JULY 30, 2018
Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, The Coach
-The show began with a highlight video that recapped last week’s number one contender match between Bobby Lashley and Roman Reigns for the right to face Brock Lesnar at Summerslam for the Universal Championship.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Excellent video as usual for WWE standards. It painted a better babyface picture of Roman Reigns than Reigns has for himself in months.
-After the video, Brock Lesnar was shown backstage with Paul Heyman. The audience had a mixed reaction with Lesnar on the screen. From there, Roman Reigns hit the ring to a mixed reaction as well. The directors found the cheering fans in the audience as he walked down the ramp, but it appeared to be a true mixed reaction for Reigns. As Reigns did his full entrance, the announce team recapped his claim the Universal Title and said that he was obsessed with Brock Lesnar.
Heydorn’s Analysis: More heavy handed commentary from the announce team. If they pulled it back just a little bit, Reigns would benefit in big ways.
In the ring, Reigns picked up a microphone and got “you suck” chants from a portion of the crowd. He then gave Miami a special shout out for being energetic before saying he respected Bobby Lashley. From there, Reigns said that he absolutely does not respect Brock Lesnar. He then ran down the usual story between him and Lesnar in which Lesnar is an absent star that doesn’t respect the business. He said that Lesnar had time to talk trash to Daniel Cormier, but no time to defend his belt. He finished by saying that Lesnar certainly wouldn’t run his mouth toward him in his yard like he did to Cormier in the Octagon.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Effective work from Reigns. At this point, 50/50 reactions are good for him and it appeared he was at least close to that here. Reigns works best when his points are short, sweet, and intense. He checked each of those boxes.
This prompted Paul Heyman to walk out. He did so to a batch of cheers and introduced himself before addressing Reigns. He congratulated Reigns on winning the chance to face Lesnar at Summerslam, but told him he should be in a padded cell instead of the main event of Summerslam. From there, Heyman made a spoiler and told Reigns that Lesnar would put down the big dog before going to the UFC to become a two sport champion. The audience booed and then Roman told Heyman to shut up. He said that nobody wants to hear Paul, but they want to hear from Lesnar himself. Heyman said that Lesnar was in the building but that he would come out to the ring when he felt like it. This prompted many boos from the audience as well. Reigns then told Heyman that after Summerslam, Lesnar would be sent back to UFC, but it would be not as the Beast, but as Roman Reigns’s bitch.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Probably the best they could’ve pulled off. Reigns looked strong, confident, and star-like while on the flip side, Lesnar was presented and came off as the entitled champion. That’s the story being told and they executed it well. One big concern is the reaction for Heyman and Lesnar. There were some boos in the Miami audience, but loud cheers as well. That’s an issue, especially with a rowdy Brooklyn crowd on the horizon at Summerslam. To tell this story right and with the ending they want, they need to be hearing full on boos for Lesnar. Right now, Reigns just isn’t a strong enough babyface to garner that reaction for Lesnar.
-When the segment ended, Seth Rollins was shown backstage preparing for his match against Drew McIntyre. From there, Ronda Rousey was shown talking with Natalya.
-From there, Finn Balor’s music hit for the first match of the evening. Balor walked to the ring for his full entrance before the show went to commercial break. (c)
-Out of the break, Lesnar was shown reading a magazine backstage. Heyman asked Lesnar if he saw what happened and Lesnar annoyingly said “why would I watch the show.” Heyman then tried to cue up what happened on his phone, but Lesnar threw it against the wall.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Unnecessary. Lesnar is backstage reading a magazine? He looked like my Dad on the back porch on a Sunday morning. Presenting Brock as an entitled champion that does what he wants when he wants is one thing. Showing him in this nature negates what Lesnar brings to the table as Vince’s biggest star. WWE needs to be careful and needs to walk a fine line in presenting Lesnar as someone who doesn’t care while also presenting him as a big enough star that will make Roman Reigns when he puts him over.
