10/1 WWE RAW RESULTS: Keller’s report on Michaels return to show, Owens vs. Lashley, Rousey vs. Riott, Super Showdown hype

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor


OCTOBER 1, 2018

Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young

Tonight after WWE Raw, join me live with guest cohost Matt Koon to break down the show with live callers, mailbag, and a live on-site correspondent from Seattle.

•CALL: (347) 215-8558



-After the new WWE opening “Then, Now, Forever” montage beginning with Hulk Hogan and ending with John Cena, they went to the arena where Cole’s voice introduced the show. He mentioned it was live from Seattle and the graphic said Seattle.

-Dean Ambrose made his way out onto the stage to his music as fans cheered. Cole said it’s been an interesting 17 days for him. He hyped that Ambrose would be teaming with his Shield partners at Super Showdown on Saturday on WWE Network live from Melbourne, Australia. Renee Young plugged Ronda Rousey would face Ruby Riott later.

-Charly Caruso interviewed Ambrose mid-ring. She recapped the claims that Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler made that Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns need him more than he needs them. Ambrose said there’s a lot of truth to what those guys said. He said Seth and Roman are both champions “and I have nothing.” He said he was a champion on his own and when he went down “and lost a year of life and my career,” Seth replaced him pretty quickly with Jason Jordan. Caruso asked if he ever considered leaving The Shield. Fans chanted no. Dean said, “Sure, I’ve thought of a lot of things.” He said maybe he already did and maybe he turned in his black uniform. He said maybe the Shield doesn’t mean as much to him as it did before. “Maybe on the way here I ran Roman off the road and he won’t even be here tonight.” (Some sick fans cheered the idea of Ambrose running Reigns off the road!)

Caruso said she doesn’t know if he’s being sarcastic or not, but people are asking a lot of questions. Dean said if people are wondering why he’s still in The Shield and will he abandon them and snap and get fed up because he’s such a lunatic and you never know what he’ll do next. He said maybe people are thinking he is just waiting for the perfect time when nobody is looking or watching “to slip the knife right in their back.” He said: “Questions like that, right?” Caruso pointed toward the big screen for a clip last week at the end of Raw when Dean joined Reigns and Seth in the ring together.

Caruso asked what was going through his mind there. He said he could be back on Smackdown and do his own thing, but instead he’s been on Raw and cleaning up after his brothers. He said people might be asking if he’s a little sick and over The Shield. He said she and the whole world can stop trying to analyze him and figure him out and instead judge him by his actions. He said he stepped up, stood by his brothers, and stood by his family. He said The Shield is not a business or a brand, it’s a brotherhood. He said they will always ride into battle together. His music played. Cole described them as “emphatic words.”

As Dean walked out of the ring, Raw’s acting general manager Baron Corbin walked onto the stage to his music. Corbin said all he’s hearing his whining. Dean asked if he’s a therapist as a day job in addition to being the world’s largest substitute teacher, or is he just salty because he’s been trying to put The Shield down, but he just can’t do it. He said it’s true that his team fell short last week, but The Shield weren’t running around causing chaos and no cops were called, so he considers it a win. He said tonight he’ll give him three options for a match – face Seth for the IC Title, face Roman for the Universal Championship, or he goes one-on-one with Braun Strowman. Dean soaked up the options and leaned on the top rope. He entered the ring. Corbin asked, “What’s it going to be, Dean? Your brothers or your career?”

Dean said, “How about secret option number four – you versus me, right now.” Corbin laughed and said it’s not that easy. He said he’s making the choice for him – Dean vs. Braun right now. Braun came out to his music.

(Keller’s Analysis: This was Main Event Dean, showing signs of that compelling alpha personality from his early Shield days that wasn’t marginalized by zaniness and silly skits.) [c]


Braun kicked things off with a headbutt and a stomp as Cole again plugged that Rousey would be there later wrestling. Braun settled into a mid-ring hold, then tossed him around the ring. Dean made a brief comeback by going after Braun’s legs. Braun took over again and they cut to a break. [c]

Back live, they battled back and forth, but Braun ended up taking Dean down with a forearm to the chest. When Dean thumbed Braun in an eye, Graves was critical, but Renee said, “A win is a win.” (She should not be saying that.) Braun went for a powerslam, but Dean countered into Dirty Deeds for a near fall. The crowd popped for the cover and gasped at the kickout. They fought at ringside. Dean side-stepped Braun and sent him hard into the ringside steps. Graves said it sounded like a car crash. Braun broke the ref’s count. Fans were still standing. Braun surprised Dean with a powerslam. Graves said if Braun made the cover, it would be over for sure.

