Lucha Underground Report
Season 4 Episode #4 – “Pain, Love and Sacrifice to the Gods”
July 4, 2018
Taped in Los Angeles, Calif.
Aired on Rey Network
Report by Joel Dehnel, PWTorch contributor
-Show opened with a recaps of Catrina confronting Fenix, Vibora attacking Johnny Mundo, Gauntlet of the Gods and Pentagon vs. Matanza and the Grave Consequences match.
– Catrina walked up to Fenix’s body and kissed him. She said her life begins again then her cloths transformed into a red dress.
-Melissa Santos sat back stage and browsed photos of her and Fenix on her mobile device. Catrina came up behind her and said not to cry for Fenix because he’s not coming back. She said he died for the woman he truly loves and thanks to him she has never felt more alive. She gave Santos one half of the broken medallion as a keepsake.
-Title Card
Announcers: Striker welcomed the audience to show. Striker recapped Jake Strong’s debut a few weeks back. Vampiro asked fans to share well wishes with Famous B during his recovery.
In ring: Santos introduced Big Bad Steve to the ring. Next out was Jake Strong.
1 – BIG BAD STEVE (w/Beautiful Brenda) vs. “THE SAVAGE” JAKE STRONG (f/k/a Jack Swagger)
Strong landed some hard shots to start. Steve landed some strikes, but Strong overpowered him with a clothesline and some back forearms. Strong dominated Steve and his signature corner splash. Hee followed it up with another clothesline then cinched an ankle lock for the victory.
WINNER: Jake Strong at 2:06.
Post match: Strong “broke” Steve’s ankle then hit a powerbomb outside the ring.
– King Cuerno sat across from Antonio in his office. Cuerno explained that the Gauntlet was stolen from him. Antonio explained how the Gauntlet can be very dangerous in the wrong hands. Antonio said he could offer something else in return. He offered Cuerno a chance at competing for an Aztec Medallion against Chavo Guerrero. Cage walked into Antonio’s office. He requested that he finish the job on Pentagon this week. Antonio said if he wants a match with the champion he will need to earn an Aztec Medallion. Next week, Cage will get a shot at revenge against Mil Muertes.
In ring: Santos introduced Daga and Kobra Moon. Their opponents tonight are Johnny Mundo and Taya.
Taya started the match with Daga. Taya finally took control with a big boot. Daga caught her with a drop kick. Taya tagged in Mundo. Mundo took down Daga and hit a standing shooting star press. Mundo dropkicked Daga into the corner allowing him to tag in Kobra Moon. Moon and Daga double teamed Mundo. Mundo escaped and was able to take control of Daga and tag in Taya. Taya held Daga so Mundo could hita super kick. Daga moved out of the way so Mundo kicked Taya allowing Daga to tag in Kobra Moon. PJ Black attacked Moon from behind allowing Taya to score the pin victory.
WINNER: The Worldwide Underground at 6:24
Post match: Vibora beat down The Worldwide Underground. Mundo scaped the ring while Daga and Vibora held down Black and Taya. Moon told Mundo that he will soon bow down and call her his queen.
[JD’s Reax: Aren’t we not supposed to like either of these factions? What reason do we have to cheer for one over the other?]
– Antonio unlocked the door to a cellar. The camera looked down a hallway as you could see in the shadow how Matanza was beating a person. Matanza emerged from the shadow and Antonio told him that he is ready for his first sacrifice. Matanza followed Antonio.
[JD’s Reax: Really good short and sweet backstage scene. In that 30 seconds, I have never seen Matanza look so menacing even after he cowered to Antonio a few weeks back. The use of the shadows and the dutch angle camera shot worked perfectly to present Matanza as a psycho killer without being too campy.]
In ring: Santos introduced Mr. Pectacular who stood in the ring. Antonio came out and told him that while this is his first singles match in the temple, this may also be his last. Antonio said tonight they would do something for the first time, sacrifice to the gods match. He told Mr. Pectacular that he is the sacrifice for his son Matanza. MAtanza ran out to the ring.
3 – MR. PECTACULAR vs. “THE MONSTER” MATANZA CUETO – Sacrifice to the Gods
Mr. Pectacular hit a drop kick which did no damage. Matanza threw Pectacular around the ring then hit the Wrath of the Gods for the win.
WINNER: Matanza at :50.
In ring: Santos introduced Chavo Guerrero to the ring. Next out was King Cuerno.
4 – CHAVO GUERRERO, JR. vs. KING CUERNO – match for an Aztec Medallion
Chavo dove onto Cuerno to begin the match. Chavo beat down Cuerno on the outside. Chavo rolled Cuerno into the ring and went for a leap from the top rope. Cuerno caught him with a drop kick. Chavo regained control quickly with some strikes. Chavo fell to the outside, allowing Cuerno to go for a dive. Chavo tried to hit Cuerno with a chair but missed. Cuerno kicked the chair into Chavo’s face. Cuerno leaped off of the barricade and onto Chavo. Cuerno went for the top rope, but Chavo caught him and hit a superplex. Chavo continued to dominate and attempted multiple pins. Chavo ripped off the top turnbuckle pad. Cuerno began to fight back. Cuerno avoided a slingshot into the turnbuckle and hit a sunset flip followed by a flying knee that knocked Chavo to the outside. Cuerno Dove onto Chavo then tossed him back into the ring. Chavo caught Cuerno and went for the Three Amigos. Cuerno stopped Chavo and hit a pile driver like move for the win.
WINNER: King Cuerno at 10:00 to win an Aztec Medallion.
FINAL THOUGHTS: Not a lot of the bang bang in ring action that you’ve come to expect each week from LU. This week did an effective job of rebooting Matanza as an unleashed Psycho Killer now that he is not bound by his key. Cuerno also became more of a fan favorite despite the cheers for the overtly heelish Chavo.
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: 6/27 Lucha Underground TV Report (season 4, ep. 3): Jack Evans vs. Xo Lishus, Crane vs. Muertes vs. Fenix, Ricky Mundo explains his creepy doll
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