12/14 WWE in Nashville, Tenn.: Seth vs. Dean headlines, Roode & Gable vs. Revival, Bayley & Crews vs. Mahal & Fox, Elias vs. Corbin

Jinder Mahal (art credit Travis Beaven © PWTorch)


DECEMBER 14, 2018

Estimated Attendance: 5,000 (Venue holds about 17,000 for hockey events; top level was tarped off – less than 50 percent full of what was available)

(1) Bayley & Apollo Crews defeated Jinder Mahal & Alicia Fox with Samir Singh via pinfall. Bayley was super over with the crowd, which included a large contingent of children, but no one seemed interested in Apollo. Jinder and Alicia drew good crowd heat, but it was mostly done for comedic effect. The match was fairly back-and-forth until Apollo tossed Samir over the ropes at Jinder, allowing Bayley to hit Alicia with a Bayley-to-Belly Suplex and score the pin.

(2) Drew McIntyre defeated Dolph Ziggler via pinfall. With Finn Bálor reportedly hurt, it looks like Dolph might be replacing him in the upcoming match at TLC this Sunday. The crowd was not sure how to react to Dolph, even though he was clearly working as a face. McIntyre drew great crowd heat and definitely was the top heel of the night. McIntyre toyed with Dolph throughout the match, dominating early. Dolph eventually got in some offense and hit McIntyre with the Famouser and Zig-Zag, but McIntyre kicked out both times. McIntyre hit a reverse Alabama slam and scored the pin with his feet on the ropes. As McIntyre celebrated the victory, Dolph hit a superkick and got a good pop from the crowd.

(3) Buddy Murphy defeated Kalisto via pinfall to retain the Cruiserweight Championship. The crowd was definitely into Kalisto, enthusiastically chanting “lucha” every time, but the crowd was relatively silent for Buddy Murphy. The match was slow paced compared to what we typically see from these two wrestlers on televised events. Murphy repeatedly tossed Kalisto outside of the ring for long ten counts. Kalisto eventually got in some offense, including a springboard dive and hurricana; but Murphy got Kalisto with Murphy’s Law and scored the victory. AOP attacked Kalisto in the ring after the match, hitting the combo powerbomb/neckbreaker.

(4) Bobby Roode & Chad Gable defeated The Revival and AOP with Drake Maverick by pinfall to retain the Raw Tag Team Championships. The Revival and AOP got some heat, but not much. The crowd was over for Roode and Gable and showed some enthusiasm for them. Each of the teams had momentum throughout the match until Drake Maverick started to interfere. Roode served as Gable’s launchingpad for a running flip over the ropes, wiping out AOP. Gable then went to the top ropes to hit the Roode Awakening/moonsault combo on one of the members of The Revival for the win.

Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush then came out to cut a promo, including Lashley striking his favorite pose. Lio got some cheap heat for calling Nashville a “garbage” city.

Elias was next with a performance of “Jingle Bell Rocks,” but the crowd was surprisingly quiet for Elias. Baron Corbin eventually interrupted the performance and demanded a match with Heath Slater as the referee.

(5) Elias defeated Baron Corbin by pinfall. The match was uneventful and ended quickly with Elias scoring a quick pinfall. Corbin made excuses for his loss, citing Slater’s inexperience as a referee, travel fatigue, etc. Corbin demanded the match be struck from the record books and restarted as a 3-on-1 handicap match of Elias versus Baron Corbin, Drew McIntyre, and Bobby Lashley.

(6) Elias defeated Baron Corbin & Drew McIntyre & Bobby Lashley (w/Lio Rush) by pinfall in a 3-on-1 handicap match. Corbin, Lashley, and McIntyre got the quick jump on Elias and kept him down for most of the match. The heels took turns attacking Elias and striking poses, including all three heels doing Lashely’s favorite pose. Eventually Bobby Roode, Chad Gable, and Dolph Ziggler came out to even the odds, allowing Elias to score the pinfall on Corbin. Afterwards, the faces celebrated with Slater in the ring.


(7) No Way Jose & Titus O’Neil & Zach Ryder & Tyler Breeze defeated The Ascension & Mojo Rawley & Curt Hawkins by pinfall. The match was mostly played for comedic effect, with No Way dancing on Hawkins, Titus chopping Mojo so hard he cried, and Ryder calling for “woo woo woo’s.” Each man got the opportunity to show some offense, but Breeze eventually came in for the hot tag and scored the pinfall after a flurry of offense.

After the match, Curt Hawkins refuses to leave the ring until he ended his losing streak. Rhyno came out of the crowd for a match, but Hawkins refused the match and taunted Rhyno for being fired. Rhyno gored Hawkins then exited back through the crowd.

(8) Natalya & Sasha Banks & Ember Moon defeated The Riott Squad by submission. The crowd was over for Natalya and Ember Moon, but Sasha was definitely one of the faces of the night. There was a large group of young girls sporting Sasha gear that went nuts for her entrance. Natalya worked the crowd throughout the match and tried to keep the crowd engaged. The teams traded exchanges and momentum, with Liv Morgan loudly exclaiming anytime a pin failed. Natalya eventually got the tag and cleaned house before getting Ruby Riott in the sharpshooter and scoring the tapout.

(9) Seth Rollins pinned Dean Ambrose to retain the Intercontinental Championship in a Nashville Street Fight. Dean drew some heat, but the crowd still seemed into him. Seth was red hot and the crowd clearly loved him. Dean attacked Seth before the bell and got the early momentum. Dean then grabbed a kendo stick from under the ring and got some shots in on Rollins, before trading the stick for a chair. Dean then setup a table in the corner, but Rollins turned the tide when he got a hold of the kendo stick and hit Dean with several shots. Dean broke the momentum by hitting Seth with a low blow. As Dean prepared to throw Seth into the table, Seth reversed and hit Dean with a buckle bomb into the table. Seth hit the stomp and scored the pinfall to retain.

Top Babyface reactions:
1. Seth Rollins
2. Sasha Banks/Bayley
3. Bobby Roode & Chad Gable

Most Heel Heat:
1. Drew McIntyre
2. Baron Corbin
3. Bobby Lashley



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