WWE SMACKDOWN RESULTS 8/28: Keller’s report on Charlotte vs. Carmella, next chapter with Becky Lynch, Miz & Maryse-Bryan & Brie hype, Orton-Hardy hype

By Wade Keller, editor

WWE Smackdown Live logo - new July 2016 (c) WWE.com


AUGUST 28, 2018

Announcers: Tom Phillips, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

Tonight after WWE Smackdown, join me live with guest cohost Jake Barnett from the ProWrestling.net to break down the show with live callers, mailbag, and a live on-site correspondent from Toronto.

•CALL: (347) 215-8558

•EMAIL COMMENTS/QUESTIONS: wadekellerpodcast@pwtorch.com


-Phillips introduced the show as emanating from Toronto and then they went to a wide shot of the arena crowd. Then New Day made their ring entrance. Byron said he’s going to lose emotional control. Big E came out with a Stanley Cup replica. Cue Graves pointing out Toronto hasn’t seen the Stanley Cup since 1967. They entered the ring and threw pancakes to the crowd. They discussed winning the Smackdown Tag Team Titles last week and now wanting to make history this week. Big E said they are now not the one-time or two-time or three-time or four-time, but… at which point Booker T’s “Can you dig it, suckas!” was heard. Then Booker’s music played. Well, King Booker’s music. Booker walked out in his royal crown and robe. “Booker T!” chanted the crowd as he entered the ring.

He introduced himself with his royal accent. Xavier asked, “Do our eyes deceive us? Is it he, the WWE Hall of Famer? The master of the Spinarooni and our King?” They kneeled. Booker thanked them and raised his royal scepter. He issued a Royal Decree for Toronto, Canada. He said the WWE Universe will bow witness as he grants Lord Xavier the Wise, Sir Kofi the Brave, and Big E. Big E was crestfallen he didn’t get a royal nickname. Big E interrupted and stood up. He asked where his royal name is. Booker T said he “Big” is his nickname. Big E said, “My King, you just went Full Saxton on me.” Booker got serious and said, “Tell me you didn’t just say that.” He said he should be on his knees. He then smiled and said, “Welcome to the Five-Timers Championship Club of All-Time.” He asked, “Can you dig that suckas!” New Day were thrilled and they celebrated together. Booker then graced the crowd with a Spinarooni. “He’s still got it!” exclaimed Graves. Xavier then did one. Then Kofi. And finally Big E tried, but he got stuck on his back like a cockroach, so Xavier and Kofi helped spin him around by his legs.

(Keller’s Analysis: That was fun.)

-They went to the announcers on camera. The camera panned over to an empty table next to them with three chairs. It was setup with New Day pancakes and cereal as The New Day were going to do commentary during the tag match. They also hyped Charlotte vs. Carmella, A.J. Styles live, and Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella. Like last night, they showed the three segments on the screen at once and called it a Triple Header.

-The Bar’s music played. They received a mixed response. [c]


The other two teams were already in the ring after the break. They showed New Day had settled in at ringside with pancakes and Booty Os. Phillips said Xavier YouTune Channel was recognized as the most subscribed to Celebrity Video Game YouTube Channel with over 1.6 million subscribers. At 4:00 Primo distracted Anderson and then Epico knocked him off the top rope. Primo clotheslined him at ringside. They cut to a break. [c]

They stayed with the action on split screen with the Colons isolating Anderson with a ground attack until Anderson tagged in Sheamus. After a few more tags, Sheamus ended up working over Anderson as they returned from commercial. Luke Gallows tagged in and went on a rally against Cesaro until he charged into Cesaro’s boot. Primo tagged in and leaped at Gallows, but Gallows kicked his chest and scored a near fall, broken up by Sheamus. Gallows & Anderson set up a Magic Killer, but Epico broke it up with a back stabber. Gallows mistakenly hit Sheamus. Then the Colons gave him a double back cracker. Cesaro tagged in and covered Gallows for the win. New Day were shown reacting at ringside. The Bar walked up to New Day at ringside and the two teams argued.

WINNERS: Sheamus & Cesaro in 11:00.

-Backstage Paige was shown watching the end of the match on a monitor. In walked Aiden English, Rusev, and Lana. She booked them against the Usos and Sanity in a triple threat match for next week. Then the winners will face The Bar and get one step closer to a tag team title match. Rusev gave Lana credit for this, but when he moved in to kiss her, she said it wasn’t her. English said he wanted to surprise him and they all smiled together. They chanted “Rusev Day” together.

