JUNE 10, 2019
Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young
-Cole introduced the show and announced they were in San Jose, Calif. They shot from the upper deck down at the ringside seating. It wasn’t well lit at all compared to usual.
-Seth Rollins made his ring entrance. As Seth walked to the ring, he carried a chair. The announcers gushed about his use of it against Lesnar. Cole continued WWE’s easing back into mentioning Saudi Arabia by name, starting with Super Showdown itself. (WWE clearly feels more comfortable now than last fall saying the name of the country led by the controversial repressive regime that receives headlines regularly for its policies and actions.) They replayed highlights of what Seth did at Super Showdown to fend off Brock Lesnar on his way to the cashing in the Money in the Bank briefcase.
In the ring live, Seth was still holding the chair, showing off. He said he feels alive tonight, mentioning San Jose. He said he feels alive today, it’s new era for the Universal Title, it’s 2019, “and it’s the year of choice.” He said the locker room can try to take it from him, and they have three choices. He said they can come out there and try to outwrestle him. He laughed and said there’s not a person on the planet who can lace his boots. Or they can try to fight him for it. Or they can try it the hard way. He looked down at the chair. He said they should ask Brock how that worked out. Boos. Seth said Lesnar has been in WWE since 2002 and no one has ever done to Brock what he did last Friday at Super Showdown. He said he hit him over and over and over, leaving him in a heap in the ring. Baron Corbin’s music then interrupted.
Corbin walked out, all smiles. Cole asked why he was smiling. “You can’t live in the past, Cole,” said Graves. When fans booed, Corbin said the feeling is mutual. He waited for the booing to stop. He told Seth he should stop being so focused on Lesnar because after Stomping Ground, he’ll be the champion. Seth asked how things went for him at Super Showdown. Corbin said Seth didn’t beat him, the referee cost him the match and Seth escaped with the title. Corbin said he not only gets a rematch, and because of his “amazing negotiating skills,” he gets to hand-pick the referee. Seth was unfazed. He said he’ll still stomp his head into the mat and be Universal Champion. Seth couldn’t imagine who would be his hand-picked referee because nobody likes him. He said he has no friends, and even his dog doesn’t like him.
Sami Zayn’s music played. He smiled his way onto the stage. The fans booed. Sami said he cares about Seth, unlike the fans, and he can see being Universal Champion is bad for him. He said Lesnar does something to Seth, then Seth does something to Lesnar. He said it’s a swirl of toxic masculinity and they’re both trying to protect their fragile egos. Sami said it’d be better for Seth if Corbin was the Universal Champion because they’d finally have a champion who’s not obsessed with Lesnar.
Seth said there must be something in it for him if he’s volunteering to help Corbin. Sami said at least Corbin understands how this whole toxic cesspool works, because he understands if he helped him out, then Corbin would return the favor. Seth said, “Ahhh, a shred of truth.” Seth congratulated Corbin for finding “the one idiot in the room who has your back.” He asked Sami who is going to have his back when he goes up there and slaps the taste out of his mouth. Suddenly Kevin Owens’ music played.
Owens stepped onto the stage and said he agrees with Sami when Sami says that Corbin would be a better Universal Champion than he is. He told Seth he doesn’t like the way he is talking to his friend. Seth told KO to come to the ring and do something about it. KO said since he’s there as a wildcard, “whatever that means, anyway,” maybe I’ll take you up on your offer and do something about. Seth asked how San Jose felt about that. Seth offered to face KO in the main event. Cole said he hopes WWE officials will make it happen. Seth walked up to the stage near KO, Corbin, and Sami and stared them down before passing between them.
(Keller’s Analysis: I enjoyed KO saying he doesn’t quite get what the Wildcard Rule is. Sami is tremendous, but the mega-push of Corbin continues too.)
