10/18 IMPACT WRESTLING RESULTS: Brian Cage vs. Rich Swann, Trevor Lee vs. Ethan Page, BFG fallout



Oct. 18, 2018
Taped from The Melrose Ballroom (New York, N.Y.)
Aired on Pop TV
By Mike McMahon, PW Torch Contributor (@MikeMcMahonPW)

Announcers: Josh Mathews & Don Callis

Immediately following Impact on POP TV, head over to pwtorchlivecast.com and listen to Mike McMahon and Andrew Soucek break down this week’s Impact and talk anything and everything Impact Wrestling on the Thursday PWTorch Livecast. Call the show at 515-605-9345 or listen online at pwtorchlivecast.com 

— Impact began with a highlight video from Bound for Glory.

— A new Impact opening aired, with clips from Bound for Glory.

— On the screen, in the lower right corner, there’s a small graphic next to the POP logo that says, “New Time Next Thurs 10” … signifying Impact’s new time slot.

— Johnny Impact made his ring entrance for an in-ring promo. He said that he always did things his way, including making his own movie with his own money. He said he did a lot of things people said were stupid, but it’s all things he’s proud of. The crowd chanted, “You deserve it!” Impact said he wanted to be on Survivor, so he went and did it. And like every kid who dreams of being a pro wrestler, he dreamed of being World Champion. He said he’s been close throughout his career, and he’s always been told he looked like a champion. He said he always heard, “but tonight’s not your night.” He said he heard that so much he almost believed it … almost.

Impact said he has the World Title now. All of his training, fighting and believing has culminated in this World Title, and the business is what “we” — meaning him and the fans — make it. He said he won’t be a champion who hides behind goons or politics backstage to get out of a big match. He said anyone who he feels deserves a shot at the championship will get a shot at the championship.

That brought out Fenix. Mathews said the Fenix is Impact’s great friend and he was in Impact’s wedding. Fenix said he’s been a world champion, but never in Impact Wrestling and fighting for that belt would be a great opportunity. He asked for an opportunity next week. Impact (the guy) smirked and looked at the crowd. He said it was a convenient time for him to come out, because after saying all he said, he wouldn’t say no. Impact said they’re friends, but next week they’ll want to beat the crap out of each other for the title. But after the match, if it happens to be Fenix’s night, if he can he’ll stand up and shake his hand, because the two of them “unlike the guy who formerly held this title” are professionals. Impact said they’d tear the house down next week and they shook hands.

— Mathews plugged the new start time next week and Callis said this was a huge main event. Callis said his phone has been blowing up since BFG.

McMahon’s Analysis: That’s smart of Impact, putting a marquee World Title match in the main event of their first 10 p.m. show. Impact’s promo was better than his typical promo, but it still wasn’t great. There’s just something missing with him as a babyface. I think he’ll be a good champion, but I do think he’d be cast better as a heel. It will be interesting to see what the crowd does next week, with his first title defense coming in a babyface-babyface match. That being said, the crowd was really behind Impact during his promo. 

— McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Tommy Dreamer backstage. He challenged Moose.

— Back from a break, Mitchell caught Moose and Killer Kross outside and she asked him about Dreamer’s challenge. Kross said that “we” accept the challenge, and Dreamer will have brain damage.

(1)  Taya Valkyrie def. Katarina via pinfall (4:00)

After the match, Mitchell interviewed Valkyrie in the ring. Taya said she respected Tessa, but not after the way she acted on Sunday.

McMahon’s Analysis: Good re-introduction for Taya after she took the loss on Sunday night against Tessa. Taya’s resume still means she’s one of the feature wrestlers in the division. In fact, I’d say she’s the top babyface right now because the Allie-Su Yung stuff just isn’t working and Kiera Hogan has been abducted up until recently. Taya has the potential to become even more of a breakout star in the women’s division, especially if Impact can keep her on TV with regularity. 

— Backstage, Matt Sydal was enlightening Ethan Page.

— Outside the arena, Gama Singh found Rohit Raju and then smacked him around. Gama said that Raju has passed one test, but he still needs to pass the ultimate test, which is beating him, Gama Singh.

(2) Ethan Page def. Trevor Lee via pinfall (6:00)

McMahon’s Analysis: Good showing for Page, but I’m starting to feel like a broken record in regards to Trevor Lee. Every time I see Lee on my TV, he’s jobbing out or being misused. It will be a glorious day when Impact finally realizes the star they have on their hands. Hopefully, for their sake, he’s not long gone by then, because he deserves to be treated much better than this.

