MAY 20, 2019
Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young
Check out the nearly two hour Raw Post-Show that I hosted with Cameron Hawkins HERE.
We talked with live callers, an on-site correspondent details from Albany, and answered emails. We discussed the return of Brock Lesnar to Raw, Mick Foley introducing the 24/7 Title, Super Showdown being marketed as equivalent or better than WrestleMania, and much more with live callers, an on-site correspondent who attended both Raw and MITB, and then a mailbag segment with diverse reaction to key segments on Raw.
-Cole welcomed fans to Raw and mentioned they were in the New York state capital city, Albany. Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman came out next. Cole called Brock “The Beast in the Bank.” Renee lamented Brock’s return and said that he held WWE hostage for so long and now he has the power to do it again with the MITB briefcase. After Lesnar and Heyman entered the ring, they threw to freeze-frame highlights of the MITB match that Lesnar won.
Back live, Heyman introduced “The Beast in the Bank.” He called him “the purveyor of paranoia.” He talked about how there are conspiracy theories that they were responsible for Sami Zayn getting beaten up, but denied it. He said once they heard Sami was ruled out, he made some fast negotiations. He said if fans blame Brock for an elaborate plot, then blame them for President Kennedy’s assassination, too. Heyman said Lesnar literally has a contract on the championship reigns of Seth Rollins and Kofi Kingston. (Not inconspicuously, there were three security people in yellow shirts in the front row behind Heyman in the corner, and there were a couple more deeper into the crowd.) As he talked about Lesnar being able to demand Seth defend the title anytime he wants, he was interrupted by Seth’s music.
Seth marched to the ring. Cole said Seth has to come to terms with the nightmare being back in the title picture. Seth said he should be ecstatic about retaining his title, but instead there stands Lesnar and Heyman. He said he is trying to be a the champion “you never had the guts to be.” Seth proposed that since he beat Lesnar at WrestleMania, how about he be a man and cash it in tonight because he doesn’t want to wait to prove he can beat him again. Heyman told fans not to encourage Seth. He told Seth that he has to wait until Brock feels like cashing in the MITB contact because it’s Brock’s game of “antic… ipation.” Heyman said it’s like waiting around seven hours at WrestleMania to see his girlfriend (Becky Lynch) main event WrestleMania, like he dreamed of doing. Seth ran up to Lesnar’s chest and they argued.
Heyman told Seth he might not even be worthy of facing him. He said maybe Lesnar will cash in the contract against a new challenge. “Maybe it’s a new day, yes it is, for Brock Lesnar.” Kofi Kingston made his ring entrance. He entered the ring and yelled “Wildcard!” He said he wants his title reign to go down in history as one of the best of all time and establish his legacy, so he told Brock to cash in on him tonight. Heyman said Lesnar is the reigning, defending heavyweight champion of the box office, and the two champions came to him, he didn’t have to go to them. Heyman said he has inside word that Seth and Kofi will be wrestling yet tonight, and Lesnar will be sticking around. “As they used to say in the TV commercials, stay tuned, the Beast is yet to come,” Heyman said. He threw down the mic. The announcers discussed the happenings.
(Keller’s Analysis: Are we headed toward Kofi vs. Seth vs. Lesnar at Super Showdown? I liked Heyman explaining that Lesnar just happened to be there and he quickly negotiated for him to take Sami’s place. It bugs me that Lesnar didn’t have to actually participate in the match and could come out at the end. It seems like no reasonable authority figure would agree to give Lesnar that kind of advantage in the match.)
RECOMMENDED: Wrestlers in the Money in the Bank match didn’t know Brock Lesnar was going to win until he came out
Wrestlers in the Money in the Bank match didn’t know Brock Lesnar was going to win until he came out
-Mick Foley stepped out of an SUV and had the new WWE Title belt wrapped up in a cover over his shoulder. He was approached by Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins, Dana Brooke, Drake Maverick, and Titus O’Neal.
-Backstage Sami Zayn told Bobby Lashley they’re making him wrestle Braun Strowman tonight after what happened last night. He said he knows Lashley has a match against Lesnar in a couple weeks, so they could help each other. Lashley said he won’t help Sami, but he told Sami to soften up Braun for him. “You got this champ,” he said, before walking away, leaving a worried Sami to wander to the ring.
-Sami began his ring entrance.