Dean rolled to the floor. Braun went after Dean at ringside and shoulder tackled him. Back in the ring Braun powerslammed Dean, then lifted him instead of going for the pin. Roman’s music played. Mix of cheers and boos. Reigns gave Brau a SupermanPunch. The ref DQ’d Dean.

WINNER: Braun via DQ in 14:00.

-Reigns set up another, but Braun caught him by his throat and set up a powerslam. Reigns escaped and then caught a charging Braun with a boot. Seth ran in and helped Reigns knock Braun out of the ring. As Braun returned to the stage, Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler walked out. Corbin booked Seth vs. McIntyre later and Reigns vs. Ziggler right now. Dean stood in the ring with is arm around Seth’s shoulder to stay up. He didn’t seem bothered at all that they cost him the match. Graves pointed out Dean will have a smaller share of the purse because of the DQ loss.

(Keller’s Analysis: You can make the case Roman was looking out for Dean, or they didn’t have faith in Dean.) [c]

-They went to a trainer checking on Dean. Seth walked up to check on him. Dean threw the bag of ice against the wall. Seth said it’s about the war, not the battle, and Roman came out when he had to. Dean said, “Yeah, he sure did.” Dean stood up and said he could be Intercontinental Champion right now. Then he walked away. Seth didn’t like what he heard.


Roman gave the ref a good talking to about his Universal Title belt. Then the ref took it and held it up. As the announcers praised him for being a fighting champion, Corbin walked out and said he decides when the belts are on the line. He said the IC Title match later will be non-title. He said he can’t put his title on the line until Saudi Arabia when he defends against Braun and Brock Lesnar. Cole said he’s not sure how non-title matches are good for business. Graves said he’s protecting Crown Jewel. Cole plugged the Nov. 2 event.

Ziggler attacked Reigns at the bell and pummeled him in the corner, then rubbed his face over the top rope and slammed him into the top turnbuckle. Reigns fought back with an uppercut. Ziggler snapped Reigns’s neck over the top rope, hit a dropkick, and scored a two count. Then he settled into a chinlock. When Graves asked for Renee’s thoughts on Dean, she said he doesn’t have a bad temperament and she’s not seen him lash out like that. Graves wondered if it was something simmering beneath the surface that has boiled over. Ziggler avoided a charging Reigns a minute later, so Reigns went shoulder-first into the ringpost. Reigns fought back at ringside briefly, but Ziggler came back with a DDT on the floor. Back in the ring Ziggler scored a two count. They cut to a break. [c]

Ziggler had Reigns in a chinlock mid-ring. He shifted into a sleeper next. Ziggler began to rake Reigns’s eyes to prevent him from fighting back. Reigns eventually made a comeback. Male fans booed. Reigns hit Ziggler with repeated clotheslines in the corner as fans counted along. Then he delivered a big boot. Ziggler avoided a Superman Punch and schoolboyed Reigns with a yank of the tights for a two count. When Reigns lifted Ziggler for a Samoan Drop, Ziggler raked his eyes, then landed a Zig Zag for a believable near fall which the crowd went bonkers for.

Ziggler set up a superkick and stomped the mat, but when Reigns stood he punched Ziggler out of mid-air. Cole wondered if he got all of it. Graves said he got enough of it. He got a two count. When Reigns went fora spear, Ziggler turned it into a sunset flip for a near fall. Reigns fired back with a spear a second alter for the win.

WINNER: Reigns in 13:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good action. Reigns’s reliance on the same small handful of moves tends to detract and set a certain ceiling for how good matches can be when he sticks to his formula, but Ziggler made the standard Reigns TV match better than usual with his selling and intensity.)

-They showed the Bellas, Natalya, and Rousey backstage. Rousey was warming up. Cole said she was in action next. [c]

-Graves thanked Hands of Like Houses for “Monster,” the theme for Super Show-down.

