WWE SURVIVOR SERIES PPV REPORT 11/18: Keller’s full report with star ratings on Lesnar-Bryan, Rousey-Charlotte, Seth-Nakamura, Raw vs. Smackdown

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor


NOVEMBER 18, 2018

PREDICTIONS: WWE SURVIVOR SERIES PREDICTIONS – Tom Gets it Wrong: Know with great uncertainty result of every match from Bryan vs. Lesnar to Charlotte vs. Rousey to Raw vs. Smackdown to Seth vs. Nakamura


Check out our detailed report on the Kickoff Show here: 11/18 WWE SURVIVOR SERIES KICKOFF SHOW REPORT: Heydorn’s report and analysis of PPV pre-show with tag team Survivor Series style match, and more

Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young

-Cole introduced the show as the camera panned the crowd. He touted the sellout crowd.


The Smackdown women came out one at a time. The announcers were shown on camera briefly, then commented on the Smackdown women’s invasion of Raw last week which led to the Becky Lynch injury. Then the Raw women made their ring entrances one at a time. Gigantic boos for Jax as she came out, of course not due to WWE’s booking of her as a heel or her heel promos, but rather her legit KO’ing of Becky. She blew on her fist and smiled. Cole said she has been bragging about what she did to Becky. Cole noted that due to a fight backstage between Natalya and Ruby Riott on the Kickoff Show, Alexa threw both of them off of her team and put Bayley and Sasha on Team Raw as their replacements.

Everyone fought five-on-five early as the ref tried to restore order. When Naomi kicked Jax, the crowd popped. Tamina superkicked Naomi and pinned her quickly. (ELIMINATION: Naomi via Tamina.)

Carmella then rolled up Tamina and eliminated her seconds later (ELIMINATION: Tamina via Carmella.)

Carmella then went into a dance break music played. Nia entered the ring. Cole said it’s #FaceBreaker in the ring. She went to schoolgirl Nia, but Naia didn’t budge. She lifted Carmella, then dropped her. Carmella tagged in Mandy. Cole asked Graves whether he was pro-Raw or pro-Smackdown. He said he’s objective except when it comes to Mandy Rose; he said he’s on her side no matter what. Naomi tagged in against Mickie next. Mickie scored a two count on Sonya after a Thesz Press. Sasha tagged herself in, with Mickie didn’t like. Mickie then tagged herself back in. Sonya landed a running knee, but Rose tagged herself in and scored the pin. (ELIMINATION: Mickie via Rose.)

Sonya seemed upset with the pin being stolen. alley then snuck in and schoolgirled Rose. When Cole said this was the first match in determining whether Raw or Smackdown would win, Graves pointed out there was a match on the Kickoff Show already. Bayley gave Carmella her Bayley-to-Belly for a three count. (ELIMINATION: Carmella via Bayley.)

It was back to three-on-three. Banks made Mandy tap to the bank Statement. (ELIMINATION: Rose via Banks.)

The good news the not-the-least-bit-entertaining “obsession” Graves has with Mandy Rose ends with that tapout. Sonya immediate charged in and went after Bayley. Bayley made a comeback and landed a running knee lift and eventually scored a two count. Jax broke up a pin attempt by Sonya seconds later. Lots of boos. Nia charged in the corner, but Sonya moved and Jax fell through the ropes to the floor. Asuka tacked her. Banks leaped onto Asuka at ringside. Bayley suplexed Sonja for a two count back in the ring at 10:00. Bayley and Sonya were counted out. (DOUBLE ELIMINATION: Bayley and Sonya.)

More boos for anything Nia did, and cheers when Asuka hip attacked her off the ring apron. Back in the ring, Asuka hit Sasha with a missile dropkick off the top rope for a two count. Fans chanted “Let’s Go Asuka!” No counter-chant for Sasha. They went through a nice sequence of counter moves as Nia rested at ringside. Sasha landed running double knees in the corner. Nia shoved Sasha off the top rope, and that gave Asuka an easy Asuka Lock opportunity for the tapout. (ELIMINATION: Sasha via Asuka.)

