HEYDORN’S WWE RAW REPORT 3/11: Alt Perspective coverage of the live show including Fastlane fallout, Triple H and Batista face-off, Balor vs. Lashley, and more



MARCH 11, 2019

Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young


-The show began with the Shield’s music blaring in the arena to a massive pop from the Pittsburgh audience. Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins were decked out in brand new Shield shirts as they marched down the steps through the crowd and to the ring. On commentary, the announce team highlighted the events from the Shield’s reunion last night and talked about how much emotion flowed when they were victorious in their last run together. They also mentioned once again that Dean Ambrose would not be resigning a new contract with the company.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Boy, those three must just make a killing on those Shield shirts. In the last year, there has been at least three iterations of them. Good on them. 

Once they got to the ring, the music faded, and the audience continued to cheer loudly and chant “Shield.” From there, Reigns spoke and said that over the past few months, he’s realized that life is short and tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. He said that if last night was the last night ever for the Shield, he had no regrets. He said he was in the ring doing what he loved with the people he loved and that his brothers didn’t let him down in his quest for one last run with the Shield. Reigns then said that they were on the road to WrestleMania and the three of them needed to take care of business. He said he hadn’t had a Raw match in five months and that he wanted to take care of that issue in Pittsburgh. The audience cheered loudly. Reigns then said Ambrose had business to attend to as well, though he didn’t know what that was. Roman then addressed Rollins and said that he has the biggest business of all and that’s slaying the beast in the main event of WrestleMania. As he said that, the audience chanted “slay the beast” and “burn it down.” Reigns then hugged Rollins and Rollins hugged Ambrose before the three men posed with their fist and their music played again.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Reigns came off really good there. He spoke highly of his friends, toned down his own rhetoric, left the cold exterior elsewhere, and connected as a human. Really good stuff. 

From there, Ambrose and Reigns left the ring, but Rollins stuck around in the middle of it and stared at the WrestleMania sign. Once Dean and Roman walked through curtain, he looked around at the audience as they chanted “burn it down.”

Heydorn’s Analysis: A bit awkward, huh? Rollins just stays behind for his own promo? Not sure what I expected or wanted, but that seemed a bit clunky.

Rollins then spoke and said that at Fastlane, the Shield did “burn it down.” As he continued to speak, Paul Heyman walked out and interrupted. Heyman did his usual introduction and then addressed Seth who was standing in the ring. After his intro, Rollins mocked Heyman and Lesnar and mocked the Heyman intro. Rollins laughed Heyman off and then told Heyman the Lesnar he was fighting was the guy who almost lost to Daniel Bryan, AJ Styles, and Finn Balor. Rollins taunted Lesnar with those words and in response Heyman nodded his head and arrogantly agreed with Seth. Rollins continued and said that Lesnar seems to have issues with men of his size and athleticism. He called the other smaller opponents incredible wrestlers, but said that the only man that can beat Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania was Seth Freaking Rollins. He said that Brock has three weeks left until he takes the Universal Title and brings it back to Monday Night Raw every single week.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Are pigs flying around tonight or something? Rollins laid out a very logical argument as to why a man his size could beat Lesnar and used past history in WWE to prove that point. It came off sports-like in nature and worked very well to give Rollins added credibility. 

After he finished, Heyman seemed a bit thrown off due to the crowd chanting “slay the beast.” Heyman said that Rollins can run down a bunch of names, but he wasn’t telling the entire story. Heyman said that Lesnar didn’t have a chance to prepare for those opponents because they were all switched up at the last minute. He told Rollins to stop running his mouth and then cued up a video package on Brock Lesnar.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Typically not a fan of random video packages in the middle of promos. That said, this was short enough where it didn’t totally stop the flow of both men and kill the narrative they were setting up.

