WWE announced Thursday morning that Crown Jewel will take place as scheduled in Saudi Arabia next week, despite the controversy surrounding the Saudi government’s involvement in the death of U.S.-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Later Thursday morning, WWE held its quarterly financial call with investors, and WWE chairman Vince McMahon was asked directly about the Saudi Arabia situation, but he deflected in his answer.
“We’re not going to talk a lot about (Saudi Arabia),” McMahon said. “It’s a sensitive subject, and our statement said all we want to say about that subject today.”
Later in the call, WWE was again asked about Saudi Arabia, specifically the economic risks involved with doing business in the country. WWE was asked to “frame the risks” of Saudia Arabia that are outside of the company’s control, such as the risk of economic sanctions. WWE co-president George Barrios answered, “The complexity of the situation, as Vince said … All of our thoughts are encapsulated in our statement.”
WWE was then asked if there was an analogous situation they could compare it to, to which Barrios flatly answered, “no.”
Typical Vince deflecting a question like his plans to hold an event in a country where they behead women, stone gays and 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 originated. Literal blood money. This is the equivalent of doing an event in Nazi Germany in the 40s.
There are so many things wrong with this I would have to write a thesis to describe it by going into their past history which for most people they are unfamiliar. For such a “family” show they really like to beat around the bush and insult my intelligence and promote propaganda. I stopped watching the first time they went to that cesspool and I will never watch again. And anybody who keeps watching this cesspool of a company turn in your wrestling fan card right now. Not to mention letting your kids watch is terrible parenting.