JUNE 5, 2019
Announcers: Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness, and Beth Phoenix
Lee easily controls Reeves. Reeves tries to muscle Lee around in chain wrestling but can’t. He punches Lee’s face which angers Lee. Reeves tries to land on his feet off a back drop and tweaks his knee but it’s a ruse to give him a chance for a cheap shot. Lee blocks a whip so Reeves drops elbows on his forehead. Knee to the head gets one for Reeves. Reeves keeps Lee down. Lee grips Reeve’s hand to hold him in place, so Reeves hits Lee with elbows. Lee does it again and hulks up in the face of Reeve’s offense. Lee knocks Reeves down over and over while holding the arm with punches. Reeves breaks free, Lee leapfrogs then drops down then nails a crossbody. Lee calls for the end, but Reeves drops Lee’s arm over the ropes, then hits a urinage for two-and-a-half. Lee looks furious on the kickout. Pounce followed by a huge powerslam (the “Limit Breaker”) get Lee the win.
Winner: Keith Lee at 6:00. Fine match, but Lee taking 6 minutes on the nose to put Reeves away defines Lee down badly.
Video package on the NXT Women’s Championship match at Takeover XXV.
Post-match interview with Io Shirai, she says that she still has business with Baszler. Next week, Shirai and Candice LaRae will face Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir.
Mia Yim and Bianca Belair are booked for tonight. Isn’t that a match that should have been announced in advance?
Recap of the NXT Tag Team Championship match.
Outside of the arena, Street Profits exit fresh out of the match to talk to camera crews and talk about how it was hard work and dedication that got them the titles. They give extra shoutout to the NXT cameraman saying he was there since Day 1. They have someone else take the camera to get him in the shot and the interview. They take him to get him a new shirt or something.
Really great bit to put the Street Profits over as working class heroes, remember the “little guy” who was an offscreen part of their journey.
Video package on Velveteen Dream defending the NXT North American Championship against Tyler Breeze.
A new interviewer asks Breeze what is next. His ear is covered in dried blood. Breeze puts Dream over and says he thinks Dream now respects him, and says “I am not back in NXT”. Then reiterates it.
Quick Damian Priest package. Looks like a mix of Aleister Black and Andrade’s “women and limos” gimmick.
Belair and Him talk a bit then lockup. Belair easily muscles Yim into the corner, then breakes with a shove. She slams Yim’s face down and celebrates so Yim hits a waistlock takedown. Belair wants an overhead press slam, Yim slips out. Belair takes two arm drags, blocks a third, steps on Yim’s hand. Very fast back-and-forth. Head scissors takes Belair down. Running faceplant from Belair then she wails on Yim’s face, clothesline, cover for two. Belair wants an abdominal stretch but Yim resists. Slaps to the midsection let Belair lock it in and claw Yim’s ribs. Yim powers out and lands a hip toss. Belair with a gutbuster and a two count. Belair into a bow & arrow on the mat. Yim pops out and lands in a cover for one, then takes a knee lift to the middle. Belair mounts from behind and jumps on Yim over and over, then just sits on Yim and poses. She tries another jump, Yim gets knees up, rollup for two. Faceplant against from Belair, Yim looks for a crossarm breaker but Belair blocks and levers into a cover for two. Standing guillotine from Yim but Belair transitions to a spinebuster to break free. Yim throws Belair through the ropes. Belair wraps Yim around the ringpost to a four count, wants to do it again but Yim yanks her into the post then rolls outside too.
Yim with some strikes, Belair thinks Glam Slam, Yim transitions and pushes Belair into the ring steps. The referee starts a 10 count. Yim rolls Belair in and delivers Yes kicks to Belair followed by a basement dropkick. Belair dodges in the corner, Yim transitions a charge into a tarantula, Code Blue (really a Code Red) almost earns Yim the win. Yim kicks Belairs face but is selling her back. Belair with a sick German suplex that flips Yim completely around, slow cover is only good for two. Belair gets angry, another two for her. Belair preps a powerbomb, Yim transitions into another guillotine. Belair pushes Yim off, then takes a boot the the middle and a kick to the chest. Belair with an elbow in the corner, Yim ducks under Belair off the second rope. Yim on the top, Belair grabs her, Yim finishes Belair off with the Protect Ya Neck.
Winner: Mia Yim at 10:37. Much better than their last match. They both acted like they were serious about winning.
“Last week” interview with Drew Gulak after KUSHIDA defeated him. Gulak insists that he is the best submissions person in WWE. He challenges KUSHIDA to a rematch, and a submissions match at that. Tweet from KUSHIDA accepting the challenge.
They announce that Bobby Fish was indeed injured at Takeover, and booked Kyle O’Reilly and Roderick Strong to face Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch.
Recap of the NXT Championship match.
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: 5/29 NXT TV REPORT: Belair vs. Yim, KUSHIDA vs. Gulak, Final Takeover XXV Build
“Dream now respects him, and says “I am not back in NXT”. Then reiterates it.”
I think (and hope) Breeze said he is NOW back in NXT, which is an important distinction.