HEYDORN’S WWE RAW REPORT 5/13: Alt Perspective coverage of the live show including final hype for Money In The Bank, wild card rule week two, women’s championship contract signings, and more



MAY 13, 2019

Tonight after WWE Raw, join PWTorch’s editor Wade Keller live with guest cohost Jason from Australia to break down the show with live callers, mailbag, and on-site correspondent notes from London.

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Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young


-The show opened with The Miz hitting the ring to a nice reaction from the London audience. Miz pumped the crowd up as he posed on the ramp and then walked to the ring as Michael Cole hyped his MITB match against Shane McMahon. From there, Cole cued up highlights from last week’s SmackDown Live that detailed the events between Shane and Miz.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Wow, a bit too early for highlights right? We’re 30 seconds in. WWE needs to give the audience a chance to strap in and get ready. Here, seconds in, we’re bombarded with essentially a WWE ad. Not the best optics to start the show.

When the highlights ended, Miz spoke on the microphone and did his usual intro to Miz TV. He called it the international edition and then hyped Money In The Bank on Sunday. Miz detailed the MITB contract situation and iterated how his career went to new nights after he won the briefcase. Miz detailed the grueling nature of the match, but then transitioned to talking about Shane McMahon.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Why is Miz the guys shilling and hyping MITB? He’s not in the match and has a personal feud and match of his own to take care of. Him talking the way he did felt like a commercial for the event.

Miz said that on Sunday him and Shane will be locked inside a steel cage. From there, Miz introduced Roman Reigns. In doing so, he said that Reigns inspired millions of people around the world in overcoming adversity and his illness. Reigns walked out shortly after to a mixed reaction. As he walked out, Cole discussed the wild card rule while also plugging Roman Reigns vs. Elias on Sunday. After the plugs, Reigns entered the ring to another mixed reaction. Miz asked Reigns what the world could expect from him on Sunday against Elias. The audience booed again, but Reigns answered. He called Elias, young, strong, and charismatic. From there, he paused as a “Walk With Elias” chant broke out. Reigns responded to that and said if you needed a karaoke singer or wedding singer, go ahead and walk with Elias. He said Elias hasn’t done anything in the ring and on Sunday he would bring the big fight to him. Miz then chimed in and said that even though they didn’t see eye to eye, he thinks they should co-star in a big movie. Reigns paused and then stopped Miz, he said Miz sounded like old Miz and that would punch old Miz in the mouth. Reigns said he wanted to hang with new Miz, the Miz that would stand up to Shane McMahon and the Authority. Reigns then cued up highlights of what happened last week with Miz, Shane, and Reigns.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Not a good moment for Reigns. He came off jerky and out of line in running down Miz the way he did. Miz didn’t enter “old Miz” territory deep enough to merit that type of reaction from him. Disconnected at best and it gave the audience a reason to react negatively toward Reigns. 

After the highlights, Miz asked the audience if they wanted to talk to that Miz. That crowd cheered. To that, Miz responded and said he’s learned about respect throughout his feud with Shane McMahon. He ran down Shane McMahon next and said on Sunday we’d see how a silver spoon bounces off a steel cage. From there, Miz said that Shane has run from Miz too many times, but that on Sunday there would be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. He said that Shane would go down faster than Vince McMahon went down to a Superman Punch. This immediately brought out Shane. To a chorus of boos, Shane stood at the top of the ramp and addressed both Miz and Reigns. He said that they both needed to remember that he was their boss. From there, Shane cancelled Miz TV. As he said that, Miz and Reigns were attacked from behind by Bobby Lashley and Elias. Right after, both men shook hands with Shane on the ramp. Shane then told Reigns and Miz to stay in the ring because they would be facing Bobby Lashley and Elias in a tag team match. After that announcement, the show went to break. (c)

Heydorn’s Analysis: Alright, that is three highlight videos in the first 15 minutes. Is this a content starved night or something? That said, a strong promo from Miz. He was fired up and conveyed a sense of urgency and seriousness. 


