NOVEMBER 5, 2018
Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young
Tonight after WWE Raw, join me live with guest cohost Jonny Fairplay to break down the show with live callers, mailbag, and an on-site correspondent from Manchester.
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•EMAIL COMMENTS/QUESTIONS: wadekellerpodcast@pwtorch.com
-The WWE Then, Now, Forever video opened the show.
(Keller’s Analysis: It’s strange that the two top candidates to be the lead male babyface of Raw post-Roman Reigns – Seth Rollins and Braun Strowman – aren’t on this in any prominent way.)
-Cole introduced the show as the camera panned the one place in the arena where the upper deck wasn’t tapped off. The camera rolled to the stage where the Raw wrestlers gathered and stood in line like good third graders do. There were also around a half dozen security guys standing in front of the ring. Baron Corbin walked out to the ring in his vest. Cole said he’s wondering if the security around the ring “had something to do with what happened this past Friday in the Universal Championship match between Brock Lesnar and Braun Strowman.” (Note: Cole did not say “Crown Jewel” when noting the event on Friday.)
A video package aired on the match. It listed it as being on “WWE Network” but it did not have the Crown Jewel logo on the screen or anywhere other than on the big screen on the stage in the background when the camera happened to be pointed that way. The clips built up Strowman as taking a massive beating from Lesnar, but continuing to get up and fight back (“How is Strowman even still fighting?” asked Cole) before ultimately falling to the fifth F5.
They came back to the ring and fans were booing. Corbin welcomed fans back to Raw. He told everyone not to be alarmed by the added security. He said it’s completely normal to have that many security guards when you’re as big of a deal as he is. Corbin said Survivor Series means it’s time for champions from each brand to face off against each other. He listed Lesnar vs. A.J. Styles and Ronda Rousey vs. Becky Lynch, plus the Raw vs. Smackdown ten-man tag match. He said every match is the chance for Raw to show it’s the dominant brand. He said they have extra incentive because Shane McMahon stole the World Cup tournament. He said next week that will be addressed by Stephanie McMahon. Corbin said he’s going to go from acting G.M. to permanent G.M. after Raw proves its dominance at Survivor Series. He said Team Raw needs a great leader, so he chose himself to be captain. He said his managerial duties won’t allow him to actually compete in the match, so he’ll put together the best team imaginable.
Corbin announced the first two members are Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre. He said the third member is Braun Strowman. He said Braun might be upset with him, but what he did last Friday was a teaching lesson. Corbin said he needs to learn to respect authority. They showed Finn Balor laughing on the stage. Corbin said Strowman can become the team member they need at Survivor Series once he understands that he needs to respect his authority.
Corbin shifted to the Raw women’s team. He said the Team Captain will be Alexa Bliss, who will pick the team members. Bliss marched to the ring. Young said she looks sharp and ready to be captain. Graves said she’ll be a great captain. They showed Bayley, Sasha Banks, and Natalya reacting. Alexa entered the ring and thanked Corbin, calling him the “future permanent general manager.” Alexa said she will also take on a managerial role instead of competing. She said the women can all learn a lot from her, and as a natural born leader, she will assure a Raw victory. “We will not be losing to the B-show,” she said. “Not on my watch.” A “B Team” chant broke out. Alexa announced that The Riott Squad will face Natalya, Sasha, and Bayley, with the winner being on Team Raw at Survivor Series. Bliss said she could get used to being an authority figure. As she was about to start the women’s tag match, Kurt Angle’s music interrupted.
Angle stood on the stage and thanked the fans as they chanted “Angle! Angle!” He said competing in the World Cup lit a fire in him. He said he led Team Raw to victory at Survivor Series last year and he wants to compete again this year. Corbin said that was last year, but this year he decides what happens. He suggested Angle takes permanent vacation. Angle said when he was in charge, they settled things in the ring. He challenged Corbin to a match where the winner is Raw’s team captain. Corbin laughed and shook his head no as fans chanted “Yes!” Angle shamed Corbin into changing his mind, calling him an embarrassment to Raw who asks others to step up but he won’t. Corbin said he’s got the match he wants. Corbin said Angle will lose and have to buy a ticket to Survivor Series. Angle said Corbin will have to go to Survivor Series on crutches after he snaps his ankles.
