, the audience booed even more. As that happened, Corbin addressed them and told them that the feeling was mutual. The booing continued to which Corbin responded by saying, “it’s fine, I’ll wait. Corbin waited from there and the audience started to chant “you suck” instead. As the booing subsided Corbin riled them up again by asking if they were finished. Corbin told them that he was the best thing about San Jose and then addressed Rollins. He said that instead of talking about Brock Lesnar, Rollins should talk about him instead. Corbin said that after Stomping Ground, he’d be the new Universal Champion. In response, Rollins asked him how it went at Super Showdown. Corbin said that he didn’t lose, but was screwed because of an incompetent referee. He said that that referee would be getting reprimanded and that he would be picking a referee for their Stomping Ground match. In response, Rollins said that it didn’t matter who the referee was and that the outcome would be him stomping his head into the match. Rollins then asked if Corbin would even be able to find anyone to referee the match. He ran down all the people that didn’t like Corbin, but was interrupted by Sami Zayn.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Some great crowd control by Corbin there. He had the boos out of the gate, but continued to manifest them and push them along with his promo. Corbin has credibility issues from an in-ring standpoint, but is coming along nicely in terms of reacting authentically and effectively with the live audience.
Zayn walked out and said he was on team Corbin. He said that being the Universal Champion was not good for Seth Rollins. He said in dealing with Brock Lesnar, Rollins was just trying to protect his ego. He said that it would be better for Seth Rollins if Baron Corbin was Universal Champion. The audience booed loudly at that suggestion. He said if Baron Corbin was holding the belt, Raw would have a champion that wasn’t obsessed with Brock Lesnar. Rollins questioned the motives of Zayn which prompted Zayn to reveal that if he helped Corbin win, Corbin may give him an opportunity at the title. Rollins then said that if Zayn had Corbin’s back, who would have his back if he decided to walk up there and punch him in the face. Kevin Owens walked out and said that he had Zayn’s back. In response, Rollins said that all three of them were melting his brain. He challenged Kevin Owens to walk down to the ring and face him one on one in the main event. From there, the match was set and Rollins walked up the ramp to stare Owens down. Rollins then defiantly walked off to the back. As he did, the announce team ran down the other happenings on tonight’s show.
Heydorn’s Analysis: A to B stuff, but it worked. As the babyface, Rollins called out the heels for their shenanigans and then agreed to a match. Nothing fancy, but well done.
When the plugs ended, Lars Sullivan was shown warming up backstage. His music hit shortly after and Sullivan walked to the ring. As he did, the show went to commercial break. (c)
-After the break, the Lucha House Party made their way down to the ring.
(1) LARS SULLIVAN vs. LUCHA HOUSE PARTY – Handicap elimination match
As the LHP walked to the ring, the announce team recapped the events between both sides at Super Showdown. Once they got to the ring, the bell rang, and the match began. Kalisto started things off and got a brief bit of offense in. Sullivan then caught Kalisto off of the top rope and slammed him to the mat before covering for the 1,2,3 win.
Kalisto Eliminated.
After Kalisto, Lince Dorado hit the ring, but Sullivan dismissed him easily after a running powerbomb.
Lince Dorado Eliminated.
From there, Gran Metalik hit the ring and hit a massive slam on Metalik. He attempted to cover, but lifted Metalik’s own shoulders off the mat in order to keep the match going. After, he hit Kalisto and slammed him on the steel steps before hitting Metalik with another big move. Again, Sullivan teased a cover, but attacked Lince Dorado with face first slam into the ring post. From there, Sullivan climbed to the top rope and hit a flying headbutt before covering for the 1,2,3 win.
Gran Metalik Eliminated.
WINNER: Sullivan via pinfall
Heydorn’s Analysis: That worked very well. 50/50 booking was dismissed and the monster heel got to do monster things. This is how you present Lars Sullivan and this is a Lars Sullivan that you can put together with top babyfaces for impactful programs. Good stuff.