Corbin hit the ring after the backstage segment with Lesnar. As he did, the announce team sold Corbin’s role as Constable before reading a commercial. As soon as Corbin got to the ring the match began. Out of the gate, Corbin backed Balor into the corner, but was quickly dismissed when Balor battled back with forearms to the face. Balor then locked in a headlock before knocking Corbin out of the ring with a missile dropkick. From there, he battled Corbin on the outside before he tossed him back into the ring to continue the beating. Eventually, Corbin countered a Balor clothesline and regained momentum after a clothesline of his own onto Balor on the ring apron. (c)
Out of the commercial break, Baron Corbin owned all momentum in the match. He locked in a handful of submission until Balor broke free with a kick to the midsection. The kick caused Corbin to roll out of the ring. Balor followed, but Corbin clocked him with a stiff punch to the face. Corbin then suplexed Balor on the ring apron before talking trash to the audience.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Good heat for Corbin here. The audience chanted “Corbin sucks” and gave a bigger reaction that usual. This “feud” still lacks a valid story, but it’s good to see Corbin connecting here. Working with Balor helps, but Corbin is doing his part too.
From there, Corbin dragged Balor back into the ring. As he went for a move, Balor took Corbin down to the mat and nailed him with a standing double foot stomp. Balor then crushed Corbin with chops to the chest before connecting with a step up enziguri. Again, this caused Corbin to roll to the outside. This time, Balor capitalized on that and hit Corbin with flipping dive over the top rope. Then, the show went to break. (c)
After the commercials, Corbin was still in control of the match and had a chin lock firmly in place on Balor. From there, Balor escaped and rolled Corbin up for a two count pin attempt. Balor then connected with Sling Blade before attempting his corner dropkick. As he went for it, Corbin countered with a chokeslam back breaker. Corbin then went for the cover, but Balor kicked out at two. Out of the pin, Balor connected with a second step up enziguri and followed by trying for his Coup De Gras. As he was about to jump, Balor tossed him off the top rope and then connected with Deep Six. Again, Corbin attempted a pin, but Balor kicked out at two.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Balor is selling like a million bucks and it’s getting Balor and the match more over.
In the end, Baron Corbin pinned Balor for the 1,2,3 win after hitting the End Of Days right after Balor missed his top rope Coup De Gras.
WINNER: Corbin via pinfall
-After the match, Corbin walked back to the ring and punished Finn Balor with additional strikes to the head.
Heydorn’s Analysis: This was a good match for a Balor, but a great one for Corbin. Balor made Corbin look like an unstoppable monster with his selling and Corbin owned his part of the match and played the monster well. With the after match beating, we’re surely headed to a tiebreaker match for Summerslam. This feud needed heat. The post match beating angle was simple and over done, but it gave the feud the heat it needed. Well done.
-Paul Heyman was shown backstage and was asking an assistant for a new phone. Kurt Angle confronted Heyman and told him that Lesnar was contractually obligated to appear in front of the live audience. Heyman disagreed and told Angle to handle his problem on his own. From there, Angle told Heyman that he controlled Heyman’s contract and that if Lesnar didn’t appear, he would fire him. Heyman then walked off the shot. (c)
Heydorn’s Analysis: Paul Heyman is Lesnar’s advocate right? He’s not someone that WWE hires to be Lesnar’s advocate. Big inconsistency and one that didn’t need to be overlooked like it was.
-Out of the break, a highlight video of last week’s Evolution announcement aired.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Well, the video package was well done. The promotion of it doesn’t change WWE’s heavy handedness and hypocrisy though.
-Alexa Bliss confronted Alicia Fox backstage. Bliss told Fox to focus on Nattie and that she herself would handle Rousey.
(2) NATALYA w/ Ronda Rousey vs. ALICIA FOX w/ Alexa Bliss
Nattie came out first before Rousey’s music hit. Rousey got a huge pop from the audience and then walked down to the ring arm in arm with Nattie. The show then went to commercial break. (c)
Heydorn’s Analysis: WWE has to love these big Rousey pops. In a world where they can’t fully control crowd reactions (the blame lies with them), the Rousey ones are on point and exactly what they need.
Out of the break, Bliss and Alicia Fox made their entrance. As they did, Cole and the announce team hyped Bliss vs. Rousey at Summerslam.
