All In show promoted by Cody & The Young Bucks tickets go on sale and sells out in under an hour (w/Radican’s Analysis)

By Sean Radican, PWTorch Columnist


The self-funded “All-In” events saw tickets go on sale today at 4:oo p.m. Eastern Time. The website was immediately difficult to access and was gridlocked for the show at the Sears Center Arena in Chicago. The venue was set up to hold 10,000 fans for the show. PWTorch has confirmed with sources that the show sold out in 30 minutes.

One factor that might have come into play is there was no limit on the number of tickets scalpers could buy and with “All In” being seen as an extremely hot ticket, there could be a huge market for these tickets on the secondary market, but it is unknown just how many tickets scalpers bought at this time.

Update: After checking’s inventory for the “All In” event, they have less than 220 tickets on sale for the show in various locations around the venue, so scalpers are clearly not playing a factor at all in this show selling out so quickly.

Radican’s Analysis: “All In,” a self-funded show by The Young Bucks and Cody Rhodes, selling out in 30 minutes is sure to be one of the top stories of 2018 when all is said and done. It is incredible what the Bullet Club brand along with the popularity of The Young Bucks and Cody in the U.S. have done to sell out this show so quickly with no major backing or promotion on a big scale. 


10 Comments on All In show promoted by Cody & The Young Bucks tickets go on sale and sells out in under an hour (w/Radican’s Analysis)

  1. I reading differently. I read that scalpers have brought tickets for the show. The real evidence will be the day of the show amd how many people are in attendance. That will show whether or not this show was affected by scalpers.

    • You are reading wrong. Did you not see the follow up comment? Even if all the tickets were bought by scalpers, it is still a sell out. Typical of a rk to shit on the show’s ticket selling success.

      • YOu read right. They didn’t set a ticket limit . As i couldn’t get through, within 15 minutes of the tickets going on sale i checked stubhub. I saw nosebleed eats going for 300 a pop.

        this sucks, i wish they would have done more research to prevent this. If this gets shown on tv there are going to be a lot of empty seats.

    • I’d be incredibly surprised if it’s less than 95% full.

      Even more impressive considering NJPW’s opening day sales at the Cow Palace.

      • kenta, i’d hold you to that bet. I’d say at least 1/3 of the seats are on ticket resell websites, and with scalpers charging as low as 200 (nosebleed) and as high as 1000 (front) they’ve priced out a good majority of fans that would go see the show. I don’t want to believe that they did this on purpose just to sell out the event, but it seams awful naive that they would believe that scalpers wouldn’t have salvaged them like this. It’s going to show on tv.

      • People like Nathan will continue to live in fantasy land. It is an impressive feat to sell out that quickly. Meanwhile, Smackdown just tanked at a 1.7 rating. Reality is fun. New Japan is also on the rise. WWE continues to stagnate and ratings continue to fall. Nathan, do you enjoy the four year failed Roman Reigns push?

  2. I have to wonder why Ring of Honor can’t do this sort of business considering All In drew this house in large part by using a bunch of talent that regularly appears on ROH TV. I don’t think ROH is setting its sights where it should.

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