-After the match, Lars Sullivan posed to the crowd as the announce team discussed his dominance. From there, R-Truth was shown running around backstage with Carmella. Truth attempted to hide, but was eventually chased off a hoard of superstars chasing his 24-7 title. Truth and batch of that hoard ended up getting into an elevator which got stuck. Heath Slater complained about being in there because “he had kids.” The stuck group chatted as the show returned to the announcers. From there, Lacey Evans and Becky Lynch were shown backstage ahead of their upcoming interview. The show then went to break. (c)
Heydorn’s Analysis: This could lead to some decent laughs throughout the show. It’s harmless and a little funny, but just not my cup of team overall. Laugh away though, folks!
-Out of the break, Michael Cole plugged Becky Lynch vs. Lacey Evans for the Raw Women’s Championship at Stomping Grounds. He then started his interview with Evans and Becky in a split screen on the big screen. Cole asked Lynch a question, but Evans said a lady should go first. Lynch ignored her and said that Evans tapped out the first time they fought each other at Money In The Bank. Lynch said that Evans is big, strong, and fast, but that she could not allow her to become champion due to what it would mean for the company. Lynch said that being the champ was her obsession and that she was relentless with that obsession. Evans called Lynch’s words bravado and said that what drives her is the fear of losing it all and sinking back to obscurity. She said that Lynch reeks of fear and that smell is nasty. She said that at Stomping Ground, she would become champion and Lynch would be Becky no-belts. From there, they went back and forth before Cole plugged their tag team match later in the show.
Heydorn’s Analysis: A bit disjointed at times, but I liked the attempt WWE made to program something differently. This could have easily lived as a contract signing or random face to face promo. Attempts at different presentations are smart for WWE and will freshen up their product even if there are kinks to iron out within them. As far as the content itself, both women were effective in their roles. Well done.
-When the interview ended, Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross were shown talking backstage. Bliss explained to Cross why Evans was her partner and then explained to Cross why and how Bayley was manipulative. Cross seemed surprised to hear those words about Bayley and said she would still be Alexa’s corner during their match.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Bliss manipulating Cross and using a false narrative of Bayley being manipulative to do so is classic heel. Not only does it further the Bliss/Bayley story, but it plants deep seeds for a story between Bliss and Cross that they can go to down the road. It won’t happen overnight, but Bliss using Cross today is building up sympathy for her against Bliss later. Good stuff.
-The Miz made his entrance for Miz TV. As he did, the show went to commercial break. (c)
-After the break, Miz welcomed the audience to Miz TV. From there, he announced his guest, Samoa Joe. Joe walked to the ring and as he did, Michael Cole called him a very dangerous man. Once Joe hit the ring, he posed to the crowd and then sat beside Miz. Miz tried to ask Joe a question, but Joe stopped him and took offense to the fact that Miz called him the “new” United States Championship. Joe said he was always US Champion and that Rey Mysterio stole it from him, but he won it back last week. From there, Miz questioned whether or not Joe “won” it back and showed clips of Joe taking the title from Rey Mysterio last week. When the video ended, Miz spoke highly Rey Mysterio and told Joe that involving a man’s family is a line nobody should cross. In response, Joe said that those lines belong to him and Rey Mysterio, but not to him. Joe then said he thought he was out there to discuss new challengers for his title. He said if they keep talking, he’s start talking about his family. As he said that, both men stood up and stared each other down.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Not surprising analysis here, but good promo work by Joe. He’s a natural in this heel role and is believable as believable gets in wrestling. Really good stuff.
