The following is the latest in a new series of weekly in-depth articles exclusive to PWTorch which will help put in perspective major wrestling promotions with a weekly overview, looking at news and roster developments, results, future line-ups, social media activity, key interviews, plus a timely commentary at the end. We will be featuring similar features on other promotions each week and each will be updated weekly.
•Top Stories of the Week
- Former WWE talent Darren Young said in an interview this week, “Very little wrestling but 2019 is going to be a big year for me! Hopefully [New] Japan, hopefully ROH.” See the full article over at wrestlinginc.com.
- Mark Haskins and Bandido have been officially announced to ROH Exclusive contracts. Bandido and Haskins are scheduled to make their debut at the Atlanta TV tapings on January 12th.
- Shane Taylor has announced that he has signed an exclusive contract extension with ROH on twitter. LINK
•Live Event Results
There were no live shows this week.
•Upcoming Major Show: ROH Honor Reigns Supreme
ROH Honor Rising
Sunday January 13th, 2018 (7:00pm)
Cabarrus Arena in Concord, NC
Three matches have been announced so far for this Honor Club live event.
- Jay Lethal (c) vs. Dalton Castle for the ROH World Championship
- Kelly Klein (c) vs. Jenny Rose for the WOH World Championship
- Luchasaurus, Shane Helms, and Delirious vs. The Kingdom (Matt Taven, TK O’Ryan, and Vinny Marseglia) in a proving grounds match.
•Upcoming Events
- Saturday Night At Center Stage (TV Tapping) 1/12/19 in Atlanta, Ga. at Center Stage.
- Honor Reigns Supreme (Live event streamed on HonorClub) 1/13/19 in Concord, N.C. at Cabarrus Arena. (See upcoming major shows for match details)
- Road to G1 Supercard (Live event streamed on HonorClub) 1/24/19 in Dallas, TX at Gilley’s Dallas.
- Road to G1 Supercard (Live event streamed on HonorClub) 1/25/19 in Houston, TX at NRG Arena
- Road to G1 Supercard (Live event streamed on HonorClub) 1/26/19 in San Antonio, TX at the Austin Highway Event Center.
- Bound By Honor (International TV taping) 2/9/19 in Lakeland, FL at the RP Funding Arena.
- Bound By Honor (Live event streamed on HonorClub) 2/10/19 in Miami, FL at the Watsco Center.
- ROH 17th Anniversary PPV (Pay-Per-View Event) 3/15/19 in Las Vegas, NV at Sam’s Town Live.
- ROH 17th Anniversary TV Taping (International TV Taping) 3/16/19 in Las Vegas, NV at Sam’s Town Live.
- G1 Supercard (Pay-Per-View Event) 4/6/19 in New york, N.Y. at Madison Square Garden.
All current live events are located on ROHWrestling.com.
•Latest TV Highlights: 12/23/18 ROH Wrestling
ROH TV Results
Dec. 23, 2018
Best of Showcase
Airing on Sinclair Networks and rohwrestling.com
This week’s episode of ROH Television was a best of 2018 recap and clip show, which was very interesting to see a wrestling company do.
- The first match shown and discussed was Cody vs. Kenny Omega at Supercard of Honor that took place in early april. High spots were shown, as well as the infamous superkick from the Young Bucks to Kenny Omega.
- The next match shown, in full, was the recent match where Jeff Cobb defeated Punishment Martinez in 1:27 to become the ROH World Television Title.
- The third match shown was Cody and The Young Bucks losing their six-man titles to The Kingdom in November.
- The fourth match highlighted was the four-way match between then champion Dalton Castle, Jay Lethal, Cody, and Matt Taven. Jay Lethal eventually won the match and is still the current champion.
- The final match that was hyped the entire show, was the ROH Tag-Team Championship match between the Briscoes and The Young Bucks. The Briscoes went on to win the match and retain the tag-team titles.
Click this link to read our full report: PWTorch.com
•ROH in the Media
- This time of year is notoriously light on new podcast, and new media in general. As a result there are no high profile instances of ROH personalities in traditional media spots.
- PCO uploaded some new, very PCO, videos to Youtube. Marty Scurll also appeared in this weeks BTE.
Check out PWPodcasts.com for a detailed recap of more podcasts.
“The Honoraries.” This week Harley R. Pageot and Emily Fear look back at ROH in 2018 including the first-ever installment of The Honoraries, presenting awards in a variety of categories including Biggest Hero, Best Gear, and Best Addition to the Roster. Plus: The Elite’s final ROH match, 2018 statistics, and a special look at Women of Honor.
-On Apple Podcasts HERE
-Or search “PWTorch” or “Pro Wrestling Torch” on your podcast app of choice
•Social Media Scene
Below is this week’s round-up of social media posts from ROH personalities.
That Jawline
They are finally herehttps://t.co/1Fe6Y4j56D pic.twitter.com/el9B0Le3sv
— Matt Taven (@MattTaven) December 26, 2018
This guy IS NOT Human
More PCO/Brody King Hype
HOLY S**T! @PCOisNotHuman pic.twitter.com/gCFWch1xbM
— Brian The Guppie (@briantheguppie) December 25, 2018
New Match for Honor Reigns Supreme
.@Women_of_Honor World Title Match at #ROHHRS!@RealKellyKlein (c) vs @JennyRose_JRo
Sun Jan 13 – 7e/4p – #ROHConcord
Streaming LIVE for #HonorClub!Get your tickets now: https://t.co/ATK9E1DRv8
Event Info: https://t.co/TfVZvNyB1z pic.twitter.com/FbNUMLMOSq— ROH Wrestling (@ringofhonor) December 24, 2018
•Closing Commentary
We are in a hard lull in terms of content for ROH, and really wrestling in general. Which I would like to say I am thankful for on two fronts.
First of all, these performers are all people. This can be hard to forget from time to time. This time of year is not known for its high productivity overall. That is unless you work in retail, or in the service/entertainment industry. But these performers deserve a few weeks off at the end of the year if they choose to do so. On that subject, I would like to jump on my soapbox and say that I believe that major companies should be expected to provide healthcare and a 401(k) for their performers. If you disagree, I would love to know your thoughts, and I would be open to debating you on the subject.
The second reason is that it is always good to take some time to not live and breathe professional wrestling all the time. Anything in excess leads to negative feelings. So taking a few weeks to get excited about new signings and look forward to the next big card, as well as wrestling in general in 2019, is good for the soul. Many things in this world are not great for your mental well-being. Wrestling for me is one of the things that makes me excited on a consistent basis. That being said, I would like to say thank you to all of you that read this weekly recap and the performers and crew that help make it happen.
Tyler has been a wrestling fan for 20 years. He’s from Columbus, Ohio. Check him out on Twitter @ringoftyler and check out his podcast @tandbwrestling.
OR JUMP TO LAST WEEK’S WWE OVERVIEW: WEEKLY OVERVIEW – ROH (thru 12/19): Top stories of week, major show lineups, live event results, schedule of live events, noteworthy social media posts, more
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