-They went to the announcers at ringside as a “Rusev Day!” chant faded in the background. Phillips threw to a video package on Becky Lynch’s turn on Smackdown last week.

-Graves plugged Carmella challenging Charlotte for the Smackdown Women’s Title later.

-They showed Jeff Hardy in facepaint doing creepy things with his eyes and eyelids. [c]

-Jeff Hardy said Randy Orton has been messing with him since he returned to Smackdown. He said he’s had a strange obsession with him, where his pain is his pleasure and his agony is his awakening. He said he’s eradicated all rational thought in his brain as a result. He said Orton made him believe he can fly which is why he did what he did last week. They went to a replay of Orton yanking on Hardy’s ear lobe hole and then Hardy stomping on Orton’s crotch and throwing him around ringside and over the barricade and into the production equipment area. Hardy said when he put Orton through the table last week, he felt alive. “I felt like the Jeff Hardy of old, I felt reborn, I felt rebroken by fate.” Cheers. He said this is just the beginning. He said he knows Orton hears him and he wants to finish what he started, so come on out. Orton did come out.

Orton congratulated Jeff for being back on the pedestal and realizing who he truly is. He thanked him for giving him credit. He said the truth is that he’s not finished working on him yet. He said this version of Jeff Hardy is the career he is going to end and he has realized to accomplish that, he needs to leave him a heap of broken bones in the middle of the ring. He walked toward the ring, but then stopped and said he won’t get in the ring on Jeff’s terms. “I know you’re not as dumb as all these Canadians,” he said. Boos. Orton said he can call him what he wants, but all he must refer to him as are the three most destructive letters in sports entertainment. Orton said “R… K…” Hardy interrupted and said, “No!” He then said he’s going to hell with him inside of Hell in a Cell. Fans chanted “Delete!” Orton dropped the mic and walked backward.

-Renee Young interviewed Carmella backstage, asking how she feels about the focus lately shifting off of her and onto Becky and Charlotte. She said she’s been the hottest thing in WWE the last four months. She said Evolution exists because of all the attention she brought the Women’s Division. She said at Summerslam, Becky threw an epic temper tantrum, but what matters is Charlotte never beat her and she beat her twice. She said tomorrow the buzz will be how she regained her title. She said Becky and Charlotte are chump change and ‘Mella is money. In walked R-Truth. He asked Renee which way she went. Tye Dillinger asked what he’s up to. He said he’s looking for Carmella. Truth said he’s right, it’s all about timing. He said the Truth will set her free. He walked away and Tye said, “This is my life.”

-Naomi began her ring entrance. [c]

-The IIconics came out and took a dig at the Toronto Raptors, the local NBA team. They said they saw the future and the Raptors stink. Fans began a “Raptors” chant. Then the IIconics said they see their future and it’s iconic.

(2) NAOMI vs. BILLIE KAYE (w/Peyton Royce)

Naomi went on offense right away, but Kaye came back quickly and mounted Naomi and punched away at her. Peyton kicked Naomi from the floor leading to the pin.

WINNER: Kaye in 1:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: If you want to see a finishing sequence that looks like a walk-thru where they didn’t have their timing down yet, watch this. Naomi looked ridiculous waiting to get kicked and then even more ridiculous selling the high round kick that hit her hair but nothing close to her head.

-The announcers hyped Styles coming up.

-They went backstage to Bryan and Brie watching a replay of what she did to Miz last week and smiling about it. [c]

-Brie Bella came out onto the stage to her entrance music. Bryan then joined her. His music got more of a pop and then a “Yes!” chant. They high-fived fans. Phillips said it’s been incredible to see Brie come to her husband’s side in his feud with The Miz. “Let’s Go Bryan!” chanted the crowd. Brie looked happy-jealous. He said it’s great to be back in Toronto. He said last week Miz and Maryse mocked his retirement. He said Miz pretends he’s a good actor, but he can’t even pretend to be a tough guy. He said he pulled his wife in front of him for protection. He said Miz was a coward, and that’s when Brie came down to the ring to take care of business.


Brie took the mic and said she knows he doesn’t need her to fight his battles. She said she couldn’t just sit back and watch. She had enough of seeing Maryse cheating to help Miz win and always running her mouth. She said it felt so good to punch Miz in the face. “I’m not acting when I say this,” Bryan said. “It was also really hot!” He said she’s a “butt-kicking, diaper-changing, face-punching hot-mama.” He said Miz can’t hide behind Maryse at HIAC in their mixed tag match. He said together they will shut them up. Suddenly Andrade Cien Almas and Zelina Vega interrupted and marched to the ring.