-The announcers hyped Miz TV with Samoa Joe, plus Cole hosting a face-off between Becky Lynch and Lacey Evans. Then they cut backstage to Lars Sullivan warming up and leaping in the air, which really impressed Renee. His entrance music played and he made his way toward the ring. Cole said he has a three-on-one elimination match against Lucha House Party. [c]
(1) LARS SULLIVAN vs. LUCHA HOUSE PARTY (Kalisto & Gran Metalik & Lince Dorado)
Graves said during the entire commercial break, Lars was pacing like a caged animal ready to attack. Lars attacked them before the bell. Graves wondered if Lars hits Kalisto hard enough, candy falls out. Lars caught Kalisto mid-air and powerslammed him for a clean quick win. Lince entered and Lars threw him aside, but then ate a kick. When Lince went for a huracanrana, Lars turned it into a running powerbomb and a three count. He tossed him out of the ring. Gran Metalik was next. He slapped Lars hard on the chest, but Lars wouldn’t budge. Lars slammed him and let out a big yell, then made the cover. At two, he picked up Metalik. “He’s going to have some fun with Metalik right now,” said Renee. Lars lifted and slammed Kalisto hard at ringside onto the steps. Then back in the ring he gave Metalik a one-armed slam, but he again lifted his shoulders at two. Lars tossed Lince head-first into the ringpost, then climbed to the top rope. He landed a top rope diving headbutt, and this time he let the ref count three. Cole wondered how you stop Lars. Lars yelled, “Who’s the man?”
WINNER: Sullivan in 4:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Not crazy about seeing a return of the top rope diving headbutt. They better keep pushing Lars hard against others because that sure marginalized the credibility of LHP as any type of serious wrestlers otherwise. Well, it did anyway, but at least let there be a purpose that pays off. Lars is still a great old school heel in his look and demeanor and in-ring style. There’s a blend of Mongolian Stomper, King Kong Bundy, and Vader.)
-Backstage wrestlers chased after R-Truth. He stood by elevators as Carmella yelled there was no referee nearby. The elevator doors opened and a bunch of wrestlers entered the elevator with Truth. They yelled for a ref, but the doors closed. Several more wrestlers arrived with a referee. The elevator camera filmed them inside, and WWE happened to have access to it. Heath Slater, EC3, Drake Maverick, and Cedric Alexander were with Truth and Carmella. Slater was a little panicky about the tight space.
-Lacey Evans was admiring the camera in the mirror, staring at the camera through the mirror, and getting fancied up for her appearance later.
-Elsewhere, Seth Rollins was shown chatting with Becky Lynch. Cole referred to Seth as Becky’s boyfriend.
(Keller’s Analysis: That’s as forward as they’ve been on TV with that relationship.) [c]
-WWE Fact: Did you know that last week Raw was the most social show on all of TV?
-They went to the announcers at their desk on the stage. Cole said he’s been looking forward to this interview all week. Becky and Lacey then appeared on a split screen. When Cole tried to throw to Becky first, Lacey took exception and said where she comes from, ladies go first. She said if chivalry is dead in WWE, then let Becky go first. Becky said Lacey already tapped out to her, and for all her talking, she never brings that up. Becky said Lacey is stronger and bigger than her and “fresh out of the gate.” Lacey said she’d done exactly what she’s needed to get what she wants, just as Becky has. She said she won’t stop until she has everything she wants. Becky said dirt and gold are found in the same place, but that doesn’t make them equal. Becky said the fact that she cost her the Smackdown Live Championship does upset her. She said being the champ is her obsession and now she’s got to overcome Lacey. Lacey mocked her and cheered her speech, but she said Becky isn’t fooling her. She said “The Man” bravado is just a mask because she’s actually fearful of losing it all and sinking back down into obscurity. She said she reeks of fear and it smells nasty. She said at Stomping Grounds, that fear will come true when Becky Two Belts becomes Becky No Belts because she will take her Raw Women’s Championship. Lacey said she’s done with her and she’ll see her tonight. They talked over each other a little before the segment ended.
-Cole plugged that Bayley & Becky would face Lacey & Alexa Bliss later.
-Backstage Nikki Cross asked Alexa why they aren’t teaming together against The IIconics. Alexa said that was the plan last week, but then she won the right to face Bayley at Stomping Ground and so now it’s a champions vs. challengers type match. She apologized. She said she can’t believe Bayley is doing this again. Nikki asked what she meant. Bliss said Bayley is a manipulator. She said she knows the real Bayley. She said Bayley was awful to her when they started together in NXT. She said because of their different backgrounds, Bayley made her feel unworthy. She said people are starting to see through her, though. “Maybe that’s why I’m this way now,” Bliss said. Nikki asked what she meant. Bliss said she feels she can just be herself around Nikki. Nikki said she knows what’s it’s like to feel like you’re on the outside looking in. Bliss asked if Nikki forgives her and will be in her corner tonight. Nikki smiled and said of course and they put their arms around each other and giggled.
