9/4 WWE SMACKDOWN RESULTS: Keller’s report on latest with Becky and Charlotte, Styles back-to-school BBQ, triple threat tag match

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

WWE Smackdown Live logo - new July 2016 (c) WWE.com



Announcers: Tom Phillips, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

Tonight after WWE Smackdown, join me live with guest cohost Jake Barnett from the ProWrestling.net to break down the show with live callers, mailbag, and a live on-site correspondent from Toronto.

•CALL: (347) 215-8558

•EMAIL COMMENTS/QUESTIONS: wadekellerpodcast@pwtorch.com

(NOTE: My usual WWE Raw report wasn’t published on PWTorch.com because I was behind after retiring from All In & Starrcast weekend in Chicago. It will be finished in time for publication this week in the PWTorch Weekly Newsletter and on the PWTorch VIP website. Zack Heydorn did his usual great job with in-depth details and tons of analysis on the show, though, so he had you covered.)


-The show opened with Renee Young standing mid-ring introducing Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan. Phillips spoke about Conor’s Cure as they made their way to the ring. Fans chanted “Daniel Bryan! Daniel Bryan!” interrupting Renee’s opening question. She spoke about how personal things have gotten between Miz and Maryse. She threw to a video of what happened last week with Miz and Maryse interfering in Bryan’s match against Andrade Cien Almas. Bryan, rather than be worked up over what Miz did to him last week, jokingly gave Renee a hard time for ruining the mood after everyone was chanting his name.

Renee then threw to a video of Miz and Maryse earlier in the day challenging Bryan and Brie to come out and fight them in the empty arena to save them the humiliation of getting beat down by them in front of millions. When they didn’t come out, Miz and Maryse dropped the mics and left.

Back in the ring, Bryan said that was a perfect example of who Miz and Maryse are as people. He said they attacked him and his wife from behind, and then they went through all the trouble of showing up at the arena early and called them out knowing they hadn’t arrived yet. He said they’re cowards. Brie said Miz and Maryse were right, they don’t have to wait until Hell in a Cell. Bryan said they’re live on USA Network, so now is the time to fight. The fans cheered. Brie called them out. Renee broke the news to them that Miz and Maryse had already left.

Andrade and Zelina Vega came out onto the stage instead. Zelina said they were crying yet again over how unfair their lives are. She mocked their reality show, calling it “Total Bores.” Zelina thanked Renee for playing the video form last week. Andrade said it reminded him of something, but his words were mumbled and the crowd chanted “What?” He said he was ready to do it again. Grave asked, “What did Andrade say?” [c]

(Keller’s Analysis: Almas shouldn’t talk. He’s losing his mystique every time he does. I also hope they move on soon from Bryan being paired with Brie on TV. I think it works against Bryan as Brie isn’t as popular as he is, and it just seems like a wife trying to get a rub from her husband’s hard-earned rep with fans as a star who has earned it in the ring, not on a reality show.)

(1) DANIEL BRYAN (w/Brie Bella) vs. ANDRADE CIEN ALMAS (w/Zelina Vega)

Graves said Bryan and Brie are prima donnas who show up late. Phillips pushed back hard. Graves said he has sources. Graves said Zelina is working overtime managing the rising entertainment career of Almas. Almas applied an armbreaker in the ropes, then knocked him hard off the ring apron into the barricade at ringside. Brie ran over to check on him. Almas took over in the ring a minute later, but Bryan backdropped him over the top rope and then dove through the ropes and knocked him into the barricade. With both men down, they went to a commercial break. [c]

They stayed with the action on a split screen. Bryan took Almas off the top rope with a huracanrana, but Almas rolled through and scored a two count. Almas then applied an armlock mid-ring. After the break, Bryan knocked Almas off balance on the top rope, crotching him. With Almas hanging upside down in the corner, Bryan threw a barrage of Yes Kicks. Almas back elbowed Bryan to take over again. He landed a moonsault for a two count. He ended up setting up a hammerlock DDT, but Bryan blocked it and round kicked him in the back of his head. Bryan started a “Yes!” chant and then hit a running knee for the win.

WINNER: Bryan in 15:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Bryan seems to be being more strategic in the bumps he’s taking and risks he’s taking, but not in a way that diminishes his match quality.)

-After the match, Zelina entered the ring. Brie kicked her down. Graves called it classless. Brie then gave her a running knee to the face that looked like it could have crushed Zelina’s nose. Miz and Maryse appeared on the big screen. Miz said they were taking the night off from wrestling and going on a date at a classic Italian restaurant in Detroit. He said they shut down the restaurant so they didn’t have to be around anyone from Detroit. He said Bryan and Brie will have to wait for Hell in a Cell for them to embarrass them again. Bryan whispered something to Brie.

(Keller’s Analysis: Miz and Maryse this week are making a very good effort at erasing any potential counter-productive cheers they have been getting lately. They were obnoxious and unbearable in their video segments this week.) [c]

-Phillips plugged ConorTheCrusher.com and Pediatric Cancer Awareness month.