Miz started things off out of the break against Elias. Miz hit a neck breaker and covered, but got a two count. After, Miz tagged Reigns into the ring. Seeing this, Elias rolled out of the ring and stared down Reigns as the audience booed. The action eventually moved back into the ring where Miz took over again after Reigns tagged out. Miz hit his Miz kicks on both Elias and Lashley, until Lashley took over after a heelish distraction by Elias. Lashley hit a reverse sidewalk slam on Miz and the show went to break. (c)

Out of the break, Elias was in full control of the match over Miz. With Miz laying in the ropes, Shane interfered and choked him while the referee was distracted. Miz then attempted a tag, but Elias stopped him and hit him a Meteora out of a rope walk. Elias then attempted a pin, but Reigns broke it up at two. Out of the pin, Elias tagged Lashley into the ring and he continued the dominance with a shoulder tackle to Miz in the corner. From there, Lashley lifted Miz for a delayed vertical suplex. He connected with it and then covered again, but again, only got a two count. The beating on Miz continued until he finally hit Elias with a DDT after Reigns hit him with a punch. After that move, Miz went for the tag again, but was stopped by Lashley. Finally, Miz dodged a Lashley spear and attempted the tag to Reigns, but Shane pulled Reigns off of the apron. He then tossed Reigns into the steel steps which prompted the referee to call the match.

WINNER: No contest

-After the match, Miz was destroyed by Lashley, Elias, and Shane. Eventually, Reigns made the same by hitting an over the top rope dive onto all three men. Lashley, Elias, and Shane took momentum back briefly, but that was halted once Miz crushed Lashley and Elias with a steel chair. From there, Reigns hit Superman Punches on both as Shane ran away. Miz and Reigns then stood tall in the ring as Roman’s music played.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Good psychology throughout the match. They built to the hot tag well and then got loads of heat as it didn’t come to fruition because of Reigns. Miz being the one to finally overcome the heels and help his partner with the chair was a nice touch and one that positions Miz in a good light with Roman. Roman benefits as well in not being the sole babyface focus.

-Seth Rollins was shown talking to a stagehand backstage as the show went to break. (c)

-Out of the break, Michael Cole cued up a promotional hype video for Seth Rollins vs. AJ Styles at Money In The Bank.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Really good stuff. You can say a lot of things about WWE, but their video production is the best of the best. This worked and hyped the match nicely.

-When the video ended, Michael Cole plugged the WWE Network and then played highlights of last week between Sami Zayn and Braun Strowman. When the highlights ended, Braun Strowman was interviewed. He said he didn’t regret anything from last week and that he was angry that the trash compactor didn’t turn Sami Zayn into a cube. From there, Strowman said he would win the Money In The Bank briefcase for the second year in a row. When he finished, a stagehand told him that Shane McMahon wanted to see him in his office. Strowman rolled his eyes and then walked away as the show went to break. (c)

Heydorn’s Analysis: Of all the guys on the roster, Braun Strowman should be the last one that falls in line with a McMahon request. What kind of monster is that? The eye roll worked, but if he appears in Shane’s office after the break, its meaningless. 

-After the commercials, Sami Zayn was shown talking to Shane backstage. He said that Braun could have ended his career last week. He said that Braun only acts that way and does what he does because the fans demand it. From there, Strowman walked in and claimed “this is why I was called to the principal’s office. Zayn suggested that Shane strip Strowman of his MITB opportunity. Shane said that he can’t just hand Sami that spot, but Sami interrupted and said he wanted to fight Strowman. Zayn said he would earn his opportunity at Strowman’s slot by beating him in a falls count anywhere match. Shane agreed and made the match. Strowman got into Zayn’s face and said he would eat him alive. He then walked off.

Heydorn’s Analysis: This worked. It was logical at the root and clearly sets up some kind of interference later in the show. A decent hook to maintain viewers. Good stuff.

-Back in the ring, Mojo Rawley made his entrance. The audience was quiet and after, Apollo Crews walked out as part of the wild card rule.


Once Crews got to the ring, the bell rang, and the match began. Shortly after it started, Crews went down with leg injury. Seeing that, Rawley honed in on the injury and decimated the leg even more. He then covered for the 1,2,3 win.

WINNER: Rawley via pinfall

Heydorn’s Analysis: So, the official push of Mojo Rawley begins again. I’ll set the over/under at five weeks until its forgotten. What are you taking?