-The Bellas came out after a week of social media backlash over Brie’s KO kick of Liv Morgan last week. As the Riott Squad came out, a backstage soundbite aired with Riott Squad. Ruby said she’s delivering Ronda her first loss. She said watching her crumble will be truly beautiful.

(3) RONDA ROUSEY (w/The Bellas) vs. RUBY RIOTT (w/Liv Morgan, Sarah Logan)

They locked up. Rousey overpowered Ruby and arm dragged her hard three times. Riott rolled to the floor to regroup with Rogan and Logan. Rousey went after Ruby at ringside when she bailed out again. As Rousey re-entered, Riott kicked her. Then she yanked her face-first into the ringpost and then hard into the ringside barricade, and then threw her back into the ring.


Ruby kicked Rousey. Cole said Ruby believe the only way to achieve greatness is to treat the whole world as your enemy. Renee said it sounds like a miserable way to live your life. Riott fish-hooked Rousey and elbowed her on the side of the head for a soft two count. Rousey’s selling was strong here, especially being grossed out by having Riott’s finger in her mouth. Rousey threw some backfists, but Riott yanked her hard to the mat and scored another two count. Graves said Riott has been “incredibly crafty” in the match. After a Riott headbutt, Cole said Rousey was in trouble. Riott scored another two count. When Riott went for the Riott Kick, Rousey lifted her and tossed her over her head. She tore off her Rowdy shirt and rallied against Riott. She gut-wrenched here into the air and then slammed her hard to the mat. It was a little unsteady for a few seconds there before the slam. Rousey swing kicked Logan at ringside, but Riott then rolled up Rousey for a very very near fall with a yank of the tights. Rousey then lifted Riott and get her a swinging Samoan drop and then her armbar. Riott tapped immediately.

WINNER: Rousey in 8:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: That was a credibility-building performance from Riott. Rousey needs credible opponents, so squashing most everyone on the roster would mean only a few “super fights” will seem to matter. That is a way to deepen the number of women who seem like viable threats to her.)

-They went to the announcers on camera who threw to a video package on the Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte match at Super Show-down. Graves smirked when Cole said the event starts at 5 a.m. Renee said people can wake up at a normal time and play it from the beginning on delay. They plugged the free signup period for new subscribers to WWE Network. Then they plugged Shawn Michaels coming up later.

-Bobby Roode and Chad Gable made their ring entrance. [c]

-A soundbite aired with Konnor who said the mentor will fall just like the student. He told Gable to shield his eyes because of what he’s about to do to his partner. Viktor walked into the picture at the end.

(4) BOBBY ROODE (w/Chad Gable) vs. KONNOR (w/Viktor)

A few minutes in, Roode avoided a charging Konnor, sending him into the corner faec-first. Roode hit a top rope clothesline. Gable got excited at ringside as Roode chopped and kicked Konnor. Roode hit a blockbuster next. When Gable stood on the ringside steps and joined Roode in doing his silly Glorious routine, Viktor charged and knocked him down hard. Konnor then attacked a distracted Roode from behind and gave him a gut-wrench flip slam for the win.

WINNER: Konnor in 4:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: It’s a tough call between not caring at all about Roode or wanting to see this annoying version of Gable to be knocked on his ass.)

-In “A Moment of Bliss,” Alexa Bliss said as a seven year old, she was so excited to meet Trish Stratus and she asked for her autograph. She said Trish burped in her face and said that would be $50. She said she told Trish how precious her autograph book was. She said Trish ripped up the autograph book. She said she cried. She said when it comes to meeting your heroes, Stratusfaction is not guaranteed.

(Keller’s Analysis: The burp was a nice touch.)

-Cole plugged Evolution coming up Oct. 28 with Trish vs. Bliss.

-B-Team made their ring entrance.

-Mixed Match Challenge soundbites aired. Lana and Rusev were first. Then Naomi and Jimmy Uso.

(5) THE B-TEAM (Bo Dallas & Curtis Axel) vs. THE REVIVAL (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder)

The match was joined in progress. No ring entrance for Revival. Renee said Axel is the birthday boy. Cole shifted to talking about Michael coming out later. Revival grounded Axel until a hot-tag to Bo. A nice sequence with Dawson led to a near fall for Dawson. Revival launched Dash toward Bo, but Bo lifted his knees and scored the pin.