-Miz made his ring entrance. Graves said he can’t believe Bayley treated Bliss so poorly. They threw to footage of “Miz & Mrs” with Monroe. [c]
-A highlight package aired of fans, mostly kids, reacting excited to Super Showdown and a wide shot of fireworks blasting. “WWE is the only form of sports entertainment that is totally cross-cultural in every country in the world including Saudi Arabia this past Friday.”
(Keller’s Analysis: At this rate, they’re going to enter the Saudi Crown Prince in the Hall of Fame and start offering vacation travel packages to Saudi Arabia by the end of the show the way they’re back to embracing their relationship with Saudi Arabia.)
-Miz introduced Samoa Joe. Cole called him a very dangerous man. Joe interrupted Miz and said he heard him mention he’s a new U.S. Champion. He said there is nothing new about his reign. He said Rey Mysterio stole it, so he was afforded an opportunity to “win it back.” Miz threw to a video clip of Joe attacking Rey after he laid the belt down and began to leave the ring. Joe laughed in the background as the clip aired. Miz said Rey was honest, heartfelt, and a gentlemen, yet he felt he needed to “slap the ko-gina clutch on him” (whatever that is). Joe said: “Yeah, so?” Miz thanked him for that in-depth answer.
When Miz said Joe crossed a line by bringing Rey’s son into it, and you don’t cross lines like that unless you want to get called out. Joe said Miz needs to understand that those lines belong to him, but when it comes to getting what he wants, there is no such thing as too far. Joe said he thought he was coming out to discuss potential challengers for his U.S. Title. Joe said if he wants to talk about crossing lines some more, maybe they should discuss Miz’s family. Joe and Miz stood and had a staredown.
Suddenly Braun Strowman’s music played and he walked out. Then Bobby Lashley came out and said he’s not done with Braun yet. He said he and Joe have history together, so he knows he deserves a U.S. Title match. Ricochet’s music played and he walked out next. He said they are always arguing about who is bigger and strong, “and obviously that’s not me,” but after his win over Cesaro, he wants to step up and win his first championship. Cesaro then walked out to his music and new gear. He popped Ricochet in the face with the mic. Meanwhile in the ring Miz and Joe fought and Lashley and Strowman fought. Cesaro tried to enter, but Strowman punched him. [c]
Early on Strowman and Lashley battled. Strowman kipped up while in a wrist lock. The announcers gasped. Lashley leapfrogged Braun. Braun clotheslined him down. Cole called it “a clinic in agility.” The heels eventually took over with a sustained beatdown of Miz. Ricochet got the hot-tag. He outmaneuvered Cesaro and then dove onto him at ringside. They cut to a break at 4:00. [c]
Cesaro took control of Ricochet after the break. Ricochet hot-tagged Miz in a minute later. Miz rallied with rapid fire kicks and then three running knees in the corner against Lashley. Miz kicked Joe on the ring apron too. Miz DDT’d Lashley, fended off Cesaro’s interference with a DDT, and then played to the crowd. Miz took turns Yes kicking Cesaro and Lashley. Braun and Lashley eventually brawled at ringside. Cole talked about their war at Super Showdown. Cesaro then gave Miz a Cesaro Swing mid-ring and Miz held his arms straight out rather than behind his head or on his chest like most. He did 24 revolutions. Renee asked if someone kept count. Cesaro then applied a sharpshooter mid-ring. Ricochet broke it up. Braun climbed back to the ring apron and called on Miz to tag him. Miz made the hot-tag. He beat up Cesaro with checks and then a splash in the corner. He played to the crowd and roared. He checked Cesaro at ringside and then went back at Cesaro with a corner splash in the ring. He let out another roar and then clubbed his chest. Joe broke up the cover.
Joe ran into Braun who grabbed his throat and then tried to powerslam him. Joe slipped out and rolled to the floor. He grabbed his U.S. Title belt and ran to the back. Fans booed. Graves said Joe has no allegiance to anyone in that match because they all want his title. As Braun went after Joe, Lashley cut him off with a tackle. Miz backdropped Ricochet onto Lashley at ringside, although he just grazed him. Cesaro then scored a two count on Miz after an uppercut (that showed some light). Cesaro set up a Neutralizer, but Miz escaped and gave him a Skull Crushing Finale. Ricochet then landed his 630 right on Cesaro’s knee. Cesaro grabbed his knee in pain and was pinned. Cesaro held his knee and rolled to the floor. Ricochet looked on concerned as Cesaro couldn’t stand. Fans stood at ringside and looked concerned for him. They showed the 630 in slo-mo where Ricochet landed on Cesaro who had his leg raised a bit and wasn’t lying flat. Graves said Ricochet usually lands on the abdomen area.