Once the video ended, Heyman spoke again and said that Lesnar has been preparing for Seth Rollins at WrestleMania and that he’s come up with some twisted fantasies of what he’d do to Rollins at WrestleMania. As Heyman continued to speak, Shelton Benjamin attacked Rollins from behind and gave him three German suplexes in a row. With Rollins down, Benjamin looked down over him as the show went to commercial break. (c)


Out of the break, the bell rang, and the match began. Benjamin took Rollins down to start things off and then locked in a side headlock that grounded Seth out of the gate. Shelton then hit a shoulder tackle to take Rollins down once again. Quickly, Rollins took the momentum back after connecting with a stiff dropkick that sent Benjamin to the outside of the ring. Rollins followed Shelton and battled on the outside with him before rolling him back into the ring for a two count pin attempt. Out of the pin, Rollins connected with the Blockbuster and then cued up the The Stomp and the audience chanted “Burn It Down.” Shelton countered the move by rolling to the outside. Seeing this, Rollins attempted a suicide dive, but Benjamin clocked him with a kick to the face to counter. The show then went to break once again. (c)

Out of the break, Benjamin continued to keep the upper hand in the match and whipped Rollins to the outside of the ring. With Paul Heyman on commentary, he said that he paid Shelton Benjamin to attack Seth Rollins from behind, not to have an impromptu match.

Heydorn’s Analysis: It took nearly half the match, but finally Heyman owned up to putting Benjamin up to the attack from behind. That was a key piece to the story. If you didn’t know Lesnar’s history with Benjamin, you’d have no clue what was happening.

Back in the ring, Benjamin continued his assault before attempting a power bomb that Rollins countered with a hurricanrana. After, Rollins connected with a series of chops before laying Benjamin out with Sling Blade. As this went down, Paul Heyman announced that Brock Lesnar would be at Raw next week in Chicago. In the ring, Rollins connected with a top rope cross body and then made a cover, but only got a two count. Out of the pin, he tried for a superkick, but Benjamin countered it into a release German suplex. From there, he connected with a second one. As Benjamin went for a third, Rollins countered with two super kicks and the Stomp before covering for the 1,2,3 win.

WINNER: Rollins via pinfall

Heydorn’s Analysis: A solid TV match. Rollins did give up too much in terms of selling for Benjamin, but got a nice victory as he heads into WrestleMania. Simple booking to give credibility to Rollins while having him thwart a Heyman plan. Good stuff.

-After the match, Finn Balor made his entrance to the ring as Rollins celebrated. As Balor walked down the ramp, he slapped hands with Rollins before walking all the way to the ring. Once Balor finished the entrance, a picture of Lashley’s face appeared on the big screen. Balor stared at it and then continued posing in the ring as the show went to break. (c)

Heydorn’s Analysis: Why does weird stuff like that happen to Bobby Lashley? Habitually, it’s him. His huge face on the screen that Balor then ignores? Good grief.

(2) BOBBY LASHLEY vs. FINN BALOR – WWE Intercontinental Championship

When the show returned from the break, Bobby Lashley made his way to the ring. He received a small reaction. As he made his entrance, the announce team plugged that Summerslam would take place in Toronto this year. Once Lashley got to the ring, official introductions were made, and the match began. Lashley dominated the match in the early going. He hit Balor with a series of intense, big man, offense that grounded Finn immediately. The action eventually spilled to the outside and Balor was able to connect with a well timed PK to Lashley’s chest. The show then went to commercial. (c)

Heydorn’s Analysis: Good offense from Lashley to start things off. It set the tone well and put the story of the match in motion. 

Out of the break, Lashley had regained control of the match. He planted Balor in the ring with a reverse sidewalk slam and then made the cover, but Balor kicked out at two. Right after the pin, Lashley kept up his attack and stomped Finn before lifting him up for a power bomb. Balor countered the move and setup for a suicide dive, but Lashley countered and slammed him back first onto the ring apron. He then covered, but Balor kicked out. Out of the pin, Lashley lifted Balor to his feet and then dropped him with a right hand to the face. From there, he locked in an arm submission that kept Balor on the mat. Eventually, Balor battled back and connected with a basement dropkick. He followed that with a flying forearm and then hit Lashley with stiff chop to the chest before whipping him into the corner. From there, Balor hit a standing stomp to Lashley’s chest. He then attempted his corner dropkick, but Lashley caught him and sent him crashing shoulder first into two ring posts. Balor battled out by rolling up Lashley for a quick two count and followed that shortly after with Sling Blade. After, Balor hit Lashley with the corner dropkick and then climbed to the top rope for the Coup De Gras. While he was up there, the ring bell started to ring which caused Balor to be distracted. Lio Rush was the culprit and he proceeded to run down and yell at Balor from the ringside area. Eventually, Rush got near the ring and physically distracted Balor. Balor easily dismissed Rush and tried to turn his attention back to Lashley, but Lashley hit him with a spear. He then covered Balor for the 1,2,3 win.