WINNERS: B-Team in 3:00.

-As B-Team celebrated, Authors of Pain attacked them from behind. They gave them the Super Collider in the ring. Then Drake Maverick raised their arms proudly mid-ring.

(Keller’s Analysis: That was an anti-climactic follow-up to the strong match Revival had last week, but no surprise, either.)

-Backstage Reigns told Dean he doesn’t know when to take him seriously. He asked him if he is okay. Dean didn’t answer him. Reigns asked again Dean turned around. He said he’s fine and we’re all good, although he didn’t look good. He said he had Braun and could’ve put him away. Reigns said he could’ve gotten hurt, too, but they need him in Australia. Dean said, “If I wasn’t such a nice guy, I could be Universal Champion right now.” [c]

-Corbin told Drake and AOP they were doing a heck of a job. He said he’s enjoying them throwing their weight around and told them to keep getting it done. Drake was happy and patted them on their chests.

-Caruso stood mid-ring and introduced Breast Cancer Awareness Month and threw to a video package on Susan G. Komen including Natalya speaking. Then she introduced Dana Warrior at ringside alongside a cancer researcher, a fund raiser, and a ten year breast cancer survivor in the front row. Fans applauded each of them. Caruso announced a webpage to support the cause with a donation.

-Ziggler told Braun and Drew backstage that he can feel this is the end of The Shield. Braun said Dean is a tough bastard and when he’s not facing him, he’s a winner. He told McIntyre they need him to go out and face Seth tonight. He turned to Ziggler and said, “We don’t need any weak links.” Drew shot him a look as Braun left. Then he walked away and Ziggler hung his head.

-As Seth made his ring entrance, Cole wondered if there is a rift in the Drew/Dolph/Braun camp. [c]

-A commercial for Total Divas hyped a sex on the beach photo shoot with Lana and Rusev.


Drew’s ring entrance took place after the break. Drew slapped Seth in the corner seconds into the match and yelled that he was going to end it quickly. Seth went after Drew aggressively in response. The ref pulled him away. Seth then delivered a flying kick and clotheslined Drew over the top rope. He landed a dive, sending Drew hard into the barricade. Drew yanked Seth to the mat and grounded him a minute later. Cole gave Corbin a hard time about Tweeting during the show. They battled on the ring apron. Drew shoved Seth back-first into the ringpost. Drew then climbed the ringside steps and leaped off of them and slammed Seth on the edge of the ring apron. Cole said Seth was in trouble as they cut to a break. [c]

They fought back and forth for several minutes. They showed Corbin watching on a monitor backstage. Seth countered Drew with a magistral cradle. Then he countered seconds later into a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Seth came back with a buckle bomb and stomped on the mat. Ziggler ran out and went after Seth, but then quickly ducked and rolled out of the ring. Drew then surprised Seth with a Claymore Kick for the win.

WINNER: McIntyre in 12:00.


-Afterward, Drew and Dolph double-teamed Seth. Reigns ran out to even the odds. Braun’s music played and he marched out. Drew attacked Reigns from behind and mounted him. Then Dean’s music played as Braun stepped onto the ring apron. Dean bashed Braun with an axe handle. He jabbed Drew and swung at Ziggler, but got checked hard at ringside by Braun. Seth leaped onto Braun’s back and almost fall onto his own head. Ziggler superkicked him. Dean attacked Ziggler. Drew, Braun, and Ziggler triple-teamed him. They delivered the Claymore Kick/Zig Zag combo. Then Braun gave Reigns a running powerbomb mid-ring. There were some “One More Time!” chants.

(Keller’s Analysis: The match was good. The post-match angle worked as a set-up for the Super Show-down.)

-The announcers threw to a video package on the A.J. Styles-Samoa Joe feud. Then they plugged the WWE Network free trial.

-Backstage Kevin Owens admired Elias’s set-up. KO began eating his raw spinach. Owens noted that there were cashews there, and he doesn’t like cashews. Elias threw them at the helper and said he ordered almonds. KO then asked if he could have a bottle of water. Elias said he could. [c]

-A segment aired hyping the WWE 2K19 video game preorder.

