MAY 7, 2018
Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Jonathan Coachman
-Kurt Angle’s music kicked off the program and the Raw General Manager opened the show to roaring “you suck” chant. Michael Cole then welcomed the audience and highlighted Money In the Bank.
In the ring, Angle welcomed the crowd to the show and said that he’s proud of the fact that as a company they never stop. He then highlighted a quick post-WrestleMania timeline of WWE events. Like Cole, he highlighted Money In The Bank. From there, he said that there would be two MITB ladder matches and that tonight there would be two MITB qualifier matches. He then announced Ember Moon vs. Ruby Riott vs. Sasha Banks and Roman Reigns vs. Finn Balor vs. Sami Zayn.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Very choppy promo by Angle. He didn’t appear comfortable at all with the messaging he had to convey. I like the triple threat women’s match, but this match with Reigns, Balor, and Zayn has PROBLEM written all over it due to the nature of Roman’s character right now.
This prompted Braun Strowman to interrupt. Strowman got a really nice response from the audience and then told Angle a story about when he was a kid. Strowman then told a long story about friends not asking him for help building a tree house. Strowman said he retaliated by knocking the tree down with them in the house. Angle looked to understand and said that if anyone deserved a shot at Money In The Bank, it was him. This prompted Kevin Owens to come out into the action.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Good lord. Eye roll, eye roll, eye roll. Please, no more stories for Braun Strowman. That is not what his character is or needs. He looked silly trying to get that story out and it totally contrasts the bad ass he’s become in the ring. This reminded me of Reigns telling the jack and the beanstalk story years ago and we know that worked in getting him over.
Owens told Angle that if anyone deserved to be in the MITB ladder match, it was him. He then called himself the Raw MVP and that he was a team player that respects the rules. He then said that only thing Strowman deserves is to be in timeout because he was a bad monster. He then said that Angle needs to make the right choice and give Owens a spot in the match. From there, Angle announced that Owens would have an opportunity to get into the match, but that it would be within a qualifier match against, Braun Strowman. Angle then announced that the match would start “right now.”
Heydorn’s Analysis: This entire opening segment felt very discombobulated and written specifically for an 8 year old due to the timeout and tree house talk.
The match began with Strowman shoving Owens into the referee. From there, Braun pursued Owens by chasing him around the ring and around the outside of the ring. After catching him, Strowman crushed Owens with tomahawk chop and a stomp to Owens’s chest. After, Strowman catapulted Owens into the ring post as Strowman yelled and called Owens a coward. The crowd responded well and chanted “get these hands.” From there, Strowman continued his assault until Owens finally countered with a boot to the face. The comeback was short lived though as Strowman promptly got momentum back with a punch to the face that sent Owens to the outside of the ring. After, Owens attempted to escape through the crowd, but Strowman stopped him. From there, Owens connected with a tornado DDT off the guardrail that sent Strowman face first into the ground. Owens then rolled into the ring as the count from the referee began. Strowman made the count at 7. Once they were back in the ring, Owens kept momentum and battled Strowman with stiff shots to the face. Eventually, Strowman was knocked back to the outside and the count started again. This time, Braun got back into the ring at 6 as the show went to commercial. (c)
Heydorn’s Analysis: This match is working well. Strowman got his dominant offense in while Owens has been able to lay in his work after Strowman got caught via shenanigans on the outside. The psychology of Owens working to win via count out is fresh too and protects Strowman while making it feel like Owens could actually figure out a way to win without a pinfall. Smart booking for both guys.
After the commercial break, Strowman and Owens were still doing battle with Strowman getting the upper hand after a chokeslam. Strowman went for the pin, but Owens kicked out at two. Out of the win, Owens made a mini comeback by hitting a kick to the face and a running senton. After, he attempted a pin, but Strowman kicked out at two as well. From there, Owens attempted a running bowling ball, but Strowman countered with a big boot to the face. After, Strowman attempted a running splash, but Owens ran out of the way and then hit another kick to the face. From there, Owens climbed the top rope for a frog splash and connected. He then covered Strowman, but Braun kicked out at two. Out of the pin attempt, Owens tried to kick Strowman, but Strowman caught his foot. Owens then attempted a pop up powerbomb on Strowman, but Braun landed on his feet. The crowd popped big for this and Strowman responded with a vicious clothesline. From there, Strowman finally hit is running splash which sent Owens to the outside. Braun then ran out there and delivered three awesome shoulder tackles to Owens that sent him into the guardrail and into the mat.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Those shoulder tackles got over really fast. Owens should be credited for that as much as Strowman as he sells them perfectly.