For Page, this was a good win. Hopefully they make a win over Lee mean something, because it should. 

— Rich Swann and Willie Mack were interviewed backstage.

— After a break, a video aired recapping Allie losing her soul and murdering Su Yung (who then came back to life).

— Backstage, Kiera Hogan found Allie, whose hair is now dark instead of blonde. Kiera asked her if everything was OK, and Allie (in a very chipper mood) said everything was great. Kiera said she always has Allie’s back.

— A promo aired for the Jericho Cruise.

— The GWN Flashback moment aired … it was Eric Young winning the TNA World Title over Magnus in 2014.

— Backstage, Petey Williams asked Scarlet Bordeaux when her talent search would be over? She said Petey was impressive, but there are so many other people. She said her talent search is open to anyone, including the fans. She said she’s having a viewing party next week, and Petey should send her a video.

(3) Killer Kross (w/ Moose) def. Tommy Dreamer via referee stoppage (8:00)

During the match, Moose stood on the outside of the ring. A loud “ECW!” chant broke out during the match. Moose distracted Dreamer which allowed Kross to almost get the win but Dreamer hit him with a low blow. Dreamer grabbed a Kane and hit Moose and then bit Kross’ eye. The referee stopped the match after two Kross suplexes, citing concerns over Dreamer’s neck.

After the match, Kross picked up Dreamer and held him for Moose to hit a spear. Mathews said Eddie Edwards isn’t there tonight. Referees ran down from the back to check on Dreamer as Kross and Moose stood over him.

McMahon’s Analysis: This match seems like a precursor to something else. I don’t know if they’ll go with another tag-team match at some point — that seems pointless where they just had one at the pay-per-view — but this wasn’t the end of a story. There will be some type of return from Edwards and this storyline will likely continue. 

— A promo aired for the Vegas tapings in November.

— A recap video aired on Abyss going into the Impact Wrestling Hall of Fame.

— McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Eli Drake backstage, who said it’s a conspiracy and everyone is trying to take him down. Drake said he would be suing Impact for an unsafe work environment.

— LAX was at a bar celebrating their win over OGz. King walked in and said they had to relay a message from the bosses. The bosses told King he could keep a piece of New York, but the OGz and LAX had to stay away from each other. Konnan said that King was on the wrong side, so “get to stepping.” Konnan toasted to the OGz.

(4) Allie def. Alisha Edwards via pinfall (4:00)

Allie was creepily smacking herself in the face during the match, while Callis and Mathews said she was dark and disturbing during the match. Allie won with a codebreaker. After the match, Allie attacked Alisha, and Kiera tried to pull her off. Allie choked Alisha. Allie then backed off and looked concerned about what she did, and she checked on Alisha. Kiera Hogan helped Alisha to the back as Allie looked on, concerned.

McMahon’s Analysis: Good character twist from Allie. She’s so stale as the happy-go-lucky and naive babyface, that I’m fully on board with a move to heel for her. The problem is the creative they have to work with. Just make Allie a heel, why did she have to “lose her soul” and enter a new paranormal realm, and stab Su Yung in the neck. Just have her get sick of being the nice one, and attack Alisha Edwards. She could tell the crowd she was getting nowhere being nice, and nice girls finish last. 

— A promo aired for Jordynne Grace … a new signing who is coming soon.

McMahon’s Analysis: Wow! That’s a great get for Impact. Grace has come on strong, especially in the last year. She had a standout moment with Brian Cage at All-In and adding her to the nucleus with Tessa Blanchard and Taya Valkyrie is huge for the Impact women’s division. The video didn’t mention Grace at all, so I wonder if Mathews mentioned her in part to get people excited, especially with the time change coming next week. 

(5) Brian Cage (c) def. Rich Swann via pinfall to retain the X-Division Championship (15:00)

McMahon’s Analysis: Very good main event, that likely won’t get talked about as much as it should with so much other stuff going on in the company right now. Overall, this show felt a little flat. They didn’t address the Austin Aries situation, which feels like a gigantic lost opportunity. Even if it was a shoot, and he’s gone from Impact, it was still the hottest story in wrestling on Monday, and not even acknowledging it, outside of a few throwaway lines in Johnny Impact’s promo and on commentary, feels like a big mistake. Everyone was talking about Impact Wrestling, and it definitely feels like they swept the story under the rug tonight. 


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