As they did, Braun Strowman hit the ring to a strong reaction. As he walked down the ramp, Strowman told Joe that if he was looking for a challenger, he should stop talking and “get these hands.” After, Bobby Lashley walked out and addressed the situation as well. He said he wasn’t done with Braun Strowman and then said because of his history with Joe, he should get the next shot at the United States Championship. Ricochet walked out next and said that even though he isn’t the biggest or strongest, he wanted a shot at the title. As he spoke Cesaro walked out and confronted Ricochet. He teased talking on the microphone, but then punched Ricochet in the mouth. After he did, all of the wrestlers in the ring brawled. The brawl ended with the babyfaces standing tall as the show went to break. (c)
After the break, the bell rang, and Lashley started the match against Braun Strowman. Both men went toe to toe until Strowman took momentum with a clubbing blow to Lashley’s chest. Strowman then tagged Miz into the match and he hit Lashley with a running knee. From there, Miz was knocked down by Samoa Joe on the outside of the ring while the referee was distracted. This allowed the heels to cut the ring in half and keep momentum in the match. Eventually, Miz made the tag to Ricochet. He hit the ring and hit a quick paced offense on all of the heels including kicks and a springboard clothesline. After, he hit a flying cross body on Lashley before hitting a hurricanrana and a corkscrew suicide dive on Cesaro. With the heels down, the show went to break. (c)
Heydorn’s Analysis: Big pop for Ricochet during his offense. He’s connected with the crowd and needs a storyline that can further build and enhance that connection.
Out of the break, Ricochet had lost momentum in the match and was stuck in a sleeper hold courtesy of Cesaro. Ricochet escaped and countered Cesaro’s powerbomb attempt into a hurricanrana. After, he made the cover, but only got a two count.
Ricochet was able to finally make a tag to Miz. Miz hit the ring and immediately hit Lashley with three running knee strikes. He then nailed Joe with a boot before slamming Lashley’s face into the turnbuckle. From there, Miz hit both Lashley and Cesaro with DDTs and followed those with Yes Kicks to both. As Miz went for the final one on Lashley, it was countered into a sidewalk slam. After, Lashley tagged Samoa Joe into the match. Joe hit a flurry of moves and attempted a cover, but Strowman broke it up. Out of the cover, structure in the match broke down and led to Cesaro hitting the Swing on Miz. Cesaro spun Miz around for a good 20-30 seconds as the audience cheered. Eventually, Cesaro dropped Miz and put him in the Sharpshooter. This prompted Ricochet to hit the ring for the save. Because of it, Miz was able to make the hot tag to Braun Strowman.
Heydorn’s Analysis: They didn’t overtly build to that specific hot tag which made it feel authentic. The audience was along for the ride and the story told. Well done.
Strowman cleaned house upon entering the match. That include intense offense including his running shoulder tackle on the outside. After, Strowman roared and clubbed Cesaro to the mat. Strowman proceeded to cover, but the pin was broken up by Joe. From there, Strowman briefly brawled with Joe, but Joe ran away before the battle fully got underway. Strowman tried to chase him, but was speared by Lashley on the outside of the ring. Back in the ring, Cesaro attempted his finish, but it was countered by Miz. Miz hit Cesaro with the Skull Crushing Finale and then tagged Ricochet in. Ricochet then hit Cesaro with the 630 for the 1,2,3 win.
WINNER: Ricochet, Miz, and Strowman via pinfall
Heydorn’s Analysis: Good match with a lot of action. Ricochet appeared to miss his mark a bit on the 630. A new finisher on the horizon starting next week? Let’s hope not, but history tells us not to rule it out.
-After the match, Baron Corbin was interviewed backstage. He was asked about who his referee choice would be for Stomping Ground, but said he hadn’t decided. He said it would be someone who was good at their job which ruled Charly Caruso out. Sami Zayn then approached Corbin and wanted to discuss something with him. They told Caruso to leave and both men started to talk. From there, Becky Lynch hit the ring as the show went to break. (c)
Heydorn’s Analysis: Being arrogant and mean to Charly Caruso = ultimate heel.
-Out of the break, highlights of the 50 man Battle Royal from Super Showdown in Saudi Arabia aired. When the highlights ended, Bayley hit the ring to a nice pop from the crowd. After Bayley, Alexa Bliss hit the ring and was followed by Lacey Evans.