Nia entered and went after Asuka immediately with three leg drops. Lots of boos. Nia looked around. The camera showed a fan stand up and give er double middle fingers, then cut away quickly. Nia gave Asuka a Samoan Drop for the win. (ELIMINATION: Asuka via Jax.)

Alexa celebrated with Nia afterward, raising her arm in the air as Nia’s music played.

WINNER: Nia Jax “survived” to give Team Raw the winners in 15:00. (**3/4)

(Keller’s Analysis: Solid action start to finish. Not super-memorable, but they delivered some solid chapters and the emphasis was on Nia. If there was any concern she’d be punished for hurting Becky and others in the past, or if WWE would try to capitalize on her KO rep and fan heat for the miscue as she marches toward a match with Ronda Rousey, this eliminated that.)

-Baron Corbin gloated about the win to Stephanie McMahon. She told Corbin that Raw better do well because last week was a black mark on his career. He said that victory just erased that black mark. He guaranteed Raw would stand tall. In walked Paige and Shane McMahon. Paige said Corbin shouldn’t be making any guarantees. Stephanie told Shane he might have stolen the World Cup trophy, but he won’t steal Survivor Series tonight. Corbin said Team Smackdown is like Lebron James, overhyped and overrated. Corbin asked how the Smackdown invasion worked out for them with Becky and A.J. Styles on the sidelines. Shane said it will all be great when Stephanie fires Corbin.


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Announcers: Tom Phillips, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

(2) SETH ROLLINS vs. SHINSUKE NAKAMURA – Raw IC Champ vs. Smackdown U.S. Champ

Seth wore a half Raw t-shirt and half Seth t-shirt. Nakamura wore a Smackdown t-shirt and a blue Smurf-like jumpsuit underneath. Nakamura played psychological games early with Seth. Seth absorbed it and looked to adjust his mindset. Nakamura backdropped Seth onto the ring apron. Seth leg dropped the back of Nakamura’s neck and drove him head-first onto the ring apron. Seth went for a running dive, but Nakamura caught him mid-air with a round kick to the face. Graves said he doesn’t think Seth’s head is in this match because of the Dean Ambrose factor. Seth eventually dumped Nakamura over the top rope and then struck with a dive through the ropes, which connected this time. He did it again and hit it a second time. Fans chanted “One more time!” Seth went for it and hit it. Nakamura made a comeback and dominate for a couple minutes until Seth surprised him with a superkick for a two count.

Seth set up a buckle bomb, but Nakamura punched out of it and might have poked Seth’s eyes. He then stomped away at the back of Seth’s head. Seth snapped and went after Nakamura with a barrage of slaps to Nakamura’s head. Nakamura countered a Seth clothesline and rolled into a triangle. He had Seth’s arm stretched and head wrapped up with his legs. Seth lifted Nakamura and threw him into the turnbuckles in the corner. Seth stomped the mat and fans chanted “Burn it Down!” He kicked Nakamura. Nakamura head-butted Seth and then delivered a landslide for a two count. Seth climbed to the top rope, but Seth met him up there and delivered a quick superplex. He rolled through and landed the Falcon Arrow for a near fall.

They exchanged punches mid-ring. Nakamura stood and told Seth to bring it on. Nakamura countered with an elbow to the head and an axe kick followed by a sudden reverse exploder. Seth avoided a Kinshasa and then landed his Ripcord Knee for a two count. Both were slow to get up. Seth leaped off the top rope with a frog splash, but Nakamura moved. Nakamura landed a Kinshasa from behind for a believable near fall, which the crowd popped for. Things picked up quickly with back and forth big movers and counters including a Nakamura kick, but Seth avoiding a Kinshasa and landing the Stomp for the win.