Fans chanted “You suck!” at Corbin when Corbin insisted this is his show. Corbin told fans to show respect for Alexa, who continued by saying their tag match starts “right…” at which point Braun’s music interrupted. He marched to the ring with purpose. He beat up the security guards who took great bumps for him. Corbin ran to the back, leaping over the fallen security guards in a nice touch. Strowman began beating up heels on the stage. He was swarmed. He fought his way out of the brawl. The Raw wrestlers kept fighting each other as Braun went looking for Corbin backstage. Corbin told a producer backstage to tell Corbin that when he finds him, he’s going to “get these hands.”
(Keller’s Analysis: Aside from how diminished wrestlers seem when they all line up like good school children for announcements, this was a good segment at setting the stage for this show and Survivor Series. I liked that the wrestlers brawled at the slightest instigation, too, rather than file off the stage in a nice orderly fashion. Corbin is good in this role. His acting is much better in front of a crowd than it is in pre-recorded skits. Alexa was fun here.) [c]
-Charlie Caruso interviewed Bayley, Sasha, and Natalya backstage. Sasha said they’re going to win because Natalya’s wearing her late-father’s sunglasses for luck. She said tonight is for her dad.
-The announcers on camera talked about Corbin fleeing the scene. Graves said he has important things to do and that’s why he ran to the back like that.
(1) NATALYA & SASHA BANKS & BAYLEY vs. THE RIOTT SQUAD (Ruby Riott & Sarah Logan & Liv Morgan)
The heels took control of Natalya early. Liv threw Natalya out of the ring and they cut to an early break. [c]
Bayley and Sasha controlled the match after the break including a running knee by Bayley to Riot in the corner that they replayed in slo-mo. Bayley dove through the ropes onto both Lita and Logan. Ruby then STO’d Bayley to the mat at ringside. Ruby took over on Bayley in the ring. Later Bayley scored a near fall with an inside cradle, but Riott then took over again. Liv threw Bayley out of the ring and they cut to another break. [c]
Back from the break, Logan had Bayley down on the mat. Cole talked about how dominant Riott Squad have been tonight. Eventually Natalya hot-tagged in and scored a near fall on Logan, but Ruby broke up the pin. (Ruby was late, too. What’s with all of the pin break-ups being late and leaving the referee looking ridiculous these days, and why don’t the wrestlers underneath lift their damn shoulder or kick out when the save is late instead of making the ref look stupid and the match look fake?) Ruby distracted Natalya by snapping her father’s sunglasses in half. Natalya sobbed as Cole called it a disgusting display. Boos. Bayley and Sasha consoled Natalya as fans began counting all the wrestlers out of the ring.
WINNERS: No contest in 17:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Seriously, WWE, you cannot just end matches without a decision and expect fans to invest in future matches. Where is the referee to count everyone out? Also, they stayed on Natalya way way too long and it just become insanely melodramatic. The action was solid throughout in the actual match.)
-Graves said they’d take a look at “this memorable, historic match next” in reference to the DX vs. Brothers of Destruction match at Crown Jewel. Again, no mention of Crown Jewel.
-Braun went looking for Corbin in various locker rooms and bathrooms in the arena. We got the obligatory guy running out of a bathroom stall in fright. [c]
-As Jinder Mahal made his ring entrance, they went to the announcers who threw to a video package on the DX tag match at CROWN JEWEL in SAUDI ARABIA. (I’ll say it if they won’t.) Shockingly, Triple H allowed WWE’s production crew to edit his 20 minute highlight package down to just 90 seconds. Cole said Triple H might have a torn pectoral muscle and, if so, will need surgery tomorrow.
(2) JINDER MAHAL (w/Sunil Singh) vs. APOLLO CREWS (w/no crowd support)
A soundbite aired with Crews as he made his ring entrance. He said tonight his streak of moral victories ends and he gets an actual victory. He said he will show everyone why he is “Monday Night Raw’s human highlight reel.” Graves said Samir Singh is in Bollywood doing big-time movie-star things while Sunil is representing well at ringside alone. Jinder made cartoon faces as he applied a key lock a minute into the match. Graves said some are saying Jinder doesn’t have the same edge or aggressiveness that he did when he was WWE Champion last year. Crews won seconds later with a press-and-drop into a standing moonsault. Cole called it a huge victory for Crews. Graves agreed and said maybe whatever needed to click has clicked with him.
WINNER: Crews in 3:00.
