3/15 NXT in Venice, Fla: Parks’s on-site report, including debuts and Riddle vs. Cole main event, X-Pac, Bugenhagen, Trevor Lee

Matt Riddle (photo credit Wade Keller © PWTorch)


March 15, 2019
Venice, Florida
Report by Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist

New NXT live event host Dennis Arnell kicked off the show along with Percy Watson. Arnell was also the ring announcer.

(1) Oney Lorcan beat Cezar Bononi at 4:29 with a neckbreaker.

(2) The Forgotten Sons defeated Trevor Lee & Albert Hardie Jr. (ACH) at 8:49 with the Sons’ double-team finish.

(3) Mia Yim beat Marina Shafir at 6:15 with a jawbreaker off her knee.

(4) Brendan Vink defeated Nick Comoroto. Both men were making their NXT debuts. Comoroto had a cape that proclaimed him the Freak Beast. He did some pre-match mic work that the crowd was not down with. He played the earnest babyface well, though, in the face of Vink. Vink (better known elsewhere as Elliot Sexton, from Australia) interrupted the promo and talked down to Comoroto, eventually getting the crowd on the Freak Beast’s side. Vink won at 3:56 with a boot.

(5) Raul Mendoza & Humberto Carrillo downed Matt Lee & Jeff Parker. It was the NXT debut for Parker and Lee as well. They are the Canadian tag team formerly known as 3.0. Mendoza and Carrillo won at 11:24.

(6) Eric Bugenhagen beat Luke Menzies at 7:42. X-Pac (Sean Waltman), who is guest coaching at the Performance Center this week, came out and celebrated with Bugenhagen, doing some quick mic work to talk about going into the HOF this year then putting over Bugenhagen.

(7) Deonna Purrazzo beat Rachael Evers at 8:13. Evers was one of three who did the pre-show meet-and-greet, along with Bugenhagen and Trevor Lee.

(8) Matt Riddle beat Adam Cole in 11:30 via DQ. Cole was disqualified for kicking Riddle low after Riddle gave him a GTS. Riddle did a rah rah NXT speech after the match.

Biggest pops: X-Pac, Riddle, Bugenhagen, Lee, Cole
Most heat: Forgotten Sons, Shafir, Bononi, Vink

Greg Parks will have more in-depth analysis on his experience at NXT Venice in the upcoming issue of the Torch Newsletter. Follow Greg on Twitter @gregparks for photos of the evening.

If you attend a live event, please send results with details on the matches, crowd reactions, and attendance to Thanks!


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