-A commercial aired for Super Showdown. The narrator said it is taking place in Jeddah “and will be as good as or will exceed WrestleMania.” They showed images of Undertaker and Goldberg.
(Keller’s Analysis: This is so strange to market a non-WrestleMania show this way, as the most valuable brand they have is WrestleMania and this is watering it down.) [c]
-Backstage Kofi and Seth were talking with each other. Seth said Kofi doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into. They asked Triple H what Heyman was talking about. Triple H said he tried telling them before they went to the ring earlier. He said they’re facing Bobby Lashley & Baron Corbin later. Fans booed.
–Graves said it’s disgusting that Sami is being forced to wrestle the night after sustaining a rib injury. Braun Strowman’s ring entrance took place. Sami bailed out before the bell rang and ran into the crowd. Braun, who is very fast if you haven’t heard, chased Sami to the back. Braun yelled for Sami and then walked up to Lashley. Sami attacked Braun from behind, but Braun brushed him off and threw him at a garbage bin. Braun told Lashley he’d see him later, then he went right back after Sami. They fought back in the back where the Gorilla position would be set up, but it wasn’t. Then suddenly Braun came onto the stage and carried Sami on his shoulders to ringside. Sami shoved Braun into the ringpost twice. Braun was stunned briefly, but then threw Sami hard into the ringside barricade. In the ring, Braun charged, but Sami side-stepped him, so Braun hit the ringpost shoulder-first. The ref called for the bell.
Braun immediately came back and knocked Sami to the floor and continued to beat him up. Back in the ring seconds later, Braun gave Sami a running powerslam for the win.
WINNER: Bryan in 1:00.
-They showed Becky Lynch chatting with Nikki Cross backstage. Graves said they’d hear from Becky Lynch later on “A Moment of Bliss.” Then they showed Lars Sullivan. Cole said he’ll speak for the first time in WWE next in center-ring. [c]
-Charly Caruso stood mid-ring as Lars walked onto the stage and let out his signature yell. Graves said he’s destroyed everything in his path. Cole brought up what he did to Lucha House Party at the MITB event. A video package aired on Lars beating people up. Caruso asked Lars what his goals are in WWE. As he was about to speak, Lucha House Party interrupted. Renee said it’s ridiculous and asked what they’re thinking. The three of them surrounded Lars. They triple teamed him. Lars staggered against the ropes and eventually was dropkicked to the floor. LHP celebrated in the ring as Lars got bug-eyed and angry. Kalisto dove over the top rope into Lars’s arms. Lars dropped him onto the ring apron. Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik attacked him at ringside, but he easily fended them off and then beat them up some more. He was sporting stitches on top of his head. Eventually LHP fled the scene.
-They went to the announcers standing on the stage. They threw to a video package on the Seth vs. A.J. Styles match from the night before.
-Backstage Styles was shown chatting with a guy in a headset.
-Ricochet made his ring entrance. They advertised he’d face Cesaro next. [c]
-They replayed Drew McIntyre tossing Ricochet onto the ladder bridged on the ring apron and announce table at ringside, breaking the ladder in half.
-Backstage a trainer checked on Ricochet. Cesaro walked in and told the trainer not to baby him and said he’s part of the “bubble wrap generation.” Ricochet said his back isn’t hurting too much to compete tonight. Cesaro told Ricochet to smarten up and told the doc to tape him up.
Cesaro came out to new music, but he still wore trunks that said “The Bar” on them. Ricochet revealed his back taped up like a tic tac toe board. Ricochet backflipped onto Cesaro at ringside. Cesaro tossed Ricochet back-first onto the ring apron and they cut to a break. [c]
Ricochet made a comeback with a head scissors after the break. They cut to a split screen for a movie commercial as Ricochet landed his corkscrew dive onto Cesaro at ringside. Fans chanted “This is awesome!” As Ricochet dove at Cesaro at ringside, Cesaro knocked him out of mid air with a European uppercut to his chest. Cesaro then gave Ricochet a press-and-drop backbreaker and a Gotch Neutralizer for the win.
WINNER: Cesaro in 7:00.
-Caruso interviewed Styles about losing to Seth. He said it’s back to square one. He said he has a lot of hard work ahead of him. He said he likes to work hard for something. He said the truth is, he can beat Seth Rollins, but it wasn’t last night. He said Seth was the better man last night. In walked Corbin mock-clapping. Fans booed. Corbin said it’s a slap in the face that Styles got the title shot over him in the first place. Styles said that wasn’t a slap in the face, this is. He then slapped Corbin. Renee gasped. Corbin said he’d pay for that one.