WINNERS: Ricochet & Braun & Miz in 14:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: That was an exciting TV match with a cool mix of wrestlers, but not everything was crisp or tight. Perhaps the Saudi Arabia travel fatigue at play.)
-Backstage Charly Caruso approached Corbin and asked if he had made a decision on who will be the special referee. (Wasn’t it established it was Sami? I guess not.) Corbin said he’s going to make some calls and find someone who isn’t biased. He took a dig at Caruso. Sami walked up to him and said he’d like to chat with him and he thinks Corbin will like what he has to say. They chatted quietly.
-Becky Lynch made her ring entrance. [c]
-Another montage aired from Super Showdown focused on Mansoor winning the battle royal. Cole touted the enthusiasm of the fans in Saudi Arabia. [c]
Graves said Lacey cost Becky her Smackdown Title. Renee asked about Lacey tapping out to Becky. Graves said his memory is a little hazy. The announcers talked about Lacey’s claim that Becky is fearful of losing her other title. Lacey yanked Bliss to safety at ringside a few minutes in. Bayley swung through the ropes and grazed Lacey with a kick. Lacey took a big bump. Becky then knocked Bliss down with a flying forearm. They cut to a break. [c]
After the break, they fought back and forth for several minutes, taking turns on offense. Bayley sunset flipped Bliss back-of-her-head-first into the turnbuckle. When Lacey broke up Bayley’s cover, Becky chased her down. Nikki got between them, which gave Lacey an opening to give Becky her Women’s Right punch. Bayley rolled up Bliss. When Bliss kicked out, Lacey hit her a Women’s Right from ringside. Bliss dragged Bayley into place and then went for her top rope flying Twisted Bliss. Bayley lifted her knees. Lacey entered, though, because she had tagged herself in before the Bliss top rope move, hit the Women’s Right, and scored the pin.
WINNERS: Lacey & Bliss in 11:00.
-Sami approached Shane McMahon backstage. He yelled, “Best in the world!” to Shane. He said they haven’t always seen eye-to-eye, but Corbin suggested he talk with him. He said he knows Corbin gets to choose his own referee, and Sami said maybe tonight he could be the guest referee for the match between KO and Rollins. Shane said it sounds like an audition. Sami said Seth and Roman Reigns are close. He offered to be a second referee at ringside. Shane then repeated what Sami just said but treated it as his own idea. Sami called it genius and said he’s “a hell of a decision-maker.” Graves said Shane is on a roll with his decision-making lately. [c]
-Cole said the news was reported around the world that John Cena is going to be part of “The Fast and Furious 9” movie. They showed headlines and Tweets. Cole congratulated him.
-Mike Rome introduced Paul Heyman, who stood mid-ring. Heyman introduced himself. He said he was disturbed by the animosity between his client Brock Lesnar and Seth. He said Lesnar didn’t cash in last week, even though he wanted him to. He said Lesnar felt he could deliver a beating to Seth anytime. He scolded fans for cheering Seth for attacking Heyman with a chair. He said Rollins is “a feckless thug.” He said Lesnar now will not tell fans when he’s there and when he’s not from now on. He said he can show up anytime. He said that’s not to insinuate he’ll be at Stomping Grounds or that he won’t be at Stomping Ground. He said he will apply a beating that violates the PG era of WWE. He said Lesnar taking the title from Seth isn’t an insinuation, a prediction, or even a spoiler – it’s a threat, a promise, and a guarantee.
(Keller’s Analysis: I wonder if Lesnar gets paid for events he’s not on from now because Heyman insinuated (and didn’t insinuate) that he’ll be at any or all or no future WWE events.)
-Cole said Seth is in action tonight, so maybe Lesnar is lurking and will cash in. Graves said they love being the dark cloud that looms over Seth’s title.
-They went back to the elevator cam of Truth, Carmella, EC3, Heath Slater, Cedric Alexander, and Drake Maverick. They were yelling at each other. (Since this is all ridiculous, they should have replaced Slater and Drake with, say, Robert Roode and Jack Gallagher to see if anyone noticed.) None of them had any bars on their phones. Carmella said they’d fill time by playing a game, and you can only talk if you hold her hat. Drake snatched the hat and said he’s getting married in a couple of weeks. EC3 asked why he wasn’t invited. Drake said he’s his best man. Truth took the hat and said he’s scared he’s going to lose his 48/7 TV European Title. (I think I’ve mistakenly called it all of those things at one time or another the last month.)