-They showed Seth Rollins backstage with his IC Title belt and both WWE Raw Tag Team Title belts. Cole said there are rumors that Dean Ambrose is in the building. [c]
-Seth Rollins made his way to the ring with all three belts. They replayed what Dean Ambrose did to Seth two weeks ago.
Seth said he hoped to walk out there with a trophy, too, but things didn’t go his way last Friday (at CROWN JEWEL in SAUDI ARABIA). He also addressed Lesnar winning the Universal Title. He said after everything Roman Reigns did to take that title from Lesnar “and all that he is going through now, that is a slap in the face.” He paused for a bit of a “Roman!” chant. He said it’s a slap in the face to every one in the locker room and all the fans, too. Seth wondered why last week Dean wouldn’t tell him why he stabbed him in the back. He said Dean doesn’t have the “bollocks” to face him this week. He said he can’t defend the tag titles alone. Corbin broke in on the big screen and said he was ordering him and his partner to defend the Raw Tag Team Titles right now “against these guys.” The AOP music played.
(3) SETH ROLLINS & DEAN AMBROSE vs. THE AUTHORS OF PAIN (w/Drake Maverick) – WWE Raw Tag Team Title match
No sign of Dean, so Seth wrestled alone. AOP dominated early against Seth. Cole was outraged. They cut to an early break. [c]
Seth eventually rallied and dove through the ropes onto both AOP members. He then hit a blockbuster off the top rope for a two count. Cole said it’d be a monumental upset if Seth won tonight. Graves said Seth would need a miracle. Seth stomped the mat. Drake distracted the ref, giving Rezar a chance to trip Seth from the floor, stopping Seth’s momentum. AOP then set up their double-team move, but Seth fought back and then hit a frog splash for a believable near fall. Nice double-tease there of two possible finishing moments. Seth went for The Stomp on Rezar, but Rezar caught him and powerbombed him. AOP then finished Seth with a powerbomb/cutter combo.
WINNERS: AOP to capture the Raw Tag Team Titles in 9:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: I’m not sure AOP should have been booked to need help from a ref distraction in order to survive against Seth alone. That was unnecessary. But otherwise a nice story in the match. This puts more heat on Dean for not being there for Seth. The crowd didn’t seem to love Reigns’s leukemia still being “storyline inspiration” to be upset at Dean or Brock.)
-Dean walked out after the match through the crowd to boos. Dean asked Seth if he wants to know why he turned on him. Then he gave him a Dirty Deeds. Cole asked Renee if she has any information on Dean’s actions “because of your relationship with Dean.” She said she can’t get him to answer any questions about this. “There’s no reasoning with him right now,” she said. Renee seemed as sad as if someone broke her father’s sunglasses. They went back to the ring where Seth was struggling to stand. Cole then shifted to talking about Becky Lynch vs. Ronda Rousey at Survivor Series. They aired a clip of Becky on Smackdown last week. They hyped that Rousey will be on Raw live later. [c]
-Graves thanked Des Rocs for the Survivor Series official theme, “Let Me Live/Let Me Die.”
-Cole said “this past Friday” (at CROWN JEWEL in SAUDI ARABIA), Corbin attacked Braun before his title match. He said Strowman sought revenge earlier in the night. Clips followed.
-Backstage Caruso asked Corbin if he’s afraid of Strowman. Corbin said he didn’t run and isn’t afraid. He said if he wants a wrestling match in the ring, he’s there. He said Strowman wants to destroy him, though, not wrestle him. He said he won’t let that happen. Caruso asked why he set up a makeshift studio in the storage room. “Charlie, you just told the world where I am,” Corbin said. Strowman suddenly busted into the room and attacked security as Corbin fled. Strowman chased after him.
-Dolph came out and said despite what happened in the World Cup (at CROWN JEWEL in SAUDI ARABIA), Shane McMahon is not the best in the world “because you are looking at the best in the world.” He said he scratches and claws and outworks everyone in the locker room, and then the conspiracy kicks in. He complained about Drew McIntyre being ejected before the match (that was suspicious) and then a Smackdown referee let Miz attack him from behind before their match. When he began complaining about Shane “bullying” his way into a tournament he wasn’t even entered in, Elias appeared on the stage under a spotlight. Fans invented a song for Elias on the spot. Elias began playing it on his guitar, working it out by ear. The crowd popped.