-Roman Reigns came out to a muted mixed reaction. “Here comes the Big Dog!” Cole said. Reigns showed a little more personality on the stage and acknowledged the fans instead of staring off into the upper desk pensively. [c]
-In a rare timing glitch, WWE was at commercial at the top of the hour. They returned to Kofi chatting with Foley who teased revealing the new WWE title belt. Graves took a dig at Foley’s wardrobe and Renee said that was rude.
-Roman Reigns stood in the ring and circled it after his music stopped. He took a deep breath and before speaking, Shane McMahon came out to his music. Shane danced onto the stage and Reigns sighed. Shane said Reigns was using the Wildcard Rule to show up on Raw again. He said he proved his point last night so now he is done with Miz and now he’s turning his attention to Roman. He said he can’t get out of his mind that Roman cowardly struck his dad, whom he called a national treasure. He asked what kind of man hits someone’s father like that in such a cowardly fashion. “Roman, you disgust me,” he said. Reigns said, “I don’t know about y’all, but I hate spoiled rich kids.” Roman said he just spewed a bunch of crap, but his schedule is wide open too because he’s done with Elias. Shane said Reigns isn’t done with anything, so he wants to settle the score with Shane tonight. Shane said, “How brave of you, Roman, to stand there and issue a challenge” in the condition he is in after that cage match last night. He asked the fans to decide. Shane said he’s the boss and he controls everything. Then out walked Drew McIntyre. Drew fist-bumped Shane.
Shane said he is accepting Roman’s challenge for Super Showdown. Almost no crowd reaction other than scattered boos. Shane said all Roman will remember about that match is “Best in the World Shane McMahon” being announced as the winner. Reigns said after Super Showdown, he’ll tell him what everyone says: “I just got my ass kicked by Roman Reigns. Believe that.” He threw down the mic. Graves said Super Showdown just got another big match.
(Keller’s Analysis: Why did Drew walk out there?)
-Backstage Becky looked at her Raw Title belt. Graves said she is a former Becky Two Belts and she’ll discuss losing one of her belts later.
-They showed Heyman shining up the MITB briefcase as Lesnar stood by chatting with him.
-The Usos made their ring entrance. Cole hyped that they’d face The Revival next. [c]
-A Smackdown commercial recapped Bayley’s MITB match victory and successful cash-in last night. It said she’d be live on Smackdown. Plus, Elias would face Reigns one-on-one in a MITB rematch. Also, a Big E welcome back celebration to kick off the show.
-Backstage Drew walked alongside Shane. Shane said he thinks that went well. An interviewer asked Shane if the insinuation is he’s not going alone to Super Showdown to face Reigns. Shane said he’s not insinuating anything. Miz walked up to Shane and asked if he thinks he’s done with him. Drew said they know that he is done with him. He said if he has a problem with Shane, he has a problem with Drew now too because things have changed around there. Miz said he’ll go through Drew to get to Shane and he’ll see him later tonight. Cole said Shane has Drew doing his bidding now.
(Keller’s Analysis: They explained why Drew came out there. So now Drew is Shane’s “heavy.” Not sure if that’s good or bad for Drew. It seems like Drew being his own man is better, but being associated with a McMahon tends to mean you’ll be getting TV time and protected and pushed.)
-They recapped the Usos-Revival storyline in recent weeks.
-A soundbite aired with The Revival. Dawson said the embarrassment of The Revival ends right now. He said the Usos can continue to be “the skid mark on the underpants of society.” He said they aren’t hard to find because they’re the best tag team on the planet.
Dash attacked the Usos before the bell. The bell actually never rang, but the match was apparently officially on as the ref counted a early pin attempt by Dawson after a leg drop off the ropes. Dawson threw Jimmy out of the ring. Jey ran in and tried to get at The Revival, but the ref pushed them away. Dash and Dawson threw Jimmy hard into the ringside barricade. Cole said that’s what they’re capable of when angry. Graves said The Usos are paying for their sins and it’s poetic justice and the Usos can blame no one but themselves. The Revival double-teamed Jimmy with an assisted suplex. Cole tried to defend the Usos’ antics and said it’s the locker room mentality and it’s fun. Graves: “Yeah, fun like that is great and then you turn six.” The Usos took over and knocked Dash and Dawson to the floor. They cut to a break. [c]
Back from the break, The Revival were back in control. One of the Usos shouted “bitch” at Revival, which prompted Cole to acknowledge the “trash talking.” The Usos did some dives, but Dawson surprised Jey with a small package for a near fall. Jey super-kicked Dawson for a believable near fall seconds later. Dawson rolled up Jey and yanked on his tights a minute later after some confusion with Dash which was good for a three count. Cole called it a huge victory and retribution for The Revival. Renee said it’s got to feel good.
