ROH wrestler Vinny Marselia spoke with Interactive Wrestling Radio about ROH’s busy stretch coming up culminating with the ROH and New Japan “G1 Supercard” at Madison Square Garden in New York City, their 17th Anniversary show, ROH’s ability to weather the storm of losing the Elite as they create AEW, and his singles title aspirations in ROH. Plus, a lot about his favorite horror movies and more! The following transcript highlights were supplied to PWTorch.com by the show’s producer…
Show: Interactive Wrestling Radio
Guest: Vinny Marseglia
Date: March 1, 2019
Your Hosts: James Walsh
Listen HERE
•On the excitement of the next few weeks for ROH: “It is great, man. The 17th Anniversary is big enough on its own and then you’ve got Madison Square Garden! I think it is safe to say that it is every professional wrestlers dream to perform in Madison Square Garden. So much wrestling history is in that building alone. But, not only that. Madison Square Garden is mentioned in movies – You name it! It is very exciting leading up to that G1 Supercard show. Then, of course, we have the Anniversary show. Ring of Honor is definitely on the high rise!”
•On what he and TK Have Planned for the 17th Anniversary PPV: “I don’t know what we have planned for myself and TK (O’Ryan). It would have been nice to have gone for those Ring of Honor Tag belts and add those to the list, that’s for sure. I’m sure we will ve in Matt Taven’s corner as far as his match with Jay Lethal for the Real Ring of Honor title.”
•On the origins of his “Horror King” persona: “It has always been a big part of me. What you see is what I love on top of pro wrestling, of course. It was just figuring out how to bring that in and kind of show that side of me… It was just being myself and having fun. It is just bringing something different to wrestling. I hope that what I’m doing is something different for people to enjoy. I share the same interest as many who are wrestling fans as well. I’ve always been a fan of the Devil’s Rejects, all the documentaries, and even like the older-older black and white horror movies. Every since I was a little kid, it has always been professional wrestling and horror movies! I’ve always wanted to be in a horror film which I ended up doing. It is “The Find” which will be available on Netflix and Amazon Prime. I play the role of the serial killer in the film named Damond. And, bringing the horror into professional wrestling, I feel it is coming all together finally. I hope people are enjoying it.”
•On if he ever dreamed he’d be an actor: “I always wanted to be a pro wrestler. That was my overall goal. But, being so involved in the movies which my mother started with me at a young age. She always loved horror movies and got me involved with it. But, they came to me with this script, “We’re interested in you being in a horror film.” The answer right away was “YES!” It didn’t really matter what the script was going to be – I read it later on and, of course, it was great. But, the answer right away was “YES!” for that opportunity. It was cool, man! I got to live in this mansion for like 2 weeks. I lived like a vampire for 2 weeks. I slept all day and filmed all night. It was pretty wild, man.”
•On what to expect from “The Find”: “If I had to relate it to another movie, I guess you could say it is like the movie Scream. It kind of has a feel like that. But, it is about an ancient Indian tribe kind of related to that. But, the concepts of college kids at a party during winter break and I happen to be there, it has the kind of feel that Scream had.”
•On if he’s ever met Rob Zombie: “I actually have never met Rob Zombie. But, I am a big fan of his music. I actually saw Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson recently on the Twins of Evil tour. Man, what a performance by both guys!”
•On how the “Kingdom” Feels Real With 3 Different Personalities: “I think what it comes down to is it is real. I started training with Taven, God, 10 years ago. I’ve known Taven for over 10 years. We came up up together in professional wrestling. We both trained at the same school, the Spike Dudley Lock Up Academy in Fall River, MA. TK (O’Ryan) trained at that school a few years later. We’re really close friends. That is why it works, what you see is real. We’ve all evolved into our own nowadays. But, it is very real. We’re real friends. We travel together. We train together. We show up together. We leave together. It is a very real thing!”
•On the formation of Villain Enterprises: “It is a really interesting thing. PCO, I believe he may not be human! (laughs) He is a very interesting… Very interesting performer. Brody King is an absolute monster. And then you’ve got the Villain (Marty Scurll). I think it is a team that the Kingdom, and you’ve already got a little taste of it, But, I do believe you will see numerous matches between the Kingdom and Villain Enterprises. And, I think they’ll be good! We are the 3 time Ring of Honor 6 Man Champions, I might add!”
•On the formation of Life Blood in RIng of Honor: “I think it gives the Ring of Honor fans a chance to see a lot of new faces – A lot of talent that maybe they’ve always wanted to see in Ring of Honor. And, it gives them a chance to see the matches that they’ve always wanted to see. I think Ring of Honor is on the high rise and thinks look good for the future.”
•On what the next massive thing will be after G1 Supercard at MSG for ROH: “That is a really good question. I don’t have the answer to that. Everyone is so excited leading in to the Supercard. It is hard to say. I’m looking forward to that (G1 Supercard) more than anything right now.”
•On if he knows if he’ll be on the G1 Supercard show: “You know, I really don’t know. I haven’t heard much about it. But, always check under the ring. You know what I mean? (laughs)”
•On the Elite leaving ROH and creating AEW: “I think losing those guys, you know. Everything seems to be OK now. Good for those guys for wanting to go out and do something new. From what I’ve seen, they’re succeeding. I think it gives some other people that have not had the opportunity elsewhere to go out and perform. But, we’re still fine in Ring of Honor. We’re going to prove we’re still the best wrestling on the planet. That is a tough question to answer, man. But, kudos to those guys for trying their own thing and making it work.”
•On wanting to win singles gold in ROH: “Absolutely! It is a goal of mine to want to become Ring of Honor Television Champion and slap “Horror TV” on it. I think there is more to show for each of us (in the Kingdom) as singles competitors as well as tag team competitors. But, that is a goal of mine, to become Ring of Honor World Television Champion!”
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