Four U.S. senators now urging WWE to “pause” plans for the Crown Jewel event in Saudi Arabia next month

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor


Now U.S. senators are urging WWE to “pause” plans to go through the WWE Crown Jewel event on Nov. 2 in Saudi Arabia. Three U.S. senators are quoted in a news article published this afternoon by IJR.comregarding the situation.

“I’d hope that they would be rethinking their relationship with the kingdom especially with respect to events coming up in the next weeks like [WWE Crown Jewel],” said Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.). He classified the apparent murder of U.S. resident and Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi as “a brazen assault on the freedom of the press and a slap in the face to the United States, if this murder occurred as it seems it did.” Murphy is the senator representing Connecticut, the state where WWE is headquartered.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) says “there should be a pause” in WWE’s business relationship with Saudi Arabia. Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del) said WWE should “be taking a hard look” at its relationship with Saudi Arabia moving forward.

Because Linda McMahon, the wife of Vince McMahon, is in President Trump’s cabinet, and to date Trump has defended the U.S.-Saudi relations continuing on as business as usual, with the “business” the countries do with one another being too lucrative to be threatened by a non-citizen perhaps being murdered, the situation may be politically more complicated. If WWE pauses its relationship with Saudi Arabia, does that look like Vince McMahon is making a decision that undercuts President Trump’s stance? Does it seem like it would put additional pressure on other businesses to also pause relations, with WWE part of a Domino effect?

“Private enterprise is private enterprise, different than a governmental entity,” Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) told IJR, “but because [Linda McMahon] is part of the president’s cabinet, it falls into the grey area where the administration really should give it some thought and maybe even prevail upon them not doing it.”

Already, several media entities and businessmen have withdrawn from events and projects in and with Saudi Arabia including Rich Branson, Steve Case, the New York Times, Bloomberg, and CNN.

FULL SOURCE ARTICLE: Senators Urge WWE to ‘Pause’ Upcoming Saudi Arabia Event: Trump Should Maybe ‘Prevail Upon Them Not Doing It’



7 Comments on Four U.S. senators now urging WWE to “pause” plans for the Crown Jewel event in Saudi Arabia next month

  1. WWE makes a great deal out of their patriotism and love of American freedom. The murder of a journalist is the definition of flouting the 1st amendment. Backing out of the event in Saudi Arabia would be right and best for business. Seems like a no-brainer to me.

  2. Wade writes: “[]Trump has defended the U.S.-Saudi relations continuing on as business as usual, with the “business” the countries do with one another being too lucrative to be threatened by a non-citizen perhaps being murdered, the situation may be politically more complicated. ”

    Can we not try to normalize Trump’s irresponsibility? Reports are that Khashoggi was a resident of the US. Our Constitution and laws and government cover residents as well as citizens.

    The heart of the Trump-McMahon connection is all about making more money for both old guys. Both have shown during their lives that they have little regard for ethics.

    Note also this earlier story about Trump and Khashoggi: “Saudi Arabia bans journalist for criticising Donald Trump”

  3. I agree with cutting ties with Saudi Arabia and cancelling the PPV,but since McMahon’s wife works for Trump, I doubt that this will happen. To these people, money screams over ethics.

  4. Well I am not for government regulation on the entertainment industry but I am glad that these senators are calling out the stupidity and callousness going on in Stamford, CT.

    Them doing business with Saudi Arabia was the nail in Katie Vick’s coffin for me not to watch or have anything to do with that company again. They want to push women’s wrestling and claim they are the first to do it (when Impact has been doing it much longer) and call it a “revolution.” Well talk about hypocrisy to the Nth degree of doing business with Saudi Arabia a country that treats women as sex slaves and not even letting women drive until a few months ago.

    The McMahons can fool all the sheep that goes to their shows all they want to, but they are not fooling me. You want to keep giving money to the machine? Be my guest. But don’t complain about Roman Reigns booking or anything else for that matter and still watch it.

    Thank goodness for All In, ROH, Lucha Underground, Impact and New Japan because wrestling was considered dead a few years ago but these are some viable alternatives.

    Also if you believe that Donald Trump and/or Vince McMahon have your best interests at heart go fuck yourselves. It is all about them taking as much money as they can while saying they can relate to normal people. The only difference between Vince and Trump is that Vince actually earned his money while Trump never worked a day in his life and got all his money from his father. Not to mention being bankrupt 3 times and fucking New York in the ass with his stupid real estate.

    If you think the E is family entertainment then you are delusional. If I had kids I would rather show them Attitude era stuff. At least they didn’t lie about what you were watching.

    • First off I didn’t vote for Billary and despise her, I voted for Gary Johnson and I do have a job so shut your mouth on that. Second the whole point of my post was to acknowledge how disgusting it is that out of the hundreds of countries in the world they chose to do business with a country where 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 originated.

      Also your hero Trump wants a Muslim ban yet he says there needs to be more information whether that journalist was slaughtered? Give me a break. Talk about giant hypocrisy. It is all about making his pockets bigger. Then again I don’t expect much from Trump supporters anyway because they can never defend their positions and resort to insults just to look tough. So at least be consistent. I would give him credit if Trump were consistent but he is not capable of being consistent on anything. If you care to respond to a direct question why don’t you tell me how Trump has benefited you in any way, shape, or form?

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