WINNERS: The Revival in 11:00.
-Bliss was getting make-up applied and was being fussy about it. “You’re making me look like a White Walker.” Bliss then told Nikki that she has a problem with her performance last night because she lost. Nikki said her hands were on the briefcase for a second. Bliss said she didn’t win, though, but she can cheer her up. The Revival walked by celebrating their win. They boasted about their win. Bliss was grossed out by Dash’s germs as he spit as he talked. They said they should be her guests. “Ewww!” said Bliss.
-Cole said the Firefly Funhouse took an unexpected dark turn last week “when Bray Wyatt let his Fireflies in on his dark secret.” He said they hoped to learn more next. [c]
-Firefly Funhouse: They showed images of happy kids, but then the screen got dark and showed distorted views of sad kids with paint on their foreheads and t-shirts saying “Let him in.” Then the scary masked Bray appeared and he said, “Let me in.”
(Keller’s Analysis: That was fine, but a bit of a letdown as it was short. Part of the fun is seeing Bray begin as a nice kids host and then go dark.)
-A Moment of Bliss: Bliss said she could have sworn she requested coffee. A guy walked up to her with two cups of coffee. She handed one cup to Nikki. Then she introduced Becky Lynch, and noted she didn’t retain her Smackdown Championship last night. Cole said a jealous and upset Lacey Evans cost Becky her championship. Bliss asked how it felt. Before Becky could answer, The IIconics came out and were obnoxious and said Becky One Belt doesn’t have the same ring to it. Becky said if they keep running their mouths, she can drag them to the ring and become Becky Three Belts. Lacey Evans then came out to her music. Lacey said she’s not champion because of her. Becky said Lacey can add “honey” and “sweetheart” to her sentences while wearing her granny’s clothes all she likes, but she got tapped out. Becky said she couldn’t get the job done when she only had half her attention, but now she can slap her around on Raw. She said she’d like to slap around all three of them right now. Peyton Royce laughed at the notion. Nikki Cross offered be Becky’s partner. She got up and stood next to Becky. Lacey said they’re still one short. Then Becky said Bliss will be their partner. Bliss said she didn’t agree to that. Becky said all she has to do is stand on the ring apron and let The Man take care of the rest. Becky’s music played as Becky and Nikki headed to the ring. Bliss seemed to agree and headed to the ring with her cup of coffee. [c]
Cole said the McMahon family made the match official during the break. Lacey refused to tag in against Becky. Bliss drank coffee at ringside. Becky eventually tagged in and landed a top rope dropkick against Billie Kaye. She knocked Royce off the ring apron and then legdropped Kaye and scored a three count. When Bliss tried to join in the arm-raising after the break, Becky blew her off. She took her belt and left, but Nikki happily raised Bliss’s arm. Nikki is acting a bit like Eugene back in the day.
WINNERS: Becky & Cross & Bliss in 6:00.
-Cole hyped Miz vs. Drew would take place “for the first time ever later.” They showed Foley walking past EC3, No Way Jose, Mojo Rawley, Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows, and Cedric Alexander.
(Keller’s Analysis: So those lower-card wrestler all just hang out in the hallway like that?) [c]
-Foley walked out and immediately began talking about how something has been missing on Raw. He said it’s time they revisit those vital three letters “R-A-W, because we need to start getting Raw again.” He said it’s time to make Monday Night Raw “raw again.” He said if there are wrestlers looking to make their mark, it’s not easy. He said winning a title is something you’ll gladly sacrifice a few teeth and an ear for “because that’s how a legend is born.” He said it’s an obsession that consumes you throughout the day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Fans began to figure out what was going on. He then presented the new WWE title. He asked for a drum roll and revealed the 24/7 Championship. Fans booed and were otherwise silent. Foley didn’t seem to know how to react.