Zelina said it’s an honor to stand next to two legends – Brie and Andrade, excluding Bryan. She introduced herself. “I am the breathtaking, deal-making business manager” to Andrade. She said her associate has successfully put Sin Cara on the shelf and taken the WWE Champion Styles to his limit, and destroyed Rusev. She said Miz has already outsmarted them, but it’s time Andrade outwrestles Bryan. Bryan laughed. The crowd did the “What?” routine when Andrade spoke. Bryan acted like he didn’t understand what he said. He said he’d love to make the match official right now, but he is no longer the Smackdown G.M. He signaled for Paige. She didn’t come out. Bryan said it was kind of embarrassing because he used to come out as G.M. and book matches like that. Then Paige did come out. She was out of breath. She said her office is on the other side of the building and she’s wearing heels. She said she doesn’t want to give the WWE Universe a match they don’t want. She asked the crowd. They chanted “Yes!” She called for a referee. The ref was not in high-heels and ran to the ring right away. [c]


They showed Miz and Maryse watching on a monitor backstage (at a reasonable angle). Almas popped the arena with a very hard chop to Bryan’s chest. Brian came back with some signature moves, but Almas came back with a knee. Almas went for a second charge into the corner, but Bryan side-stepped him. Almas tumbled to the floor. Bryan hit a running flying knee to Almas’s face afterward. He led the crowd in “Yes!” chants. Almas caught Bryan with an elbow in the ring for a sudden turnaround and two count. Both were slow to get up. They showed Miz and Maryse watching again backstage. Maryse then headed somewhere and Miz followed. They cut to a break. [c]

They stayed with the action on split-screen. Almas remained in control. After the commercial break ended, Bryan knocked Almas off balance on the top rope and then underhook suplexed him off the top rope to the mat. Miz then came out to his music. Bryan watched Miz, so Almas hit him from behind. Bryan, though, recovered and dove through the ropes onto Miz. Almas then dove onto Bryan on the floor. He then delivered a turning inverted DDT for a believable near fall. Fans chanted “This is awesome!” Almas then climbed to the top rope and landed a moonsault right on Bryan’s raised knees. Bryan then applied a Yes Lock. Zelina stood on the ring apron. Brie yanked her down. Maryse threw Brie into the ringpost. Bryan let up on the Yes Lock. Miz attacked Bryan from behind. The ref called for the bell.

WINNER: Bryan via DQ in 9:00.

-Miz put Bryan in a Yes Lock afterward as Maryse further beat up Brie. Miz then gave Bryan a Skull Crushing Finale. Miz stood and kissed Maryse. “What an incredible couple,” said Graves.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good action. The finish protected Almas from taking a loss, which is good.)

-They showed Renee knocking on Charlotte Flair’s locker room. When Charlotte stepped out, Renee asked her about losing her friendship with Becky last week and how heavy that is weighing on her heart. Charlotte said Becky thinks she deserves that title, but you don’t deserve anything you don’t win. She asked Becky what she expected her to do. She said Becky can’t win the big one and she won’t apologize for who she is, being successful, having ambition, and busting her ass ever day. She said she won’t roll over for anyone who tries to take that away from her, even if it is someone who was her best friend. She said if Becky wants the spotlight, after she runs through Carmella, she will give Becky the spotlight.

-As Styles made his ring entrance, Phillips said Styles will defend against Samoa Joe at Hell in a Cell. [c]

-They showed a clip of what Joe did to Styles last week.

-Styles said it’s now official that Joe gets his rematch at HIAC. He said Joe has played mind games and now has him right where he wants him. He said all Joe has proven so far, though, is that he’s not man enough to take the title from him. He asked him why he has to play those mind games. He said he’s not a man and he’ll put a stop to them right now. He said he is the WWE Champion and he makes the rules around there. He said he doesn’t have to wait until Hell in a Cell. He called for Joe to come out. “This isn’t a threat, this is a demand by your WWE Champion,” he said. He vowed to knock Joe’s teeth down his throat.

Joe showed up on the big screen from the parking garage. He said he’s not coming out there tonight. He asked who can his kids look up to. He said it’s so much fun playing daddy to stop now. He then called Wendy on his cell phone. He asked how little Annie is doing. He told her to calm down and listen to him. He said he’ll keep the promise that Styles never did and send him home, so no need to worry. He asked if they’re still on for the Back to School BBQ next week. He asked her to save him a plate and maybe he’ll show up next Tuesday. Styles ran to the back to try to find Joe.

