7/16 WWE RAW RESULTS: Keller’s report on post-Extreme Rules developments, will Lesnar show up, Ziggler-Seth finish fallout, more

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor


JULY 16, 2018

Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Jonathan Coachman

Tonight after WWE Raw, join me live with guest cohost Jonny Fairplay (the most controversial Survivor podcast host ever as of today) to break down the show with live callers, mailbag, and a live on-site correspondent from Buffalo.

•CALL: (347) 215-8558



-They opened with a screen In Memory of Masa Saito (1942-2018)

-Cole said it was an “electric crowd here in Buffalo, New York” as Raw G.M. Kurt Angle’s music played. (Buffalo, you made the cut! WWE is proud to be in your town!)

-Angle stood mid-ring and thanked every Raw Superstar who competed at Extreme Rules. He said their effort and dedication makes him proud to be their G.M. He said one Superstar has shown very little effort and dedication, and that’s Brock Lesnar, the Universal Champion. He said he gave Lesnar an ultimatum last night to show up at Raw, agree to a title defense, or he’ll be stripped. He said in 24 hours he hasn’t heard from Lesnar or his representatives. Paul Heyman interrupted. He marched to the ring to a chorus of boos.

(Keller’s Analysis: I think that counts. Angle said it. Lesnar is stripped.)

Heyman introduced himself. Angle interrupted and said everyone knows how he is. Angle said if Lesnar doesn’t step out there now, he’ll strip him. Heyman said that’s an interesting way to put it. He said his client, the reigning, defending, undisputed (FORMER) Universal Champion, Brock Lesnar! He stopped and pointed at the stage, but then turned back to Angle and said he’s not there. Angle said he leaves him no choice and he is stripping Lesnar. Heyman frantically interrupted Angle and told him to hang on. Heyman entered the ring as fans began chanting “Strip the Title!” Heyman said he and the entire WWE Universe has it all wrong. He said he doesn’t blame him for his perception. He said it’s understandable. He said the perception is he doesn’t care about being Universal Champion and he just wants to become UFC Champion again. Heyman said nothing could be further from the truth. He said Lesnar “loves being in WWE.” Fans booed. He said he loves being the Universal Hvt. Champion. “Then why the hell doesn’t he show up,” exclaimed Angle.

Heyman said Lesnar wants to represent the entire WWE Universe and challenge for the UFC Hvt. Championship with the Universal Title strapped tightly around his waist. He said he could represent WWE and UFC as a two-sport champion just as Angle did in his prime with the Olympic Gold Medal around his neck. Angle smiled. He said if that’s Brock’s goal, more power to him, but Lesnar will defend the title at Summerslam or he is no longer champion. Scattered cheers, but not an eruption. (It seems fans actually want Lesnar stripped more than they want to see him wrestle at this point. Another “Strip the Title!” chant broke out and they paused and showed close-ups of fans.) Heyman told Angle he drives a hard bargain and Lesnar will defend the title at Summerslam. Heyman congratulated each of the fans on behalf of his client, Lesnar. He said their voices have been heard. He claimed they chanted “We Want More Brock Lesnar!” The crowd booed. He said WWE Network would be all Brock Lesnar all the time if they had their way, which is why he congratulates them for making their voices heard by this highly intelligent G.M. who forced their hands. He said it’s official that Lesnar will defend the title at Summerslam, and the only thing left for Angle to decide is who will be beaten, victimized, and conquered.

Suddenly Bobby Lashley’s entrance began and he walked out. Lashley said when he came back to WWE, he had two goals – defeat Roman Reigns at Extreme Rules and beat Brock Lesnar for the Universal Title. He said one down, one to go as he stared down Angle. He then moved toward Heyman, who backed off and said, “I’m just an advocate!”

Drew McIntyre’s music played and he walked out. Graves said there’s no shortage of willing challengers for Lesnar’s championship. He told Lashley to hold on. He asked why exactly he came back to WWE. He said phase one was helping Dolph Ziggler win the Intercontinental Title. He said now it’s time for Phase Two. He entered the ring and stepped up to Lashley and said it’s to win the Universal Championship.

