FEBRUARY 10, 2019
Commentary: Ian Riccaboni, Colt Cabana
Opening theme.
-Riccaboni hyped the NWA title being defended in the main event but he was interrupted by the three men already in the ring: John Skyler, Corey Hollis, and Josey Quinn. Skyler insulted the fans and said the spotlight belongs on them. He called them the newest, roughest team in ROH and challenged anybody to step up.
Marty Scurll’s music hit and he entered with PCO and Brody King. Scurll said he used to be like them: young and full of hope and optimism. He was sure they would go on to make an impact someday but not tonight. Villain Enterprises dragged them to ringside and roughed up the rookies. [C]
Quinn and PCO started. PCO no-sold some chops and clotheslined Hollis and Skyler. He did his cannonball onto the apron where he never hits his opponent and just bounces off. Hollis tried for a suicide dive but PCO caught him and threw him into the guardrail. Tag to Scurll and the heels gained control. King tagged in a moment later to regain the momentum. Things broke down with the faces hitting all their signature moves. Hollis tapped to Scurll’s chicken-wing.
WINNERS: Villain Enterprises in 6:31.
-As VE celebrated red balloons drifted up into the camera shot. Vinny Marseglia could be heard laughing over the house mic. The Kingdom walked out onto the stage. TK O’Ryan called them the best trio in wrestling history. He got fired up and said he wanted to defend the six-man titles against them on the spot. Taven teased a title match but said not tonight. They walked off.
(Pageot’s Perspective: Team Skyler debuted at Honor Reigns Supreme on January 13 in a losing effort to Shinobi Shadow Squad. They’re all veteran-rookies who have competed in many different promotions. Hollis & Skyler even hold the second-worst tag team record in NXT television history. It’s unclear when Villain Enterprises will get their match for the six-man titles. One would have expected at the 17th Anniversary Show next month but instead they’re challenging The Briscoes for the traditional tag titles.)
-Nick Aldis was shown posing for a photo shoot backstage while PJ Black did handstand push-ups in a split screen. [C]
-The Kingdom were backstage. Taven said they’re in control and will defend the titles when they feel like it.
-ROH World Champion Jay Lethal was elsewhere backstage. Lethal said it was getting difficult to keep track of who’s in line for his title. He was tired of Taven disrespecting his title. Taven had his attention.
-A video package aired on the Women Of Honor World Champion Kelly Klein.
-PJ Black made his entrance for the main event. Riccaboni spoke about Black almost dying during a basejumping accident and promoted the Ten Pounds Of Gold web series for more story on that. Nick Aldis made his entrance with his valet Kamile. Ring announcer Bobby Cruise announced this was the first NWA title defense in Atlanta since 1993. It had a 60-minute time limit. [C]
Caprice Coleman joined commentary. The commentators really put over the significance of this match as they acknowledged some of the huge names in wrestling history who have been NWA champion.
Aldis wrestled Black to the mat and Black called for a time out. Aldis gave him the space to get back to his feet. Roles were replaced a minute later but Black used it as a chance to hit an uppercut. Black vowed no more disingenuous tactics but literally had his fingers crossed behind his back while saying this. A headscissors sent Aldis to the floor. Black poked Aldis in the eyes. Referee Todd Sinclair admonished Black but obviously didn’t want to throw out the whole match over an eyepoke. Black went to the top rope but Kamille stood between him and Aldis. [C]
Aldis with a clothesline that turned Black inside-out. Vertical suplex. Black with a spinning heel kick. Top rope elbow to a standing Aldis and a top rope axhandle. Back to the top again for a double stomp that put Aldis back down. Black to the top yet again but Aldis avoided another axhandle and hit a release German suplex. Power bomb from Aldis. Black avoided the cloverleaf. Black springboarded to the top turnbuckle but Aldis shoved him. Aldis hit a release German suplex that flipped Black and left him landing on his stomach. [C]
Aldis went to the top rope but Black cut him off. Top rope hurricanrana and a moonsault from Black for two. Dragon sleeper from Black. Tombstone piledriver from Aldis. Top rope elbow drop from Aldis for a two-count. Kamille almost registered an expression. She slid the title belt into the ring but Black stepped on it. He threw it to Aldis and dropped flat in an Eddie Guerrero homage. Black rolled up Aldis but Sinclair was busy getting rid of the title belt so Aldis kicked out. Black with a Billy Goat’s Curse on Aldis. He made it to the ropes. Black with a suicide dive. He followed with a dropkick through the ropes that took out Kamille. Replays appeared to show her pushing Aldis out of the way and taking the hit on purpose.
Black ran Aldis into the ring post and hit a springboard crossbody in the ring. Aldis rolled through for a two. Aldis tried to steal a pin with his hands on the ropes but Sinclair caught him. King’s Lynn Cloverleaf from Black. Riccaboni put over Aldis beating Sting and AJ Styles with the move and sure enough Black was forced to tap as well.
WINNER: Nick Aldis in 19:42 to retain the NWA title.
(Pageot’s Perspective: A very good match. Aldis isn’t a splashy 2019-style wrestler. He’s very much cut from the same cloth as the NWA champions of the ’70s so you won’t get a crazy, fast-paced match. But he works meticulously and the pomp around matches like this really raise them to a different level. In a way he’s a perfect fit for ROH in terms of tradition but also variety, in the same way that ROH fans will absorb a Gresham or Sabre match one minute and a Bandido or Flip Gordon match the next. The double turn here was a bit strange with Black starting the match as the heel and Aldis being the cheater by the end. I also don’t follow Ten Pounds Of Gold so I have no idea what the deal is with Kamille. She’s a robot, right? Aldis had her built to carry his title around. That’s why she never speaks and has no emotions?)
-A video packaged replayed clps of Mark Haskins vs. Bandido and David Finlay vs. Tracy Williams from last week’s show. [C]
-Juice Robinson made his entrance. The commentators said they had extra time with the NWA title match not going to the full TV length so Robinson asked if he could have some mic time. Robinson said we’re going to see a lot more of him in ROH in 2019. But why? Because he knows what ROH stands for. Honor. He said ROH was founded by guys like Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan, and Seth Rollins. Tonight we bring ROH to the next level. The lights went out. When they came back Tenille Dashwood was in the ring at his side. Tracy Williams and David Finlay stood on the ropes in the background while Mark Haskins and Bandido stood on the apron in the foreground. They are Lifeblood and they’re bringing honor back.
(Pageot’s Perspective: Yes, after debuting at the Road To G1 Supercard in Dallas two and a half weeks ago Lifeblood has finally formed. Join us next week as the injured Chris Sabin and injured Flip Gordon compete in a six-way match and two AEW wrestlers challenge for the ROH tag titles. Gee, I wonder who’s going to win that one.)
-Next week: it’s The Briscoes vs. Best Friends for the tag titles and Luchasaurus vs. Chris Sabin vs. Rhett Titus vs. Shane Taylor vs. Kenny King vs. Flip Gordon.
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