WEEKLY OVERVIEW – IMPACT WRESTLING (thru 1/27): Top stories of week, major show lineups, live event results, schedule of live events, noteworthy social media posts, more

By Landon Pipkin, PWTorch Contributor


The following is the latest in a new series of weekly in-depth articles exclusive to PWTorch which will help put in perspective major wrestling promotions with a weekly overview, looking at news and roster developments, results, future line-ups, social media activity, key interviews, plus a timely commentary at the end. We will be featuring similar features on other promotions each week and each will be updated weekly.

•Top Stories of the Week

  • Sonjay Dutt and Abyss have left Impact Wrestling and are headed to WWE. They will be replaced on the creative team by Tommy Dreamer and Konnan. LINK
  • Matt Sydal’s contract with Impact Wrestling ended on January 1, 2019, and it’s reported that both AEW and WWE have expressed interest in signing Sydal. LINK
  • Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega were close to signing non-exclusive contracts with Impact Wrestling, but both decided to go with other companies. LINK
  • Impact Wrestling’s next special episode will be on February 15th and is called Uncaged. The episode will be headlined by Brian Cage taking on Impact World Champion, Johnny Impact, for the Impact World title. LINK
  • Impact Wrestling has hired Shelley West and Christopher Ledwith to their corporate sales division. They were brought in to help with sponsorships and deals. LINK

*Correction from last week’s overview: Impact Wrestling’s April PPV will NOT be Lockdown.* LINK

•Live Event Results

Mexico City, Mex. At Frontón México


Mexico City, Mex. At Frontón México


•Upcoming Major Show Line-up: TBA


•Upcoming Events

2/2/2019 – Brace for Impact, London Music Hall, London, Ont.
2/15/2019 – Impact Live, Sam’s Town Casino, Las Vegas, Nev.
2/16/2019 – Impact Live, Sam’s Town Casino, Las Vegas, Nev.
2/17/2019 – Impact Live, Sam’s Town Casino, Las Vegas, Nev.
3/22/2019 – Impact Tapings, St. Clair College, Windsor, Ont.
3/23/2019 – Impact Tapings, St. Clair College, Windsor, Ont.
4/4/2019 – Culture Clash 2019, 9112 144th Place, Queens, N.Y.

•Latest TV Highlights: (01/25 Impact Wrestling)

Impact Wrestling from Jan. 25, 2019, from Mexico City, Mex. At Frontón México. Aired on Pursuit/Twitch.tv at 10 p.m. EST.

Announcers: Josh Matthews and Don Callis.

(1) Rich Swann defeated El Hijo Del Vikingo – non-title match.

(2) Taya Valkyrie defeated Keyra

(3) The Rascalz defeated The Desi Hit Squad

(4) Trey Miguel defeated Ethan Page

(5) Johnny Impact vs. Killer Kross ended in a no contest.

For a more detailed report, click HERE.


PWTorch.com’s Mike McMahon and Andrew Soucek discuss Chris Jericho signing with AEW and his apparent offer from Impact Wrestling. They also discuss WWE’s reaction to AEW, Rush leaving MLW for ROH, MLW Superfight, and more.

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•Impact in the Media

  • Gail Kim was on the latest Impact wrestling media call and she gave her thoughts on Scarlett Bordeaux’s lap dance segment. She said, “… “Don Callis said that we want to go that route [with more sexy roles] and I think it’s a great idea.” LINK

•Social Media Scene


•Closing Commentary

Impact Wrestling mainstay Abyss has finished up with Impact and signed a contract with WWE. Sonjay Dutt has also left Impact and will be joining Abyss in WWE. In recent years, both wrestlers were a part of the small creative team behind Impact episodes. Replacing Abyss and Dutt will be Tommy Dreamer and Konnan. With this change in creative, Impact will change, but how much?

Jimmy Jacobs is also a part of the creative team, and mentioned in a recent interview that he is a supporter of the undead realm program. So I wouldn’t expect Impact to put a hold on Sci-Fi or their “edgier” content because we all know Callis is backing that. I guess we will be hearing lots of promos about skinny jean millennials.

Well, besides Impact losing two long-tenured employees this week, there wasn’t much to discuss. Hopefully, this week’s episode is newsworthy, as last week’s episode was mediocre at best.


OR JUMP TO LAST WEEK’S IMPACT OVERVIEW: WEEKLY OVERVIEW – IMPACT WRESTLING (thru 1/19): Homecoming Preview! Top stories of week, major show lineups, live event results, schedule of live events, noteworthy social media posts, more

Landon Pipkin has been a pro wrestling fan for over a decade. He is from Raleigh, North Carolina. Find him on Twitter @pipkinbrand. Email: pipkinlandon@gmail.com

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