The match began with Nattie locking in a side head lock on Fox. Nattie then rolled Fox up for a pin, but Alicia kicked out at two. Eventually, Fox wrapped Nattie in the ring apron and pounded on her with strikes. This gave Fox the upper hand and momentum in the match. From there, she locked in a modified abdominal stretch as Rousey cheered her on at ringside. The audience clapped for Nattie as well until she escaped the hold with a hip toss. Before she could capitalize though, Fox crushed her again with a clothesline to maintain control. Finally, Nattie stole her own momentum and connected with a running dropkick. She then went for a pin, but Fox kicked out at two. Out of the pin, Fox hit Nattie with a cross body and then followed that with a northern lights suplex. From there, Fox teased Rousey which caused Ronda to get involved and distract the referee. During this time, Bliss hit Nattie with a cheap shot which allowed Fox to get the 1,2,3 win.
WINNER: Fox via pinfall
-After the match, Rousey got physical and chased after Bliss. She almost locked in the armbar on Bliss, but stopped short because of a distraction by Fox. Rousey then hit her Samoan Drop finisher on Fox before chasing after Bliss again. Rousey caught Bliss, but then was hit by Fox. Fox then slammed Rousey into the barricade twice before running away with Bliss. Rousey then crawled into the ring to check on Nattie.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Rousey was tremendous as usual. Her physicality continues to come off as real and genuine. That said, Alicia Fox as one of the first women to dole out damage to Rousey is a bit nauseating. If Bliss dealt the damage tonight, she’d have added credibility ahead of their match. That honor going to Fox just doesn’t make sense and was a big miscalculation.
-Backstage, Heyman was shown talking to Brock Lesnar. He tried to convince Lesnar to go out in front of the crowd by selling him on increased t-shirt sales and WWE Network subscriptions. He told him that Miami would give him a hero’s welcome. Lesnar responded by saying that he doesn’t care about the WWE Universe and that he’d rather be back home on his couch in his house. He then told Heyman to get him a steak and to “beat it.” (c)
Heydorn’s Analysis: This got the negative reaction WWE was looking for. That said, I still question the WWE’s ability to take this story full circle due to the fact that Lesnar’s opponent, Roman Reigns, isn’t getting a true babyface reaction. It stalls because of that obstacle.
-Out of the break, Rousey pleaded her case to Kurt Angle and said she wanted a fight. Angle responded by saying that Rousey would face Alicia Fox next week in her first ever live match on Raw.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Well, the Fox offense makes more sense now. I’m on board.
-Elias was shown in the ring and was cheered by the audience as he strummed his guitar. He then plugged his new album. Elias then ran down Bobby Lashley and made fun of Miami because of their love for Pitbull and The Rock. He then attempted to play a song, but what interuppted by Bobby Lashley again. As it happened, the announce team said the interruption would affect album sales.
Heydorn’s Analysis: How?
Lashley then confronted Elias in the ring. Lashley said that he was a big fan of Elias and that he wanted to listen in person. Elias responded by saying that he didn’t believe it. Elias then said he wanted to sing with Elias. Lashley responded by saying he didn’t sing, he fought. The audience cheered and Elias said that the two of them would sing together. Eventually, the two sang together, but Elias attacked Lashley from behind. Lashley fought him off and cleared the ring before Elias ran away.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Look, Lashley needs to wrestle. That’s the only viable way to get him over as a babyface. This singing was an awful turn of events, especially since WWE spent the last month putting him on the same level as Roman Reigns. Since WrestleMania, his booking and presentation doesn’t add up and tonight’s singing gimmick is a microcosm of that.
-Backstage, Kevin Owens confronted Constable Corbin. He told Corbin that Kurt Angle was abusing his power in his dealings with Brock Lesnar. Corbin told Owens that Lesnar was Angle’s problem and that until Owens beats Braun Strowman at Summerslam, the MITB briefcase is still Braun’s
-A recap video aired of Braun Strowman beating up Jinder Mahal last week. (c)
Out of the break, Strowman hit the ring to a huge pop and a “get these hands” chant. Mahal walked out next to a very small reaction. Before the match began, the announce team spoke of how Strowman could cash-in on Lesnar since he was in the building.
Back in the ring, ahead of the match truly starting, Kevin Owens popped up at ringside and attempted to steal the briefcase. Strowman caught him and then chased him down. Because of this, Strowman got counted out which gave the win to Mahal.
