The following report was published originally ten years ago this week on PWTorch.com…
FEBRUARY 13, 2009
-A vignette aired hyping that Jeff Hardy would be returning to Smackdown this week to confront “his flesh and blood who betrayed him.”
-After the Smackdown opening, Jim Ross and Tazz introduced the show as pryo blasted.
-Edge came out to his full ring intro with Vickie Guerrero. The crowd booed. He complained that in just two days he’s being forced to defend his WWE Championship in the most brutal invention in WWE history – the Elimination Chamber. He said it’s ten tons of steel and two miles of chain. He said it’d be tough enough if he were 100 percent, but last week he suffered a neck injury. Vickie consoled Edge by rubbing his arm as he spoke of his injury. He said his tag team partner, The Big Show, punched him in the face, leaving him vulnerable to the Undertaker. Vickie went into her “excuse me” bit when the crowd booed her as she began to talk. She said after speaking to Edge’s doctors, it has been determined Edge can and will compete on Sunday, but he will not tonight on Smackdown. Edge insisted that fans respect Vickie as the general manager of Smackdown. He said they’re guests of her right now, “so I suggest you be quiet.” He insisted they respect that he will walk out of No Way Out as WWE Champion. Big Show’s music then played.
As Show walked out, Tazz said he’s one of Edge’s challengers on Sunday night. Edge asked how he can march out there after what he did last week. Show covered the mic with his gigantic hand and told Edge to relax. He said he’s so stressed out he’s going to have a seizure or something. He recommended he store up his energy for Sunday. He said in two days he can no longer hide behind Vickie. He called him his “long-haired weasel friend” and said on Sunday he’ll have no way out. Edge laughed mockingly. “Bravo, Big Show,” he said. “Oh so clever.” Edge said Show had to make a big statement at his expense last week, but he has a statement for him: “I am the WWE Champion.” He said he has defied odds his entire life. Edge said there is a way out and he will find it. He told Show he used to be a stand-up guy. He said he took care of his wife while he was gone. Vickie and Show made bashful facial expressions, hinting again that something went on between them romantically. Show said he’s going to take pride in grinding his face under his boot and wiping the walls with him. Edge told Vickie to do something. Show called him a coward and told him to do something. Vickie shrieked, “Excuse me. Excuse me… Excuse me!!” Vickie told Show that tonight he’s going to take on Vladimir Kozlov, Triple H, and Undertaker in a fatal four-way match. She wished him luck making it to No Way Out. Ross wondered what the odds were of all four making it past tonight and competing at No Way Out.
-Ross plugged the return of Jeff Hardy later.
Chavo hit a top rope slingshot bodyblock onto MVP on the floor. Back in the ring he controlled the match with armbars and a sleeper. MVP made a comebac at 3:00 and played to the crowd as a babyface even though he never actually turned babyface. Chavo countered MVP into a head scissors, but MVP sidestepped a charging Chavo in the corner and then hit a running big boot. Shelton Benjamin then jumped MVP. Afterward, Chavo hit a frog splash on MVP as Shelton smiled from the rampway.
WINNER: MVP via DQ in 4:00.
STAR RATING: 1/2* — Okay short match except for some rudimentary arm work by Chavo that, in such a short match, in retrospect seems a little lazy.
[Commercial Break]
-A video package aired on WrestleMania X. Same that aired on Raw. Smackdown feels like such a second-tier brand when it rarely if ever gets first run on these video packages.
-A pre-taped promo aired with Undertaker who talked about victory being his destiny and the fate of the others is sealed. “Six men will enter and five will rest in peace!”
-They went backstage to the Bella Twins thanking Carlito & Primo Colon for sending flowers. They sounded surprised and then tried to take credit. The Bella Twins picked up on that and asked who sent them. John Morrison and The Miz walked up and said they sent them. One of the twins said the two teams can fight over them and “tomorrow night, we’ll go out with the winning team.” Morrison said: “See you in the ring, colons.” Carlito corrected Morrison’s anatomical pronunciation. The other Bella twin asked her sister if this was a good idea.
[Commercial Break]
-WWE Fact: Last month over 100 million photos of WWE ringside action were viewed on WWE.com.