WINNER: Rollins (representing Raw) in 22:00. (**3/4)

(Keller’s Analysis: I had higher hopes, but I knew this was a possibility considering Nakamura’s inconsistent in-ring performances on the main roster and the lack of a personal issue between these two. This was probably five or so minutes longer than it should have been all things considered.)

-Scoreboard: Raw 2, Smackdown 0.

-In the men’s Raw locker room, Braun Strowman walked in and told everyone to listen up. He told Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler, and Bobby Lashley that he doesn’t like them. He said he doesn’t know who Lio Rush is, which got some laughs. He told Finn Balor that he’s okay, but he better carry his weight so he gets what’s coming to him. He said if not, everyone gets these hands. Drew stood up to him and said he should be barking orders, not him. He said he ended The Shield. He said Bran said last week he’s a mindless meat castle, but he doesn’t know what it is. He told him to stay out of his way. Corbin walked in and told them arguing like that is what Smackdown wants. Ziggler said Drew just called Braun a mindless meat castle. Corbin said it’s true and giggled. Corbin told Braun to remember his deal with Stephanie. Braun said he can’t touch him, but he threw Lio into Corbin. R-Truth walked in and said they have to be on the same page. Corbin told Truth to get out, he’s not on this team.

-Various international announce teams introduced themselves.

(3) THE BAR (Sheamus & Cesaro) vs. THE AUTHORS OF PAIN (Rezar & Aikem w/Drake Maverick)

AOP isolated Cesaro early in the match for a stretch. Sheamus then tagged in and dominated for a while. Drake stood on the ring apron to distract Sheamus as he was signaling for a Brogue Kick. Cesaro gave Rezar an uppercut and then Sheamus turned and delivered the planned Brogue Kick. Drake put Rezar’s foot on the bottom rope. Cesaro chased Drake at ringside until he bumped into Big Show. Show lifted Drake onto the ring apron and squeezed his throat. Drake pushed down on his pubic bone and suddenly it appeared he was peeing his pants. AOP then then powerbombed a distracted Sheamus for the win.


(Keller’s Analysis: That’s just groan-inducing. One of the dumbest finishes of all time. I think there was supposed to be more evidence of Drake peeing his pants. Drake kept rubbing the front of his pants in embarrassment as he retreated up the stage. Ugh. That match itself was a disappointment and nobody came out better off than when they entered.)

-A commercial aired for WWE TLC on Dec. 16.


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-Miz walked into the Smackdown locker room and said he’s been working on an inspirational speech that could help them tonight and heal the world. He said there is only man who can deliver the Best Speech in the World, though, and that’s Shane McMahon. Shane said they’ve always been underestimated. He said when they get knocked down, they never stay down. He talked to Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, and finally Samoa Joe. Shane then began to give R-Truth a pep talk, and then caught himself and wondered what Truth was doing there. Miz asked that too. Truth said he wanted to be on Smackdown. Shane said he already is. Truth said that’s a relief because Raw is a mess. Miz promised his team a Marine DVD if they win. Truth said he’d like an autograph from Becky Lynch. They got psyched up and yelled “We are Smackdown!”

Announcers: Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson

(4) BUDDY MURPHY vs. MUSTAFA ALI – WWE Cruiserweight Title match

Why not have the G.M.s from Raw and Smackdown “sponsor” one of the wrestlers to give this some stakes in the Survivor Series? A few minutes in, after a flip dive by Murphy outside of the ring, Ali rallied inside the ring with a head scissors spike and scored a near fall. Murphy shoved Ali off the top rope. Ali grabbed his jaw in pain. Ali took Murphy off the announce table with a Spanish Fly. He threw Murphy back into the ring and set up a 054. Murphy, though, countered with a kick and a running powerbomb followed by an unreleased sitout powerbomb for a near fall. “What a match!” declared Joseph. Fans gave them a “This is awesome!” chant. Murphy kneed Ali out of mid-air and then scored the pin.