Strowman then rolled Owens into the ring, connected with his powerslam, and then covered for the 1,2,3 win.
WINNER: Strowman via pinfall
Heydorn’s Analysis: Good match between these two. Strowman looked great and maintained his monster aura, but Owens got some nice offense in that made sense too. For me, this is an example of the type of match Strowman could have with a lot of guys on the roster should he find himself inside the role of “top babyface.”
-After the match, Cole continued to push Money In The Bank and highlighted the other qualifying matches later in the show. (c)
-Out of the commercial, break Roman Reigns was interviewed backstage. The crowd booed and Reigns looked put off to do the interview. Reigns said that his mindset going into his match was that he’s the uncrowned Universal Champion. He said he couldn’t control backstage politics, but he can control his actions in the ring. Reigns then said he was pissed off and that he would control his yard in his match tonight. He then said he would win MITB and then claim the Universal Championship which is rightfully his.
Heydorn’s Analysis: If a heel said these words, we’d all consider it a really great promo. That said, it was an awful promo because Reigns is playing babyface. Within this promo and as a babyface, Reigns came off as entitled and arrogant. Those are not the emotions of a successful lead face. In addition, the entire “WWE screwed Roman” narrative has run its course. Nobody has ever bought it and folks are buying it even less now.
-After, a Bayley selfie video aired in which she said since she’s a hugger, there would be nothing better than for her to reach up and wrap her arms around the MITB briefcase. From there, a selfie video of Breezango aired promoting a similar message. Then, Goldust was shown in Angles office. Goldust said that he wanted an opportunity to qualify for the MITB ladder match. This prompted Jinder Mahal to enter Angle’s office as well. He asked why he didn’t get an opportunity at Money In the Bank. Angle said he didn’t deserve anything because he hasn’t won a match since he got on Raw. From there, Angle said he would consider a spot for him in MITB if he beats Chad Gable in their match tonight.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Nothing special here, but I do like the fact that WWE is shedding light on how important MITB is by having even low card stars talk about it.
-From there, No Way Jose’s music hit and Jose made his way to the ring for a six man tag. (c)
The bell ran after the commercial and Titus dominated the early part of the match. He then quickly tagged Crews into the ring who continued to dominate where O’Neil left off. Eventually, Crews found himself a little too close to the heel corner, and Corbin was there to take advantage. Corbin slammed Crews into the apron and then tagged himself into the match to keep momentum. Corbin then tagged Dawson in who connected with a back suplex which he followed by a series of leg drops and cover. Crews kicked out at two. Out of the pin, Dawson locked in an abdominal stretch as Titus and worked to get the audience on his side. Crews briefly escaped, but Dawson then tagged in Corbin who stopped all momentum. Eventually, Crews dropped Corbin and then hit the hot tag to No Way Jose. Jose cleared the ring and then hit a massive boot to the face on Dawson. He followed with a big corner splash and followed with a cover and two count. Then, after being distracted by Dawson and missing a blind tag to Baron Corbin, Jose was hit with the End Of Days and then covered for the 1,2,3 win. (c)
WINNER: Corbin and The Revival via pinfall
Heydorn’s Analysis: Mediocre match at best, but Corbin looked the best within it so I’ll give it a pass. He needs momentum and picking off someone like Jose is an effective way to do that. Their characters contrast really well so it makes sense for them to have beef with each other. Like I mentioned last week though, Corbin has more dollar signs in his future and needs to be the featured act. Tonight he was.
(3) SASHA BANKS vs. RUBY RIOTT vs. EMBER MOON – MITB Qualifier Match
After the commercial break, Banks hit the ring first to a nice crowd response. From there, Riott made her entrance with the Riott Squad as Cole ringed heavy praise for Riott beating two former world champions. Ember Moon then hit the ring to a very impressive reaction.