-They went to the announcers. Saxton asked when enough is enough and wondered if there’s a line of decency for Joe. Graves agreed and said he thinks things are only going to get worst for Styles.

(Keller’s Analysis: I’m a little nervous about Samoa Joe raiding the Back to School BBQ next week, not for the sake of the kids, because they’ll be in on it, of course, but the viewers, who will have to potentiall suffer through something campy. It could also hurt the Joe-Styles feud if the tone is all wrong. Joe has been stellar, and he’s starting to remind me of Robert De Niro in “Cape Fear,” tormenting Styles and his family.) 

-Carmella made her ring entrance. [c]

-They showed Styles running around backstage looking for Joe. He was on edge and almost punched a worked backstage when he approached him. He took some deep breaths.


They paced themselves for a relatively long match in the early minutes. Carmella methodically controlled the early action. Charlotte made a comeback and set up a moonsault, but Carmella shoved her off the top rope into the barricade. Carmella dove through the ropes and tackled Charlotte. She scored a quick two count in the ring. They cut to a break. [c]

Carmella took control again and trash-talked Charlotte a bit. Then she leaped off the top rope and landed a crossbody press, but Charlotte rolled through for a near fall. Carmella gave her a flatliner for a two count. Charlotte sat on the top rope. Carmella went for a head scissors, but Charlotte blocked her. Then Carmella sat up, but Charlotte set up a powerbomb. Carmella turned it into a Frankensteiner for a two count. Carmella sat up frustrated. Graves said she can’t stay frustrated and has to follow-up. She slapped away at Charlotte and screeched. The arena just fell silent. She lifted Charlotte, but Charlotte flipped out of it and set up a figure-four. Carmella kicked out of it and then superkicked Charlotte for a two count. She screamed in frustration and made another cover; another two count. And a third cover and third two-count. Both were slow to get up. Carmella set up a kick, but Charlotte blocked it and speared Carmella. Charlotte followed with Natural Selection and then applied the figure-four. She bridged into the Figure-Eight. Carmella tapped out after crying out in pain for ten seconds.

WINNER: Charlotte in 13:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: The match just never got into a flow and they never really had the crowd for any sustained period of time.)

-Becky attacked Charlotte from behind. The crowd cheered. She pounded away at Charlotte repeatedly. When she stood, she got a pretty big ovation. She kicked Charlotte and asked for a mic. “Let’s Go, Becky!” rang out loudly. She picked up the Women’s Title and stood over Charlotte. She bent down and said when she gets her way at HIAC, she’s taking her title back. “You bitch,” she said. She slammed the mic down and raised the belt. More cheers. They seemed to filling time by commenting on a replay of what happened. Graves said her message was sent loud and clear.

They went to Charlotte recovering in the corner. The camera focused on her and the crowd booed. She breathed deeply and soaked up what happened and the crowd response as the show ended.

(Keller’s Analysis: I don’t know what can be done to turn fans against Becky, but this wasn’t enough and I’m not sure at this point if it’s worth the fight for WWE to keep trying. They have something special in Becky, so why fight it? It’s not fair for Charlotte, either, as she’s done nothing to deserve the boos.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: Overall, a good episode. Curious where they’re going with Becky, as you could look at Charlotte’s promo and Becky’s performance this week as a switch to Charlotte heading toward turning on the fans for not siding with her (for real) and Becky just being a more edgy “Stone Cold” Becky that fans can just enthusiastically get behind as a top babyface act. Fingers crossed.

NOW CHECK OUT THIS ARTICLE: 10 YRS AGO – KELLER’S WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT (8-23-08): Summerslam fallout with Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Natalya, Vickie, Great Khali, Curt Hawkins, Shelton, Battle Royal


3 Comments on WWE SMACKDOWN RESULTS 8/28: Keller’s report on Charlotte vs. Carmella, next chapter with Becky Lynch, Miz & Maryse-Bryan & Brie hype, Orton-Hardy hype

  1. Stone Cold Steve Becky, man. The fans LOVE people sticking up for themselves. That’s what makes a face these days, not someone who plays nice.

    Hopefully they lean into this one more easily than they leaned into Reigns as tweener.

  2. The problem with HD TV is when Becky does some Hulk Hogan punches [ie not getting closer than 6 inches to the opponent] it is really visible. lol Having said that, Carmella gave us the best view of a figure 4/8 I’ve ever seen. Ladies, the Bellas are back so go take a seat until they’re done.

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