WINNER: Murphy in 12:00 to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Title. (***)

(Keller’s Analysis: Good action start to finish.)

-Kayla Braxton asked Daniel Bryan backstage if he’s ready for tonight with so little preparation. There were scattered booed. Bryan just smiled in a sinister way and walked away without saying anything.

-A WrestleMania 35 commercial aired.

(5) TEAM RAW (Braun Strowman & Drew McIntyre & Dolph Ziggler & Finn Balor & Bobby Lashley w/Lio Rush and Baron Corbin) vs. TEAM SMACKDOWN (The Miz & Jeff Hardy & Rey Mysterio & Samoa Joe & Shane McMahon)

Team Raw came out first led by Corbin. Then Team Smackdown came out, with Shane as the final entrant. Braun yelled at Drew to get out of the ring. Drew left, but then tagged himself in right away. As he entered the ring, Joe attacked him from behind to jump-start the match, applying a Coquina Clutch. Drew flipped Joe off of him. Joe threw some elbows at other Raw wrestlers and then applied another Coquina Clutch. Drew surprised Joe with a sudden Claymore Kick for a three count. Fans booed. (ELIMINATION: Joe via Drew in under 1:00.)

Hardy entered against Drew. Drew clotheslined Hardy to the mat hard, then tagged in Dolph. Shane tagged in and danced and then punched away at Ziggler in the corner. Ziggler took over briefly, but Shane countered and danced again. Dolph came back with a dropkick and then landed a Fameasser for a two count. (So Shane kicks out of a Fameasser, but Joe can’t kick out of a Brogue Kick.) Ziggler hit a Zig Zag, but Miz broke up the pin. Miz pulled Shane to his corner and Shane tagged in Miz. Miz went af Ziggler, but Ziggler elbowed him. After more fast sequences, Ziggler landed a drop-kick and yelled that he’s the best in the world. Then Braun tagged himself in. Drew tagged himself in right away. Braun was pissed and yelled at Drew. They came to blows. A big brawl broke out with everyone. Team Smackdown teamed up to batter Braun once he cleared the ring of his own teammates. Rey set up Braun for a 619 and landed it to cheers. Lashley and Shane dumped Braun over the top rope to the floor.

Shane saw a crowd of wrestlers at the announce desk, and then leaped off the top rope with a flying elbow drop onto Braun through a table. Cole said Team Smackdown needed a spark and Shane did what he had to do for his team. Both were slow to get up. They showed Page and Stephanie watching a monitor backstage, but for some stupid reason had their backs to the monitor and heads twisted 90 degrees to see what was happening from a sideways view. It’s so utterly stupid how they stage those. There’s nothing natural looking about it.

It settled into Balor vs. Miz. Balor stomped on Miz and then yelled and showed fire. Miz avoided a sling blade and went for a Skull Crushing Finale. Balor countered it and kicked Miz to the mat. He went for the top rope stomp, but Miz dropped to the floor. Balor dropkicked him and then landed a sling blade on the floor. He dropkicked Miz into the barricade next. Rey entered and rallied against Balor. Balor ducked a 619 and then landed a slingblade. Rey came back and landed a 619 followed by a Drop the Dime for the three count. (ELIMINATION: Balor via Rey.)

Drew entered and beat up Rey. He turned to Balor, upset that he lost, and tossed him out of the ring. Rey dropkicked Drew from behind. Lashley intercepted Rey’s 619 attempt with a big boot after quickly tagging himself in. He lifted Rey for a delayed vertical suplex. Rey fought out of it and snapped Lashley to the mat instead. Baron looked on at ringside in utter shock. Rey ducked a charging Lashley after Ziggler tagged himself in. Ziggler took over on Rey briefly. Hardy tagged in and went to work on Ziggler with a flurry of offense and scored a two count. Ziggler signaled for the superkick, but Hardy blocked it and landed a Twist of Fate. Then he leaped off the top rope with a Swanton, but Ziggler lifted his knees.

