The following report was originally published five years ago this week on PWTorch.com…
WWE NXT Results
March 27, 2014
Taped at Full Sail University
Aired on WWE Network
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor
[Q1] A pre-credits video package provides a reminder of the history between Adrian Neville and Bo Dallas since NXT Arrival. The championship re-match is tonight.
Mojo Rawley is out first to get the crowd as hyped as he is. The general consensus on Rawley seems to be that his energy and charisma are awesome, but his in-ring product needs work. He’s facing C.J. Parker. Parker is playing up the personality traits that made the fans not buy into him as a face, just as Bo Dallas did to become a heel. Jason Albert (Tensai), Byron Saxton, and Alex Riley have the call.
Byron Saxton includes “buying fancy shirts” as a cause of environmental destruction, as Parker goes on the attack. Saxton’s heel mode is even worse than Alex Riley’s was in the booth. A big right out of the corner sends Parker reeling, but Parker dodges the Stinger Splash. Parker looks angry as he cuts off Rawley’s comeback. Parker goes across the ring, but Rawley surprises him with a Stinger Splash, Rear View, and Hyperdrive for the win.
WINNER: Mojo Rawley in 3:27. There were about three minutes too many of Parker’s offense in this match, but I do appreciate him working at improving his stance as a heel. The booking itself helps put Rawley over even more.
Post-match, Parker goes berserk, literally frothing at the mouth.
Recap of Corey Graves ambushing Sami Zayn last week. “Last week” interview with a trainer, who indicates that Zayn is likely okay. Apparently, they do the Impact testing in the hallway.
If I didn’t know better, I would say that the crowd is actually humming along to Tyler Breeze’s music. Saxton: “I’m a heterosexual man, but I can say that he’s gorgeous.”
Neither man gets the better in their first lock-up, but Breeze begs for mercy on the second when Woods puts him in the corner. Snappy kick to the middle lets Breeze attack. Woods blocks a suplex and gets an inside cradle for a near-win. Woods with sleek offense. Double-leg takedown and a catapult put Breeze’s schnozz into the turnbuckle. Breeze with a jawbreaker and a unique bulldog of sorts to plant Woods’ face into the turnbuckle.
Wild shot from Woods resets the match. Shining Wizard gets a nearfall for Woods. Woods calls for the Honor Roll, but Breeze gets away. Woods barely pulls Breeze away from the corner, but Breeze snaps back with the Beauty Shot for the win.
WINNER: Tyler Breeze in 4:00. Fun match to help Breeze back off from the overwhelming humor in his gimmick and seem to be a bit more of a threat. I like this version of Breeze.
Devin Taylor interviews Bo Dallas backstage. He runs down Neville’s win in a ladder match. “Luckily for me, we’re not in a jungle gym competition.”
Corey Graves is facing Yoshi Tatsu. We saw this “match” a few weeks ago; let’s see what they do with it this time around. Tatsu is all business tonight after the beating he took at the hands of Graves three weeks ago.
Tatsu wants a piece of Graves, who ducks into the ropes then surprises Tatsu. Tatsu turns it around in a corner and risks disqualification. Second rope karate chop to the head from Tatsu. A kick to the knee allows Graves to start working the left leg. Tatsu tries to rally, but a chop block sets up Lucky 13 for the win.
WINNER: Corey Graves in 6:28. Solid match, though I wish Graves’s pacing wasn’t so Orton-like, but his in-ring psychology is good.
Post-match, Graves gets the mic, and tells Sami Zayn to stay down. Saxton mentions in passing that Zayn took a concussion last week. That was mighty casual for a serious injury.
[Q3] Renee Young is in the booth to comment on the upcoming Diva’s match. Charlotte and Sasha Banks come out first, with the Summer Rae stick face, and Bret Hart’s music hits as he brings his niece to the ring.
4 – NATALYA (w/Bret Hart) vs. CHARLOTTE (w/Sasha Banks)
Charlotte gets in Natalya’s face, leading to some back-and-forth hold work. Charlotte with a kip up, impressive given her size. Very smooth work from both here. Natalya tries to block a hip toss, but Charlotte hits a knee instead. Discus clothesline plants Charlotte for two. Natalya wants the Sharpshooter, but Charlotte gets to the ropes first. Charlotte gets very physical in the corner. Charlotte is putting a lot of work onto the leg. Charlotte wants the figure four leglock, but Natalya rolls into a cover for two.
Banks exhorts Charlotte to break Natalya’s leg, and Hart is getting concerned on the outside. Natalya finally breaks free, but a leg screw puts Natalya back down. Charlotte with a stomp, but Natalya catches the repeat, locks in the Sharpshooter, but Banks runs into the ring for a DQ finish.
WINNER: Natalya in 5:12. This was the match we needed to see from Charlotte. She has shown a ton of promise, tonight she showed that she was more than just “promise” with a varied moveset and a good match.
Backstage interview with Adrian Neville, who says that the lack of ladders will not make a difference in the result of his match with Dallas tonight. He gives Dallas credit as a competitor, but says he will still be champion at the end of the night.
Sami Zayn is advertised to face Corey Graves next week.
5 – ADRIAN NEVILLE vs. BO DALLAS – NXT Heavyweight Championship match
Dueling “Let’s Go Neville” and “No More Bo” chants. Dallas with a pair of early covers that can’t even get a one count. Neither man can get an edge. Missile dropkick, but Dallas rolls out of the ring before Neville can hit the Red Arrow. Neville responds with a sweet moonsault from the top rope to the ramp. Crucifix gets two for Neville, who tries to springboard back in, but Dallas knocks him to the ringside.
[Q4] Dallas clobbers Neville with a clothesline. The crowd is strongly behind Neville.
[ Commercial Break ]
Dallas with a trio of two counts, and he shows his frustration. Neville is struggling. He tries a sunset flip over the ropes, Dallas sits down on it, they trade nearfalls. The ref catches Dallas holding the ropes on his cover. Neville escapes an impaler DDT. Springboard forearm gets a nearfall for Neville. Dallas almost sends Neville into the ref, and uses the distraction to get a schoolboy for a nearfall. Dallas thinks he ducks a roundhouse from the apron, but it was a feint. Neville hits the real roundhouse, goes up top, and Dallas gets knees up on the Red Arrow, quick cover for a near win. The crowd is going nuts for the kick-out.
Reset and the ref starts a ten count. Neville is dead weight as Dallas tries to get the impaler DDT. Neville shows him into the corner and comes to life. Dallas shrugs off a tornado DDT, sends Neville’s face into the turnbuckle, but a kick from Neville fends off the follow up. Neville to the top, a reverse 450 splash of sorts, and Neville retains the title.
WINNER: Adrian Neville in 12:57. I got worried when I saw the time left for the match, given Dallas’s ring work. I was greatly mistaken, as this was easily Dallas’s best match, and Neville got in lots of offense to keep things exciting. This was what their Arrival match should have been.
FINAL THOUGHTS: Good episode, with four decent matches to build four separate stories, and a very good main event to solidify Neville as a respectable champion. I like where NXT is heading.
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