WINNER: Mahal via countout
-After the match, Strowman ran Mahal out of the ring as the announce team discussed how he’d lose the MITB briefcase if that happened at Summerslam.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Just a means to show how Strowman could lose the briefcase at Summerslam? Again, Owens needs to show some credibility while up against Braun. Otherwise, the outcome of the match is obnoxiously foreshadowed and therefore uninteresting to watch. Also, with Lesnar in the building, they left money on the table in not featuring some sort of interaction between Braun and Brock.
-Kurt Angle was shown backstage and was handed a phone by Corbin. Stephanie was on the other line and her and Angle debated about the Summerslam main event. Angle then handed the phone back to Corbin as the announce team wondered what the conversation was about. (c)
-After the break, Mojo Rawley confronted the Raw locker room and called out everyone. Roode then confronted Rawley and asked him if he had a problem with him. Rawley then dismissed and the two brawled before they were broke up by agents.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Mojo vs. Roode? That is a big step and a deserved one for Rawley given his work the last few weeks. In addition, he looked like the bigger star of the two.
(4) AKAM w/ Razar vs. APOLLO CREWS
Crews came out first to a very small response. Akam was next and as he walked to the ring, a pre-taped promo aired in which AOP ran down Apollo Crews.
Heydorn’s Analysis: The taped promo is absolutely the right strategy with AOP at this point. That said, enough with the “Author” verbiage. Just because its in their name, doesn’t mean its the only way they can talk. Ugh.
Crews got momentum early in the match, but was stifled in the middle part. Eventually, Crews rolled up Akam for the 1,2,3 win.
WINNER: Crews via pinfall
Heydorn’s Analysis: Wow. A surprising finish and simply not the correct one. AOP is the project here. Having them job to Crews defines them way down and hurts the project overall.
-After the match, Drew McIntyre was shown warming up backstage ahead of his match against Seth Rollins. (c)
Rollins hit the ring first to a huge pop and a clear “Burn It Down” yell. The announce team highlighted the year Rollins has had thus far as Ziggler and McIntyre walked to the ring. The match began with both men tying up in the middle of the ring. The two exchanged strikes until McIntyre took control with an impressive vertical suplex.
After the move, Rollins rolled to the outside of the ring and McIntyre followed. Rollins then attempted a suicide dive on McIntyre, but Drew caught him and slammed him into the ring barricade. From there, Drew catapulted Rollins into the lower part of the ring before the show went to break. (c)
Heydorn’s Analysis: Impressive start for McIntyre and smart psychology by both men to position Drew as an overwhelming force with the massive moves. McIntyre looks good and Rollins will look good when he overcomes. Win win and well done.
Out of the break, Rollins had secured control of the match and laid in two suicide dives on Drew. With McIntyre down, Rollins continued his assault and drove McIntyre’s shoulder into the apron. He then rolled McIntyre back into the ring and connected with the Falcon Arrow. After the move, Rollins made the cover, but Drew kicked out at two.
After the pin, Rollins cued up The Stomp, but McIntyre countered with a spine buster. Drew then made the cover, but Rollins kicked out at two. Out of that pin, McIntyre dead lifted Rollins into a powerbomb position, but Rollins countered with a hurricanrana. From there, Rollins tried to hit a top rope move, but McIntyre stopped it by chopping Rollins in the chest. He then followed Rollins to the top rope and hit him with a top rope White Noise. McIntyre then attempted another pin, but Rollins kicked out at two.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Massive bump for Rollins. Looked like it hurt too.
Right after the pin attempt, McIntyre kept up his assault and attempted the inverted Alabama slam. From there, Rollins countered with a roll up, but McIntyre kicked out. Then, Rollins connected with The Stomp. Rollins then went for the win, but the pin was broken up by Dolph Ziggler which prompted the bell from the ref.
WINNER: Rollins via disqualification.
-After the match, Rollins battled with Ziggler and McIntyre until Rollins rolled out of the ring.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Good match and one that furthered the story between Ziggler and Rollins. This match could easily be the match of the night once Summerslam is in the can. That said, Rollins and Ziggler need one final promo segment where they truly define what the IC title means to them. We know they can have a good match, now they just need to increase hype and interest.