Bayley started the match against Alexa Bliss. As it started, Bayley chants started in the arena. She took them to heart and rushed Bliss with a flurry of punches. Her momentum was short-lived as she quickly slammed Bayley to the mat and covered for a two count. Out of the pin, Bliss tagged Evans into the match. She also slammed Bayley down and covered, but only got a two count. From there, Becky Lynch tagged into the match and destroyed Evans with punches. Evans turned the tide quick after kicking Lynch in the midsection. Evans tagged Bliss into the match which allowed Lynch to gain some momentum. As Lynch went for the Bec-Suplex, Evans pulled Bliss out of harms way. In response, Bayley nailed Evans with a right hand as the show went to break. (c)
Heydorn’s Analysis: Evans continues to be a presence in the ring. That’s half the battle. She needs to grow and is still green, but the intangibles she brings to the table show through.
Out of the break, Evans assumed control of the match over Lynch. Evans locked in a headlock, but lost it after Lynch whipped her to the mat with an arm drag. Lynch’s momentum was short-lived as Evans countered in the corner and covered for a two count before punching Bayley off of the apron. In response, Lynch knocked Evans out of the ring. Eventually, the action returned to the ring with Lynch desperately trying to make the tag to Becky. Each time, Evans stopped it. From there, Evans missed her stepping moonsault which allowed Becky to finally make the tag. After she did, Bayley fired up and stomped Bliss in the corner after she tagged in for Evans. Then, Bayley hit Bliss with a flipping powerbomb into the corner. She tried to cover, but Evans broke the pin. In the end, Evans hit Bayley illegally with the Woman’s right. From there, Bliss tried for Twisted Bliss. Bayley countered it, but Evans made a blind tag. As Bayley went for the Bayley To Belly, Evans nailed Bayley again with the Woman’s Right and covered for the 1,2,3 win.
WINNER: Evans and Bliss via pinfall
Heydorn’s Analysis: The goal was to establish Evans and give her credibility ahead of her title match. That goal was accomplished. More work to be done on that, but this is a successful step.
-After the match, Sami Zayn was shown talking to Shane McMahon backstage. Zayn said Baron Corbin told him to talk to Shane about the referee role at Stomping Ground. Zayn suggested that he be the special referee in the main event between Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins. Zayn even said they could start small and that he’d only be a secondary referee on the outside if needed. In response, Shane agreed and gave Zayn the spot. The show then went to break. (c)
Heydorn’s Analysis: Clunky, clunky, clunky. After Zayn made the suggestion about being a secondary referee, Shane picked it up like it was totally his idea, though, not in a heelish way, but in a “this script is written poorly” way. If it all was by design, Shane delivered the words in the wrong cadence and didn’t allow that story to be told. Like I said, clunky.
-After the break, Paul Heyman was introduced and gave his typical introduction schtick. He said he was disturbed by the level of animosity between Brock Lesnar and Seth Rollins. Heyman said that Lesnar proved that he could win the Universal Championship any day and can beat down Seth Rollins everyday. From there, Heyman ripped on the fans for cheering a champion that’s a thug like Seth Rollins. He said that by giving Lesnar the beating he did at Super Showdown, he’s guaranteeing that Lesnar will continue to be Mr. Money In The Bank for 2019. He said that at one point, Lesnar was going to tell Rollins when he would cash-in, but now they wouldn’t be doing that. Heyman then ran through a handful of scenarios where Lesnar may or may not make an appearance with the briefcase. He then alluded to the fact that Lesnar would beat Rollins down so badly that it wouldn’t fit on PG television. He said that after that beatdown, Lesnar would become Universal Champion again. He said that all of that wasn’t a prediction, but a guarantee. From there, Heyman dropped the mic and left the ring.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Great work. Heyman addressed the beating Lesnar took to keep him credible, but did so in a way that not only put over Rollins, but put over an eventual encounter between the two.
-After the Heyman promo, video footage from the stalled elevator aired. They argued about whether or not they should use a cell phone to get out. Truth said he didn’t have bars to make a call. From there, Carmella introduced a game where they could only talk if they had Carmella’s hat. Everyone took turns before the show returned to ringside. At that point, The IIconics walked out as the show went to break. (c)
-When the show returned, The IIconics addressed the audience and said they were the longest reigning Women’s Tag Team Champions. They said as the fighting champions they are, they scoured the world for the best challengers possible. They then pointed to their San Jose based opponents and said that they would never compare to them and never be the women’s tag team champions. They called themselves the future and said that the future would be iconic. From there, the match began.