The match began with heavy action between Banks and Moon. The two engaged in a great athletic back and forth before Banks got the momentum with a jumping arm drag off the top rope which she followed with a take down. Riott then interjected herself and took over the momentum on Moon. Riott hit some great kicks and then covered, but Moon kicked out at two. From there, Moon kipped up and connected with a series of quick strikes before hitting a facebuster on Riott. Moon worked to maintain her offense, but Riott promptly countered with a strong sidewalk slam. She then locked in double arm sleeper hold to keep Moon grounded.
Out of the hold, Banks got involved in the action and Riott hit a tremendous double DDT on both opponents. The move sent Banks out of the ring and left Moon alone with Riott who was clicking on all cylinders. Again, Riott worked for a pinfall, but Moon repeatedly kicked out at the count of two. During the kick outs, Cole put over Moon’s relentless pursuit for competition. Eventually, Banks, Moon, and Riott exchanged suicide dives through the ropes which left each woman on the ground. The audience was clearly distracted by something other than the match during this.
Heydorn’s Analysis: That was a nice sequence in which Riott took a really nice bump into the guardrail. Bad timing because the crowd was entirely distracted by happenings in the seats. Just brutal timing as the match just started to hit the second gear.
From there, Moon climbed to the top rope, but was pushed off. Banks then climbed to the top but Riott followed and connected with a top rope hurricanrana. Banks rolled through the move and pinned Riott, but the Riott Squad stopped it. This prompted Bayley’s music to hit and Bayley hit the ring to help even the odds by beating up the Riott Squad members. Back in the ring, Banks and Riott countered each other’s finishers before Moon connected with the Eclipse on both women. Moon then covered Riott for the win.
WINNER: Moon via pinfall
Heydorn’s Analysis: Overall, this match was fine and showcased Moon well. She continues to look like a star. Bayley’s involvement is just confusing at this point. WWE needs to get on with this feud and make it something tangible or let it die. It’s time.
-After the match, Moon celebrated in the ring and pointed at the briefcase tangling above the ring. (c)
-Out of the commercial break, Moon was asked about her underdog victory. She said she was over the moon and that she proves people wrong every time. She said that she seized her opportunity and the she’s going to rise up and win the money in the bank contract.
Heydorn’s Analysis: “Over the moon?” I laughed out loud. WWE – be better than this.
-A hype video aired for Bobby Lashley.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Solid video and a nice reminder of what Lashley could be.
After the video, Lashley was interviewed by Renee Young. Lashley said that he was blessed. From there, Young asked who Lashley was and he responded by saying he was all about family. From there, Lashley told some family stories about his sisters and mother. He then said he now as an extended family in the WWE Universe and that they’ll have a lot of fun together. Lashley finished by looking into the camera and telling his sisters that he loved them.
Heydorn’s Analysis: You have to be kidding me. First off, Lashley might as well have read his words off a piece of paper in front of him. He came off as way to scripted and because of it I didn’t buy what he was saying. On top of that, the words themselves were useless. They didn’t convey a mission and didn’t tell the audience why he was there and why fans should cheer him. This was a big miss in re-rolling out Bobby Lashley.
-When the video ended, Sami Zayn was shown talking to Kevin Owens. They both were complaining about being victims and Owens called Zayn out about slapping him in the face. Zayn said that was in the past and that they needed to seize a position of power. He said winning MITB would put them on the path to do that and that both would benefit from qualifying for the match. Zayn then asked Owens if he would help him and Owens said “yes.”
-From there, Sunil Singh walked onto the ramp and introduced Jinder Mahal who walked to the ring to a very tempered reaction. (c)
Gable’s music hit out of the commercial break. The match began right away and started with Gable taking Mahal down to the mat. Eventually, Mahal took over after a stiff shoulder to Gable’s midsection. From there, Mahal locked in a tight bear hug. Gable escaped, but was tossed hard and chest first into the ring post for his troubles. Mahal then locked in an abdominal stretch. Again, Gable escaped with an arm drag and then connected with a back elbow strike. From there, he climbed the top rope and connected with a moonsault. After, Gable went for the cover, but Mahal kicked out at two. Out of the pin, Mahal took back control by hitting Gable with a knee. Quickly after, Gable went for a surprising school boy pin, but Mahal kicked out at two. After the kick out, Mahal hung Gable on the top rope which sprung him back into the middle of the ring. Mahal then connected with the Collaus for the 1,2,3 pinfall.
