Lucha Underground Report
Season 4 Episode #16 – “Kill Mill”
September 26, 2018
Aired on Rey Network
Taped in Los Angeles, Calif.
Report by Joel Dehnel, PWTorch contributor
-Show opened with a recaps of Jake Strong, Ivelisse teaming up with Joey Ryan and XO Lishus, last week’s 3-way title match and Marty’s championship win.
-Title Card
Announcers: Striker welcomed the audience to the show. Striker said he had a letter given to him by Antonio Cueto. Striker read the letter which described what happened last week for the Lucha Underground Championship. The letter also listed legitimate claims El Dragon Azteca, Jr, Mil Muertes, King Cuerno and Pentagon Dark have for the Lucha Underground title. Therefore, all four men would compete tonight for #1 contendership for the Lucha Underground title at Ultima Lucha.
In ring: Santos introduced Jack Evans who quickly stole the microphone from her. Evans taunted the fans and complained about having to face XO Lishus and the breakdown of Johnny Mundo’s wedding. He told the crowd that he would not have a match tonight because he quits.
Antonio jumped in told Evans that he is a compassionate boss who hears his complaints. Antonio told him if he wins tonight he walk out freely. If he loses then he won’t be able to ever walk out of the temple again, because he has been chosen as the next… SACRIFICE TO THE GODS!!!
Evans looking frightened and tried to reason with Antonio before fleeing the ring. He ran up the stairs of the temple and banged on the entrance door. While Evans was facing the crowd, the doors opened behind him and Matanza emerged. Evans escaped Matanza and ran down towards the ring tripping on Antonio’s cane he intentionally stuck out. Matanza grabbed Evan’s leg then slammed him on the ring apron. Matanza picked up Evans again and tossed him into the ring.
Matanza dodged offensive attacks from Matanza. Evans went into the corner and as Matanza ripped Evans out of the corner and took the turnbuckle padding with him. Evans rammed Matanza’s head into the exposed turnbuckle then hit a springboard kick followed by a 720 splash. Matanza kicked out of the pinfall and hit Wrath of the Gods for the win.
WINNER: Matanza at 1:21.
Post match: Matanza stood over Evans as he was sacrificed to the Gods.
Ringside: Santos introduced Ivelisse, XO Lishus and Joey for the Trios Tag Championship match. Next out was The Reptile Tribe. Before the match, Paul London stood at the top of the temple and called for everyone’s attention. He first introduced El Bunny followed by The White Rabbit (Killer Kross). They all stood at the top of the temple.
2 – Trios Tag Champions THE REPTILE TRIBE (DAGA & KOBRA MOON & JEREMIAH SNAKE) vs. IVELIESSE & XO LISHUS & JOEY RYAN – Tios Tag Championship match.
Snake began the match with Ryan.Snake took Ryan’s lollipop from him and put it in his mouth. Snake made quick tag to Moon for assistance. Ryan fended off both of them and Daga before tagging in XO. Moon took control of XO then tagged in Snake who continued the onslaught. XO was able to break free and make a hot tag to Ivelisse. Ivelisse took out Daga and Snake before tagging in Ryan. Tossed Daga into Xo’s leg so he could rammed Daga’s head into his butt. Ryan tossed Moon to the outside onto Daga and Snake. Ivelisse and XO then leapt onto the The Reptile Tribe. Ryan took the action back to ring against Daga. Daga was able to lock Ryan into an armbar for the submission.
WINNER: The Reptile Tribe at 5:24 to retain the Trios Tag Championship.
Post match: London, El Bunny and The White Rabbit made their way down to the ring. El Bunny beat down Ryan and XO. London attacked Ivelisse from behind. Bunny and London dragged Ivelisse, Ryan and XO to the bottom rope. The White Rabbit went up to Ryan and dangled a pocket watch in front of his face while yelling tick tock.
In ring: Santo introduced AeroStar and Drago to the ring for a nunchuck match. Strong came out next.