Both Billie Kay and Peyton Royce tagged in and out of the match while decimating their opponents. The match ended abruptly after a big move from Kay.
WINNER: IIconics via pinfall
-After the match, Renee Young called the IIconic’s title reign a joke and said they needed to defend their belts against worthy opponents.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Total squash, but one that furthered the narrative of the IIconics dodging real competition. Once they do, it’ll be a moment that was cultivated and built. WWE needs to have the right team lined up to take full advantage of that payoff.
-The announce team recapped the events of Super Showdown between Roman Reigns, Shane McMahon, and Drew McIntyre. The show then went to commercial. (c)
Out of the break, Drew McIntyre and Shane McMahon made their entrances ahead of Shane’s celebration.
Once Shane and Drew entered the ring, Shane addressed the audience. He started by talking up Roman Reigns and running through his accomplishments in WWE. Shane talked about all of the legends Reigns has beaten, but said that he had never beaten him. Shane said it was the opposite as he beat Reigns at Super Showdown. From there, Shane told Reigns to to sweat the loss because he was the best in the world. After, Shane addressed Drew McIntyre and thanked him for helping him prepare for Reigns. McIntyre then addressed his upcoming match with Reigns. He said that he would maim and destroy Reigns until he is unrecognizable. He then said he would cover him for the 1,2,3 win. After, Drew and Shane poured champagne into the Best In The World trophy. They toasted and said that the party would last all night. Shane then introduced The Revival. Dash and Dawson tried to drink and celebrate, but Shane told them that they could party after they win the tag team titles. The Revival agreed as the show went to break. (c)
Heydorn’s Analysis: A segment fully designed to build heat. It worked too. Shane came off as the annoying out of touch heel while Drew contrasted that as the heel monster. Both spoke effectively within those roles. Especially Drew. He was serious and very believable. Well done.
-Out of the break, more recaps aired featuring fans at Super Showdown. After, Michael Cole claimed that the WWE can entertain in any country and that WWE Superstars enjoyed performing in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Good grief.
-After the recap, The Usos hit the ring. From there, Hawkins and Ryder addressed their Cinderella title win at WrestleMania and said that it hasn’t struck midnight yet. They then made their entrance. Once they got to the ring, the bell rang, and the match began.
Dawson and Ryder started the match off with Dash tagging in quickly. As soon as he did, Ryder connected with a dropkick that sent him to the outside. From there, Ryder and Jey Uso stood toe to toe and tied up in the middle of the ring. Ryder got momentum first with a falling sidewalk slam. He then tagged Hawkins into the match and they hit Jey with a tandem offensive move. Eventually, Hawkins was nailed with a clothesline by Dawson as the show went to break. (c)
After commercials, the Usos connected with suicide dives to gain momentum. After, Dawson was hit with a splash and then covered, but kicked out at two. Out of the pin, Jimmy Uso hit Dawson with a Samoan Drop and covered again, but again, only got a two count. From there, Jimmy was hit by Curt Hawkins and then doubled up again with Zack Ryder. After, Ryder went for the Rough Ryder, but was countered by Jimmy. Ryder then hit the Rough Ryder on Jimmy, but Jey had tagged into the match. With Jey as the legal man, he struck anything that moved with a superkick. From there, he hit a splash. The splash caused Jey to roll far away, but Dawson blind tagged into the air as Jey leaped off the top rope for the move. Because of that, he made the cover for the 1,2,3 win.
WINNER: Revival via pinfall and new WWE Raw Tag Team Champions
Heydorn’s Analysis: A good match that established the Revival nicely as heelish bad guys. There is an issue now between the Usos and Revival that isn’t Ucy Hot. If nothing else, we should be thankful for that.
