Lucha Underground Report
Season 4 Episode #3 “Rest in Pieces”
June 27, 2018
Taped in Los Angeles, Calif.
Aired on Rey Network
Report by Joel Dehnel, PWTorch contributor
-Show opened with a recaps of Antonio taking over LU, Catrina requesting grave consequences, Pentagon Dark defeating Matanza and Jeremiah asking to be added to grave consequences.
– Ricky Mundo explained his creepy doll to PJ Black and Jack Evans in the locker room. Johnny Mundo and Taya appeared and told Jack Evans he has a match tonight against one of those reptiles. Evans wiggled his way out of the match by saying he is afraid of snakes. Mundo asked if anyone had seen Angelico as they exited the locker room. As the room cleared, the creepy doll spoke reassured Ricky Mundo that his secret is safe with it. Ricky looked at the camera with a creepy smile.
-Title Card
Announcers: Striker welcomed the audience to show. He hyped the 3-way Grave Consequences match happening later on tonight.
In ring: Jack Evans stood in the ring as a new luchador to the ring for his open challenge. The announcers described the new luchador as “out there” and “flamboyant”. Santos introduced the new luchador as XO Lishus. Evans grabbed the mic from Santos and gave himself a grand introduction.
XO showed off his athleticism and made Evans look like a fool. Evans fell to the outside then XO dove onto Evans and shook his butt as taunt. Evans took control back in the ring. Evans locked XO into an armbar. XO escaped and hit a flurry of attacks followed by a leg drop. Evans caught XO with a spin wheel kick followed by a standing corkscrew. XO whipped Evans off the top turnbuckle then went up there himself and hit a splits leg drop. XO went back to the top rope and slammed Evans head into the mat for the pinfall victory.
WINNER: XO Lishus at 5:53.
In ring: Pentagon Dark stood in the middle of the ring. He discussed going through the challenges of Aztec Warfare and Matanza Cueto. He said that anyone who tries to go through him will end up broken. As Pentagon wrapped up, Cage attacked Pentagon from behind and beat him with the LU title belt. Cage set up a table outside the ring and powerbombed Pentagon through it. Cage grabbed the mic and said he is not a man, he is a machine and he will be the next LU Champion. The crowd responded with a lite mix of claps and jeers.
[JD’s Reax: With how over Pentagon is, how is Cage getting a mixed response to his attack on Pentagon? This is the result of being wishy washy about heels and faces. The crowd should despise Cage for his attack on Pentagon, instead they are just happy they will get the match because LU has not done a good job of conveying what constitutes a heel and a face.]
-Santos spoke with Fenix in the locker room. Santos expressed displeasure with Fenix competing in Grave Consequences tonight. Fenix reassured her he would be fine. The two shared a romantic kiss.
In ring: Santos walked back to the ring and introduced Mil Muertes. Next out was Jeremiah Crane followed by Fenix.
(2) FENIX vs. JEREMIAH CRANE vs. MIL MUERTES (w/Catrina) – Three-Way Grave Consequences match
Fenix and Mil exchanged strikes to start. Crane got involved and took down Fenix then went after Mil. Fenix rolled to the outside then Crane dove through the ropes onto him. Mil then leapt onto both Fenix and Crane. Mil rammed Crane’s head onto the coffin then powerbombed him onto the lid. Mil speared Crane then grabbed a table. Mil threw Crane back onto the coffin. Mil went after Fenix, but Crane kept trying to attack Mil. Crane caught Mil and threw him into the table. He grabbed Fenix and dragged him to the top of temple then hit a pile driver on the concrete. Mil surprised Crane from behind. Fenix climbed even higher and lept onto Mil and Crane. Mil struck Fenix and Crane who both rolled down the stairs.
Mil took another table from under the ring and set it up in the ring. Mil setup Crane on the top rope. Fenix stopped Mil then dove onto him through the table on the outside. Crane then hit a piledriver to Fenix through a table. Crane rolled Fenix into a coffin. Ivelisse interfered and hit Crane with a hammer. Ivelisse screamed at him then he gave her the finger. Ivelisse grabbed his finger then hit him over the head with the hammer knocking him into the coffin. Ivelisse shut the coffin door and Crane was eliminated.
Mil and Fenix met each other in the middle of the ring. Mil took of the pad of the bottom turnbuckle. Mil shot Fenix’s head into the metal. Fenix began to bleed and his mask was torn. Mil dragged the coffin into the ring and set it in the corner. Fenix kicked Mil into the coffin twice, but Mil fought back against Fenix shutting the coffin. Fenix went for a back elbow, but was caught by Mil. Fenix recovered quickly and hit a pop up cutter. Fenix went the top rope, got caught by Mil as he choke slammed Fenix onto the coffin. Fenix continued to show life with a drop kick from the top rope. Fenix went back to the top and was caught yet again this time with a flatliner. Mil opened up the coffin and set Fenix inside for the win.
WINNER: Mil Muertes at 20:07.
Post match: Santos begrudgingly announced Mil as the winner. Catrina expressed a tremendous amount of pleasure as the coffin was dragged away.
-Matanza had his hands chained in a large room. Antonio explained that the key was given to him by the gods as a way to hold the soul of Matanza. He said that the key has made him weak. Antonio tossed the key to Matanza and told him to destroy his soul and become a God. Matanza broke the chains as Antonio bid him a farewell.
It’ll be interesting to see what Matanza does on his own. Now that Matanza has freed himself to become a God, is there any reason he needs to wrestle in Lucha Underground? I mean the guy should be able to fly or have lightning shoot out of his fists. Shouldn’t he have God responsibilities that are more important than winning a wrestling belt?
I assume Fenix and Jeremiah will be back at some point as we’ve seen wrestlers come back from Grave Consequences and I believe both are signed through this season. Will they have an elaborate storyline to bring them back or will they just show up one week? I feel like we’ve seen the outcome of Grave Consequences play itself out before. I’m hoping they have something new in store for when they come back instead of just they rose from the ashes with the help of the gods and some mystical powers. Crane will have a ready made feud with Ivelisse upon his return. As far as Fenix, the storyline with him and Mil has played out way too many times. Fenix and Mil need to move onto something different as their feuds feel like John Cena vs. Randy Orton being repeated over and over.
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: 6/20 Lucha Underground TV Report (season 4, ep. 2): Pentagon Dark vs. Matanza Cueto, Drago vs. El Dragon Azteca Jr., Trips Championship match
There are really not heels and faces. Most everyone is in a gray area. Pentagon Dark was positioned as a heel at the end of last season using the traditional labels, but I think LUcha Underground is trying to eliminate or at least blur these labels. IF Pentagon Dark is a face now, how did that happen? I realize he is over hugely with the crowd, but he did nothing storyline wise to be a face.
Even though I disagree a bit, thank you for providing the recap of Lucha Underground. I have the feeling a lot of people have yet to discover this show. They are missing out on a real good product.