Seth Rollins’ entrance music played. As Seth walked out, Cole said Seth is intense. He got in Drew’s face and they had a staredown. Fans chanted “Burn it down!” Seth told Angle if he’s looking for an opponent for Brock, “I’m right here.”

Next Elias strummed his guitar and walked onto the stage. He asked who wants to walk with him as he stepped up to the ring. He said there’s a lot of noise in the ring, but nothing sounds nicer than Elias as champion. He said next week, July 23rd, his debut album drops. He said it would only make sense that he ride that success right into Summerslam and book Elias vs. Lesnar.

Finn Balor walked out next to his music. Coach said the ring is filling up with a lot of big-time egos and stars. Cole noted he’s the first-ever Universal Champion. Balor said he has one question: Who was the very first Universal Champion? Fans cheered. He said he thinks it only makes sense that it should be Balor vs. Lesnar.

Roman Reigns’s music played next, about 15 minutes into the show at this point. Eruption of boos. Coach was oddly startled: “What in the world!” Cole yelled, “And here comes the Big Dog.” He said nobody has a better case than Reigns. Coach said he’s been walking around since Saudi Arabia with a big chip on his shoulder. Reigns said he wants to face someone tonight.

Angle said there will be two triple threat matches tonight, and the winners of each will face-off next week for the right to face Brock at Summerslam. Elias vs. Seth vs. Lashley and Drew vs. Reigns vs. Balor. (I love that as Angle revealed the second triple threat match, there was some suspense as he read each of the names; process of elimination made it obvious, of course.) [c]

(Keller’s Analysis: Overall, a suitable foll0w-up to Summerslam. I think it behooved them to quickly establish Lesnar is defending the title after all and not drag it out. The crowd chanting “strip him” indicates fans are ready to move on, one way or another. The parade of challengers felt like it was going to go on forever. Other wrestlers in the back have to be kicking themselves for not coming out, too! It would have been fun, I think, if Tyler Breeze came out too and when Angle made the matches, he just left him out of the two triple threat matches. Seth seemed to be the most over among the six.)

-Backstage Constable Corbin asked Angle what he thinks he’s doing. Corbin asked if he got authorization from Stephanie. “I didn’t think I needed to,” said Angle. Corbin then asked why he didn’t include him in one of the matches. “I didn’t think you deserved it,” said Angle. Corbin asked why Balor does. Angle said because Balor beat him. Corbin had no response.

(1) DREW MCINTYRE vs. FINN BALOR vs. ROMAN REIGNS – No. 1 Contendership Qualifier

Early in the match, Balor dropkicked Drew into the ropes and then Reigns clotheslined him over the top rope. Balor then clotheslined Reigns over the top rope. He then flip dove onto both of them. When Drew took control, Graves noted that Balor and Reigns competed in grueling matches at Extreme Rules, but Drew did not. Cole said Drew is the reason Ziggler is still IC Champion today. Cole said this version of Drew is a much different one than the last time many saw him when he was ‘The Chosen One.” He said he’s more focused and knows his time is limited to prove himself and accomplish a great career. Graves said he realizes he has to make his own opportunity. (In three years we’re going to hear the same thing about Heath Slater, aren’t we?) They cut to a break at 4:00 with Drew in control. [c]

The announcers marveled as Drew when he did a running leaping flip dive from inside the ring onto Reigns on the floor. They replayed it in slo-mo. Back in the ring Balor was cheered on loudly against Reigns. Graves noted that Reigns was gasping for air. Balor climbed to the top rope. Drew hit Balor across his back with a chair. Cole immediately said it was legal under triple threat rules (which is SO STUPID). Coach called it “such a smart move by Drew McIntyre.” (Yep, the babyfaces are idiots for not taking advantage of the “no DQ” stip that is needlessly part of triple threat matches in WWE.) Balor drove Reigns shoulders-first into the ringpost for a two count. They cut to a break. [c]