-Owens sat next to Elias mid-ring. Elias played some guitar. Owens applauded and said it was beautiful. He said he could feel it in his bones. KO said they’re a couple of great guys. He couldn’t make sense of JohnCena teaming with Bobby Lashley. Elias said it’d be like having a basketball team in Seattle. Boos. (Still too soon?) The boos rang out for a while and Elias milked the moment. Owens, after over 30 seconds, said they didn’t like it, but he doesn’t know what it means. Owens said sports isn’t his thing. The crowd kept booing so loudly, Elias told Owens to speak up. Owens had to shout. He said he would ignore the fans and continue talking. He said Cena has been living up to his catch phrases lately because they really can’t see John Cena lately.

Elias said he’ll never forgive Cena for ruining his first WrestleMania Moment. Owens said Seattle ruins everything all the time too which is why their basketball team left. Elias asked for his mic to be turned up so they could hear him.They turned the lights on the crowd on. Elias didn’t like it because he wanted the spotlight on him. He threatened the job of the person in charge of lighting. About five minutes after the comment about basketball, the chorus of boos continued. Owens talked about Cena being called “Big Match Cena” because he’s been in more big matches than anyone. He said Cena’s ego is so big now, he will only perform on events of a certain level now. Elias told Seattle to shut their mouths. Owens said he’ll deliver an encore performance when he powerbombed Cena on the ring apron one more time.

Lio Rush interrupted. He said some people call Cena the greatest of all-time. Mixed crowd response there, mostly boos. He told Owens not to overlook his match tonight, because if he does he’ll be as foolish as he’d made him look the past few weeks. Fans chanted for the Sonics. Lio introduced Lashley.

(Keller’s Analysis: Lio has to stop doing that corny fake laugh between sentences. It’s so minor league sounding. As for the sustained boos, Reigns had to feel relieved that wasn’t unleashed on him.)

(7) KEVIN OWENS (w/Elias) vs. BOBBY LASHLEY (w/Lio Rush)

Graves said if Lio wanted to make people excited, he would have brought Shawn Kemp out with him. (Kemp is among the top stars of the former Seattle Supersonic NBA team, which moved to Oklahoma City years ago.) Owens had Lashley in a headlock. Lashley rocked Owens back and the ref began to count Owens’s shoulders down, but KO’s shoulders weren’t even close to down. Graves pointed it out. Cole said he was counting Lashley’s shoulders down. Only one of Lashley’s shoulders was down, so that didn’t help the ref’s case. Lashley checked KO hard to the mat and took over with sustained offense. Owens avoided a charging Lashley as they cut to a break. [c]

Owens grounded Lashley afterward with a key lock. Lio cheered on Lashley and Owens told him, “Listen to your little muppet.” Elias saw enough after a Lashley comeback and went after Rush at ringside. Rush ducked him and outmaneuvered him, thens lid into the ring. Elias yanked him to the floor and put him in a full nelson and rag-dolled him. Owens then rolled up Lashley from behind for the leverage pin.

WINNER: Owens in 11:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: I’m wondering what percentage of WWE matches this year on TV have ended with someone being rolled up or hit from behind after being distracted by someone not in the match? The crowd was spent after booing the Sonics reference and this match had almost no heat.)

-Afterward, KO and Elias double-teamed Lashley. Lio leaped off the top rope, but Elias swatted him out of mid-air. Then Owens delivered a Pop-Up Powerbomb on Lashley. Cole said Lashley will have back-up on Saturday. [c]

-Mixed Match Challenge soundbites aired with Finn Balor & Bayley and then Jinder Mahal & Alicia Fox with Sunil Singh. After Fox said Shanti didn’t work out last week, she said they have a new plan to deliver a “new side of hello.” Jinder said, “Last week was last week and this week is this week, but you are still crazy.”

-The announcers were laughing. Graves asked what “a good side of hello” is. Renee and Cole explained how to watch Mixed Match Challenger. Then showed a step by step guide to finding Facebook Watch on your phone and searching for “Mixed Match Challenge.” After the explanation, Cole said, “It’s simple!”