-The IIconics made their entrance. [c]
WINNERS: IIconics in just over 1:00.
-They showed a montage of Shane beating Reigns at Super Showdown.
-Byron Saxton interviewed Reigns backstage. He asked if it haunts him that he lost to Shane and that will be recorded in the record books. Reigns thought for a second, then said Shane beat him the way he has gotten everything his entire life – somebody gave it to him. He said the person who gave him the win was Drew McIntyre. He said he’ll kick ass and take names at Stomping Ground.
-Balloons, a desk, the Best in the World trophy, and more was being set up in the ring for Shane’s victory celebration. [c]
-A WWE fact bragged about WWE having more Facebook followers than other big brands such as NASCAR, UFC, NFL, MLB, and the NHL.
-They showed that the 24/7 wrestlers were still in the elevator chatting. Renee said it seemed like they were having a good time. She wondered what EC3 had in his plastic cup. Okay.
-Bagpipes played as Drew walked out followed by Shane. Renee said they were both wearing leather jackets, and their matching outfits were “cute.” Shane said Reigns is something special and “a future WWE Hall of Famer.” No cheers, a few boos, mostly silence. He said Reigns hits like a mule.
Shane listed Reigns’s accomplishments such as headlining WrestleManias, having won several World Titles, and having wins over both Undertaker and Lesnar, but he hasn’t defeated him yet. He said Reigns just wasn’t good enough to beat the Best in the World. (The crowd silence was awkward here. Or fans were listening closely because they didn’t want to miss anything Shane was saying.) Shane asked fans to “give it up for Drew, too.” Boos. Shane thanked him for helping him prepare and he said their strategy was sound after watching so much footage. Fans began chanting “Boring!” Shane paused and said, “Get used to it, it’s my celebration, I got all night.” More boos.
Drew said he is trying to maintain his composure and wished the celebration was anywhere but San Jose because they show no respect. He said they won’t ruin this celebration, though. He said Reigns is the measuring stick in WWE and when he loses, it turns heads. He said he intends to not just beat Reigns at Stomping Grounds, he plans to hurt, maim, and humiliate him. He said Shane is the Best in the World, but he is the most dangerous. He told Reigns he owes him and he will physically assault him until he is completely unrecognizable, and then he’ll beat him 1-2-3.
Shane said he’s so intense, “and that’s what I dig about you, man.” He said it’s time to drink some bubbly and celebrate. They opened bottles of champaign and poured them into plastic glasses, but then paused and poured it all into the trophy. “If you’re going to do it, do it right,” said Renee. Shane drank from his trophy as Drew drank right from the bottle. They smiled. Graves compared it to drinking from the Stanley Cup, “it’s that big.”
Shane said The Revival could end the night with reason to celebrate as new WWE Raw Tag Team Champions. Cole said they should be happy they have this friendship with Shane. He said they lost to the Usos on the Super Showdown Kickoff Show, yet they were given a title shot by Shane tonight. Graves said Shane rewards loyalty. Drew stopped them from drinking champaign. Shane said they can’t drink before their title match, and if they want to party, they have to bring a little gold. The Revival liked that idea. Shane kept drinking.
-A Smackdown ad hyped New Day vs. KO & Sami & Dolph Ziggler. [c]
-Another Super Showdown montage aired focused on kids cheering. Cole again touted the “cross-cultural” aspects of WWE’s popularity.
-Cole narrated footage of Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins winning the WWE Tag Team Titles at WrestleMania.
-Caruso interviewed Ryder &*Hawkins backstage. Ryder said the didn’t wrestle on Raw for a full year, but then he became champions with Hawkins. Hawkins said the clock hasn’t struck midnight yet on their Cinderella story.
All three teams got in some offense, and then they cut to a break after some action at ringside. [c]
A few minutes later, the Usos rallied, but Dawson blind-tagged in and covered Ryder after an Uso splash and got the three count. Graves asked if anyone could imagine what the celebration will be like later.
WINNERS: The Revival in 9:00 to capture the WWE Raw Tag Team Titles.
-Caruso asked Seth about Sami being a second ref at ringside for the main event. Seth said he was ready for Brock at Super Showdown and he’s ready for Brock anytime, and he’s ready for Sami and Kevin tonight. He winced a little as he thought about them. He stood proud with his belt over his shoulder.