Reigns was in control with a series of clotheslines against Drew in the corner. He gave Drew a big boot next. Coach began to pontificate about how great athletes sometimes take a while to warm up, but Reigns has warmed up here. Drew then hit Reigns with a spinebuster. Balor then entered the ring and bashed Drew with a chair from behind as he set up a move on Reigns. Balor hit him again and knocked him out of the ring. He then turned to Reigns. Fans chanted “Yes!” As he bashed Reigns with the chair, the crowd cheered. Reigns rolled out of the ring as Balor played to the crowd. He then charged at Drew at ringside with a running dropkick, sending him hard into the barricade. Reigns recovered and gave Drew a running spear at ringside into the time keeper’s area. Balor gave Reigns a sling blade. Back in the ring he hit another sling blade. Reigns countered with a Superman Punch out of nowhere for a near fall. The crowd popped for the kickout.

Cole wondered if Reigns is doubting himself and if he can get the job done tonight. Reigns played to the crowd. He got booed. He let out a yell, but then got kicked in the face by Balor. Cheers. He dropkicked him and then quickly hit the Coup de Grace for a near fall. Drew yanked Balor out of the ring before three, then threw Balor hard into the ringside steps. Coach said there is no doubt Balor would’ve had a three count there. Drew pounded the mat inside the ring and waited for Balor to stand. He went for the Claymore, but Reigns intercepted him with a Superman Punch. Balor surprised Reigns with a roll-up for a near fall. Drew knocked Reigns down. All three were slow to get up. Drew went for a Claymore against Reigns, but Reigns moved and he kicked Balor. Reigns then gave Drew a Superman Punch. Reigns speared Balor and scored the pin. They cut to a group of Reigns fans who were cheering wildly for him. They were all women. They zoomed in on Reigns who was bleeding from his eye. He talked to the ref about what happened.

WINNER: Reigns in 19:00 to advantage to next week’s no. 1 contendership match.

(Keller’s Analysis: This wasn’t a surprise. I mean, if anyone but Reigns from these three moved to next week, whoever his opponent ended up being would likely be seen as the inevitable Lesnar opponent. Well, Seth or Lashley would, but not Elias. By the way, if anything goes in a triple threat match, why didn’t Seth run out and just bash Drew’s head in with sledgehammer to get revenge for last night and help his buddy Reigns?)

-Backstage a pacing Bayley asked Angle where Sasha Banks is. He said she is in her locker room, isolating herself. Bayley said typical Sasha. Angle asked how the counseling went. She said not so well. Angle, who apparently doesn’t watch his own show, gasped with surprise and disappointment. Bayley said she doesn’t think Sasha and her will ever be friends ever again. Angle said he thinks she’s wrong. He said he went about this wrong. He said she and Sasha will team up against Dana Brooke & Alicia Fox. Bayley said it’s a bad idea. Angle said if they can’t get along, one of them is going to get traded to Smackdown. Bayley reacted like he just said one of them will be sent to Siberia. (Geesh, Bayley, that’s hardly punishment.) [c]

-Bobby Heenan’s likeness is being used to sell a hair coloring shampoo called “The First Shampoo with a Brain.” It showed highlights of Heenan managing and Heenan talking about his work ethic. It feels strange to see Heenan posthumously endorsing shampoo. (It seems a little tacky, but I’m torn because I’m all for making sure the greatness of Heenan’s work is familiar to new generations.)

-Cole narrated clips of the controversial Intercontinental Title match last night.

-Ziggler came out and stood in the ring and said last night he did everything he said he was going to do. He bragged about putting on an absolute clinic. He said he is iron man and still IC Champion. I think Dolph *pretends* to chew gum, which is so weird. He said the IC Title match headlined a WWE PPV last night for the first time in 17 years. Fans cheered. He said, “And that sure as hell wasn’t because of Seth Rollins.” He said he always gives credit where it’s due. He said he respects everything Seth did to make this IC Title what it is today. “But you’re no Dolph Ziggler, brother,” he snickered. He said he beat Seth five times. Suddenly Bobby Roode’s music played. Suddenly the IC Title became mid-card again. Coach said he wanted to hear more from Ziggler.

