WWE announces 205 Live will move to Wednesday nights ahead of NXT starting this week (w/ Heydorn’s Analysis)



WWE officially announced today that it’s cruiserweight brand, 205 Live, would be leaving it’s traditional Tuesday night time slot after SmackDown Live and heading to Wednesday nights ahead of NXT at 7pm EST. WWE made this announcement via Twitter this morning.

The Wednesday night move will start immediatley and kick off with bang as Cedric Alexander is slated to defend the WWE Cruiserweight Championship against Drew Gulak. The show will also feature Noam Dar vs. Lio Rush.

Thus far, WWE hasn’t announced any changes to the taping of 205 Live. For now, it’s still set to be recorded on Tuesdays as it has been since its inception in 2016. The move of 205 Live now gives WWE a three hour block of programming Wednesday nights on the WWE Network. 205 Live kicks things off at 7pm EST and is followed by NXT and episodes of the Mae Young Classic 2.

Heydorn’s Analysis: This move certainly won’t hurt 205 Live. If WWE runs with it the right way, it will help the brand significantly. With it being the sixth hour of programming WWE offers on consecutive nights, it’s the first (and easiest) piece of content to back away from if you’re a tired viewer. Moving to Wednesday nights will cure that particular ailment. In addition, because they’ll be taping the show to air on a different night, the WWE is now free to record 205 Live before SmackDown Live to take advantage of an excited crowd ready to watch wrestling rather than fight a worn out crowd later in the night. There has been no official confirmation that WWE will go that route, but with this renewed freedom they’d be silly not to. Ultimately, the best thing for this brand is to get it over to Full Sail for all tapings. Though this move isn’t that, it’s a definite step in the right direction.

NOW CHECK OUT THIS WEEK’S 205 LIVE REPORT: 9/11 WWE 205 Live Report: Mustafa Ali returns, Murphy vs. Metalik, Cruiserweight Championship match set for next week, and more


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