3 – AEROSTAR & DRAGO vs. “THE SAVAGE” JAKE STRONG – Two-on-One Nunchuck match
Drago and AeroStar double teamed Strong to begin. Strong knocked them over then went for a pair of nunchucks at the top of the temple. AeroStar grabbed Strong’s leg allowing Drago to race to the top to get the nunchucks.Strong tossed AeroStar and Drago around the ring before Drago got of AeroStar’s shoulders and spit green mist into Strong’s face. Drago whacked Strong with the nunchucks before Strong knocked Drago over. Strong tossed Drago into a row of chairs then lifted AeroStar onto a ladder up the temple. Strong dodged a nunchuck attack from AeroStar on the catwalk. Strong lifted AeroStar over the barricade then knocked him over. Strong got the better of Drago back at ringside. AeroStar came flying from the top of the temple onto Strong. Drago and AeroStar took shots at Strong with their nunchucks in the ring. Strong attempted a splash , but AeroSar countered allowing Drago to hit a DDT and AeroStar hti a springboard dive. Strong lifted Drago over the top rope then cinched in an ankle lock on AeroStar for the win.
WINNER: Jake Strong at 8:33.
Post match: Drago came into save AeroStar, but Strong got the better of him and cinched in an ankle lock. Strong then “snapped” Drago’s ankle.
In ring: Santos introduced King Cuerno followed by Mil Muertes, El Dragon Azteca then Pentagon Dark.
4 – PENTAGON DARK vs. KING CUERNO vs. MIL MUERTES vs. EL DRAGON AZTECA, JR. – 4-way #1 contenders match for the Lucha Underground Championship at Ultima Lucha 4
Mil knocked everyone over with multiple clotheslines. Mil tossed Dragon around the ring before Cuerno knocked Mil to the outside. Pentagon caught Cuerno with a stiff kick the n Dragon caught PEntagon with a quick DDT. Fenix walked down to ringside and grabbed Santos. Santos tried to reason with Fenix before sprinting away from him. Dragon leapt off the top turnbuckle onto Fenix. Dragon and Fenix continued to brawl with each other to the back of the temple. Cuerno caught Pentagon with a kick from behind before leaping onto Pentagon and Mil on the outside. Mil stood in the ring alone before Mack appeared from behind and hit him with 2 stunners. Pentagon caught Mil with a Penta Driver then knocked Cuerno off the turnbuckle allowing Pentagon to score the pin.
WINNER: Pentagon at 5:19.
Post match: Mack stood over Mil in the ring. He said it looks like Mil won’t be fighting for title anymore, instead Mil will face him at Ultima Lucha. Mack said he is no longer afraid to die, but suggested Mil should be because he challenged him to a death match. Mack leaned in on Mil and told him to rest in peace mother f*****.
Ultima Lucha 4 is really starting to take hape with three presumed matchups so far. Fenix vs. El Dragon Azteca, Jr., The Mack vs. Mil Muertes in a deathmatch and Pentagon Dark vs. Marty Martinez for the Lucha Underground Championship.
The shortened season has really helped to weave in these storylines leading into Ultima Lucha. Marty stated his intentions for the LU title weeks ago. Although he took the shortcut to winning the title last week, this match still feels like something that had been building. Mack vs. Mil I’m sure will be brutal, but still entertaining since Mack is a changed man wanting his win back over Mil. I still think Fenix can be really good as a heel, but I’d like to see more out of him than frothing at the mouth and grabbing Melissa Santos. It would have been nice to have had some more storyline between Dragon and Fenix other than Dragon protecting Santos. It seems that AeroStar and Drago have parted ways with Fenix, but you;d think they’d still be concerned about their resurrected friend that came back as Frankenstein’s creature.
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: 9/19 Lucha Underground TV Report (season 4, ep. 15): Pentagon Dark, Aerostar, Fenix, El Dragon Azteca Jr., Marty “The Moth” Martinez, King Cuerno
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