Roode said he thinks he should give more credit to Drew because without him, he wouldn’t be in the ring bragging right now. He said he should be on his hands and knees thanking Drew. He said without Drew, Ziggler would probably be at some comedy club telling bad jokes. Ziggler asked Roode what it was like watching him headline Extreme Rules from the sidelines. Roode said the sidelines suck, so he’s challenging him right now. Roode asked if Ziggler is afraid he can’t do it on his own. Ziggler said he can do it and he called for a referee “right now.”



As Jo Jo began to say it’s for the title, Ziggler grabbed the mic and said he agreed to a match, but not one for the IC Title. Cole said, “Classic Ziggler.” Roode went for an early Glorious DDT, but Ziggler escaped. Coach said the IC Title match deserved to headline the PPV. Graves credited Miz and Seth for helping elevate it. After several minutes of back and forth action, they cut to a break. [c]

More basic solid back and forth action with some counters to each other’s signature moves. Roode leapfrogged Ziggler off the ropes, sold a tweaked knee, and ate a superkick. Ziggler made the cover and scored a three count.

WINNER: Ziggler in 13:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Interesting to have Roode step up and challenge Ziggler, have a non-title match, yet still lose. Usually non-title matches are where the babyface beats the heel champion to earn a title shot. This could be a step toward Roode turning heel out of frustration, or it’s just using Roode as a mid-carder to fill 15 minutes of TV time with a nice match.)

-They recapped the Heyman-Angle segment earlier. Cole then hyped the next triple threat match.

-A brief soundbite aired with Lashley saying he will tonight and then go on to become Universal Champion.

-A commercial hyped Jeff Hardy challenging Shinsuke Nakamura for the U.S. Title tomorrow night on Smackdown. [c]

-Backstage Mojo Rawley approached Roode, who was smarting from his loss, and mock applauded him. “And you’re supposed to be glorious?” he said. He turned and walked away.


Cole said Fandango is out of action after undergoing shoulder surgery. Coach said Twitter is upset he didn’t have a word of the hour last hour. He went on and on about it as Cole tried to talk up Mojo during his ring entrance. Awkward. Cole said Mojo used to be a fun-loving guy who enjoyed his time with “WWE fans.” (I gasped when he said “fans” instead of Universe.) Mojo knocked Breeze around, brushed off his attempts at offense, and won clean.

WINNER: Mojo in 3:00.

-They showed a dejected Sasha and despondent Bayley moping backstage. Graves said his heart couldn’t take it if Angle shipped one of them to Smackdown. (He does realize he also announces Smackdown, right?) [c]


Coach said in friendships and relationships, sometimes people forget why they’re fighting because the argument lasts so long. I’m sure that’s the case with the fans. Cole said Goldust just tweeted him and volunteered to counsel them. Coach said, “I thought we didn’t read our tweets during the show?” Apparently Coach is given a hard time for refreshing his social media during the show. Sasha came to Bayley’s aid at ringside a couple minutes in. The announcers were surprised. Banks yanked Dana off the ring apron and she flipped onto her back when she landed. The ref called for the bell. Banks then walked away alone.

WINNER: Sasha in 2:00. [c]

-Backstage Sasha was packing her bag when Bayley walked up to her and asked what it was all about. Sasha said it’s one thing for her to beat her him, but she’ll be damned if anyone else does. Bayley said, “So that means you care.” Sasha said she does and always has, but she hates talking about her feelings. She said she loves that she’s a good person, that she loves everybody, that she wants to be friends with everybody, that little girls look up to her, that she’s always there for her, and that she can tell when something is wrong. She said she can’t understand why she doesn’t understand that she loves her, she always has, and she always will. “There, I said it,” she said. Then she stormed away.