Miz then beat up Ziggler, then tagged in Shane who looked like he was in a car wreck. Renee said he’s taking years off of his career. (Career? He’s almost 50, so his career should be over by now if what you call this is a career.) He climbed to the top rope and leaped off with a coast-to-coast. Then he pinned Ziggler. The camera angle indicated they didn’t trust Shane to make it the full distance. (ELIMINATION: Ziggler via Shane.)

Lashley entered and tossed Shane around. Shane reached up and tagged in Miz. Lashley drove Miz’s face into the mat, then celebrated. He charged at Miz, but Miz moved and then he landed a clothesline in the corner. Miz encouraged Shane to climb to the top rope. Graves said Shane can barely stand. Shane leaped again, but Braun clotheslines Shane out of mid-air from the ring apron. Lashley then covered Shane, but Rey made the save. Braun entered against Hardy next. Braun powerslammed Hardy suddenly and got a three count. (ELIMINATION: Hardy via Braun.)

It was three-on-three now. Rey entered against Braun. Braun intercepted Rey’s 619 attempt and powerslammed him for the win. (ELIMINATION: Rey via Braun.)

Miz looked bug-eyed at Braun, with Shane lying in a heap on the ring apron next to him, unable to wrestle. Cole said his is an impossible hill for Smackdown to climb. Miz and Shane had a conference at ringside. Braun charged and knocked Shane over. Then Braun threw Miz into the ring. Braun powerslammed Miz and scored a three count. (ELIMINATION: Miz via Braun.)

Graves laughed as he said luckily for Smackdown their last remaining member is the Best in the World. Braun applauded and laughed as Shane tried to stand. As soon as Shane stood, he turned and saw Braun waiting for him. Shane waved for Braun to bring it on. Braun dropkicked Shane and then splashed him in the corner. Then he gave Shane a running powerslam for the three count. (ELIMINATION: Shane via Braun.)

Corbin hit Braun from behind after the match, then celebrated with Lashley and Lio and Drew on the stage.

WINNERS: Team Raw in 24:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good action most of the way. I honestly can’t believe anyone is left cheering Shane’s act at this point. It’s like the little league coach’s kid getting the bulk of playing time when every other kid deserves it more. He’s barely able to do what he used to do anyway. It’s become an un-self-aware parody at this point and it’s just cringeworthy to watch. Shane took the spotlight away from everything else that was supposed to be emphasized in the match, although in some ways that’s good because it seemed mostly a burial of everyone on Team Smackdown other than Shane. This match, other than Shane, was about the tension between Braun and Drew. It’s becoming apparent that they didn’t think Shane was being a heel when he entered himself in the World Cup and won it, but fans didn’t like it, and it has seemed to affect crowd responses to him since.)

-Charlie Caruso informed Seth Rollins backstage that at WWE TLC he will be defending his IC Title against Dean Ambrose. He took in the news and calmly talked about how Dean has been hiding in the stands, in parking lots, and behind his excuses, but he won’t have anything to hide behind at TLC. He then left to take an ice bath.

-A video package aired on Ronda Rousey vs. Charlotte Flair.


As Charlotte entered the ring, Renee said, “It’s almost like WrestleMania came early.” Yes, and with no hype to build anticipation for this dream match, too! Charlotte’s crowd response felt tepid. Rousey came out and she got cheers, but it seemed like fans were mostly just sad that Becky Lynch wasn’t there. During formal ring introductions, neither got a star response. As soon as the bell was about to ring, fans began a loud “Becky!” chant. They locked up and took turns getting early advantage in various tests of leverage. Graves talked about Charlotte coming in to WWE and making a name for herself while Rousey entered WWE with name value. (Uh, Charlotte is Ric Flair’s daughter. But I get what he was trying to say.) The crowd ohh’d when Charlotte shoved Rousey down hard.