Elias introduced himself and said he is now receiving the respect he deserves. Cheers. He said he just got off the phone with Liam and Noel Gallagher and they both promised him Oasis will reunite if he plays a song tonight on Raw. Cheers. He said he has worked miracles before, at which point Ziggler interrupted and said it’ll be a miracle if anyone is awake after his dumb song. Boos. Elias said, “That was almost funny.” He said he should have shut his mouth three minutes ago and let him sing. Elias played and fans clapped along.
I’m a global phenomenon
You’re just a fool
You think your a comedian
Everyone else thinks you’re a tool
Pack your bags and go home
Because they can show no more
I’m about to show you what WWE stands for
Ziggler interrupted and told Elias to show him face to face what WWE stands for. “All you had to do is ask,” said Elias. He set his guitar down and the crowd sang for Elias. He smiled and made his way toward the ring. [c]
-A short video aired on the Lucha House Party.
-A selfie-style promo aired with The Revival. They said the Raw tag team division isn’t a joke, it’s something to take seriously. They sounded like Eli Drake ripping into Superkick Parties and “flippy-flop style” as they ranted about the Lucha House Party ring style, saying they’re going to “send them back to 205 Live where they belong.”
To my fellow U.S. adult citizens, please vote tomorrow if you haven’t early voted already. Find your polling place here: www.Vote.org.
Make time. Charge your phone and catch up on podcasts if the line is long. Represent your demographic, not just for this year’s results, but so your demo gets the attention it deserves in future election cycles.
Graves said regarding the chances of Oasis reuniting, “you’ve got a better chance of seeing Shawn and Marty reuniting.” When Ziggler avoided a top rope elbowdrop, they cut to a break. [c]
Ziggler had Elias grounded after the break. Cole said everyone keeps asking him everywhere they go if this is Elias’s time. Renee said his star is starting to ascend and he “screams superstar.” Elias came back and landed a high knee for a near fall at 12:00. Elias blocked a Zig Zag, but Ziggler succeeded seconds later. Elias put his foot on the bottom rope to stop the count. The crowd kept chanting and singing for Elias throughout the match. After Ziggler lost focus and complained to the ref, Elias surprised him with a Drift Away for the win. Cole called it a major win.
WINNER: Elias in 14:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: With everyone moving up a slot on the Raw babyface roster, Elias is benefiting with some borderline top tier babyface treatment in the ring and from the announcers. This crowd made him seem like a future top babyface act, but he’s got some more progress to make in terms of broadening his act and especially in terms of having main event level matches. But he’s already far beyond what anyone watching him in NXT thought he’d achieve on the main roster.)
-Selfie promos aired with Naomi & Jimmy Uso and Carmella & R-Truth for Mixed Match Challenge. [c]
-The showed the exterior of the Manchester City Etihad Stadium.
-Caruso interviewed Angle backstage. Cheers. Angle said a fire has been lit inside of him and he will go on to Survivor Series as the Raw team captain.
(Keller’s Analysis: The problem with this brand pride thing is that Angle representing Raw well and leading them to victory could lead to Corbin being credit)
-Rousey made her ring entrance. She smiled as fans cheered her and chanted her name, then she said it’s easy to see why everyone loves Becky.
Rousey talked about Becky saying she is going to become “The Champ” and “The Man, figuratively.” She said at Evolution, she put on a performance of a lifetime. “It was amazing,” she said. “Without question you have my respect, but do not mistake my respect for weakness. I am the last woman on Earth you want to provoke. She said when Becky’s alarm was going off every morning for school, her mom was waking her up trying to break her arm. (What?!) She said when Becky was at clown college, she was training for the Olympics. And when Becky was a flight attendant serving snacks, she was in the midst of the most dominant title reign MMA has ever seen. She said she loves Becky’s new attitude. “I love it just like everyone else, it’s awesome,” she said. “But it’s going to take more than a new attitude to beat me. I am a natural born killer.” She got intense and talked about waking up every morning wanting to be the greatest athlete of all time. She said in two weeks at Survivor Series, she wants Becky to bring all of her angst and rage and pent up resentment and everything she’s got “because I want a challenge.” She said Becky may say she is “The Man,” but “I am the baddest bitch on the planet.” She threw down the mic.
(Keller’s Analysis: Tremendous babyface promo. Artful in acknowledging what the fans like about Becky and giving it her approval too, but distinguishing her from Becky. I’d just say it there’s a line Ronda walks and sometimes crosses in terms of just being a little too mean with her insults.)