-Back to the announcers, Cole said they’d see how this would play out, then pivoted to how Owens tried to be friends with Braun. Cole then said last night he hasn’t seen many things as wild as Braun tossing KO off the top of the cage. Graves said it was the most disturbing thing Braun has ever done.

-Backstage Renee Young asked Braun Strowman if he had an regrets over what he did to Owens last night. Braun said he regrets he didn’t have the opportunity to congratulate Owens on his victory last night. Renee asked why he didn’t step up earlier in the show to try to get a match against Lesnar. Braun held up his Money in the Bank briefcase and said he has that and he can cash in anytime no matter who is champion.

-Cole said Owens suffered a bruised shoulder, back, and ribs along with a strained neck and he will be reevaluated later in the week.

(Keller’s Analysis: So that’s it? Really? That bump was the talk of wresting for ten years when Mick Foley took it and now it’s just a passing comment mid-show with minor injuries addressed. I mean, why bother taking that kind of risk or watering down that big of a stunt with something with potentially zero consequences? I hope they have something planned beyond that.)

-B Team made their ring entrance. They showed clips of the B Team celebrating in an over-the-top gleeful exuberant manner backstage last night. [c]

(5) B TEAM (Bo Dallas & Curtis Axel) vs. THE ASCENSION

The match was in progress after the break. Cole said Ascension dominated early. Coach said maybe B Team partied all night and are paying a price. Bo made a comeback. They showed Dash & Dawson watching on a monitor backstage. B Team eventually won with a double-team move.

WINNERS: B Team in 3:00.

-Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt appeared on the big screen. Hardy said B Team have screwed up the imperial equilibrium of the heavens. Bray said celebrate now because it won’t last as next week they’ll take back what is rightfully theirs. Hardy vowed to delete them forever.

-The announcers threw to a video recap of the Alexa Bliss vs. Nia Jax title match with Ronda Rousey and Natalya involved.

-They showed a cocky Alexa Bliss with a smiling Mickie James backstage. [c]

-Fact: WWE bragged that Extreme Rules was the most social show on all of TV, even Celebrity Family Feud on ABC and Shark Week on Discovery Channel.


-Alexa and Mickie entered the ring. “Kendo sticks, chairs, trash cans, bullies, and overrated rookies and I leave Extreme Rules still your Raw Women’s Champion,” Alexa began. She bragged some more and said the match ended the way all stories should – with the bully being defeated. She said she now has defeated every contender. Alexa said, when fans yelled out Rousey’s name, that Rousey doesn’t count because she’s suspended. Rousey walked out through the crowd with a new hairstyle. Bliss and Mickie tried to leave, but Rousey cut them off on the stage. She charged after them and caught up to Mickie. She gave her a spinning Samoan drop. Alexa tried to yank Mickie to safety, and with help from referees, she did. Rousey chased them down and tackled them, then dragged Bliss into the ring and applied an armbar. Angle came out and told Ronda to calm down. Bliss was pulled to safety by the referees. Angle said she has two days left in her suspension and she needs to go home and wait it out.

Corbin walked out and said she deserves to have her suspension extended. Angle agreed and added a week. Corbin said she deserves more than that. Corbin went looking for his cell phone to call Stephanie. After Corbin returned to the back, Angle smiled and revealed he had it. Then he said when Rousey’s suspension is up, she’ll get a WWE Raw Women’s Title match at Summerslam against Bliss. Bliss was freaked out.

-A video recap aired of the Heyman-Angle segment again. Then a recap of the first Triple Threat match.

-Charly Caruso interviewed Seth Rollins backstage about his opportunity later. He said last night wasn’t his night, but tonight and next Monday night will be his nights. He said he loves Reigns like a brother, but if his path goes through Reigns, he has to do what he has to do. He said if he knows Roman at all, he knows he would say the same about him. [c]

-A selfie promo aired with Titus O’Neal and Apollo Crews saying wrestlers like to show up and think they own the place. Crews said they’re not stagehands. Titus said they’ll just go to the ring and take care of business.