The Bella Twins walked to the ring with the Colons. One even held an apple at ringside. Primo hot-tagged Carlito at 2:00. Carlito came up a bit short on a springboard back elbow at Miz a minute later. Morrison pulled the top rope down a Carlito charged into the ropes; Carlito landed with a thud on the mat and then they cut to a break.
[Commercial Break]
Morrison and Carlito were battling after the break. Carlito scored a two count with a backslide and reached for a tag to Primo, but Morrison dragged him to his corner and tagged in The Miz. Carlito hot-tagged Primo at 9:00. He gave Morrison a neckbreaker and Miz an inverted atomic drop. Morrison landed on his feet on a monkey flip. Four-way action broke out. Morrison threw Carlito out of the ring as Miz shoved Primo off the top rope. Morrison then gave Primo his neckbreaker finisher for the win. The Bella Twins left with Miz and Morrison.
WINNERS: Miz & Morrison in 10:00.
STAR RATING: ** — Good match. They built to the two hot tags well and the athleticism kept things interesting throughout. Most everything looked sharp and well-timed.
-They cut to the parking lot and a red sports car drove up. Out of it walked Jeff Hardy. Jimmy Wang Yang and R-Truth hugged him as he arrived. The Great Khali then shook his hand. Eve and Maria were next. Hardy waved at backstage workers, also.
[Commercial Break]
-A video package aired on the Matt Hardy turn on Jeff Hardy.
-Jeff Hardy made his ring entrance to a big ovation from the crowd.
Hardy said it’s been a tough time for him lately. He said he’s felt broken and alone. “I feel like doing bad things to bad people,” he said. They showed vintage pictures of Matt and Jeff. They played background music during his promo, just as they did with Matt. It’s a little much if they make a habit of it for “live in-ring promos.” Jeff said a big brother is supposed to have his back, but apparently not Matt. He said, “I don’t know if it’s jealousy or what, but it’s messed up.” Jeff said now the Royal Rumble just reminds him of betrayal, a chairshot to the head and a broken dream. He said whatever is going on in his head, Matt should know he’s the type of person to move on and look ahead, not dwell on the past. He said he will become WWE Champion again whether Matt likes it or not. Pretty much what you’d expect from Jeff. Below par for the circumstances, void of any sense that he was actually truly emotionally crushed by Matt’s turn, nor did he seem all that angry. The whole “I don’t dwell on the past” philosophy doesn’t work well when feuds in pro wrestling are built on revenge for past transgressions. He just seemed to talk his way through bullet points. Not the worst promo he’s done, but definitely a letdown all things considered.
[Commercial Break]
3 — EZEKIEL JACKSON (w/The Brian Kendrick) vs. R-TRUTH
R-Truth sang his way to the ring. They broke into it to show a replay of R-Truth beating Kendrick last week, then being attacked by R-Truth afterward. Truth opened with slaps and then some of his signature moves. Jackson came back at 2:00 with an elbow drop and annoyingly loose waistlock. He followed with a press, but Truth slipped out of it and into a sunset flip for a near fall. Jackson came right back with a hard clothesline. Truth surprised Ezekiel with a roll-up out of nowhere for the leverage pin. Ross said Truth reminds him of Junkyard Dog.
WINNER: Truth in 3:00.
STAR RATING: 1/4* — Truth’s signature spots were good, and Ezekiel’s power moves were okay, but not enough time to really do much. It might be better off that way.
-Eve interviewed Maria. She told Maria they’ve both had problems with Michelle McCool. Maria said she’s going to have to prove to her that she’s got the passion and heart to beat her and not just get pushed around. Eve said she’d have luck on her side tonight. Apparently she was hinting at or foreshadowing she’d interfere on her behalf.
[Commercial Break]
McCool slammed Maria near the ropes and Maria’s leg hit the bottom rope. She sold it like she sprained it. McCool seized the chance to work on Maria’s leg and control the match for several minutes. Eve ran to the ring at 3:00 and checked on Maria. McCool jumped Eve at ringside. McCool threw Eve into the ring. The ref turned to get Eve out of the ring. Maria schoolgirled a distracted McCool for the upset win.
WINNER: Maria in 4:00.
STAR RATING: 3/4* — Pretty one-dimensional, but served it’s purpose just fine.