Nia Jax came out and mocked Ronda for being so fired up. She said it even got her worked up. Jax said at Survivor Series she’s fighting not just for herself, but the entire Raw locker room. She said she knows Ronda won’t let everyone down. She said after Ronda makes Becky tap out at Survivor Series, she’ll be waiting for her. Nia talked off mic a little and Rousey laughed and talked back at her. Then Ember Moon made her ring entrance.
As Moon came out, Cole said WWE is now partnering with Girl Up which advocates for gender equality in sports worldwide. They aired a video package on the charity. Stephanie and Charlotte talked about it at a Girl Up event. Cole encouraged people to learn more at GirlUp.org. They went back to the ring where Moon entered and was ready to face Jax.
(Keller’s Analysis: This is a great cause. The inclusion of this as Ember Moon walked out was clunky.) [c]
The bell rang to start the match when they returned live. Moon dropkicked Nia and Nia dropped to one knee. Ember went for a running bulldog, but Nia blocked it and then just swatted her out of mid-air. She threw her across the ring and scored two count. Graves said Jax is sending a message to Rousey. Cole said they had a great match at MITB and there’s unfinished business between them. Ember avoided a legdrop a minute later. Both were slow to get up. Moon rallied with kneelifts and kicks. She landed a body press and made a cover, but Jax kicked out at one. Moon let out a big yell and threw a hard forearm, but Nia powered out with authority. Both were slow to get up again. Renee called Jax “a freak of nature.” Moon avoided a Nia corner splash. She climbed to the second rope and went for a tornado DDT, but Nia blocked it. Moon hit an enzuigiri, but Jax caught Moon a second later with a Samoan Drop for the win.
WINNER: Jax in 6:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: The finish was flatter than it should have been. The announcing at the end didn’t do it any favors.)
-Afterward, Tamina came out. Renee said Tamina looks like she shakes Nia to the core. Graves said she might be equally as powerful as Nia. Tamina gave Moon a Samoan Drop. Nia looked like she objected. Scattered boos. Nia then said, “Turn her over.” Tamina put her in a Boston Crab. Nia dropped an elbow. Cole exclaimed, “What is Nia doing? Oh my God! A relentless attack on Ember Moon.” Renee gasped, “What?” They celebrated together as Jax yelled, “Yea, I won!”
(Keller’s Analysis: So this is either to set up a dominant tag team in the women’s division or it’s to give Nia a heel at ringside to help give her an edge against Rousey. Maybe both.)
-Kayla Braxton interviewed Finn Balor backstage. Balor talked about Bobby Lashley being powerful and explosive and now more vicious than ever. He then talked up Manchester and said it’s Balor Club and Balor Club is for everyone. [c]
-The announcers plugged WrestleMania travel packages.
-Backstage Caruso approached Corbin and said his problems with Strowman aren’t going away and seem to be getting worse. He said she’s like a bad penny, she keeps showing up. Corbin said Strowman has places to go so he won’t be competing against him tonight, and instead he’ll face Drew. Strowman chased after the black SUV as it sped off. Braun is fast, but not a fast as Corbin’s SUV. Strowman huffed and puffed and stared down at his hands. Renee said if Strowman caught up, he could have tipped that SUV over if he wanted to.
-Lashley and Lio Rush made their way to the ring. Lio said the Big Man is here, but he wishes they were in Liverpool right now. Boos. Lio talked up Lashley’s physique, saying Michelangelo couldn’t sculpt a better piece of art. He told Lashley to show off his greatest pose. Lashley bent over and pointed at his butt. Renee’s reaction was the best thing on Raw in years. “Oh, ewww.” Graves said he’s showing off his glutes. The crowd reaction was hilarious, too. Some of the guys couldn’t even watch and the women were just disgusted or dismayed. Lio said Lashley isn’t insulting them, he’s just showing off his gluteus maximus. He told fans if they’re offended, they should just get over it. (Or they could turn the channel.) Lio said they’ve made Bobby upset so now he’s going to beat up Balor just like last week. He said as he beats up Balor, it’ll be like he’s beating up every fan in Manchester.
(Keller’s Analysis: Okay, that was weird and, in this era, I think there’s more heat on WWE for coming up with that than there is heat on Lio and Lashley for executing it.)