WINNER: Mahal via pinfall
-After the match, Mahal destroyed Chad Gable to which the crowd booed loudly. He then yelled “are you watching this” at the camera.
Heydorn’s Analysis: This match was pretty much a nothing affair, but the heat Mahal got from the post-match beating was significant. He’s getting a reaction, but his in-ring work has to come around. If not, this is his ceiling.
-A selfie promo aired with Alexa Bliss. She said she will win the MITB contract and then cash-in on Nia Jax to prove that bullies don’t come out on top. From there, The Ascension said they would win the MITB contract in a selfie promo of their own. (c)
Heydorn’s Analysis: Ok, I let it go the first time with Breezango, but I can’t any longer. How can a tag team win the contract together? They can’t. I’m not sure how a selfie promo on this topic makes the show. It makes less than no sense and conveys that WWE isn’t thinking through parts of their show. Just bad business.
-Out of the commercial break, Zack Ryder was politicking for a shot at MITB. Mahal then interuppted and requested that he be added to the triple threat qualifier match later in the show. Angle said “no” and then laughed it up with Ryder who apparently forgot what he was asking for.
McIntyre looked like a star in his entrance and Ziggler entered the ring the same way he has for his entire WWE career.
Heydorn’s Analysis: This entrance shined a light on McIntyre being a mismatch with Ziggler. Drew has a seriousness and star quality to him that Ziggler brings down.
The match began with Slater laying his offense on Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler quickly tagged McIntyre into the match and after a quick exchange of punches, McIntyre took over the match. He and Ziggler hit some nice double team moves and Rhyno attempted to get a “he’s got kids” chant going. They then hit their double finisher on Slater for the win.
WINNER: McIntyre and Ziggler via pinfall
Heydorn’s Analysis: Pretty much a squash match. McIntyre looked good, but I just can’t shake him walking around with Ziggler. It’s defining him down right now.
-After the match, Elias was shown strumming his guitar backstage. (c)
-Out of the commercial break, Elias was in the ring and got a round of nice cheers from the crowd. He strummed the crowd and then asked his usual (and confusing) question. From there, he claimed he would win the MITB ladder match as the crowd chanted Rusev Day. Elias then told the crowd to shut up for his song. He started to sing and ripped on the local crowd, but was interuppted by Bobby Roode’s music.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Elias clearly has found something that clicks with the crowd. He needs to end the contradiction in his segments to fully realize his potential. The audience cheers and boos him within seconds of each other. That won’t draw money and will forever label him as a funny gimmick rather than a credible star.
Roode got the upper hand earlier and maintained control in the early part of the match as the show went to commercial. (c)
After the commercial break, Elias had control of the match and kept with a very aggressive attack on Roode in the corner. Elias then pulled Roode back to the center of the ring and covered for a pin, but Roode kicked out at two. Out of the pin, Elias locked in a crossface submission. Roode was in the hold for quite some time, but finally escaped and then lit Elias up with chops to the chest. It was short lived as Elias countered and tossed Roode into the corner.
Immediatley after, Elias ran at Roode, but Roode countered with a spinebuster. From there, he covered for a two count pin attempt.
Heydorn’s Analysis: After the pin attempt, Cole blatantly and obviously put Elias over. He’s the heel right? Right. Cole put him over as the babyface in the match. This doesn’t help Elias’s issues in receiving contradicting responses from the crowd. In fact, it doubles down on them. He needs consistent messaging to help correct that problem and this wasn’t it from Cole.
Eventually, after a variety of back and forth exchanges, Roode connected with the Glorious DDT for the 1,2,3 win.
WINNER: Roode via pinfall
-After the match, Roode was interviewed and said that after his victory, he believed he should be next in line for a MITB qualifier opportunity. From there, he said beating Elias was great, but winning the MITB contract would be glorious. (c)
Heydorn’s Analysis: This feud didn’t need a third match and this was less eventful than the first two. I’m glad Roode went a little deeper into a mission for himself involving winning MITB. It’s not great, but its a step in the right direction. As tonight’s response showed, “glorious” isn’t enough anymore.
