JUNE 29, 2018
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Rich Bocchini
-MLW intro played.
– A replay from last week aired showing Sami Callihan’s “death machines” attempting to jump Shane Strickland before being stopped by Barrington Hughes backstage before Strickland’s match last week. Barrington Hughes was backstage with Casey Lennox. He was wearing a bandage on his head. He said he was going toe to toe with the death machines when he got cracked in the head by something. It was possibly a crowbar. He said that he wasn’t done quarreling and rumbling with the death machines.
-The Fusion intro video played.
-Tony Schiavone and Rich Bocchini introduced the show. They previewed Rich Swann vs. ACH. Also Sami Guevara vs. Fred Yehi. They showed highlights of Kotto Brazil beating Vandal Ortagun last week.
– Vanessa Craft was backstage with Kotto Brazil. She asked Kotto how he feels about getting his first win. He said it feels great. He finally showed the world that Kotto can and it’s only going to go up from here. Then out of nowhere the death machines came in and started beating him up. The drug him off by his feet and Sami Callihan walked in. He started to sing “hot crossed buns,” he said they could be entertaining but they get paid to hurt people. He called out MVP and said that if he ever wanted to see his friend again that he had to come to get him.
(1) Ariel Dominguez vs. Jaye Skye
I’m not sure what the difference is between a prospect and a regular roster member. The announce team was referring to these men as middleweights. About ten seconds into the match the lights went out and two mysterious women entered down the entrance ramp. Bocchini identified the one woman as Sue Young but was unaware of the identity of the second woman. Both women beat down the two men in the match and then exited through the crowd.
(Karcher’s Comments: Very cool debut from Sue Young and Zeda Zhang. They looked very intimidating and the lighting in the arena for their attack was cool looking. I really hope MLW makes a real attempt at a women’s division as so far they have only had one woman match in there first 11 episodes. Adding these to women to the full-time roster and showcasing them on the show weekly would be a good place to start.)
– A promo aired showing highlights of Shane Strickland’s biggest moments and recent matches with Low Ki narrating the footage. He asked if Strickland is confident that he can outrun Low Ki. He asked if he is confident that he can survive Low Ki. Footage aired of Low Kis attack on Strickland last week with gunshot sound effects for Low Ki’s kicks. Salina da La Renta was shown upping the bounty on Strickland to $60,000. Low Ki said he has arrived and has 60,000 reasons to burn down Swerve’s house.
[c] An advertisement for the July 19 TV taping in NY.
– Schiavone recapped the rules of the Battle Riot occurring July 19th. They announced more participants. Filthy Tom Lawlor, Brody King, Low Ki, Jimmy Havoc, Samu, and Leon Scott join the match. Already announced were Rich Swann, Jason Cade, Joey Ryan, PCO, Kevin Sullivan, ACH, The Swaggle, John Morrison, Lance Anoa’i, Konnan, Sami Callihan, Davey Boy Smith Jr. Teddy Hart, Jack Hager, Barrington Hughes, Jimmy Yuta, and Pentagon Jr. Schiavone also announced that Low Ki will be facing John Hennigan (John Morrison) and Joey Ryan will be taking on Maxwell Jacob Friedman for the MLW Middleweight championship.
– MVP was backstage. He approached a door and hesitantly opened it. Inside Kotto Brazil was knocked out in what looked like some kind of boiler room. MVP picked up a cell phone and played a message from Callihan. Callihan asked MVP if he had the balls to meet him in the boiler room.
– A Salina de La Renta promo aired during Sami Guevara’s entrance. She said Guevara has been all over the world making a name for himself but she doesn’t even need to tell us this because we already know he is Mr. Money’s Worth.
– Tom Lawlor and Simon Gotch shook Fred Yehi’s hand as he walked backstage towards the ring. Lawlor thanked him for the match.
(2) Sami Guevara vs. Fred Yehi
The announcers put over a change in Guevara’s attitude as of late. Guevara slapped Yehi in the face before the two went to the matt for some chain wrestling. The crowd was chanting for Yehi. Yehi was on the offense early. Yehi hit the repeating bicycle kicks to the chest. The two exchange hard chops in the corner. Yehi hit a running dropkick on a seated Guevara. Yehi missed a cross body in the corner and when Yehi went to the floor Guevara laid back in relaxed position on the ropes. When Yehi made it back to the ring Guevara hit a running knee then lifted Yehi onto his shoulders and squatted him. Yehi countered and took over on offense again. Yehi hit Guevara with some rapid punches kicks, then hit a double stem on the neck. Yehi followed that up with a powerbomb pinning combination for a two. Guevara got Yehi on his shoulders looking for the electric chair but Yehi slipped out and got Guevara in a submission move and eventually, Guevara tapped out. After the match, Guevara was complaining about punches being illegal. La Renta did not look happy.