Foley explained as long as a referee is present, the title can change hands. He said falls count anywhere, including in the showers. More boos. Foley said the third hour Raw is about to get downright mean, nasty, and dirty. He said starting tonight, right now, right here in Albany, New York – cheap pop worked. He said it’s time for a scramble. He set the belt down mid-ring. He said the belt is open to every Superstar on the rosters of Raw, Smackdown, 205 Live, NXT, and NXT UK, plus sometimes WWE Legends. “He who retrieves it receives it, and destiny is looking you square in the eye.” Cole told Graves to sit down. Renee said it’s time for the return of “the savior of misbehavior.”
(Keller’s Analysis: That died an instant death. That was embarrassing and uncomfortable. Another example of Vince McMahon having no idea what fans these days.)
(5) 24/7 SCRAMBLE
EC3, No Way Jose, Mojo, Cedric Alexander, Eric Young, Anderson, Gallows, and Titus O’Neal ran out to ringside and fought each other. Titus entered the ring first, but Mojo knocked him down. Young and Cedric entered. Anderson and Gallows yanked them out of the ring and then grabbed the belt. They yanked on it. EC3 knocked them over. Jose entered and beat up EC3. They fought to the floor. Graves suggested Foley go get it. Drake Maverick entered, but Titus cut him off. Cole said he’s the G.M. of 205 Live (no mention of AOP). Titus tossed Drake out of the ring and then picked up the title to become the first champ.
WINNER: Titus O’Neal to capture the 24/7 Title.
-Robert Roode ran up and rolled up Titus to win the title on the ramp.
WINNER: Roode to capture the 24/7 Title.
-The other wrestlers chased Roode to the back. Referees followed.
(Keller’s Analysis: I’m going to guess this was a Bruce Prichard idea. But that’s just conjecture, rumor, and innuendo.)
What do you think of the new 24/7 Title that Mick Foley revealed on #Raw tonight?
— Pro Wrestling Torch (@PWTorch) May 21, 2019
-They went to the announcers who were excited about what just happened. That makes three people in the arena over the age of four. They threw to a clip of Brock Lesnar.
-Miz’s ring entrance began. [c]
-Backstage Roode hid around a corner as wrestlers chased him and passed right by. The announcers said he should call an Uber.
(6) DREW MCINTYRE (w/Shane McMahon) vs. THE MIZ
Cole said they learned earlier that Reigns would face Shane at Super Showdown, “which will be equivalent to or exceed WrestleMania.” (That is so strange they’re saying that.) Cole called Drew one of the scariest Superstars in WWE today. A few minutes in they fought to ringside where Drew knocked Miz off the ringside barricade and onto a chair in the front row. Shane taunted Miz as Drew suplexed him back to ringside. They cut to a break. [c]
Back from the break, Miz sunset flipped Drew off the top rope to counter Drew’s set-up. Miz threw some Yes Kicks. Drew caught a final swing, but Miz head scissored him over. Cole marveled at the great athletic move by Miz. Drew blocked a Skull Crushing Finale. Drew then catapulted Miz face-first to the mat and scored a two count. Miz kicked away at Drew’s leg, which Drew had been selling throughout the match. Shane then interfered on Drew’s behalf, punching Miz when Drew kicked out of a figure-four attempt. Drew then delivered a spinebuster for a near fall. Miz avoided a Claymore Kick and applied the figure-four. Drew chopped Miz so Miz released the hold. Miz dropkicked Drew through the ropes, then looked at Shane. Shane fled through the crowd. Miz threw Drew into the security barricade at ringside, then back into the ring. Shane jumped Miz, then threw him into the ring. Drew connected with the Claymore this time for the win.
WINNER: Drew in 13:00.
-After the match, Drew held Miz for a Coast to Coast, but Reigns ran out for the save. He gave Drew a Superman Punch to knock him out of the ring. Shane entered, but when Reigns turned, Shane fled. Reigns stood in the ring with very little crowd reaction. His music started again.
(Keller’s Analysis: It’s Booking 101 on display, but the crowd reaction for Reigns continues to be a concern. Yes, this is New York, but still.)
-Corbin and Lashley were chatting when Roode bumped into them. He told them they didn’t see him. The crowd of lower card wrestlers chased after him. Drake stopped to catch his breath, then sprinted once he saw Lashley and Corbin.