WINNER: Lashley via pinfall and new WWE Intercontinental Champion

Heydorn’s Analysis: Didn’t see that one coming. Babyfaces getting distracted is overdone, but WWE threw a curveball with it here due to the bell ringing by Rush. That legitimately could throw you off in a match. That said, Balor now can chase the title into WrestleMania. Getting screwed out of the title like he did is a good reason to bring the demon out when he fights for the title again. 

-After the match, Lashley celebrated in the ring with Lio Rush. Baron Corbin was then interviewed backstage as he was chosen as Roman’s opponent tonight. Before Corbin spoke, a recap video aired that detailed Corbin’s words about Roman Reigns the week after Reigns left to fight leukemia. Corbin owned up to his words, but said that Roman Reigns wasn’t 100 percent healthy. He said that Reigns dropped the ball and he’s been carrying it for him. Corbin then said that he would house train the big dog and walked out of the shot.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Interesting that Corbin/Reigns is going down tonight. Leads me to believe that something is going down in that match to setup Reigns for WrestleMania and that that is not the WrestleMania match itself. 

-Ronda Rousey was shown walking backstage and toward the ring as the show went to break. (c)

-Out of the break, Ronda Rousey hit the ring to a nice pop from the crowd. Rousey walked down the ramp quickly and without engaging with fans like she normally does.


Heydorn’s Analysis: Even after the events of last night, this entrance gives an obvious look into her character’s direction. Heel all the way.

Once she got to the ring, she grabbed a microphone to speak. Before she did, a recap video played that highlighted Ronda’s involvement in Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte from Fastlane. After the video, the audience booed as Ronda spoke. She told the audience to take their applause and “shove it.” Rousey then asked the audience if they thought she’d forget that they booed her as she got beaten with a stick. She then threatened the audience before addressing Becky Lynch and Charlotte. She told the audience they deserved Lynch as their hero because she’s a coward just like them. She said that she would desecrate Lynch and Charlotte’s church and defeat both of them on the grandest stage of all. She said that she would be embarrassed if she broke a sweat while defeating Lynch and Charlotte at WrestleMania. She also gave WWE permission to make the WrestleMania match a handicap match before throwing the microphone down.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Lot’s to digest there. Most of it not good unfortunately. First off, this promo segment was sold as Rousey telling us why she did what she did last night at Fastlane. She ran down both Charlotte and Lynch, but didn’t give that defining “why.” Second, Rousey looked uncomfortable in the heel roll. She talked incredibly fast and seemingly tried to get that promo done as quickly as possible. It was rushed and hard to understand due to being delivered so fast. In addition, the words she used sounded forced and not words that anyone would actually say.

As Rousey’s music hit, Dana Brooke’s music played. Brooke walked out and talked about how much she loved the WWE and that she wouldn’t let Ronda Rousey talk it down. Brooke then got in the ring and said that she didn’t get many opportunities, but that she wanted to accept Rousey’s championship open challenge given that it was the night after a PPV. In response, Rousey kicked Brooke in the gut and beat her to a pulp in the ring. WWE officials ran down to try and stop her. Instead of putting the arm bar on Brooke, she didn’t because she didn’t want to give the fans what they wanted. From there, she slapped a referee in the face, grabbed her belt and walked out of the ring.

Heydorn’s Analysis: For as bad of a promo as that was from Rousey, she made up for it with her viciousness opposite Dana Brooke. Surprisingly, Brooke drummed up some sympathy with her promo that Ronda was able to squash.

-After the Rousey segment, a highlight video aired that detailed the events of two weeks ago and last week between Batista and Triple H.

-When the video ended, Aleister Black made his entrance to a nice reaction from the audience. Once Black got into the ring, Ricochet made his full entrance as well. The show then went to break. (c)

Heydorn’s Analysis: Full entrances for both newcomers. Baby steps, folks. Incredibly important to define these guys with their entrances out of the gate. Well done and smartly played. 


After the commercial break, Roode and Gable were finishing up their entrance. After they did, the bell rang, and the match began. Black and Gable started things off with Gable quickly getting the upper hand. He got a quick pin attempt for a two count and then tagged Roode into the match. Roode took over where Gable left off and stomped Black in the corner before dropping him with a back breaker. After, Roode locked in a bear hug that Black quickly escaped via a rollup pin for a one count. Eventually, Black made the tag to Ricochet and he hit the ring hot. He took Gable down with a neck breaker before hitting Roode with a hurricanrana. Gable then made a blind tag to Roode and hit Ricochet with a double team neck breaker German suplex combo. Gable then attempted a pin, but Ricochet kicked out at two. Finally, after taking offense, Black made a blind tag into the match. After he did, Ricochet nailed Gable off of the ropes and Black nailed Roode with Black Mass. He then made the cover for the 1,2,3 win.