-Out of the commercial break, Seth Rollins walked to the ring to a huge response as the announce team put over how much of a roll he’s been on the last 30 days. He then said that he was feeling good after beating The Miz at Backlash. He said Miz took him to the limit, but he stomped his dreams of going into the IC record books. He then said he learned what not to do as a champion from The Miz and that he would be a fighting champion. From there, he said that while MITB is important, his focus is making the IC title “the” title. Rollins then issued an Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge. Mojo Rawley’s music hit and Rawley walked out to a negative response.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Another great promo from Rollins. The audience clearly loves him and if he keeps putting on great matches, his tidal wave will be impossible to ignore.
Rawley said that this is the type of debut he deserves. He said that when opportunity comes knocking he knocks it down. He then said he would knock Rollins down and take the Intercontinental Championship from him. Rawley then said from now on Raw would be known as Monday Night Rawley instead of Monday Night Rollins. Rollins accepted the challenge and the match was on.
(7) MOJO RAWLEY vs. SETH ROLLINS – Intercontinental Championship Match
The match started with Rollins connecting with a beautiful dropkick in the center of the ring. Eventually, the two made their way to the outside which is where Rawley thrived and decimated Rollins. He tackled Rollins into the ring apron as the show went to commercial break. (c)
Out of the break, Rollins got some offense in in the form of chops to the chest, but Rawley immediatley countered by bashing Rollins repeatedly into the ring post. Rawley then talked to Rollins and the audience.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Rawley looks solid here. He has a confidence to him that he can build his career on.
Finally, Rollins countered Mojo’s offense by slamming his face into the second ring pad. From there, he connected with a step up enziguri which he followed with a suicide dive through the ropes. He then ran right back in and hit a second one. After, Rollins kept the momentum by connecting with a blockbuster after which he went for a pinfall, but Rawley kicked out at two. After, the two went back and forth in the center of the ring, but Rollins kept momentum. Eventually, Rollins went for The Stomp, but Rawley countered with a massive sidewalk slam. He immediatley went for the cover, but Rollins kicked out at two and a half. Out of the pin, Rawley connected with a running football tackle. He tried for a second, but Rollins countered with a kick to the face which he followed with his knee revolution strike and The Stomp. After, Rollins pinned Rawley for the win.
WINNER: Rollins via pinfall
Heydorn’s Analysis: Another solid match on Seth’s record. He’s on another level right now and having good matches with just about anybody. If he continues to do it at the IC title level, WWE is leaving money on the table. Period.
-After the match, Finn Balor cut a selfie promo. He said he likes to earn his opportunities and that when he wins his triple threat match tonight, the victory will be so much sweeter. (c)
-Out of the break, Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas were in the ring as a backstage promo segment aired with them.
Hardy and Wyatt entered next as Cole and the announce team yucked it up about the woken universe.
Heydorn’s Analysis: This team and Cole especially makes the Hardy/Wyatt gimmick so uncool and confusing. They are squeezing the life out of this and almost suffocating it.
The match started with both teams going back and forth on offense in the middle of the ring. Eventually, Hardy was able to hit the side effect which allowed him the chance to tag Wyatt into the match. Wyatt cleaned house with a series of running attacks which he followed with a side suplex. From there, Wyatt tagged Hardy into the match and they hit a new version of Sister Abigail together.
WINNER: Hardy and Wyatt via pinfall
Heydorn’s Analysis: This was an effective squash match. Wyatt and Hardy have the belts but they are still gelling as a team and as an act. Matches like these help that process.
-After the match, Natalya and Baron Corbin cut selfie promos on how they would win the MITB contract. (c)
(9) FINN BALOR vs. ROMAN REIGNS vs. SAMI ZAYN – MITB Qualifier Match
Out of the break, Balor’s music hit first and Finn made his way down to the ring. Zayn hit the ring next and was obnoxious in his entrance, but the crowd still sung along with the entrance music. Reigns entered last to thunderous boos as Cole called him “the big dog.”