Rousey lifted Charlotte, but Charlotte countered into a roll-up attempt, but Rousey went for an armbar, and Charlotte escaped. They stood and circled each other again. Charlotte took Rousey down with a hip toss and then applied a headlock. A “Let’s Go Ronda / Let’s Go Charlotte” dueling chant broke out. It didn’t have staying power. Charlotte threw Rousey face-first into the bottom turnbuckle. Charlotte scored the first two count of the match. Rousey bled from her mouth after a stiff elbow to her jaw from Charlotte. Rousey hit a high knee to Charlotte’s head.

Rousey leaped off the top rope and rolled Charlotte into an armbar attempt. Charlotte escaped and went for a Boston Crab. Rousey escaped and avoided a Natural Selection and applied a wristlock. Charlotte fought out of it and took control. The announcers agreed this was the most physique match Rousey’s had in WWE. Charlotte went for a moonsault, but Rousey lifted her boot. Rousey then put Charlotte on her shoulders and slammed her. Charlotte caught Rousey as she was getting fired up yelling at the crowdwith a spear for a believable near fall. Rousey went for an armbar, but Charlotte countered into a figure-four. Rousey rolled overland reversed the pressure. They both rolled to the floor, landing with a thud.

Rousey got fired up again, but Charlotte met her with chops to the chest. The crowd “woo’d” to each chop. Rousey blocked a chop, but Charlotte came back with a big boot for a near fall. Charlotte tried to roll to the floor a minute later, but Rousey dragged her back into the ring and then gave her a Piper’s Pit (a twisting Samoan drop). Charlotte blocked an armbar attempt. Charlotte rolled to the floor and clutched her arm in pain. Rousey stood up and told the ref to get her back into the ring. The ref began his count. Fans chanted “Let’s Go Charlotte.” Charlotte broke the ref’s count, but then rolled right back to the floor. Rousey chased after her, but Charlotte hit her with a kendo stick. Then she shoved her into the ringside steps. “Why did you do that?” Cole said. “A five-star match unfolding here and then Charlotte Flair grabbed a damn Kendo stick and hits Ronda Rousey with it.” Charlotte beat Rousey with the stick over and over ten times until the stick just fell apart.

WINNER: Rousey in 14:00 via DQ. (***1/4)

(Keller’s Analysis: Good match. Unconventional style, but it worked. The crowd wanted to rebel against it, but they got sucked into it. Without build-up, they weren’t sure who to cheer for because they wanted Becky there to cheer, but overall they were into it start to finish. All things considered, the DQ finish was acceptable here since they just weren’t ready, understandably, to giving a clean finish between these two.)

-Graves said Charlotte realized she couldn’t beat Rousey, so she used a weapon. Cole said it was an even match up until that point. Cole was upset that Charlotte used those tactics. Charlotte beat up Rousey with another kendo stick in the ring. When she grabbed a chair, the ref took it from her, and the fans booed. Charlotte left, but then returned and slammed Rousey’s head into the chair. Several more referees ran into the ring and surrounded Charlotte. She seemed to be listening to them, but then attacked them all and picked up the chair again. Charlotte put Rousey’s head in the chair and then stomped on it. Rousey gasped. Cole called for help and said Rousey was seriously hurt. “Something happened to Charlotte Flair tonight,” he said. “There can be no explanation for this.” As producers entered the ring, fans began loudly chanting “Thank you, Charlotte!” They replayed it and Graves said it was inexcusable. Cole said Rousey was completely helpless. Graves said Charlotte appeared to be in a nearly catatonic state as she returned to the back. A referee handed Rousey a water bottle as she began to sit up. “This is a sad moment,” said Cole as Rousey coughed.

(Keller’s Analysis: That’s not the response WWE was aiming for. Cole was framing Charlotte as the heel for ruining a good even match. He said the brutality was too much, especially since it was seemingly in response to not being able to beat Rousey. Did fans turn against Rousey for her odd promos the last couple weeks? Or because Rousey was opposite of Becky? Or are they just pro-violence and not really turning against Rousey and even for Charlotte as much as just cheering ruthless aggression.)

