F1rst Wrestling
November 30, 2018
Minneapolis, Minn. at the James Ballentine Uptown VFW
If you attend a live event, please send results in the format of the following report to pwtorch@pwtorch.com. Thanks!
(1) JDX defeated ANGEL DORADO. I didn’t see the full match, but JDX looks like a promising wrestler with some more experience.
(2) DAK DRAPER defeated WILDCAT. Wildcat has been on the Minneapolis wrestling scene for awhile now gotten himself over with the Minneapolis crowd with his “meow” chants. The crowd teased Draper for his white trunks that looked like a diaper. This led to spot where Wildcat threw a poopy diaper at Wildcat.
Darin Corbin cut a promo on Air Wolf claiming he is the better champion. He also took shots at Arik Cannon. Cannon came to the ring and attacked Corbin. Other wrestlers and referees came out to stop the brawl. Corbin issued an open challenge to anyone in the back. Gangrel answered the challenge. He was a surprise appearance as he was not advertised for the show.
(3) DARIN CORBIN defeated GANGREL. Corbin won a low blow small package. Gangrel held his own here and got a big reaction from the crowd. Gangrel seemed to really enjoy the moment soaked in the cheers following a post match DDT on Corbin.
(4) SHANE STRICKLAND defeated JIMMY JACOBS. I would say this was the most polished match of the night. Some good spots, but the match didn’t go long enough to be a classic. Strickland won with a diamond cutter. Following the match, Strickland teased that he would be facing The Great Sasuke at Wrestlepalooza in January.
5 – HEAVY METAL LORE defeated RYAN CRUZ & THUNDER FROG & ROB JUSTICE. A lot of comedy in this one. The crowd loves to heckle Justice because of his police gimmick. Thunder Frog has been a main stay in the Twin Cities for awhile now and was by far the most over in this match.
6 – AIR WOLF defeated ETHAN PAGE. No DQ Good match from these guys. It seems like Air Wolf has been booked on every independent show in Minnesota. You can see why with how good he’s become from only being around a couple years. There were several chair spots that got really over with the crowd.
FINAL THOUGHTS: It’s amazing how much F1rst Wrestling has grown over the years. They’re consistently running sold out shows several times a year. The VFW is a significantly smaller venue that their traditional home at First Avenue which made for a more intimate setting. I overheard several people in the crowd express disappointment that neither Joey Janela nor Tessa Blanchard were at the show. Both were initially advertised when tickets went on sale hot off of their appearances at All In. Janela had to drop out because of injury while Blanchard had a contractual obligation. The crowd enjoyed the show as they always do despite those missing stars. F1rst Wrestling will be running shows again this January back at First Avenue.
If you attend a live event, please send results in the format of the following report to pwtorch@pwtorch.com. Thanks!
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