7/18 Lucha Underground TV Report (season 4, ep. 6): Pentagon Dark vs. Cage for Lucha Title, London vs. Dezmond X, Johnny Mundo vs. Vibroa

By Joel Dehnel, PWTorch contributor


Lucha Underground Report
Season 4 Episode #6 – “Break the Machine”
July 18, 2018
Taped in Los Angeles, Calif.
Aired on Rey Network
Report by Joel Dehnel, PWTorch contributor

-Show opened with a recaps of the Gift of the Gods Medallion winners, Mundo-Vibora and Pentagon-Cage.

-Title Card

Announcers: Striker welcomed the audience to show. He hyped the match between Pentagon and Cage coming later tonight then threw to Santos in the ring.

In ring: Santos introduced Paul London to the ring. Next out was Dezmond X (Xavier) who is making his LU debut. 

(1) PAUL LONDON (w/The Rabbit Tribe) vs. DEZMOND X – Match for an Aztec Medallion

The Rabbit Tribe pretended to attack Dezmond which allowed for London to take control early. Dezmond was able to to escape and hit a neck breaker. The Rabbit Tribe grabbed Dezmond’s leg which allowed London to attack. Dezmond came back with a hurricanrana followed by some kicks. London dodged Dezmond from the top rope. Dezmond was able to catch London from behind for the pin.

WINNER: Dezmond X at 4:14 to win an Aztec Medallion.


-Antonio walked out to the ring. He congratulated Dezmond X as the final competitor in next week’s Gift of the Gods match. Antonio said it was time for the competitors to place their medallions in the belt. He introduced El Dragon Azteca. Next out was King Cuerno who also placed his medallion on the belt. Ivelisse came out next. She was followed by Dezmond X. Son of Havoc placed his medallion in the belt. The Mack came down to the ring. Last out was Mil Muertes who was accompanied by Mil Muertes.

Antonio said now that everyone is here, we can have some fun. He said that next week only 6 will compete for the gift of the gods. He said they will have an impromptu where the winner will get to choose who will be removed from next week’s Gift of the Gods match.

(2) MIL MUERTES (w/Catrina) vs. THE MACK vs. SON OF HAVOC vs. IVELISSE vs. EL DRAGON AZTECA JR. vs. DEZMOND X vs. KING CUERNO – Winner will choose who won’t compete in next week’s Gift of the Gods match

Muertes threw Cuerno out for the first elimination. Muertes then tossed out Ivelisse and Dezmond X with ease.Muertes picked up El Dragon. While Muertes was taking out Dragon, Son of Havoc and Mack took out Muertes. Havoc and Mack looked at each other in the ring deciding what to do. Havoc eliminated eliminated himself 

WINNER: The Mack at 1:44.

Antonio asked Mack who he wanted to remove from the match. Mack said that Mil Muertes scares the s*** out of him so he’s out. Muertes went berserk and took out everyone.


In ring: Santos introduced Vibora to the ring. Next out was Johnny Mundo.

(3) VIBORA (w/Kobra Moon) vs. JOHNNY MUNDO (w/Taya)

Mundo landed some significant strikes to begin. Taya and Moon got involved by grabbing each competitors legs then briefly brawled in the ring. Mundo hit some kicks followed by a standing shooting star press. Vibora picked up Mundo and slammed him then followed up with a big boot. Mundo came back with two hurricaranas then went to the top rope. Vibora sat up and intimidated Mundo. Mundo then redirected his to Kobra Moon. Taya then distracted the referee in the ring. Vibora went after Mundo but was met with a steel chair to the head by PJ Black. Mundo hit an End of the World back in the ring. Vibora kicked and Mundo kicked the referee out of frustration. The rest of the Worldwide underground came in to attack Vibora but were chased off by Drago and Daga. Mundo and Vibora were left in the ring. Vibora kicked Mundo then followed it up with a standing moonsault. A new referee came to the ring and Mundo kicked out. Ricky Mundo came down to ringside and pulled Johnny to the outside. Mundo hit some more kicks in the ring. Vibora caught Mundo on the ring about and lifted him back into the ring for a chokeslam and the pin.

WINNER: Vibora at 8:51.

Post match. Taya and Black hit Moon and Vibora with chairs from behind. It led to Daga and Drago coming back to the ring for a full on brawl.


– XO Lishus was working out backstage. Jack Evans looked on at him from a distance with disdain. He looked down and saw Ricky mundo’s creepy doll. Ricky appeared and asked Jack what he was doing. Jack said he’s watching his enemies. Ricky asked him why he wasn’t helping his friends. Jack got frustrated and stormed off. The doll said it doesn’t like Evans. Ricky said he doesn’t like him either. The doll suggested that he do to him what he did to Angelico. Ricky said that would upset Johnny. The doll asked him who is in charge of his life, Johnny or himself.

In ring: Santos introduced Cage to the ring followed by Pentagon Dark.


(4) PENTAGON DARK vs. CAGE – Lucha Underground Championship match

Cage attacked Pentagon from behind leading to a brawl on the outside. Pentagon grabbed a cable and strangled Cage. Cage then dropped Pentagon on the edge of the ring apron then tossed him inchairs. Cage tied Pentagon’s mask to the barricade. This allowed Cage to hit some some strike. He then grabbed a chair but Pentagon was able to escape and hit Cage. Pentagon brought the action into the ring and hit a double stomp. Cage came back with a pump handle slam then followed up with a suplex from the middle rope. Pentagon hit a backbreaker followed by a code breaker. Cage slammed Pentagon face forward. Pentagon came back with a series of kicks followed by two flipping pile drivers and a package piledriver for the win.

WINNER: Pentagon at 6:49 to retain the Lucha Underground Championship.

Post match: Cage went to attack Pentagon, but was stopped. Pentagon went to break Cage’s arm but was overpowered and Cage slammed him onto the title. Cage grabbed a mic and stood over Pentagon holding the world title and said his arm cannot be broken because he’s not a man, he’s a machine.

FINAL THOUGHTS:  I was hoping for a lot more from Pentagon vs. Cage, but there was a lot crammed into this show where it only went for less than 7 minutes… The Gift of the Gods has been built up pretty well in the short time that it’s had. It’ll be pretty interesting to see what they do since they took out the only real heel from the match. LU could have the challenger play up a more heel role. 

NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: 7/11 Lucha Underground TV Report (season 4, ep. 5): Muertes vs. Cage, The Mock vs. Killshot vs. Son of Havoc, Joey Ryan vs. Ivelisse, Cueto vs. Cortez


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