-After the match, Alexa Bliss was shown talking on the phone backstage. She made it clear that lost her luggage and demanded it be found because its a priority. When she hung up the phone, Nikki Cross asked her if she was ok. Bliss said she had a rough week, but thanked Cross for asking her. Bliss rambled on a bit and then stopped, but Cross told her he could talk to her. Bliss then vented again and Cross told her to let the McMahon’s know what is going on. Bliss misunderstood and said it would be nice of Cross to take her place in a fatal four-way later on in the night. Cross said it would be a privilege to compete and Bliss said it was settled. She said she would let the McMahon’s know of the change and then walked off.

-Becky Lynch was shown backstage getting ready for her contract signing. The show then went to break. (c)

-Out of the break, Michael Cole introduced the contract signings and hyped both women’s championship matches at Money In The Bank. From there, he brought out Lacey Evans. Evans sauntered to the ring in character and was followed by Charlotte who received a chorus of “Woo” chants.


After Charlotte got into the ring, Becky Lynch hit the ring after Cole acknowledged all of her nicknames. Lynch got a good reaction and as she walked down the ramp, Graves proclaimed that this could be the last time we see Becky with two belts. Becky posed in the ring with both belts and looked at the audience as they sang her song. Lynch then held up her titles in front of her challengers before placing them on the table in the ring. All three women then sat down in the ring.

Heydorn’s Analysis: The subtleties of how Becky Lynch enters a ring is something to pay attention to. It’s never the same way twice and each time she does it with a purpose. Holding each belt in front of her opponent was a nice touch that made both matches feel big. Well done. 

From there, Michael Cole asked Becky a question about defending both belts, but she couldn’t respond because of a loud “Becky Two Belts” chant. She paused and then said it was great to be back in London. Lynch then answered the question and said she knows the beating she’ll take at MITB. She said she doesn’t care about that beating though. She said that once the bright lights hit, Lacey will bend under the pressure of living up to her words and predictions. Lynch then told Evans to ask her “twin” Charlotte how hard it is to beat her. Charlotte proceeded to chime in and said that Becky talked herself into a situation that she can’t overcome and win. Evans spoke and said that Lynch wasn’t dressed properly for a contract signing. She said that it wasn’t a bar fight to which Becky responded “have you ever seen one of these before?” Lynch continued and addressed Charlotte. She suggested that Charlotte wasn’t living up expectations. She said that she isn’t the only one with pressure as Charlotte can’t afford to lose her millionth title opportunity while Evans can’t afford to lose her first. Lynch then signed the contract. Once she signed, Charlotte spoke again and said that her title reign would come crashing down around her. She said she finds it hilarious and said that even two titles don’t overcome her insecurities. She said that at Money In The Bank, Becky would bow down to the queen. From there, Charlotte signed. Evans spoke again next and said that the WWE Universe was being lead astray because of Lynch’s classless behavior. She said she would restore class to the Raw Women’s Championship and that there was no way Lynch could beat two classy women like herself and Charlotte in the same night. From there, Evans signed. Now that all three women signed, Becky threatened Evans. Evans said she didn’t want to get her dress dirty, but Lynch struck anyway. Her and Lynch brawled until Charlotte got involved. She was then beat down by both Charlotte and Evans as the audience chanted for Becky. Eventually, Charlotte and Evans lifted Becky into the air and slammed her through the table. In the end, both Charlotte and Evans held up their respective championships in the air. They then left the ring as the announce team plugged future happenings on the show including episode #4 of the Firefly Funhouse. (c)

Heydorn’s Analysis: The cadence from all three women seemed a bit disjointed and off. Almost as if they each were having trouble remembering lines and/or reacting to the fact that someone out there had. That said, what was said made sense and the angle at the end gave Becky Lynch a babyface mountain to climb on Sunday. It generated heat and set Lynch up to overcome the odds on Sunday. Lacey Evans looked the part of a main eventer and meshed well out there with two of WWE’s biggest stars. A good sign if you’re WWE. 

-Out of the break, Baron Corbin was in the middle of his entrance. In the ring, he demanded that the ring announcer announce his full credentials to the crowd. When that wrapped, Ricochet made his entrance to a nice reaction from the crowd.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Gimmick infringement on the part of Baron Corbin! What say you Shane McMahon?

-While Ricochet did his full entrance a pre-taped promo aired. In it, Ricochet he wouldn’t wait for opportunity to come to him. He said he would be the man to unhook the briefcase and pull it down for the win on Sunday.