-An interviewer asked Bryan and Brie if they were leaving the arena early for any reason. Bryan was wearing nothing but his wrestling trunks and was still sweaty. They said they were headed to the restaurant Miz and Maryse were at because they were hungry. He said he hopes they don’t have a dress code.

-The announcers discussed clips of the last two weeks of incidents between Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair. Graves said it’s unfortunate a friendship has been dissolved. Phillips said G.M. Paige arranged for Charlotte and Becky to talk from separate locations. After introductions, they were shown on a split screen. Fans began a “Becky” chant. When Charlotte began to speak, there were some scattered boos. Charlotte asked Becky what she wanted her to do and if she wanted her to lie down for her. Charlotte said Becky lost, and now she’s blaming her. When Becky asked if she wants more time in the spotlight or if she can talk now, Charlotte asked if this was going to be a pity party. Charlotte said she knows what it’s like to grow up in the shadow of someone. Charlotte said Becky put herself in her shadow. “All you had to do after we embraced was ask for a title match,” Charlotte said. Becky laughed and said, “I could’ve asked, your majesty? Screw you. Do I look like a charity case to you?” Charlotte dared Becky to come at her face-to-face and not attack her from behind. Becky said she’s taking what she wants now. “It was a full time job being your friend, managing your insecurities, assuring you that your was good enough to wear the robe and carry the last name.” She said the only thing she cares about is taking her spot at the top of the Smackdown Women’s Division where she belongs. She said the title is coming home with her. Charlotte mock applauded her. “There’s that straight fire you’ve been talking about for a long, long time,” she said. She said they’ll fight it out in two weeks at Hell in a Cell, and she won’t be staring across at her best friend. She said she’s second best and she can’t handle it. Becky called her delusional and told her to shine the title up nice for her. Charlotte asked what her excuse will be when she loses again.

(Keller’s Analysis: Not sure anyone came across as a likable there. I do think fans want to see them fight it out. They’re framing Becky as having a chip on her shoulder and being edgy, with Charlotte being reasonable yet pushing back hard against Becky disparaging her. Becky got pretty personal there, revealing some details of their friendship that rang true regarding Charlotte confiding in not feeling worthy of the Flair name. The crowd seemed more disappointed they had to watch them on TV instead of in person in the arena.)

-Naomi made her ring entrance. Phillips wondered what she thought of Charlotte and Becky. [c]

(2) PEYTON ROYCE (w/Billie Kaye) vs. NAOMI

Kaye said before the match on the ramp that Naomi’s favorite thing is to be beat up by her. Then Royce said it’s her she likes to get beat up by. “No, me!” “No, me!” They went back and forth, then laughed at their play on words on “Nao-mi’s” name. Saxton said listening to them gives him a migraine. Naomi met her with a forearm to start the match. Royce fought back quickly and pounded Naomi on the mat. Naomi came back with a sunset flip for an early win.

WINNER: Naomi in under 2:00.

-The IIconics attacked Naomi afterward. Asuka made her return to Smackdown by making the save. She cleared the ring of both heels with kicks.

-They went to the announcers on camera. Saxton said the IIconics look frightened now. They shifted to hyping the Hell in a Cell match between Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy. Hardy said Orton resents his connection with the WWE Universe and despises his self-expression and the reckless self-abandon he displays in the ring. A series of big stunts Hardy has taken in and out of the ring over the years in WWE were shown. He said he has taken big risks in his career for good reason – fighting for honor, for titles, and for his family. He said never before has he had a reason to fight inside Hell in a Cell until now. He said the HIAC will not contain him, it will set him free. He said Orton’s obsession will be his own destruction.

(Keller’s Analysis: That was really well done. Good production values and one of Hardy’s best promo in a while.)

-Miz and Maryse arrived at the arena. Paige said Bryan and Brie left already. Miz said he’s not surprised because they’re scared of them. Paige said Miz will wrestle yet tonight. Miz said he isn’t prepared for that. He told her to be a good G.M. rather than a bad G.M. and let him not wrestle. She said they can leave, but if they do, never come back. [c]

-A commercial aired for the Mae Young Classic.

-R-Truth walked backstage and yelled for Carmella. A woman with long blind hair turned around and it was Maryse. She said she’s not Carmella. Maryse said she can’t believe he’d mistake her for the Staten Island Trash. Truth said Carmella apparently can’t handle The Truth. Miz told Truth not to ever speak to his wife again. Truth asked, “Are you married to Carmella?” Miz asked when was the last time they teamed together. Truth said seven years ago. Miz said that’s the last time he was relevant and now he’s become joke. Truth said he doesn’t know what Carmella sees in him. Miz and Maryse looked at each other befuddled. Graves wondered if Truth was mentally stable.

-Samoa Joe marched to the ring. He said Styles is at home and is trying to protect his family. He addressed Styles’s wife directly and said he is not a monster.