WINNER: Black and Ricochet via pinfall

-After the match, The Revival attacked Black and Ricochet from behind on the ramp as they celebrated. They then quickly walked off. (c)

Heydorn’s Analysis: Great stuff from Black and Ricochet. They are crisp and have a sense of urgency about them that stands out. Saddled with a questionable call-up, they are making it work and getting fans on their side. 

-Out of the break, the announce team showed highlights of Roman Reigns and others visiting sick kids in Pittsburgh.

-When the announce team was finished, Alexa Bliss’s music hit for A Moment Of Bliss. Graves gushed over Bliss as she posed and then sat in her chair on the stage. From there, Bliss welcomed everyone into “a very special Moment Of Bliss.” She said the WWE Universe has been buzzing about her scoop. The audience reacted and she proceeded to highlight everyone who has hosted WrestleMania in the past. From there, she introduced the host of WrestleMania for this year … herself! The audience had a bit of a mixed reaction, but chanted “yes” as well. Bliss arrogantly said she was shocked and that she didn’t have anything prepared. She told the WWE Universe to be honored in an arrogant way as the audience chanted “you deserve it.” She then said “this has been your moment of bliss” before walking off.

Heydorn’s Analysis: That was all executed in a very trolling, Alexa Bliss, heel-esqe way, but the fans cheered it on. Swing and a miss, WWE. Swing and a miss.

-After the Bliss segment, highlight’s from the Weekend Update’s visit to WrestleMania aired. Braun Strowman was then interviewed backstage about them. Strowman told them to stay away from him and that he liked hurting them. Strowman was then interrupted and told that his car was there. He asked “what car” and the show cut to commercial break. (c)

-Out of the break, Strowman was in the parking lot looking at his new car. A stagehand read Strowman a card and it was revealed that the car was from Colin Jost and his Saturday Night Live team. The card was riddled in sarcasm. Strowman then proceeded to destroy the car with his bare hands. After he had the car in pieces, Strowman took one of the pieces and demand that the stagehand give it the Weekend Update hosts. He said he would see them in New York and they would “get these hands.”

Heydorn’s Analysis: I can get on board with Braun Strowman destroying stuff whilst in the mid-card and not in a main event title feud.

-Elias was introduced and got a nice reaction from the crowd. He said that Strowman didn’t appreciate his gift, but everyone in the audience would appreciate his. Elias then said he promised not to return to his hometown until he was a superstar. He then said, “here I am.” From there, he strummed the guitar and did his typical Walk With Elias schtick. He then ran down Pittsburgh and said that it was the miserable people in Pittsburgh that hold the good people back. He said he gave that advice to Antonio Brown and the audience booed loudly. As Elias was about to speak again, No Way Jose interrupted him with his conga line. Before Jose got down to the ring, Elias stopped him and beat him up along with other members of the conga line. The conga line then ran away as Elias kept up and then finished his attack.

Heydorn’s Analysis: I swear we’ve seen that interruption before right? When you’re repeating the same low card interruptions, it’s time to rethink the segment all together. 

-A hype video aired for Harlem Heat’s induction into the WWE Hall Of Fame.

-After the video, Lacey Evans walked out to the ramp. She engaged with the announce team and disrespected Renee Young. From there, Nia Jax and Tamina walked out and went face to face with Evans. They shrugged off Evans and then walked to the ring as the show went to break. (c)

 Heydorn’s Analysis: Wow. Lacey Evans is a mid-card act at this point. That said, she’s been walking out and convey herself as “above” anyone she comes in contact with. Jax dismissing her in the way she just did tosses water on weeks of work. Infuriating.

-Out of the break, Natalya made her entrance. Before she walked down the ramp, she spoke to Nia and Tamina. She said that after the attack she received, she thought thinking about people who had her back. She said that used to be Ronda Rousey, but that Rousey wasn’t the woman she thought she was. From there, Beth Phoenix walked out.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Decent enough reaction from the crowd for Phoenix. That said, it felt like not everyone was sure who he was. The announce team didn’t sell her great either. 