The match started with Zayn yelling at both of his opponents while he pointed at the briefcase. Reigns then jacked Zayn in the face and pushed him to the outside of the ring. This left Balor and Reigns in the ring along. Balor struck first with a dropkick, but Reigns returned fire with a stiff punch to the face that sent Balor to outside of the ring. Then, from behind, Zayn tried to attack Reigns, but Roman caught him with a second punch to the face. With Reigns as the lone man in the ring, the show went to a commercial break. (c)
Heydorn’s Analysis: Reigns has a bit of an edge in there tonight which is good to see. It isn’t translating into universal cheers or anything, but its a edge that is noticeably different to me.
After the commercial, Balor crushed Reigns with another dropkick. From there, he stomped Reigns before Zayn rolled him up for a two count pin from behind. Out of the pin, Reigns hit Balor with a Samoan Drop and kicked Zayn out of the ring. From there, Reigns stood alone in the ring as Zayn and Balor looked on. After, they hit the ring at the same time and both destroyed Reigns together. The crowd loved it and cheered loudly.
Heydorn’s Analysis: This was a fun moment to watch, but why book it? How does this help Reigns get over? Obviously, I don’t think he can at this point, but the WWE disagrees. Either way, inciting the crowd to cheer a Reigns beat down is not a means to that end.
They then tossed Reigns over the top rope and out of the ring.
From there, Balor and Zayn battled against Reigns through the crowd and up toward the entrance ramp. Reigns battled back with punches to both opponents as the audience booed. Quickly though, Reigns was nailed with a Helluva Kick and sent over the gate and into the electrical area. Eventually, Zayn and Balor turned on each other and battled back into the ring. Once they were there, Zayn connected with a clothesline and covered Balor for a two count pin attempt. Out of the pin, Zayn lifted him for a suplex, but Balor countered. Instead, Zayn hit him with the Blue Thunder Bomb and then covered again for a two count. From there, Balor got back to his feet and him and Zayn exchanged strikes until Balor hit his overhead kick which dropped Zayn to the mat. This gave Balor the momentum and he capitalized by hitting a running forearm. After, Balor connected with a sling blade and as he tried to follow-up with more offense, Zayn countered with a boot to the face. Then, out of nowhere, Roman Reigns flew back into the ring area with a flying clothesline on Reigns. He followed it with a drive by, but then was knocked into the ring steps by Balor.
Heydorn’s Analysis: Reigns’s return was setup wonderfully by all three men in the match. When the time came for him to reappear, there should have been an enormous roar from the crowd given how well the setup went. Instead, Reigns being rejected hijacked the entire thing and wasted it all and the match’s climax was hurt because of it.
In the finish, Reigns crushed Balor with a Superman Punch and then signaled for the spear. From behind, Jinder Mahal grabbed Reigns from behind which distracted him and allowed Zayn to connect with a Helluva Kick. From there, Balor quickly hit his corner dropkick and then nailed Zayn with the Coup De Gras for the 1,2,3 win.
WINNER: Balor via pinfall
Heydorn’s Analysis: Overall, this was a really good match with some great in-ring action. Psychology automatically gets thrown out the window in a Reigns match due to the fact that he is so miscast. Balor winning made sense and the way he won set up a feud for Roman that presumably will live outside of the main event picture. This is correct booking that mirrors the reaction Reigns is getting. It’s not a heel turn, but if it’s a calculated move to get Reigns out of the big spotlight, its the right one that could pay dividends.
-After the match, Balor celebrated in the ring with the audience as Mahal looked on. From there, the show faded to black.
FINAL THOUGHTS: Tonight felt rushed and disorganized. The way MITB was presented seemed out of the blue and without a proper introduction to the concept or how it would work across two brands. All of a sudden things were just happening surrounding it and without rhyme or reason. That said, both triple threat qualifying matches were excellent as was Seth Rollins. On the Roman Reigns front, he appears to be headed for a mid-card program. This needed to happen. He’s ice cold and no matter what he does, fans reject it. Mahal getting cheered over him proved that. This is the much needed reboot.
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: HEYDORN’S WWE RAW REPORT 4/30: Alt Perspective coverage of the live show including Greatest Royal Rumble fallout, final Backlash build, and more
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