Heydorn’s Analysis: A simple promo, but we need to hear those types of words from all MITB competitors. MITB is a huge prize and the audience should understand how much it means to each participant and what each participant plans to do to win. Good stuff.


Once Ricochet got into the ring, the bell rang, and the match began. Corbin took over early, but was thwarted quickly by Ricochet and his high-flying offense. Ricochet connected with a moonsault to keep momentum, but then was crushed with a Corbin clothesline. After, the show went to break. (c)

Out of the break, the action continued with Corbin in the drivers seat. Ricochet countered Corbin’s offense and then took momentum back after connecting with a springboard clothesline. After it, Ricochet went for the pin, but got a two count. Out of the pin, Corbin was able to connect with Deep Six. He covered, but only got a two count as well. From there, the momentum swung again and Ricochet nailed Corbin with a DDT. After, he climbed to the top rope and attempted a 450 splash. Corbin rolled out of the way, but Ricochet landed on his feet. Both men then battled in the corner, until Ricochet hit Corbin with a top rope hurricanrana. He followed that with a Shooting Star Press and covered, but only got a two count. Out of the pin, Ricochet attempted more offense, but Corbin countered it with the End Of Days. He then made the cover for the 1,2,3 win.

WINNER: Corbin via pinfall

-After the match and with Ricochet down, Baron Corbin brought a ladder into the ring and placed it over Ricochet. He started to climb the ladder, but Ricochet tipped it over as the audience cheered.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Mr. Corbin, that was not a smart move. A surprising finish. Ricochet is Vince’s new toy and with MITB being a match he should shine in, it’s curious to see him limp into the match out of a loss like this. As for Corbin, the story with him is the same. Big heat, but no credibility. Wins like this will help, but at what cost?

-Highlights were shown of last week’s altercation between Samoa Joe and Dominic. Rey Mysterio was then interviewed backstage. He called Joe sadistic and said that if Joe has anything to say, he should come and find him and say it to his face. Mysterio was then interrupted by Cesaro. Cesaro told Rey not to talk about Joe while Joe wasn’t in the building. He then questioned whether Dominic was actually Rey’s son. This angered Rey and the two brawled before being broken up by officials.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Both Rey and Joe do the “family” angle so well. They both are authentic in those roles and it shows within segments like this. For a low card feud like this, it works.

-AJ Styles was shown backstage talking to a stagehand. The show then went to break. (c)

-Out of the break, a Roman Reigns hype video aired.

-After the video, AJ Styles was interviewed backstage. Styles addressed his methods and said that people question everything. He said his elbow last week was meant for Baron Corbin and that was that. From there, AJ said he came to WWE with a chip on his shoulder and that the chip as still there. He said on Sunday, he’ll walk out of MITB as the new Universal Champion.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Short and sweet. A bit heelish at the start in terms of how he addressed the questioning fans. Outside of that, nothing direct that leads me to think a turn is imminent. All in all though, well done.

-When the video ended, Naomi made her way to the ring as the show went to break. (c)

-Out of the break, a mini promo aired from Naomi in which she said she needed to win the MITB match. From there, Dana Brooke walked out and a similar promo aired from her. Natalya was next and she also got a chance to define what MITB means to her. Once Nattie hit the ring, Nikki Cross ran out as a replacement for Alexa Bliss. As she walked out, a Bliss promo aired in which she too claimed that she would win the MITB ladder match. From there, Bliss walked out and joined the announcers for commentary.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Again, simple promos, but better than nothing in terms of defining what MITB means to these competitors. 


Once Bliss sat down at the announce desk, the match began. On commentary, Bliss talked about her mysterious luggage and told Cole not to question her. In the ring, all four women fought evenly until Naomi took out her three opponents with a slingshot over the top rope. The show then went to break. (c)

Out of the break, Nattie owned the match and locked Brooke in an Octopus submission. With Brooke in the hold, Cross attempted to climb the ropes for a move, but Naomi knocked her off.


Naomi then hit Brooke with a bulldog and went for a cover, but only got a two count. Out of the pin, Brooke and Nattie hit a double team on Naomi. In the end, the match spilled to the outside of the ring. Cross connected with a spear on Naomi underneath the table and then Brooke hit a splash off of the ladder. After, Brooke yelled that she belonged, but was then pushed into the guardrail by Nattie. From there, Cross hit Nattie with a spinning DDT after Nattie had decimated Naomi with a clothesline. Cross then covered for the 1,2,3 win.

