9/5 Lucha Underground TV Report (season 4, ep. 13): Homicide vs. Pentagon Dark, Mantanza Cueto vs. Joey Wrestling, Killshot vs. Big Bad Steve

By Joel Dehnel, PWTorch contributor


Lucha Underground Report
Season 4 Episode #13 – “The Circle of Life”
September 5, 2018
Aired on Rey Network
Taped in Los Angeles, Calif.
Report by Joel Dehnel, PWTorch contributor

-Show opened with a recaps of Mil Muertes-Fenix, Catrina-Santos, Killshot-Son of Havoc and the Johnny Mundo-Taya wedding.

-Title Card

-Mil Muertes knelt by a shrine while Catrina circled around him. She told him that she finally has her life back and doesn’t need to waste her time around the temple anymore. She went on to tell Mil that she never really loved him and the only man she ever loved set her free. Catrina placed the stone in Mil’s hand and told him it was something to remember her by. As Catrina made her way out of the shrine room, Melissa Santos appeared. They brawled with each other as Mil continued to sit holding his stone. They continued to brawl out outside the shrine in an action movie like sequence. The whole thing felt like a fight scene from Kill Bill with the music, sound effects and editing. At one point, Catrina got Santos in a arm bar and told her that Fenix died so that she could live. Santos responded by saying that Catrina will die for her. They took the action to a rooftop where Catrina tried to strangle Santos with the broken medallion. Santos was able and to escape and knock down Catrina so she was holding onto a bar for her life. Mil Muertes came up from behind Santos and grabbed Catrina’s arm. Catrina looked at Mil and smiled. Mil placed the stone in her hand said he was leaving her with something to remember him by. He let her go. Santos walked up to Catrina’s body laying on the ground. Santos denied the killing when AeroStar walked up. He said he knew it wasn’t her, but requested her help. AeroStar requested the broken medallion then made a motion with his hands and black smoke went towards his chest. He told Santos he would be back. 

A white screen flashed with the words “10 Weeks Earlier”. Catrina stood over Fenix’s body and gave him a kiss. Catrina disappeared and AeroStar was in her place. AeroStar made the same hand motion towards Fenix’s body. Fenix opened his eyes and AeroStar told him to come with him.

Another white screen flashed saying “Present Day”. Santos turned around to see AeroStar walking with Fenix following from behind him. Santos embraced the lifeless Fenix. AeroStar explained to her that it would take some time before he is himself again. Santos told AeroStar that they had all the time in the world. She handed him the broken medallion. Fenix’s face got very serious and a close up of his eye showed his iris starting to bubble.

-Title Card


Announcers: Striker welcomed the audience to the show. Striker explained that while Pentagon was scheduled to face Mundo, that match would no longer be happening because of the events that occured last week during Mundo’s wedding to Taya. Vampiro chimed in saying that he has heard rumors backstage that Mundo may never wrestle again. Striker said that Joey Wrestling who witnessed the incident suffered minimal injuries and while he’s not under contract to Lucha Underground, he’s looking for a fight.

In ring: Santos introduced Joey Wrestling who was pacing in the ring. Antonio walked out into the temple. He told Joey that he heard that he was upset about Matanza ruining Johnny’s wedding. Tonight Joey is in luck because he will get his hands on Matanza in his first ever Lucha Underground match. Antonio said he hopes to read the headlines tomorrow which will read Joey Wrestling makes his debut in Lucha Underground and becomes the next SACRIFICE TO THE GODS!!! Matanza charged the ring.



Joey tried to attack Matanza when he entered the ring. Matanza knocked over Joey then picked him up and tossed him across the ring. Joey continued to try to get in some offense, but Matanza was in full control. Joey escaped a bear hug then hit a Death Valley Driver. Joey followed it up by knocking Matanza to the outside. Back in the ring, Joey hit Matanza with a low blow while the ref was distracted. Joey hit a pedigree, but Matanza no sold the move and got back up. Matanza hit the Wrath of the Gods for the win.

WINNER: Matanza at 2:53.

Post match: Matanza stood over Joey while he was being sacrificed to The Gods.