Joe told Wendy to look around and realize what he has delivered. He said he has caused Styles, her husband, to be home with her on a Tuesday night and actually care about her. Joe told young Annie to enjoy her daddy tucking her in and making her feel safe because from now on there will be a lot more nights like that. He said at HIAC, a very very bad man is coming to take his daddy’s championship and then he will make him go night-night.

Styles appeared on the big screen. He said threatening another man, he gets that, but threatening another man’s family, that’s when the talking stops. Joe shrugged his shoulders and then smiled. Styles stared a hole in him. Styles’s music played. Joe took a step back and got in position to fight. Styles didn’t come out. Joe looked behind him nervously. Styles then walked out onto the stage. Styles paused, then ran to the ring. They fought. Joe threw Styles into the ringside steps. Then he grabbed a folding chair and went after Styles. Styles, though, surprised him with a Phenomenal Forearm off the ringside steps. He springboarded onto Joe at ringside a minute later and took out a referee next to Joe at the same time. Paige ran out and told him not tonight.

-Backstage Truth told Tye Dillinger that he searched the entire arena but he hasn’t found Carmella yet. Then suddenly there she was. Truth thanked Tye. Truth walked up to her and asked her, “Have you seen Carmella?” She said she is Carmella. He offered her a truce for one night only and accompany him to ringside against Miz who will have “the other Maryse” with her. Tye said he means Carmella. Truth said Maryse is his vicious cousin from Detroit. Truth said she called her “Staten Island trash.” Carmella said if she wasn’t with Miz, she’d be bagging groceries in Montreal. (That was uncalled for.) She said she has more talent in her finger than Maryse has in her entire body. Truth said he is teaching Tye something. Tye laughed and asked what he could possibly teach him. Truth said, “How to get into the main event of Smackdown Live!” [c]

-The announcers threw to a video package on the Hardy-Orton HIAC match, this time with Orton speaking. He said he’s glad Hardy won’t go quietly. He said for 18 years he has cemented his reputation as the most sadistic wrestler to step foot inside the ring, and unlike Hardy he’s no stranger to the HIAC confines. He said it changes careers and alters lives and destroys one’s sense of morality. He said what he does to Hardy will be sickening and perverse and make everyone gasp and gag and keep them up at night. He said it will also make him smile. He said he will erase Jeff Hardy for good.


They aired ring entrances and then cut to a break. [c]

They stayed with the action during the commercial and then went to another break a few minutes later. [c]

In the end, Rusev pinned Young after a Machka Kick.

WINNERS: Rusev & English beat Sanity and The Usos in 12:00.

-Graves said he couldn’t believe he was announcing that Truth & Carmella vs. Miz & Maryse was official.

-Phillips threw to a video package on Conor’s Cure. [c]

-The announcers hyped Mixed Match Challenge: Season 2 beginning next Tuesday, Sept. 18. It includes Carmella and Truth together. It again will air exclusively on Facebook Live. It also includes Kevin Owens & Natalya, even though Owens quit last week. (I don’t think running in and attacking someone from the crowd constitutes an official return; if he quit, a run-in you’d think would put him deeper in the hole not get him reinstated.)

-Miz and Maryse stood in the ring and called Bryan and Brie to the ring one last time. Maryse said they’re scared. Miz said Bryan time after time runs from his challenges and somehow has become less of a man by having Brie fight his battles for him. “Who’s the coward now?” he asked.

-Carmella made her way onto the stage. Graves marveled at her doing the moonwalk in high heels. Truth then rapped his way to the ring. Carmella joined in. [c]

(4) R-TRUTH (w/Carmella) vs. MIZ (w/Maryse)

Phillips said he couldn’t believe he was saying it, but R-Truth was in a main event on Smackdown Live. Graves complained. Phillips said it was the first time in seven years Truth was in a singles main event on Smackdown. Miz got in some offense. Truth made a comeback and did the leaping splits and then a corner splash.

As Miz set up a Skull Crushing Finale, Bryan and Brie came out onto the stage. Miz stopped and looked. Truth then pinned Miz with a roll-up for the upset win. Brie chased down Maryse and threw her into the ring. She kicked her, but was tripped by Zelina Vega who made her way to ringside. Almas then threw Bryan into the ringside steps. Graves called Zelina and Almas “a couple of guardian angels.” Bryan and Brie came back and put Andrade and Zelina in stereo Yes Locks. Miz and Maryse watched in fear from the stage. Phillips said this is what’s in store for them at HIAC in less than two weeks. The crowd chanted “Yes!” as the show ended.


1 Comment on 9/4 WWE SMACKDOWN RESULTS: Keller’s report on latest with Becky and Charlotte, Styles back-to-school BBQ, triple threat tag match

  1. Not sure how much longer WWE can put this product on television before fans give up on the Smackdown brand. I think they should bring the brands back together and do Raw and Smackdown like they did a few years ago. Smackdown just doesn’t have the talent that Raw does and can’t put out the product well enough.

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