WINNER: Fred Yehi
(Karcher’s Comments: Decent match that was way too short considering the talent in the ring. Yehi dominated most of this match which I found surprising because so far de La Renta’s luchadors have been very competitive at MLW.)
– They replayed the footage from earlier of the Sue Young Zeda attack. This time they were able to properly identify Zeda as such but had no further details as to why the attack happened.
– Tom Lawlor and Simon Gotch were on their way to the ring. They saw Low Ki and mocked him. They congratulated him on getting the bounty raised. Gotch called Low Ki Agent 47. Low Ki asked Lawlor if he was still number one contender. He then ran through what happened to the last two number one contender’s Jimmy Havoc and Pentagon Jr. He rubbed it in Lawlor’s face that Low Ki has a match with Strickland even though he is not the number one contender. Lawlor walked away looking pissed.
– They replayed all the footage from the last few weeks showing Callihan and his death machines and their issues with MVP and Kotto Brazil. They cut to a video supposedly sent in by Callihan. Callihan asked MVP if he saw what he did to Brazil? He said that’s what he is going to do to MVP. He said if MVP has the balls to meet him in the boiler room that he would take him out. He did the thumbs up thumbs down thing.
– Schiavone recapped everything that has happened on the show so far.
– A video showed first aired clips of an interview Lawlor in a hot tub gave where he said he isn’t afraid of Jimmy Havoc. The video switched to the same setting but at night. Havoc was there. Havoc said he is watching Lawlor. He said the nighttime is where he plays. He asked Lawlor if he has ever seen blood in the moonlight. He said next time he sees Lawlor hell be able to show him.
– A replay aired from two weeks ago where Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix won the tag title belts.
– Casey Lennox was backstage ready to interview team TBD. You could hear an argument coming from outside the locker room. Jason Cade stored out and walked right by Lennox.
(3) Rich Swann vs. ACH
Tom Lawlor joined in on commentary. Swann ducked a chop in the corner. The two exchange holds. Swann kips up out of an armbar. Some nice grappling here by both men. Swann hit a big dropkick taking out ACH. Swann tried to hit a handspring cutter but ACH caught him mid-air. He then hit two hard knife edge chops sending Swann to the mat. Swann was sporting a new haircut that is supposedly inspired by Minoru Suzuki. ACH with a nice backbreaker into a snap German Suplex for a two. ACH worked a few long choke holds. Swann powers out and hits a nice running head scissors takedown. Swann ran up the shoulders of ACH and hit a dropkick for a two count. ACH went to the top rope but Swann hit him with a spinning kick to the head then a hurricanrana from the top rope for a two count. ACH started selling his shoulder again. ACH hit a discus lariat in the corner then a frog splash for a two. ACH hit a one-armed deadlift German suplex for a two count. Swann hit a back handspring cutter for a two. Swann attempted to get a double under hook on ACH but ACH countered with a back body drop. The two exchanged forearm shots and chops and punches. Swann hit a huge roundhouse kick for a near fall. The crowd chanted this is awesome. Swann attempted a standing front fli[ but ACH got his feet up. ACH went to the top rope for a frog splash but Swann rolled out of the way. Swann attempted to roll up ACH but ACH countered and instead rolled up Swann for the three.
(Karcher’s Comments: Good match. It was interesting that the match never turned into a high-risk maneuver type match. Neither competitor went for a ton of high-risk top rope moves. Some good wrestling by tow very talented competitors. I love ACH. I see big things in the future for this guy. Swann is a good hand too. I’d like to see a rematch between these two where they pull out more of their exciting move set. )
– Schiavone announced that next week we would hear from Shane Strickland and we would also get Sami Callihan vs. MVP in a boiler room brawl.
FINAL THOUGHTS: Another good show. The two matches on the show were decent, not great. I’m curious where they go storyline-wise with Guevara. Is he going to stay employed by La Renta if he continues to lose? I’m really happy ACH got the win in a main event matchup. I hope they use him as a main event talent going forward. Next week we have the boiler room brawl. I’m not a huge fan of these brawling type matches but Callihan usually delivers so I’m being cautiously optimistic.
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S COLUMN: 6/22 MLW Fusion TV Report: Teddy Hart vs. Trey Miguel in standout match, Ortagun vs. Brazil, Shane Stickland vs. Brody King
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