In ring: Santos introduced Killshot to the ring. /Next out was Big Bad Steve who was accompanied by Brenda.

(2) KILLSHOT vs. BIG BAD STEVE (w/The Beautiful Brenda)

Killshot started by working on Steve’s knee and ankle. Striker reminded us that Jake Strong broke Steve’s ankle. Havoc walked down to the ring with a bucket of popcorn and a soda cup. He sat in the crowd. Killshot acknowledged Havoc, but reminded in control against Steve. Killshot slapped Steve a few times, until Steve stood up and hit a saitoplex. Steve picked up Killshot, but Killshot escaped and hit Steve with a double stomp. Steve surprised Killshot with a pop up cutter. Steve lifted Killshot into the air for an inverted slam then attempted a pin. Steve got Killshot in the corner and landed some chops before lifting Killshot onto the top turnbuckle. Killshot escaped the super plex and hit a double stomp from the mat then a second from the top turnbuckle.

WINNER: Killshot at 7:21.

Post match: Fans cheered for Son of Havoc while Killshot made his way out of the temple. Killshot walked over to Havoc and knocked the popcorn out of Havoc’s hands. They briefly brawled then Havoc ripped off Killshot’s mask. Killshot tried to cover his face and make a quick get away out of The Temple.


In ring: Santos introduced that the next match would be for the Lucha Underground championship. Pentagon Dark made his way to the ring. Pentagon grabbed the microphone and said that he wanted to give a wedding gift to Johnny Mundo and Taya. He wanted to break Johnny’s arm, but the doctor won’t let him wrestle tonight. That makes him sad because tonight he was in the mood to break some bones. Pentagon threw out an open challenge to anyone in the locker room who has the balls to face him for the title right now. Hernandez walked out said everyone knows he has the biggest balls in this building. He said if Pentagon hadn’t broken his arm at Aztec Warfare, he would have the title by now. Pentagon challenged Hernandez to come down to the ring and face him right now.


(3) Lucha Underground Champion PENTAGON DARK vs. HOMICIDE – Lucha Underground Championship match

Pentagon took control of the match early and brought the action to the outside. Pentagon tossed Hernandez into some chairs then landed kicks and chops before bringing the action back into the the ring. Hernandez countered Pentagon with a shoulder tackle followed by a dive to the outside. Hernandez teased ramming Pentagon into a wall before tossing him back into the ring. Pentagon tried to make a comeback, but Hernandez stopped him by dropping Pentagon’s back on his shoulder. Pentagon dodged a corner splash and hit Hernandez with a super kick. Pentagon maintained control until Hernandez knocked Pentagon off the top turnbuckle and hit a splash. Pentagon countered the shoulder block with a super kick and followed it up with Pentagon Driver for the win.

WINNER: Pentagon Dark at 7:10 to retain the Lucha Underground Championship.

Post match: Pentagon went to break Hernandez’s arm, but King Cuerno attacked Pentagon from behind and hit the Thrill of the Kill onto the Lucha Underground Title.

FINAL THOUGHTS: The opening video fight between Santos and Catrina was pretty unique. It was in that same Rodriguez/Tarantino style with the pacing of edits and over the top camera shots. Specifically when Catrina fell off the room and there was an obvious green screen behind her. I’m glad that Fenix is back, but I’m confused as to how AeroStar could take Catrina’s soul then go back and in time and give it to Fenix. I thought we were leaded to believe that Catrina now had multiple lives so isn’t she going to just come back? Or is all that out the window after AeroStar took what I think is her soul? Either way, now I’m getting confused so I’ll just wait to see how it plays out. 

If Pentagon was laying out an open challenge for his title tonight, why wouldn’t Cuerno take the challenge then? Why would he wait when he’s not even guaranteed a shot when he could’ve done it tonight? I guess Hernandez just beat him to the punch. I look forward to seeing Pentagon and Cuerno face off at some point. Marty Martinez still hasn’t returned even though his intentions for the title are clear. It’ll be interesting to see when he comes back and becomes a factor.

NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: 8/29 Lucha Underground TV Report (season 4, ep. 12): Drago vs. “The Savage” Jake Strong, Jack Evans vs. Xo Lishus


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