The announcers said Rousey may never be the same again. Graves said to experience being brutalized on that level will do things to a human being “and Ronda Rousey was never felt it like this before tonight.” Fans chanted “Becky! Becky!” briefly again. Rousey left on her own, refusing help, carrying the WWE Title belt with her. A fan taunted her as she limped back and she stopped and paused and said, “You’re not a man.” She looked around at the crowd and they booed her. She was on the verge of tears. Graves finally acknowledged “the unsympathetic Los Angeles crowd.”

(Keller’s Analysis: At some point, Vince McMahon is going to run out of cities to blame for not getting the stories he’s trying to tell.)

-A video package aired on the main event.



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(7) DANIEL BRYAN vs. BROCK LESNAR (w/Paul Heyman) – WWE Champ vs. Universal Champ

During ring introductions, the announcers were so heavy-handed in saying Bryan had no chance and that the match wouldn’t last long, you knew he wasn’t going to lose quickly. Graves said he wasn’t sure what to make of Bryan’s expression. He just seemed to have that sinister grin he had during his interview earlier. Bryan taunted Brock and raised his belt in the air. Some fans cheered. Graves said Lesnar wouldn’t let Bryan’s mind games interfere with his gameplan.

Graves said Lesnar might be amused by Bryan’s antics. Lesnar entered the ring and raised his belt in the air to a mixed response. Jo Jo introduced Bryan first. Muted boos and scattered minimal cheers. Heyman took the mic from Jo Jo and called it the “dream match for the ages.” He said the greatest pound-for-pound fighter in WWE history, seemingly talking about Bryan, before saying he weighs 265 pounds and he is Brock Lesnar. Cole noted there is a 100 pound weight difference in the match. Graves said Styles is watching closely. Cole said Styles vowed a receipt is coming.

Bryan charged with a dropkick to Lesnar’s legs to start, then scurried away and to ringside. He jogged around the ring and then stood on the ring apron. Cole said Lesnar has a short fuse. When Lesnar dropped to ringside, Bryan re-entered the ring and taunted Brock. Brock re-entered the ring. Bryan mocked Lesnar’s pre-match jogging. Graves said once the action begins, “it won’t be a long one.” Renee said she worried for Bryan. Lesnar caught a leg kick by Bryan and then clubbed him hard to the mat. Bryan bumped hard. Lesnar then gave Bryan a suplex onto the side of his head. Should Bryan be taking that bump? Bryan looked out of it as the ref checked on him. Lesnar dragged Bryan back to center ring. Bryan looked out of it. Cole said Lesnar could end this match right now. Lesnar yelled, “Suplex City!” Fans began chanting it. Lesnar picked up Bryan and gave him another suplex onto the back of his shoulders. Heyman gasped at ringside, his hand over his mouth. He looked concerned, not joyous. Graves said it’s like watching a carnivore feast at the zoo. Lesnar overhead tossed Bryan next. Lesnar almost looked upset that he didn’t have a tougher opponent. Lesnar looked down at Bryan and said, “I could do this all night long.” He gave him another suplex. And then another. Lesnar kicked Bryan to the floor. He then held up his WWE Title belt. Some cheers. Graves called it a lesson in humility that Bryan will never forget. Lesnar threw Bryan into the ringside barricade, and then back into the ring.

The fans were nearly silent. The announcers acknowledged the stunned silence. Lesnar lifted Bryan into a bear hug. Cole said Raw ran away with this night so this match isn’t about brand supremacy. Lesnar dropped Bryan to the mat and stood over him smiling. Lesnar said, “There’s your champion right now.” A fan said something and Lesnar noticed and told him to shut up. Lesnar gave Bryan another suplex. After another minute, another suplex. Lesnar shouted, “All night long!” Lesnar finally delivered an F5 and made the cover, but lifted Bryan’s shoulder just past the first ref’s first count. He lifted him and shoved him to the mat.