The match began once Natalya made it down to the ring. Nattie and Jax battled, but the match quickly devolved once Phoenix got involved. Both teams brawled and then separated before Jax and Tamina walked to the back.

WINNER: No contest

-After the match, Jax and Tamina brawled with Banks and Bayley in the backstage area. That brawl lasted just a few minutes before it was broken up.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Too forced for me. I don’t sense passion or authenticity within any of this and within either of the teams. Leading to a triple threat, just for the sake of doing so. 

-Batista was shown arriving in the backstage area as the show went to break. (c)

-Out of the break, Triple H hit the ring decked out in his “Triple H” attire. Cole said it wasn’t about business, but about personal relationships and history. Triple H quickly walked to the ring and then yelled back up the ramp for Batista to come out.


Eventually, his music hit, and once it did the Batista chants turned into some cheers.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Those cheers are an interesting turn of events. Obviously, not what they’re going for. Batista’s cool factor and passion for what he’s doing though can drive a turn in regards to the fans. Will be interesting to see if he can turn them back.

Batista arrogantly walked out and paused as a host of security guards stood in front of him to give lots of space between he and Triple H. Batista then stood on the ramp and teased speaking, but lowered the microphone each time he tried. He checked his watch and as he did, Triple H asked him if he was going to stand there and be a nose ring model. Triple H asked Batista if the security was there to protect him. Batista told him no and said that he learned from two of the dirtiest players in the game and admitted that the security was there for him. Batista then told Triple H to give him what he wants. Triple H said no and asked Batista why he should? Triple H talked about Batista quitting and ran him down for being a Hollywood movie star. He said he wouldn’t give him anything and that they would do thing his way which meant him tearing through the security and beating him up on the stage. Batista reiterated that they just were not doing things Triple H’s way. Batista said that he quit to get far away from Triple H and that he needs to give him what he wants or he would continue to hurt people that Triple H loves.

Heydorn’s Analysis: Great line at the end. Too much yelling though. And spitting. How could I forget the spitting. 

Batista then told Triple H again to give him what he wants. He said that Triple H wouldn’t give it to him because he wasn’t in control. Batista continued to yell for Triple H to give him what he wants and said all he wanted was Triple H at WrestleMania. They yelled back and forth at each other and eventually Triple H accepted. Batista said thank you and said that he would end his career on his terms and possibly Triple H’s on his terms as well. Batista then walked off. Before he could fully get away, Triple H told Batista to find any part of the animal left because the match would be contested under no holds barred rules. In response, Batista glared at Triple H, dropped his microphone, and walked away. (c)

Heydorn’s Analysis: They go to where they needed to go, but it seemed very clunky. In addition, my feeling is they left money on the table. They could have milked the story of Batista hurting people Triple H loves until Triple H gives him what he wants. Instead, they yelled back and forth and Triple H without much convincing gave Batista exactly what he wanted. This had legs and those legs would have told an intense story that merits a no holds barred stipulation. 

-Out of the break, Kurt Angle hit the ring to a chorus of “you suck” chants. Once Angle got into the ring, he grabbed a microphone and said that his gold medal win got him to the WWE. He said he’s faced and beaten every legend in the business. He said he’s been everywhere, but always called Pittsburgh his home. From there, Angle announced that at WrestleMania he would be having his farewell match. He proceeded to thank WWE and the fans before saying that he wanted to have a final match in his hometown as well. He said he would battle in Pittsburgh and then it was on to WrestleMania. Then, Apollo Crews hit the ring for the match as the show went to commercial break. (c)

Heydorn’s Analysis: Rumors of Angle’s retirement made their way around social media all day. Glad he gets one last round at WrestleMania. A moment for him and for whoever takes him on and presumably wins.


After the break, the bell rang, and the match began. Out of the gate, Crews took Angle down with a shoulder tackle. From there, Angle took Crews down and locked in an arm submission. Eventually, both men got to their feet and Crews popped Angle with strikes to the gut. Angle countered with an overhead suplex, but Crews maintained momentum after hitting a quick dropkick. After, he connected with a vertical suplex before locking in a sleeper hold. Eventually, Angle battled out of the hold and exchanged punches with Crews. From there, he hit Crews with three German suplexes before attempting the Angle Slam. Crews countered with a step up enziguri and then hit a standing moonsault before covering for a two count. Out of the pin, Crews climbed to the top rope, but missed his frog splash. This allowed Angle to hit his Angle Slam and make the cover for the 1,2,3 win.

