Impact pulls LAX from Evolve dates in December, no explanation given as to why (updated)

By Sean Radican, PWTorch Columnist


Update: Since posting this story, sources tell PWTorch that Impact told Evolve that they were pulling LAX from Evolve 117 and Evolve 118 next month for contractual reasons. While it isn’t clear yet what Impact needs Ortiz and Santana for on those dates, Evolve management was informed today that they could not allow them to work the show. Sources noted to PWTorch Evolve management thought it was strange LAX got pulled from their shows. Impact does not resume live events until January.

Evolve booker Gabe Sapolsky announced today that Impact tag team LAX (Santana & Ortiz) have been pulled from the December Evolve events. They had been scheduled to face the Street Profits from NXT for the EVOLVE Tag Team Titles in a Triple Threat match that also featured A.R. Fox & Leon Ruff at Evolve 117 on Dec. 15. They were also scheduled to team with Austin Theory again The Street Profits & Darby Allin at Dec. 16 at Evolve 118.

PWTorch reached out to sources today, but has been unable to confirm why Impact pulled LAX from this booking. One source noted that LAX had been allowed to keep their upcoming booking with Progress Wrestling.

The current announced lineup for Evolve 117 is Kassius Ohno vs. Darby Allin and Evolve Champion Fabian Aichner vs. Austin Theory. Announced for Evolve 118 is Kassius Ohno vs. Anthony Henry.

Sapolsky’s tweet announcing LAX’s cancellation off Evolve’s events in December can be seen below:


1 Comment on Impact pulls LAX from Evolve dates in December, no explanation given as to why (updated)

  1. I think it’s because Impact didn’t want their tag champions losing to a WWE team. Not that anyone would know considering that more people watch reruns of Three’s Company than Impact Wrestling

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