WINNER: Cross via pinfall

-After the match, Cross celebrated with Bliss in the ring. Cross then set the ladder up for Bliss and Bliss climbed it before symbolically pulling down the briefcase.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Decent action throughout. Especially for Brooke who needed to give the audience a reason to care. WWE needs to be buttoned up on Nikki Cross. Backstage she’s normal and in the ring, crazy? If thats it, fine. But be consistent moving forward now.

-Sami Zayn cut a promo backstage. He said it was pointless to check his social media due to the fact that it was a toxic environment. He said that he can beat Braun Strowman even if nobody thinks so. From there, he said that he would figure out a way to beat Strowman and enter the MITB ladder match in his spot.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Zayn used the critics’ critic gimmick in a new way here as he was able to relate how the critics critique him to a match that he’s in. In doing so, he’s left the world of trolling and now is storytelling. A big step and one that’s infinitely more intriguing than the gimmick already was. 

-After the promo, Rey Mysterio hit the ring as the show went to break. (c)

-Out of the break, a selfie promo aired from Samoa Joe. He said that Rey talks a big game while he’s not in the building and that he isn’t fit to teach Dominic how to be a man. He said he would see Rey on Sunday and that he hoped to see Dominic too.

-When the video ended, Cesaro hit the ring. After his entrance, the bell rang, and the match began.


To start, Mysterio took over and hit Cesaro with a spinning hurricanrana. Rey looked to capitalize, but Cesaro countered into a spinning backbreaker. From there, Cesaro attempted a pin, but only got a two count. Out of the pin, both men rolled to the outside of the ring and Rey slammed Cesaro into the guardrail. Rey proceeded to hit a sunset flip through the ropes, but Cesaro rolled through it to counter. He lifted Mysterio and swung him into the guardrail before rolling him back into the ring for a two count. Out of the pin, both men battle on the ring apron until Cesaro crashed shoulder first into the ring post. After, Rey capitalized and climbed to the top rope, but then was lifted into the air by Cesaro with one arm. From there, Cesaro slammed Rey to the mat with a top rope vertical suplex as the show went to break. (c)

Out of the break, the action continued with Mysterio countering the Cesaro Swing with a DDT. After, he connected with a seated senton and followed that with a cradle pin attempt for a two count. Out of the pin, Mysterio went for the 619, but Cesaro countered it into the Cesaro Swing. He then connected with a European uppercut which left Rey open to a 619. Cesaro went for it, but Rey countered into a Sunset Bomb. From there, Rey covered, but only got a two count. Out of the pin, Rey climbed to the top rope and attempted a splash. Cesaro countered it with an uppercut and then followed with a Neutralizer. Rey countered that into the 619, before hitting the splash, and covering for the 1,2,3 win.

WINNER: Mysterio via pinfall

Heydorn’s Analysis: Good match with unique spots and counters throughout. Smart to put Rey over strong ahead of the Joe match on Sunday. The outcome gives that US title match some added credibility and interest. 

-After the match, Cole cued up highlights of the Usos “having fun” at the expense of the Revival.

Heydorn’s Analysis: “Having fun” or “bullying?” Either way, it doesn’t matter, the angle isn’t working as the Revival don’t feel like heels and the Usos don’t feel like babyfaces within this story.

-When the highlights finished, the Revival addressed the Usos and defended their back shaving antics. They then challenged the Usos and said that the embarrassment to the Revival stops now. After their promo, the show went to break. (c)

-Out of the break, another episode of the Firefly Funhouse aired. In it, Bray Wyatt revealed a secret which appears to be his new look.

Heydorn’s Analysis: That worked really well. It was dark in nature, but alluded to how the new Bray will look an act in the ring. Good stuff. 

-After the episode, recap highlights aired of the happenings between Becky Lynch, Lacey Evans, and Charlotte from earlier in the evening.