-Caruso smiled as she talked about the 24/7 rule. She interviewed Seth and Kofi about facing Corbin and Lashley next. She asked about how they can focus when the threat of The Beast looms. Kofi said they have to multitask. Seth said nobody likes Lashley in WWE and no human that’s ever existing likes Corbin, but that doesn’t make him any less dangerous. He said they know Lesnar is out there, but they have to focus on their opponents first. Caruso asked who they think Lesnar is aiming for. Kofi said that’s for them to find out. Kofi gyrated and said he’s planning to remain WWE Champion. He asked Seth where his hips are at. Seth laughed and walked away. [c]
-They went to the announcers who threw to the Samoa Joe vs. Rey Mysterio match. They said Joe’s shoulders weren’t down, but the ref counted to three anyway. Cole said Rey suffered a separated shoulder, too.
-They went to Joe backstage who said he’s not angry about what happened. He said mistakes were made and it’s water under the bridge. He said Rey is an honorable and virtuous man, a loving husband and father, and a man with a reputation that spans the globe that he would never tarnish by accepting those results that were a travesty at Money in the Bank. He said he’s not a compassionate man, but he will gift him the opportunity to do the right thing and hand him back the U.S. Title. He said it’s a chance to lead by example. “So be the man that I know you hope Dominic grows up to be,” he said. “Because if you don’t, just imagine the example that I will set for you.”
RECOMMEND: Story Behind Samoa Joe losing so quickly to Rey Mysterio
-Roode ran into the parking lot. R-Truth let him hide in his trunk. The rest of the wrestlers ran out there and Truth directed the in the opposite direction. Truth opened the trunk and out came Roode. Truth then offered Roode a chance to get in the front seat, but a referee was sitting there. Truth then kicked Roode and threw him into the car and then pinned him. Truth’s music played. He got in the car and drove away.
WINNER: Truth to become the 24/7 Champion.
-Kofi began his ring entrance. [c]
-Seth came onto the stage. Lashley and Corbin attacked him. Kofi ran up for the save, but Corbin and Lashley beat him up, too. They dragged Seth to the ring. Cole said the more Lashley and Corbin beat them up, the more vulnerable they are to Brock. Renee said Lesnar is watching and salivating.
The heels continued to beat up the two champs for a few minutes as the announcers kept hinting that Lesnar was watching. [c]
Graves wondered if tonight will be the night. Cole said because of the Wildcard Rule, he can cash against either the WWE Champion or the Universal Champion. Seth eventually made a comeback and played to the crowd and stomped the mat. Lashley yanked him by his leg out of the ring. Lashley tried to send Kofi over the top rope, but Kofi held on. Corbin charged, but Kofi ducked. Seth dove through the ropes onto them. Then Kofi dove backwards onto both heels at ringside. In the ring, Kofi hit Corbin with Trouble in Paradise for the win.
WINNERS: Kofi & Seth in 12:00.
-Lashley attacked Seth and Kofi with spears after the match. Then he picked up a chair. Lesnar then walked out with Heyman to his music. They circled the ring. Lesnar had the briefcase in hand. Kofi and Seth stood side-by-side with their belts in hand. Cole wondered who The Beast would pick. He kept saying it, so it was obvious Lesnar wasn’t choosing either. Lesnar teased entering the ring, then dropped to the floor and laughed. Heyman said he’s in their heads, exactly where they want them. He said they should come back next week and tell them which one of them they’ll be cashing in against. Cole said they’re making Kofi and Seth wait another week. Graves said Lesnar is in the head of the whole universe. The show ended with a close-up of Lesnar and Heyman.
(Keller’s Analysis: So next week Lesnar teases for a full three hours he’ll cash in against one of them, but then announce he’s doing it at Super Showdown, not on Raw.)
Check out the nearly two hour Raw Post-Show that I hosted with Cameron Hawkins HERE.
We talked with live callers, an on-site correspondent details from Albany, and answered emails. We discussed the return of Brock Lesnar to Raw, Mick Foley introducing the 24/7 Title, Super Showdown being marketed as equivalent or better than WrestleMania, and much more with live callers, an on-site correspondent who attended both Raw and MITB, and then a mailbag segment with diverse reaction to key segments on Raw.
Every week it gets worse and worse. The new 24/7 title is a complete joke. AEW is on the way! YAY!
This episode gets D- terrible show, nobody cares about any of this trash anymore.
It didn’t take long for them to discover that the absentee champion is a bigger draw than the champion who is there every week, did it? People still want to believe, and they need a believable champion. Lesnar is that champion. I’d love to see him hook Rollins legit.