-After the match, Seth Rollins was interviewed backstage. He said that he’s always ready and doesn’t care about Sami Zayn on the outside of the ring in the main event. The show then went to break. (c)
-Out of the break, the 24-7 group were shown in the stuck elevator again. They bonded over wedding talk and R-Truth said they were family. From there, the elevator door opened and the brawl was on. Once again, Truth escaped after Carmella pulled him into the elevator which was working again.
-The next episode of the Firefly Funhouse aired.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Poor rambling rabbit. Tremendous episode.
-After the Firefly Funhouse episode, Seth Rollins made his entrance. As Rollins posed in the ring, the show went to break. (c)
-Out of commercials, Kevin Owens made his entrance. Once he got to the ring, Sami Zayn walked out dressed in a referee shirt. When Sami got to the ring, he discussed things over with the in-ring referee and then told Seth Rollins “no funny business” as he checked him for weapons. From there, Sami checked Owens and Owens said he was doing a fantastic job. After, the bell rang, and the match began.
Out of the gate, both men tied up in the middle of the ring. Rollins backed Owens into the ropes which prompted he referee to call for a break. Rollins didn’t break right away and in response, Owens called him a cheater. The action continued and led to Rollins rolling up Owens for a pin. As that happened, Zayn had the ring referee distracted which caused boos from the audience.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Smart to involved Zayn right away to increase heat on Owens. If this path continues, the finish should be scorching hot. Zayn and Owens are playing it perfectly and Rollins is there to capitalize as the good guy. Well done.
From there, Rollins hit Owens with a baseball slide that sent him to the outside of the ring. Rollins followed to keep momentum, but was stopped by Zayn. Because of this, Owens slammed Seth into the guardrail and the connected with a DDT. From there, the show went to break. (c)
After commercials, the action continued with Kevin Owens owning the upper hand. Owens worked the injured ribs of Rollins with stiff shots with the forearm. From there, he connected with a series of punches in the middle of the ring before lifting Rollins onto this shoulders. Rollins countered that and battled out before hitting Owens with chops and a Sling Blade. From there, Rollins attempted a suplex, but Owens countered with chest buster. After, Owens attempted a top rope splash, but Seth countered it by getting his knees up. From there, Seth tried for a running suicide dive, but Owens it him with a punch instead. Owens then tried for a pop up powerbomb, but Rollins countered. They then exchanged super kicks, but Rollins took moment after connecting with a step up enziguri. After, Seth climbed to the top rope for his splash, but Zayn got in the ring to check on Kevin. This caused Rollins to not execute the move. Instead, Rollins was rolled up by Owens for a two count. From there, he hit a suicide dive on Owens and caught Zayn as well. Eventually, Rollins hit Owens with the Stomp and tried to cover, but Zayn pulled the referee out of the ring at the count of two. This caused massive boos from the audience. Zayn said that he needed to disqualify Rollins since Seth hit him with that dive. In response, Seth put his hands on Zayn which prompted Zayn to officially end the match.
WINNER: Owens via disqualification
-After the match, Rollins punched Zayn to a big reaction from the audience. As Rollins beat on Zayn, he was attacked from behind by Baron Corbin. With Rollins down, Corbin tried to get a steal chair, but Seth took it from him. Seeing this, Corbin ran out of the ring which left Zayn alone. Rollins pounded on Zayn with the chair as the audience cheered loudly. In the end, Seth stared down Corbin on the rap and yelled to him before beating on Sami Zayn some more. From there, Rollins stared Corbin down before nailing Zayn with the Stomp. The show then faded to black.
Heydorn’s Analysis: A pretty good match between Rollins and Owens that featured pristine involvement from Sami Zayn as the referee. Zayn was almost too entertaining in the role. He walked that line well though and got the reaction needed. Seth showed some great fire and intensity in beating Zayn down while staring at Corbin. This is a low level feud for Rollins, but one that should boost his run as champion with an ultra clean victory at Stomping Ground.
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: HEYDORN’S WWE RAW REPORT 6/3: Alt Perspective coverage of the live show including Lesnar’s MITB cash in, final Super Showdown hype, and more
A complete garbage show that all the hype above can’t polish. You can not polish a turd.