When Lesnar bent over to pick him up, Bryan kicked him twice from underneath. Lesnar picked him up and gave him another F5, but the ref went down. Bryan kicked Lesnar between the legs. The ref was still down. Bryan then gave Lesnar a running knee and made the cover for a very near believable fall. Lesnar cried out in pain. Bryan kicked away at Lesnar as fans chanted “Yes!” each time. Bryan stomped away at the side of Lesnar’s head like he did to Styles. “What a turnaround!” said Cole. “Now it’s Lesnar gasping, now it’s Lesnar weeping, now it’s Lesnar struggling to get to his feet.” Bryan stood again and charged but Lesnar caught him for an F5. Bryan slipped free and then ducked as Lesnar charged. Lesnar fell to ringside. Bryan launched himself at Lesnar, but Lesnar caught him. Bryan shoved Lesnar into the ringpost and then delivered a running knee off the ring apron, taking Lesnar down. “Can Daniel Bryan pull this off?” asked Cole. Bryan entered the ring and then dove out of the ring. Lesnar caught Bryan again and this time drove Bryan back-first into the ringpost. Graves said, “Now the end is near.”

Brock picked up stairs, but they fell on him. Bryan then leaped at Lesnar and kneed him to the mat. They were both down at ringside. They stood and exchanged kicked. Lesnar threw Bryan into the ring. Then he delivered a running knee and scored a near fall. The crowd was into it, but not like an underdog babyface pulling an upset. Cole said low blow or not, this has been a miraculous turn of events. Bryan chop blocked Lesnar and then yanked Lesnar’s leg around the ringpost. Lesnar fell to the mat in pain. Bryan climbed to the top rope and leaped at Lesnar with a missile dropkick mid-ring. Bryan got fired up and charged again with a flying dropkick in the corner. And then another running kick. Lesnar caught Bryan and went for an F5, but Bryan countered into a Yes Lock mid-ring. Lesnar teased tapping a few times, but powered out eventually. Bryan hit Brock across the side of his head with forearms and then applied the Yes Lock again. Lesnar tried to crawl to a rope. He looked at the ref. Cole asked, “Can you imagine if Brock Lesnar taps out to Daniel Bryan.” Lesnar powered out. Bryan applied a triangle. Lesnar stood and applied an F5 and scored the three count. Graves said Lesnar is going to know he was in a fight. Cole said despite the low blow, it was a hell of a performance from Bryan. Grave said it was one of the damnedest fights he’s ever seen.

WINNER: Lesnar in 19:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: A hell of a compelling match. The first half was a little slow, but once the second half took place, it was worth it. That all said, this would have been amazing if Bryan was still a babyface. The crowd just didn’t know how to react.)

-They showed that Raw won 6-0 on the Survivor Series Scoreboard.

(Keller’s Analysis: What happens at Smackdown after this humiliation?!?)


If you’ve got questions or comments about Survivor Series, send them tonight during or right after the event to askwadekeller@gmail.com for the VIP Wade Keller Hotline later tonight.



7 Comments on WWE SURVIVOR SERIES PPV REPORT 11/18: Keller’s full report with star ratings on Lesnar-Bryan, Rousey-Charlotte, Seth-Nakamura, Raw vs. Smackdown

    • IT was a rejection of McMahon’s terrible booking. I thought it was great. Vince doesn’t care about the fans, they shit on his product. The show was terrible. The reaction was in kind. Not up to par with New Japan, Impact, ROH, Pro wrestling fusion. Just a buncha PG rated stuff for kids. Boring. Glad you guys enjoyed it though, we gotta please the marks.

    • Why? You buy a ticket, you can cheer or boo whomever you want. I don’t like Rousey. I never have, and I never will. Look at some of her antics in the UFC, and that’s part of the reason why. I’m not going to cheer her now just because Vince tells me to. I don’t get why some folks are so fired up about this?

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