-Todd Grisham interviewed Triple H backstage. He asked him how confident he is headed into the four-way. Triple H said he’s confident because he’s wearing his new Triple H t-shirt. It’s a big of a takeoff on Affliction-style shirts. It has the Latin word for “Destroyer” on the back. Triple H’s self-merchandise plugs are tacky for someone who’s so financially set as it. It’s just an old mentality dating back to when Austin, Rock, and DX would compare merch figures. Triple H said every man is dreading stepping into the Chamber on Sunday except for him. “Sick as it sounds, I’ve grown to like that Chamber. I’ve grown to like the pain. I’ve grown to like the anguish.” He said he’ll revel in every minute of it on Sunday and walk out as champion.
-A commercial aired for No Way Out.
[Commercial Break]
-WWE Fact: Last Friday more males under 50 watched Smakdown than any other show on CBS, ABC, FOX, and NBC.
-The Raw Rebound aired focused on the Undertaker vs. Randy Orton match.
-Ross and Tazz hyped the No Way Out line-up. Ross predicted a new champion would come out of the Raw-brand Chamber match.
-Triple H’s ring intro took place.
[Commercial Break]
-After the break, Vladimir Kozlov was in the ring and The Big Show was finishing his ring entrance. Then Undertaker’s full ring intro took place.
There were 14 minutes left in the show at the start of the match. Vlad and Taker squared off in one corner, Show and Triple H in the other. At 2:00 Taker gave Trple H snake eyes. Triple H came right back with a spinebuster. As he celebrated, Taker sat up. Big Show then jumped Taker from behind as Triple H watched and didn’t warn him.
[Commercial Break]
During the break, Kozlov whipped Taker into the ringpost. Show charged at Triple H in the corner, but Hunter moved. Show sideslammed Hunter next, then Show and Kozlov shoulder blocked Triple H hard to the mat. Taker rene-tered the ring at 10:00 and broke up a pin attempt by Show on Kozlov after a chokeslam. Taker then hit Show with a DDT. Kozlov broke up Taker’s pin attempt at 8:00. “Man, what a night!” exclaimed Ross. Tazz wondered if Triple H was favorite at the Chamber because he’s been in six of them. Triple H set up Show for a Pedigree, but Taker broke it up with a big kick. An exhausted Taker draped his arm over Triple H’s chest, but Triple H kicked out. Kozlov shoved Show at ringside into the ringpost. He went after Taker and Hunter in the ring at 11:00. Taker came back with a running boot to Kozlov’s face. He dropped a leg and scored a two count, broken up by Show. Show went to work on Taker in the corner with punches and a headbutt. He climbed to the second rope and went for a backswing elbow drop. Show moved. Kozlov speared Show with his headbutt. Triple H surprised Kozlov with a Pedigree. Kozlov rolled out of the ring. Taker then surprised Triple H with a Tombstone. Show broke up the pin attempt and chokeslammed Taker. Edge charged into the ring and speared Show, prompting the ref to call for the bell.
WINNER: No contest in 13:00.
STAR RATING: **3/4 — Good four-way match. A little short at 13:00 and the lack of actual finish hurts, but it was the right finish for the circumstances as the designated jobber would have otherwise been Kozlov probably, and there’s no sense in him doing a job and looking weaker than the others without a real reason.
FINAL THOUGHTS (5.5): Okay show. The Jeff Hardy promo wasn’t very good, but that’s not a surprise as he’s just limited on the mic standing in the ring, which is why they usually put so many bells and whistles around him. The main event was the highlight, with Edge’s promo being solid. I’m still a big confused and curious where they’re going with the Big Show-Vickie situation. Show has been a wishy-washy character all year since the Floyd Mayweather angle where he had to go tweener, but I just want to have reason to either boo or cheer him, and he’s in a muddy middleground. The Miz & Morrison vs. Colons tag match was solid. MVP’s push continues to be a letdown; that whole losing streak for nothing. He shouldn’t have said during it that there were big plans and he was happy with the climax of that storyline, as that probably caused WWE to scrap whatever plans they had. The Divas stuff was okay. Nothing else stands out, but an overall solid job promoting the PPV and keeping the show moving at a nice pace.
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