10/31 Lucha Underground TV Report (season 4, ep. 21): Killshot vs. Son of Havoc, Taya Mundo vs. Ricky Mundo, Reptile Tribe vs. Rabbit Tribe vs. Guevara & Ivelisse & Lishus

By Joel Dehnel, PWTorch contributor


Lucha Underground Report
Season 4 Episode #21 – “Ultima Lucha Cuatro”
October 31, 2018
Aired on El Rey Network
Taped in Los Angeles, Calif.
Report by Joel Dehnel, PWTorch contributor

-The show opened with a recap of the The Reptile Tribe-Rabbit Tribe and Guevara, Ivelisse, and XO Lishus feud. They also recapped Ricky Mundo’s divorce from the Worldwide Underground and the feud between Son of Havoc and Killshot.

-AeroStar voiced over a montage while speaking to Captain Vasquez. He explained how he met a girl who was going to save the world. He gave her dying father a broken medallion to give to his daughter because it will give her immortality. Her father told her it only worked on females because his tribe would have made him keep the amulet for himself. He told her that she has done well but she has been instrumental in this war. He said it is clear to him now that she is not the one who will save them. He told her he need the other half. As Vasquez pulled the half medallion out of the drawer, AeroStar told her that her father and daughter were waiting for her beyond the cosmos. AeroStar pulled out the other half and the two pieces merged together. Vasquez vanished into the cosmos

-Title Card

Announcers: Santos welcomed the audience to Ultima Lucha Cuatro. Striker hyped Son of Havoc vs Killshot later tonight then threw to Santos back in the ring.

In Ring: Santos introduced The Rabbit Tribe followed by Ivelisse, Sammy Guevara and XO Lishus then The Reptile Tribe.

1 – THE REPTILE TRIBE vs. THE RABBIT TRIBE vs. SAMMY GUEVARA & IVELISSE & XO LISHUS – Trios Championship Elimination match

The White Rabbit took out everyone to begin the match. He pulled out his white glove then was met with a super kick by everyone. Snake dove through the rope onto White Rabbit. El Bunny took on Daga in the ring before diving to the outside. XO followed by Guevara then Ivelisse dove onto a pile of opponents at ringside. Everyone brawled throughout the crowd. Guevara teased throwing Moon off of the top of the temple, instead he grabbed her and flipped off the top onto their opponents at ringside. The White Rabbit hit Guevara with a mandible claw before tossing him into the ring. Guevara countered an attack by London and eliminated him. London begged for forgiveness from The White Rabbit before he locked on a mandible claw on Guevara. Guevara spewed blood from his mouth and onto The White Rabbit. XO and Ivelisse came to his aid. Ivelisse dropped a few audible f-bombs before the break.


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The Reptile Tribe stood against XO and Ivelisse in the middle of the ring. XO and Ivelisse took down The Reptile Tribe before XO and Snake squared off against each other. Ivelisse caught Moon and Daga from behind with a crossbody. Ivelisse hit a code red on Snake then the pin was broke up by Snake. The Reptile Tribe corned XO before he fought back. The Tribe hit XO with multiple moves before Daga locked in an armbar submission for the win.

WINNER:The Reptile Tribe at 12:01 to retain the Trios Championship. I would have liked to have seen a bit more wrestling between these three teams. They had some exciting spots with bizarre but memorable moment when Guevara spewed blood onto The White Rabbit. I’m not sold on The White Rabbit as a wrestler yet, but I do buy him as a deranged killer.


In ring: Santos introduced Ricky alongside his doll Rosa followed by Taya Mundo.


Taya speared Ricky to start the match. Taya continued to dominate Ricky until Ricky hit Taya with a kick to take control. Ricky tossed Taya to the outside then grabbed a table from under the ring. He set it up at ringside. Taya fought back against him and dove off of the announce table onto Ricky. They brought the action back into the ring where Taya took control again. Taya locked in a crossface in the middle of the ring for the submission victory.

WINNER: Taya at 4:10. Short and sweet with Taya getting the victory with easy. This exactly what it should’ve been with Ricky getting his ass handed to him.

Post match: Taya scolded Ricky on the ring apron. She told him he ruined her f****** wedding then choke slammed him through the table. She grabbed Ricky’s doll Rosa before she made her way to the back.


In-ring: Santos introduced Son of Havoc followed by Killshot.

3 – SON OF HAVOC vs. KILLSHOT – Mask vs. Mask

Fans chanted for both men to start. They traded blows before Havoc knocked Killshot to the outside. Havoc flipped onto him resulting in a huge pop from the crowd. Killshot landed several chops on Havoc before bringing him back into the ring. Killshot caught Havoc with a knee then hit the kill stomp for a near fall. Killshot grabbed a stretcher at ringside then unscrewed the bottom rope turnbuckle so he could get the stretcher into the ring. Havoc caught Killshot in mid air with a back breaker. They continued to brawl at ringside before Havoc paused and grabbed a table from under the ring. Havoc set up the table. Havoc climbed up the barricade and into the crowd onto the ledge near the second tier of the temple. Havoc leapt off the ledge onto Killshot through the table. Havoc rolled Killshot back into the ring for a near fall. Killshot tripped Havoc on the top rope. Havoc countered Killshot and hit an AA from the rope rope. He followed it up with a shooting star press for another near fall. Havoc placed Killshot on the stretcher then went back to the top rope. Killshot kicked Havoc then superplexed him onto part of the stretcher. Killshot hit a kill stomp followed by a storm cradled driver for a two count. They traded blows before Havoc hit a springboard neck breaker followed by a pile driver onto the stretcher. Havoc strapped Killshot onto the stretcher then hit a shooting star press for the win.

WINNER: Son of Havoc at 14:09. Very good match between these two. The feud called for it to be an all out war. They had several believable near falls that kept the crowd on the edge of their seats. This match is well worth going out of your way to see.


Post match: Killshot grabbed the mic and said his name is lieutenant Jermaine “Killshot” Strickland. He said the past few years he has been trying to escape his identity and the fact he left his brothers for dead. He pulled off his own mask to reveal his face. He handed his mask over to Havoc. Havoc held up Killshot’s mask with pride. Fans chanted “Thank you Killshot” as Killshot exited the temple.

– Dante Fox in a marine outfit caught Jeremaine Strickland’s attention as he was leaving the temple. Strickland asked him why he went MIA. Fox said he was on a mission he couldn’t ignore, but he was happy to see his face again. Strickland said it would be the last time he would see his face because he is leaving, he then apologized for everything he had done. Strickland requequested to be relieved of his duties. Fox granted his request then they each saluted each other before Strickland walked off into the distance.

NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: 10/24 Lucha Underground TV Report (season 4, ep. 20): Seven to Survive Gift of the Gods Championship match with Jake Strong (Jack Swagger), Aerostar, P.J. Black, more


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