-Roman Reigns was shown backstage and then was confronted by Kurt Angle. Angle said that because Stephanie wanted Lesnar in the ring, he needed to remove Reigns for the building. Reigns argued with Angle and told him that he wasn’t a “yes” man, but an Olympic champion. Corbin then called for the officers to escort Reigns out. As Reigns walked out, Corbin grinned at him and was immediatley punched in the face by Reigns. Reigns then left. (c)
Heydorn’s Analysis: That worked well. Reigns came off as sympathetic with Angle and the audience reacted. He also was human and nice to Kurt in talking up his gold medal attributes and that he wasn’t a “yes” man. The audience wants to hear that especially given the fact that Angle walks around like a hurt puppy most of the time. Smart booking and smart lines on the part of WWE. Reigns did his part and actually spoke the lines effectively too.
-Out of the break, Charly Caruso introduced The B Team. They got a nice pop and told the audience that the B in B Team stands for Dream. Dallas then said that the support they’ve received had been astronomical and that they wanted to thank all of their fans. They then called out Hardy and Wyatt. From there, the lights went out and when they returned, Bray and Matt were in the ring. Hardy and Wyatt proceeded to cut a promo in which they called themselves the B Team’s nightmare. Hardy said they would haunt them until they were deleted. From there, as the audience chanted delete, The Revival joined the ring. They called each of the guys in the ring buffoons and then highlighted the fact that they beat Bobby Lashley and Roman Reigns. They then told Bray and Matt to step aside so that they could get the job done. Eventually, Bray pushed Bo Dallas into the Revival and the teams brawled with each other. Hardy and Wyatt cleared the ring and stood tall as the segment ended and the show went to break. (c)
Heydorn’s Analysis: It’s time to wrap it up with Hardy/Wyatt and B Team. There wasn’t much there to begin with and there is even less there now. The Revival adds an interesting layer to the division. Even with the sub par booking they’ve received, they still bring an aura of credibility that the tag team title scene could use. If there was ever a time to push this team, its now.
Right out of the break, this impromptu match was underway with B Team on commentary. Hardy and Dash started the match and Dash got the early upper hand after striking Matt in the face and blockading him in his corner. From there, he made the tag to Dawson who kept up the momentum by locking in a head lock. Eventually, Bray Wyatt hit the ring and cleared it.
Heydorn’s Analysis: The audience was totally disengaged with this bout. “CM Punk” and “Rusev Day” chants rang through at various points and it isn’t surprising given the booking of this division. Last week, a heel turn was teased for Hardy/Wyatt and today they’re the same babyfaces as last week without an explanation. Eventually, the lack of those details adding up makes a difference. This could be that breaking point for the tag division on Raw.
In the end, after a chaotic brawl, The Revival hit the shatter machine on Wyatt for the 1,2,3 win.
WINNER: The Revival via pinfall
Heydorn’s Analysis: A good win for the Revival but a horrendous display of storytelling on the whole for the tag division.
-After the match, Seth Rollins was interviewed by Renee Young. He said that he was frustrated, but that there was no quit in him. He said he would stop at nothing to get the IC championship back and as he did, he was assaulted by Ziggler and McIntyre again.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Pour on the heat. With Rollins as hot as he is as a babyface, this type of beat down is the perfect way for the heels to throw gasoline on his fire.
Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan hit the ring first and the show then went to break. (c)
Out of the break, Sasha Banks came out and was followed by Bayley. As they did, Graves said he was cautious about getting behind this team and Cole told him not to worry. As they made their entrance, the announce team ran down the Summerslam matches. In the ring, Logan and Bayley started things off. Out of the gate, Logan controlled the match and took Bayley down to the mat with a arm submission. Bayley escaped the hold and then tagged Sasha Banks into the match. Upon entering the match, Banks hit a running Meteora and followed that with her rope run arm drag. From there, she attempted a pin, but Logan kicked out at two. Out of the pin, Bayley tagged into the match and kept up her team’s momentum. (c)
After the commercial break, Sarah Logan was back in control of the match for her team. She buried Sasha into her corner and then tagged Morgan into the match. Morgan immediatley attempted a cover, but Banks kicked out at two to a chorus of “let’s go Sasha” chants. Out of the pin, Banks rolled Morgan up for a pin and Liv kicked out at two as well. Banks then attempted to make the tag to Bayley, but was stopped. Eventually, she made the tag and Bayley hit the ring strong and cleared it. Bayley then connected with her series of shoulder tackles on Morgan. As Bayley went for her elbow, Morgan blocked it. From there, Bayley hit a top rope hurricanrana on Morgan and Banks followed with a top rope Meteora. As Banks made the pin, Sarah Logan interuppted it. In the end, Bayley made the pin on Morgan after connecting with the Bayley To Belly suplex.