-Seth Rollins was interviewed backstage. Rollins said he gave AJ the benefit of the doubt after the elbow shot and said it was personal for him. Rollins talked about facing AJ 15 years ago and said that he looked up to AJ Styles. From there, he called Sunday’s match a statement match for him. He said he would prove to himself and to AJ that this was his industry and that he was the man on Raw. He said that after Sunday, AJ Styles would be looking up to him as the champion.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Like AJ’s promo earlier in the night, this was short, but sweet. It addressed what it needed to and presented Seth as the top alpha on Raw. Sometimes less is more and this is a good example.

-When the interview ended, Braun Strowman walked out as the show went to break. (c)

-Out of the break, Sami Zayn hit the ring to a reaction that included the audience sing his entrance music.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Zayn needs to get that music changed. Nowhere close to matching his heel gimmick and presentation.

Zayn arrogantly walked to the ring and destroyed the sign of a fan near the ringside area. As he walked down, the announcers played highlights of last week in which Braun Strowman tossed Zayn into a dumpster. When the highlights ended, Zayn continued to make his way (slowly) into the ring. As soon as he got in, the bell rang, and the match began.

(6) SAMI ZAYN vs. BRAUN STROWMAN – Strowman’s MITB spot on the line

Out of the gate, Zayn ran from Strowman as the audience sang his entrance music. Strowman finally caught Zayn and bulldozed him into the guardrail with a running shoulder tackle. From there, Strowman rolled Zayn back into the ring, but Zayn rolled out and ran away again. Strowman chased Zayn up the steps of the arena and both battled there and into the concourse area. Eventually, Zayn nailed Strowman with a fan’s beer and ran away again. For a bit, the camera went dark, but it picked up in the concourse with Zayn nailing Strowman with a garbage can. Zayn got a couple shots in, but eventually Strowman stopped him and beat him up by tossing him into barricades. Strowman then made a cover, but Zayn kicked out at two. With Zayn down, Baron Corbin attacked Strowman from behind with a garbage can. Zayn capitalized and tried for a pin, but Strowman kicked out. As it happened, the announcers discussed how beneficial it would be for all participants in the match to not have Strowman in it. From there, the action continued with Baron Corbin slamming Strowman through a nearby table. Strowman battled back and tossed Corbin into a merchandise stand as the show went to break. (c)

Out of the last break, the battle continued between Zayn and Strowman. Because of Corbin’s involvement, Zayn maintained control of the match and beat on Braun with a chair. Eventually, Strowman countered and took momentum back. With Zayn down, Strowman grabbed a ladder from the stage and through it down to the ground. Seeing this, Zayn ran away to the backstage area. Strowman chased him down and clotheslined him to the ground before throwing him into a garage door. After, Strowman lifted Zayn to his feet, but was then attacked from behind by Drew McIntyre. McIntyre took Strowman out with a DDT to the concrete after he hit him with a headbutt. From there, Drew called for Sami to make a cover and he did, but only got a two count. Out of the pin, Strowman destroyed Zayn and McIntyre. With Drew down, Strowman focused on Zayn again. He tossed Zayn back onto the stage and then beat him down with a ladder. Then, Strowman buried Zayn with some ladders before being assaulted again by both Drew McIntyre and Baron Corbin.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Any babyfaces want to help Strowman? We know you’re back there.

They suplexed Strowman into a ladder before Drew hit Braun with the Claymore. Corbin then dragged Zayn onto Strowman and helped him cover for the 1,2,3 win.

WINNER: Zayn via pinfall

Heydorn’s Analysis: The match was what it was, but the commentary by Cole and Graves was an abomination. At least one of them needed to act appalled by what transpired and it didn’t happen. Thus, the true heat Zayn could have gained with this win is gone.

-After the match, Baron Corbin tossed Sami Zayn to Braun Strowman and Strowman slammed him through the announce table. With Zayn down, the show faded to black.

NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: HEYDORN’S WWE RAW REPORT 5/6: Alt Perspective coverage of the live show including Roman Reigns’s rogue appearance, Styles and Rollins contract signing fallout, and more


1 Comment on HEYDORN’S WWE RAW REPORT 5/13: Alt Perspective coverage of the live show including final hype for Money In The Bank, wild card rule week two, women’s championship contract signings, and more

  1. I love how your recaps focus a lot on the psychology the wrestlers/commentators project, and the efficacy thereof. It’s something I’ve paid attention to over the years, but your analysis makes me focus on that aspect in a deeper way. Well done.

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