-Cole hyped that the Firefly Funhouse was up next. He called it “odd.” [c]
-They showed the 24/7 wresters still chatting in the elevator. Truth said marriage is scary for anyone. EC3 said true love is real and he’s been married five times now so he knows. Slater laughed. Cedric said that’s the opposite of love. Slater told him to “just say yes and wish for the best.” Truth said by being stuck in an elevator together, they have bonded and have found out that they have a lot more in common than they realized. The elevator doors opened and wrestlers from in the elevator and those waiting outside with a referee attacked Truth. After some fighting, Carmella helped Truth get back in the elevator and escape.
-Cole said Bray Wyatt invited Truth to come to his Firefly Funhouse to stay safe. He said Truth hasn’t taken him up on his offer yet.
-Firefly Funhouse: Bray nailed to a door a hand painted colorful sign that said “Abandon All Hope Ye Who Exit Here.” The rabbit fended off the buzzard from eating him. Bray said the rabbit can make his case why he deserves to not be eaten. The rabbit said he doesn’t feel safe in the Funhouse and it might be time to expose what really happens in the Funhouse. Bray reached down and grabbed him by his neck. He said why would he do something like that. Bray then smashed the rabbit with a giant toy hammer. He was suddenly wearing a clown nose. He reached down and asked if the rabbit was okay. He tasted his blood and said it’s delicious. He said today’s episode is brought to you Ramblin’ Rabbit’s Bohemian Spread. He closed with his line about leading the way if they let him in.
-Seth made his ring entrance.
-An NXT ad aired. [c]
-KO made his entrance. Sami was dressed as a referee. Sami checked KO’s boots for foreign objects. Renee said it was lackadaisical. Seth’s ribs were still taped.
(6) KEVIN OWENS vs. SETH ROLLINS – Sami Zayn as special ringside enforcer referee
KO controlled early. When Seth took control, Sami leaped up onto the ring apron and stopped Seth from punching him. When Seth went after KO at ringside, Sami ran up to KO and backed off Seth. KO then threw Seth into the barricade and DDT’d him. KO yelled, “Who’s the man?” [c]
Back live, KO was in control and went for a Pop-up Powerbomb. Seth escaped. They kicked each other, and KO went down. Seth climbed to the top rope. Sami got in the ring and blocked Seth to check on KO. Cole was upset because Sami was the outside official and there was no reason for him to be in the ring at this point in the match. A frustrated Seth leaped down. He yelled at Sami. KO rolled up Seth from behind for a two count. Seth dove through the ropes into KO at ringside, but also bumped into Sami. Seth landed The Stomp. He made the cover, but Sami yanked Seth off of KO. The regular ref, John Cone, yelled at Sami. Sami entered the ring as fans chanted “Sami sucks!” Seth stood and was upset at Sami as Sami pointed his finger at him and scolded him. Seth grabbed Sami by his shirt. Sami DQ’d Seth.
WINNER: Owens via DQ.
-KO raised his arm while lying at ringside. Seth then punched Sami. He mounted him and punched away. Graves said Seth will be fined big bucks for that. Corbin attacked Seth. Cole said Corbin is still upset with what happened at Super Showdown. Corbin brought a chair into the ring, but Seth knocked it out of his hands. Corbin bailed out. Seth jabbed Sami with the chair. Seth bled from above his left eye. He bashed Sami across his back, then yelled at Corbin. He turned and bashed Sami again several more times and then threw the chair out of the ring. Sami rolled to the floor. Cole asked Graves if he’s ever seen Seth that fired up. Graves said he’s a man possessed. Seth yanked off Sami’s referee shirt and threw him back into the ring. He called Corbin to the ring. Corbin stood on the stage and observed Seth’s intensity. Seth then gave Sami the Stomp as fans chanted “Burn It Down.” Cole called Seth “ever defiant” and said he’s standing tall, “as bold and rebellious as they come.” He said: “That right there is Monday Night, Rollins the Universal Champion declaring he is ready for Corbin at Stomping Ground.”
Another terrible show. Shameless promotion of Saudi Arabia. There really aren’t many good reasons to watch this nonsense anymore.
Full disclaimer: I didn’t see the show, I didn’t read the recap, I just came for the comments. They might as well move their headquarters to Saudi Arabia and make their women dress in burkas.