(8) ALICIA FOX (w/Jinder Mahal) vs BAYLEY (w/Finn Balor)

Balor acted like the introverted guy at the office party who has a few drinks and starts getting way too enthusiastic about everything. He popped for the inflatables on the stage and made happy clown faces as he silly-danced to the ring. Renee said Bayley and Balor are “quite possibly the most adorable team in Mixed Match Challenge.” (I’m not sure that does a lot for Balor’s popularity.) Next Jinder and Singh came out. Then Fox to her own music. She shoved her hat at Singh and almost knocked him over. A soundbite aired with Fox saying she is tired of Singh telling her what to do, so she is going to recapture her status as captain. She put on a hat.

As the match got rolling, Renee said Bayley and Balor have been good friends since their time at NXT. Jinder tried to grab Bayley’s leg. Balor ran over and gave him a slingblade. Then Bayley finished a distracted Fox with the Bayley-to-Belly for the three count.

WINNER: Bayley in 4:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: I don’t know who is more annoyingly enthusiastic at ringside these days when watching his partner wrestle, Balor or Gable. It’s almost a parody at this point. Balor’s turned into Doink the Clown, minus the make-up.) [c]

-Shawn Michaels made his ring entrance. Fans seemed thrilled to see him as he danced his way to and into the ring.


-Michaels stood mid-ring and said, “Oh my you guys do make it feel good to come home again.” He talked about the feeling everyone has, including him, about this being the last time they can see a match between Triple H and Undertaker. He said it’s a mix of sadness and joy and other emotions. He said when this all started a couple months ago, he said he pried his wallet open “because I’m notoriously cheap,” and got himself a First Class ticket to Melbourne, Australia. He said he knew it was going to be a historic event. (Michaels assured himself a good review by saying “a historic” instead of “an historic.”)

He said he planned to be an innocent bystander until a couple of weeks ago. “And then it got personal!” he said. He said Undertaker made it personal  along time ago with Triple H, and he put him in a position where he had to make a choice. He said he wanted to know who he thought would win, “who I believed in, who I stood behind.” He said he has nothing but the utmost respect for the Undertaker, but any day of the week and twice on Sunday, he will pick his best friend, Triple H, over anyone else on God’s green earth. He said that upset the Undertaker. “You made it personal, and now it is,” he said. You got your brother Kane in your corner. I’ve got news for you, Triple H has got his brother in his corner.

He warned against any interference, essentially threatening Kane with Sweet Chin Music. Kane’s music played. Shawn looked at the stage. Kane entered the ring from behind him. Shawn turned and got punched. The lights went out and then Undertaker’s gong sounded. “It can’t be!” said Cole. The lights went dark, then back on and there was Undertaker next to Kane. Fans chanted “Holy sh–!” Cole said, “Shawn Michaels is helpless.” (From one Kane punch? His cowboy hat didn’t even come off.) Taker did his throat slice gesture and then picked up Michaels. Triple H then ran to the ring to his music. Michaels tried to intervene as Hunter was double-teamed, but Kane grabbed his throat. Undertaker and Kane chokeslammed Michaels and Hunter in stereo. Fans cheered. Michaels’s cowboy hat came off revealing that he is now bald! Hunter struggled to stand. Immediately, Undertaker gave Hunter a Tombstone (including a little stumble as he tried to set it up). Fans chanted “One more time.”

Taker and Kane left as Taker’s music played to end the show. Cole said Saturday night could be the last time they ever see HBK and The Game. Graves said tonight was total destruction.

Tonight after WWE Raw, join me live with guest cohost Matt Koon to break down the show with live callers, mailbag, and a live on-site correspondent from Seattle.

•CALL: (347) 215-8558



4 Comments on 10/1 WWE RAW RESULTS: Keller’s report on Michaels return to show, Owens vs. Lashley, Rousey vs. Riott, Super Showdown hype

  1. The Rousey vs Riot mach was good until they ruined it with that horrible arm bar tap out at the end. These tap outs have got to stop. I hope Nikki Bella becomes a heel and turns against Rousey. Kane and Taker were awesome. It is sad how WWE has buried Bobby Lashley.

  2. Cole also said Saturday COULD BE the last time for HHH vs Undertaker. I sure hope Cole messed his lines up and they aren’t planning on a program with these 4. they were great. they are great. their time is done.

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