WINNER: Banks at Bayley via pinfall
Heydorn’s Analysis: All appears to be on the up and up with Bayley and Banks. Listen to the commentary by Graves though. He’s planting seeds for an eventual turn of some kind. As for the match, it worked in showcasing the teamwork between Banks and Bayley.
-After the match, Paul Heyman again attempted to convince Brock Lesnar to address the Miami crowd in the ring. He told Lesnar that Reigns was removed from the arena as well. Lesnar asked if Heyman got him his money and Heyman responded by saying yes. Heyman then told Lesnar the truth and said that Kurt Angle would fire him if he didn’t get Lesnar out to the ring. Lesnar stood up and told Heyman that they weren’t friends and that Heyman works for him. Lesnar then told Heyman to march out to the ring and do his job. (c)
Heydorn’s Analysis: A brilliant piece of business. Brock looks the part of a self absorbed jerk and Heyman pulled it out of him. Now it’s time for Reigns to do his part in all of this.
Out of the commercial break, Kurt Angle’s music hit and Angle walked out to the ring with Baron Corbin. In the ring, Angle called out Paul Heyman and told him that Brock Lesnar needs to show himself or tonight would be his last night on Raw. Heyman slowly walked out to the ring to loud boos from the audience. As he walked, in a quiet tone, Heyman did his usual intro shtick. As he did this, the audience booed more and started singing “nah, nah, nah, nah hey hey goodbye.” Ultimately, Paul Heyman said that Lesnar wouldn’t be coming out to the ring. This infuriated Angle and called Brock Lesnar the worst Universal Champion of all time. The crowd cheered loudly at that remark.
Paul Heyman agreed with Kurt Angle and said that he tried to mold Lesnar in Angle’s image, but he couldn’t get the job done. Heyman said that if he has issues with Lesnar he should take liberties with Brock and not him. Heyman said that Brock just doesn’t care and that he doesn’t respect the audience either. From there, Kurt Angle terminated Lesnar’s contract. As he did, Heyman begged for the job back and Lesnar’s music hit. Lesnar slowly walked to the ring and circled it while staring down Angle. In the ring, Lesnar placed the Universal title on Heyman and grabbed the mic as the audience loudly booed and chanted “you suck.” Lesnar asked Corbin and Angle if they had a problem with him and then hit the F-5 on Kurt Angle. Corbin then walked away and Heyman handed Lesnar his title again. Both him and Lesnar laughed until Brock got in Heyman’s face. As this happened, the audience “we want Roman.”
-The show faded to black as Lesnar walked out of the ring.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Really good segment. The “we want Roman” chant proves that decisively. The question is, should Reigns have been sent out. I would have pulled the trigger. His reactions week to week are unpredictable at best, but he was getting the one he wanted tonight. Really tough call, but I would have given the go ahead.
FINAL THOUGHTS: Heavy Brock Lesnar tonight, but deservedly so. He and Heyman were brilliant in presenting his character and his side in this story. In the end, Roman got the cheers and the chants they want. Reigns did his part too and for the most part was more likable and human than ever before.
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: HEYDORN’S WWE RAW REPORT 7/23: Alt Perspective coverage of the live show including Stephanie McMahon’s big announcement, Reigns vs. Lashley number one contender match, and more
I’m over the Rousey/Natayla thing already. So Nattie can’t fight her own battles now? Going back to Extreme Rules, when Rousey jumped the barricade when Natayla was getting beatdown by Mickie, without help- to tonight, when it’s Rousey’s fault Natayla lost… but she still has to jump in?
Natayla’s boring.
Rousey’s a hothead.
I cringe when I hear their themes.
I agree with you- Roman did come off very well in that exchange with Angle. It’s been a good night for him. The funny part is they try so hard to get him over, but it’s all that “try hard” that keeps him from getting over. When the guy just comes off like a person, like he did tonight, he’s not so bad.
Hoping Liv can get a win tonight!