WINNER: Angle via pinfall

Heydorn’s Analysis: Good little match. An appropriate for Angle to have and did the job of building at least some interest for his retirement match.

-After the match, Kurt hugged Crews in the ring as the Pittsburgh audience cheered him on. He then acknowledged those cheers and soaked them in before walking off.

-Roman Reigns was shown getting ready in the locker room. He had his usual ring gear on and ready to go. (c)

Heydorn’s Analysis: Was crossing my fingers that he ditched the riot gear vest for this run. It’s the right move for him, but oh well. 

After the break, Roman Reigns hit the ring to a nice reaction from the crowd. Cole called him the Big Dog again and Graves said that he looked better than ever before. Reigns slapped hands as he walked down to the ring. In addition, as he posed on the ring, clips of the Shield appearing earlier in the show played. As Reigns walked into the ring after his pose, he was attacked from behind by Drew McIntyre. McIntyre beat him down with punches in the ring and then slammed him shoulder first into the ring post. With Reigns on the outside of the ring, McIntyre lifted him up to his feet. This allowed Roman to get a few punches in, but McIntyre quickly neutralized them with a Claymore Kick. From there, McIntyre taunted Roman and yelled at him to fight. Once Reigns got to his feet, McIntyre hit the Claymore Kick again. This time it was against the ring post though. Then, WWE officials ran out to stop the attack and tended to Roman who was selling his injured face. From there, McIntyre walked off. As the doctors checked him out, Reigns said he was ok and Seth Rollins ran out to check on him. Rollins told him it was ok to not take the match and that he just got back. Reigns responded and used Rollins as physical support as he walked up the ramp. Reigns said he just had a headache and continued to walk away with Rollins and the WWE officials. The show then went to break. (c)

Heydorn’s Analysis: That worked well. McIntyre looked like a million bucks as a dangerous heel and Reigns got some nice sympathy as the babyface. Pro wrestling 101.

-Out of the break, Roman Reigns was walking backstage with both Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. They convinced him to get checked out by the WWE doctors. From there, Dean Ambrose angrily walked off and ran into Triple H. He then demanded a no DQ, falls count anywhere match with Drew McIntyre tonight. Triple H agreed and both men walked off in separate directions.

-Dean Ambrose’s music hit and Ambrose walked briskly to the ring. Once he got there, McIntyre walked out and addressed him. McIntyre asked him if he was going to take the beating like a man or would he squeal like Roman Reigns. Hearing that, Ambrose ran up the ramp and attacked McIntyre. They battled around the stage area with Ambrose getting the upper hand first. Eventually, the battle made its way up the stairs and through the audience. As the war waged on, the show went to commercial break. (c)

Heydorn’s Analysis: Great brawl thus far and it fits Ambrose’s style well. Good stuff. 

Out of the break, the action continued with Ambrose in control of the match. He kicked McIntyre down the stairs as they battled back near the ring. As they did, the announce team cued up footage of both men battling near the concession area in the building. Back in real time, Ambrose tossed McIntyre over the barrier and back to the ringside area. He then leapt off for a jumping chop, but McIntyre caught him suplexed him overhead. After, McIntyre hit Ambrose with the stairs and covered, but only got a two count. McIntyre continued his beating until Ambrose hit him with a low blow. Ambrose followed with a flurry of punches and strikes as the audience cheered him on. His momentum was halted when McIntyre crushed him with a chair shot to the back. McIntyre then dropped him on some broadcast equipment before going for another chair shot. This time, Ambrose countered it and ended up rolling McIntyre on equipment and crashing him into other equipment in the area. In the end, McIntyre hit Ambrose with a low blow as both men were on the announce table. With Ambrose down, McIntyre lifted him up and darted him into the LED board. He then made a cover, but Ambrose kicked out. Then, McIntyre hit Ambrose with the Claymore Kick while Ambrose was stuck in a handrail. He then covered for the 1,2,3 win.

WINNER: McIntyre via pinfall

Heydorn’s Analysis: A really good brawl that positioned Drew McIntyre as a dangerous heel for Roman Reigns to defeat. In that vein, this worked nicely and it’s good to see McIntyre at the forefront of a big storyline.

NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: HEYDORN’S WWE RAW REPORT 3/4: Alt Perspective coverage of the live show including final Fastlane hype, further build to Batista/Triple H, and more


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