Cody Interrupted by Marty Scurll: Cody declares that he has assumed the role of the leader of The Bullet Club which got mixed reviews from the crowd. He also claims he will be the next NWA World Champion which got a loud applause and cheers. Cody’s declaration of his rematch for the ROH World title also got a loud applause. Cody turned his attention to Marty Scurll which the mere mention of Scurll’s name got another loud cheer as Scurll’s music hits and Scurll comes out. The fans were very happy to hear Scurll come out as they gave Scurll chants of “Marty, Marty, Marty, Marty…” Scurll tells Cody he loves bragging about himself and in short declares that he will take care of Cody at Best in the World. The two also shake but as Cody is walking away Scurll pulls Cody back in and teases his finger breaking move on Cody. However, Scurll releases Cody’s fingers and slips out of the ring. I cannot say this progressed the storyline between the two. There is still obvious friction that needs to be settled between them and rest of The Bullet Club, but it was a good segment between the two as we head towards Best in the World.
Silas Young Backstage Promo: Short promo from Young building up to Young’s match with Austin Aries later in the show. Young was effective as he always is. He made his point which was Aries came in and asked for a match and got it and when they are done Aries will know that Young is the “last real man.”
Tenille Dashwood vs. Karen Q: From the start, Q barely adheres to the Code of Honor as she slaps Dashwood’s hand. I thought Q was a very good heel during this match as she taunted Dashwood and was mouthy throughout with the referee and the crowd. Q has not been on ROH TV in a while and I was surprised at how much offense she got in against Dashwood. Q controlled the majority of the match. The crowd was quiet, but I thought the match was good between the two. Dashwood finally takes back control of the match. As we work towards the finish, Dashwood is in Q’s Spring Roll Boston Crab finisher. Dashwood made it to the ropes and broke the hold. As Q goes to put Dashwood back into the Spring Roll, Dashwood counters it with a pin out of nowhere. Q angrily throws a fit as Dashwood gets the win. I thought this match was good in a few ways. Dashwood got the win as expected. Although in defeat, Q looked good as she looks to establish herself in the division.
Adam Page and Punishment Martinez Recap: While I am sure ROH would prefer customers sign up for Honor Club, I like the fact that they put this segment together with Ian Riccaboni walking through the details of the recent bad blood between Page and Martinez. I believe all of these key moments between the two happened on Honor Club, but I like the way this was weaved into the weekly TV. If you do not have Honor Club, these were the key moments you missed in what I think has been built well between these two. Nice recap in a well put together segment. Riccaboni also tells us after the video package that Page will take on Martinez at Best in the World Friday June 29.
Silas Young (ROH World TV Champion) vs Austin Aries for the ROH World TV Title: Riccaboni tells us that this is Aries first time back in ROH in three years. The crowd was into it from the start and were obviously pro-Aries based on the cheers Aries got. Overall, solid match throughout that the fans were into. From the beginning, my biggest thought was wondering how this match would end. We have a ROH champion versus an Impact champion. I am sure I was not the only person thinking “which champion will eat the pin, if any?” With that said, I was not surprised what we saw as the finish. Young is about to put Aries away with Misery, but referee Paul Turner gets hit with Aries legs and Turner is knocked silly. This led to Beer City Bruiser and Kenny King hitting the ring. King hits Bruiser and then rolls into the ring. King, while referee Paul Turner is still down, hits Young in the head with the ROH TV title and King slides out. Aries, who was reeling from taking a groin shot on the top rope because Bruiser shook the ropes, crawled over to Young and threw his arm over Young. Referee Paul Turner sees the cover and counts to three. It appeared that Aries was the new ROH World TV champion, but senior referee Todd Sinclair hits the ring and explains what he just saw to Paul Turner and Bobby Cruise. Cruise then makes the announcement that due to outside interference of King, Young is still the champion via DQ on Aries. Colt Cabana did a great job of explaining that what Sinclair did is a rarity as to explain why this was somewhat acceptable. Cabana’s explanation was needed, and I applaud the explanation from him for the audience. Young was pinned but he remains champion because of the overruling by Sinclair. The aftermath was another story altogether. Aries got mad at Sinclair and punts him in the groin. King tried calming Aries down after he was disappointed with the overturn. King and Aries do hug and high five, but Aries decided to attack King as King gives Aries his belts. Aries hits King with a punt to the groin and then a brainbuster. Aries then puts King in Last Chancery as a sign of further disrespect. From there we go off air with a crowd that was pro-Aries now being completely turned on him. This should certainly lead to something further between Aries and King. Overall, good match from these two with an expected screw job finish of some sorts. However, I am intrigued by what they do with King and Aries if that is the plan.
Far from perfect but none to report.
Final Thoughts…
I really enjoyed this week’s episode. Cody and Scurll did not progress anything but I thought the tease of Scurll possibly breaking Cody’s fingers before walking off was a nice end to the segment. Karen Q and Tenille Dashwood had a nice match. We have not seen Q in a while and I thought Q elevated herself in the division by giving a good showing against one of the best in the WOH division. We got a nice recap of Adam Page and Punishment Martinez’ ongoing feud for those without Honor Club. Lastly, we were capped off with a pretty good match between Silas Young and Austin Aries for the ROH World TV Title. No clean finish but still a good match with potentially Aries and King branching off into something going forward.
Mike Mills is the PWTorch.com ROH TV Hits and Misses Specialist, providing his point of view on ROH TV weekly. You can follow Mike at @BTT_Podcast and @Mike504Saints on Twitter and you can check out his old school wrestling podcasts at tinyurl.com/BTTPod
NOW CHECK OUIT LAST WEEK’S COLUMN: ROH HITS & MISSES 5/28: The Dawgs vs. Cheeseburger & Liger, Sakai vs. Rose for the Women of Honor Title, The Kingdom vs. SoCal Uncensored for the Six-Man World Tag Title Match, Castle, Cody, Scurll, Young
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