AOP rammed Titus into the ringpost early and he went down hard at ringside. He came back with a step-up enzuigiri and a dropkick on Akam, though. Rezar. It didn’t take long, though, for AOP to win clean.

WINNERS: AOP in 2:00.

-They showed Sarah Logan carrying Liv Morgan on her back on their way to the entrance stage. They were stopped by No Way Jose’s conga line. [c]

(7) EMBER MOON vs. SARAH LOGAN (w/Liv Morgan)

After a Morgan distraction, Logan scored the pin. The announcers made a big deal out of this being Logan’s first win on Raw.

WINNER: Logan in 7:00. [c]

-Elias sang mid-ring with digs at Buffalo and Bobby Lashley’s promos. He was eventually interrupted by Seth. They cut to a break. [c]

(8) SETH ROLLINS vs. ELIAS vs. BOBBY LASHLEY – Triple Threat match for no. 1 contendership qualifier 

Seth and Lashley got rid of Elias early, then Seth settled into a side headlock for a while. The announcers talked about the possibilty of Seth vs. Reigns happening, a battle between best friends. Lashley settled into a side headlock. Seth made a comeback, but Lashley intervened. They showed Angle, Corbin, and Heyman watching backstage.  [c]

Back live Lashley rallied. Then Elias. Then Seth.


Cole reset what was at stake. Seth and Lashley exchanged blows after once again knocking Elias out at ringside. When Seth set up a Stomp, Elias yanked him out of the ring. Lashley then speared Elias and got the win.

WINNER: Lashley.

Tonight after WWE Raw, join me live with guest cohost Jonny Fairplay (the most controversial Survivor podcast host ever as of today) to break down the show with live callers, mailbag, and a live on-site correspondent from Buffalo.

•CALL: (347) 215-8558



5 Comments on 7/16 WWE RAW RESULTS: Keller’s report on post-Extreme Rules developments, will Lesnar show up, Ziggler-Seth finish fallout, more

  1. “He said nobody has a better case than Reigns”
    The guy who lost the last two shots at Lesnar and lost last night and nobody has a better case? THis is the kind of commentary that keeps fans firmly against Reigns.

    “if anything goes in a triple threat match, why didn’t Seth run out and just bash Drew’s head in with sledgehammer to get revenge for last night and help his buddy Reigns?”
    Because he’s a face, the real question is why Ziggler didn’t run out to interfere for Drew.

    I’m guessing the other reason Reigns had to win one of the triple threats is to avoid giving away Rollins v Lashley in singles competition for free with no buildup. I’m hoping for Rollins to be the challenger for Brock, but fear it will be Lashley (please let it not be Reigns again).

  2. Ahh Vincent Kennedy McMahon… the gayness is strong with this one. Sasha loves Bayley, Alexa and Mickie stroll around holding hands [as do the IIconics] and let’s face it Liv Morgan got more time playing with Sarah’s boobs over and over again than any of us did with our girlfriends as teenagers. We get it Vince, you like lesbians. RAW has some talent in the men’s division, I just worry about the booking. Yes, Brock with two titles looks great but after the MMA stuff get the WRESTLING title off him and let the guys actually fight for it once in awhile.

    • What about Vince and his constant push of Roman? Vince needs to hang it up. Ratings are falling fast and he seems to be out of touch with the product. Reigns vs Lesnar at Summerslam? Just what the fans want! Right Vince? Boring.

  3. i feel like a mark for thinking he would be stripped. imagine how big it would have been if he was stripped and did nt come back till wrestlemania or even the first episode of either raw or smackdown on the new tv deal. im sick of lesnar and wanted him stripped but prob would be in to a match of his in twelve months time. Any way i hope reigns beats lashley and strowman cashes in before the match. i think strowman vs reigns vs lesnar is the match that makes the most sense now. they the two people who have done best against lesnar and the fact lesnar does nt have to take the fall would introduce some suspense to the match.

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