-Balor made his ring entrance. [c]
-They plugged the new main event, Angle vs. Drew.
Methodical pace for several minutes. Lio was a pest, but he didn’t have the live mic at ringside (which was a relief). Balor threw Lashley the floor and then slidekicked Lio. The crowd popped. Lashley intercepted Balor at ringside and rammed him back-first into the ringside barricade. Back in the ring Lashley gave Balor a gut-wrench suplex into the Destroyer for the win.
WINNER: Lashley in 7:00.
-Drew walked out and had a tense staredown with Lashley. Drew threw off his jacket as Lio tried to dissolve the intensity. Drew “dared him” to make a move. Lashley and Lio left. Drew helped Balor to his feet. Fans tentatively cheered. Drew then gave Balor a Claymore kick. Boos.
(Keller’s Analysis: This crowd might have been predisposed to cheer Drew, but that attack on Balor helped dissuade them of that.) [c]
-They plugged that Stephanie McMahon would be on Raw next week to address what her brother Shane did at the World Cup last Friday (at CROWN JEWEL in SAUDI ARABIA). Renee said next week Bliss will announce her team to represent Raw at Survivor Series. Cole said Lesnar would appear at Raw next week in Kansas City, also.
(Keller’s Analysis: I’m really curious what Stephane’s spin on Shane’s actions are at the World Cup. How can either sibling be likable after this plays out?)
(7) DREW MCINTYRE vs. KURT ANGLE – Raw Team Captain at Stake
Graves noted this is Angle’s first match on Raw in over 12 years. Angle went after Drew before the bell. Graves said Angle has an extra intense look in his eyes. The ref called for the bell. Drew headbutted Angle to end Angle’s flurry. Drew settled into an armbar as the announcers talked about what was at stake in the match. Angle avoided a charge in the corner and then hit an Angle Slam. Drew rolled to the floor. [c]
Drew took over with more mat wrestling. Angle landed three unreleased German suplexes. Drew came back with a Claymore kick after avoiding an Angle Slam. Cole said, “That’s all she wrote!” Drew didn’t go for the cover right away, though. Graves wondered what Drew was waiting on. He said Drew was savoring the situation. Drew stood over Angle and taunted him. He offered his leg for a takedown. Fans chanted, “Let’s go Angle!” Angle went for a takedown, but Drew blocked him and stomped on him. He taunted him some more. Angle sat up and tried to fire up. He went for another takedown, but Drew blocked it and pounded on Angle’s back over and over and over. Graves said Angle had tears in his eyes due to frustration. Renee called it a frustrating 48 hours after what happened at the Best in the World tournament (at CROWN JEWEL in SAUDI ARABIA). That was 72 hours ago, Renee.
Drew yelled at Angle and said he’s an embarrassment to himself and his family. He told him to look at him. Angle then took him down with a single-leg takedown and applied the Anklelock. Drew teased tapping, but he rolled out of it and kicked out. Drew clutched his ankle in pain. Drew then gave Angle an Angle Slam. Then he applied the Anklelock and forced him to tapout. Graves said Drew might have just finished Angle’s career.
WINNER: Drew in 15:00 via submission.
(Keller’s Analysis: I’m trying to figure out if this match was (a) about getting Drew McIntyre over as a vicious “legend killer” type heel, (b) trying to tell a story about Kurt Angle at the end point of his ability to compete effectively against wrestlers in their primes and how he reacts to that, or (c) both, which leads to another match between them. I’m leaning toward (a) with Angle just being a player in the story they’re telling with Drew at this point. Drew is doing everything Vince McMahon could have dreamed for when it came to having a fresh, mature, reliable, believable, experienced rising top star in his prime at this point. Drew was just tremendous here with his facial expressions and body language. Angle was good, too, almost in that Shawn Michaels role in his retirement match against Undertaker where it appears his gas tank was empty and we were watching him realize it before our very eyes.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: A good overall show, more eventful the most U.K.-based Raw TV shows.
Rousey was flat out of horrible on the mic. Is she that much out of touch with what is going on around her? She is going to get booed out of the building vs. the superior Lynch. As far as Rousey’s pro wrestling career, it’s boring and she isn’t very good.
Rousey is a good wrestler, though. I hope her match at SS ends in a DQ. These champion vs. champion matches are stupid because the champion who loses looks really bad.