MARCH 5, 2018
Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Jonathan Coachman
-They opened with a shot of the crowd as Kurt Angle’s music played. He walked to the ring. The announcers commented on freeze-frames of the Ronda Rousey segments at Elimination Chamber and Raw, explaining the main plot-points.
Angle thanked the fans and said he wanted to get serious. He said he’s had to swallow his pride on a number of occasions since he arrived back at Raw and became G.M. The crowd obnoxiously interrupted with “What?” chants. He said last week went way too far when Triple H sucker-punched him in the face. He called out Triple H. Cheers. “I don’t care if you’re the COO of this company. I want you to come out here and face me like a man.”
Instead, Stephanie McMahon walked out. Coach said he liked Angle’s tone and standing up for himself. Graves said Angle should mind his tone and calm down because Stephanie is his boss. Stephanie entered the ring and told Angle to calm down because Triple H isn’t even there yet. Boos. She said it’s the truth, whether they like it or not. Stephanie asked how many kids Angle has. Angle said he has five, and the youngest is one. “I bet you want to buy her everything,” she said. “You’re remarried, right? You have two wives. Your alimony payment must be pretty steep, right?” She said she’s just being honest.
She built him up as an Olympic Gold Medalist who won with a broken neck and a four-time WWE Champion and a WWE Hall of Famer. She said nobody can take that away from him, but she asked if those accolades are paying the bills. She said they don’t, but being Raw general manger does. She said Triple H was provoked because Kurt almost single-handedly ruined the biggest contract signing in WWE history last week. She said Ronda put her husband through a table because of him. She said now they’re even and on the same page. “Know your role, make the matches, and let’s put this all behind us,” she said. “You gotta think. Use your head. Don’t let your ego get in the way here.” Rousey’s music played and she marched onto the stage with a big smile on her face. Graves said she is all smiles and appears to be in a better mood than last week.
Rousey slapped the hands of fans around the entire permitter of the ring. She entered the ring and shook Stephanie’s hand. Stephanie said, “I think you missed somebody over there,” Stephanie said. Rousey said she’d get her and laughed. The crowd chanted “Ronda Rousey.” Rousey said what Stephanie did to Angle last week was “very enlightening.” She said she’s starting to realize that the people who brought her there aren’t who they thought they were. “I’ve dealt with difficult people my whole career,” she said. “I’ve dealt with bully bosses my whole career. I will deal with things my own way.” Stephanie took a patronizing tone and said employees don’t always understand the choices that their bosses make. She said look at the fans, they just take orders and get it done. Boos. “That’s okay, it’s something that I understand,” she said.
Stephanie then told Rousey she signed a WWE contract, which makes her part of WWE. She said that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. “We gave you your dream opportunity,” Stephanie said. She said they’re giving her her debut match on the Grandest Stage of them All, WrestleMania. Rousey said she is so grateful and can’t say it enough ways. Rousey said, “My contract says I get to choose my opponent for WrestleMania, right.” Stephanie said that’s true, except it can’t be a champion and it has to be a member of the active roster. Rousey was about to reveal her opponent. Stephanie interrupted and asked for a big drum roll. Rousey stepped up to Stephanie and said, “You!” even before the drum roll could really get going.
Stephanie said she’s not a member of the active roster. Triple H’s music then played and he walked out. He said this is not happening. He told Angle to take off his Olympic medals and stop being a tough guy and do his job. Angle said, “I thought you weren’t here tonight, Triple H.” Triple H told him not to worry about where he is and isn’t. Angle said Stephanie has a contract that says she’s a WWE executive but she also has a second contract as a WWE Superstar. Angle said he makes the matches, “so Stephanie, you will be facing Ronda at WrestleMania.” Ronda smiled and fans chanted “Yes!” Angle said he knows someone else with a second contract, and he told him after Survivor Series if he ever attacked him again, he was coming for him. He said, “If it’s okay with you, Ronda Rousey, WrestleMania is going to be Triple H & Stephanie McMahon vs. Ronda Rousey and me!” Graves called it incredible.
Stephanie entered the ring and chewed out Angle off-mic. She tried to slap Angle, but Rousey blocked it. Hunter stepped in and told Rousey to calm down. Triple H turned to help Stephanie leave the ring safely, but then quickly turned and tried to take another cheap shot at Angle. Angle was ready and blocked it and then punched Triple H. Angle took Hunter down and went for the Anklelock. Graves said Kurt can’t do that to the COO. Hunter kicked Angle off of him. Stephanie entered the ring and hit Rousey from behind. She jogged in place and looked cocky until Rousey turned and shot her a look. Stephanie fled. Coach said, regarding Rousey, “Look at that face.” Hunter got up and tried to give Hunter a Pedigree, but Angle countered with an Anklelock. Rousey watched and smiled. Stephanie dragged Hunter out of the ring. Rousey grabbed Stephanie by her hair and yanked her into the ring. Graves said, “This is terrible.” Stephanie begged off. Rousey grabbed her arm and yanked her up and then gave her a Samoan drop. Angle raised Rousey’s arm in mid-ring as Hunter clutched his ankle at ringside. They cut back to the ring after a minute with referees and a limping Hunter helping Stephanie to her feet as she seemed to be in agony.
(Keller’s Analysis: Tremendous segment. Stephanie and Hunter are almost scary-effective at being nasty heels, and while Rousey’s acting is a bit green and she still speaks too fast and mumbles a bit, at this stage it’s more endearing than it is a drawback. Angle looked shaky physically with his punch showing some light and the escape from the Pedigree attempt being clunky, but ultimately it didn’t matter much as they were more good than bad, and Hunter and Steph were brilliant. I was an advocate for giving Charlotte or Asuka the first big WrestleMania match against Rousey, but the hype and build for this mixed tag match has been so good I’m on board. I like Stephanie being forced into the match instead of volunteering, because that’d have stretched even her level of delusion beyond believability. The idea that Steph still has a “Superstar” contract was a necessary leap of faith viewers had to make here, but it was believable enough to be okay.)
-The announcers plugged that John Cena would be out later to update his Road to WrestleMania plus Asuka vs. Nia Jax in a rematch. [c]
NOTE: If you have questions or a reaction to tonight’s Raw, send it to wadekellerpodcast@pwtorch.com for the Mailbag Segment of the #WKPWP taped tonight and available a couple hours after Raw ends. Search “Wade Keller” to subscribe to our podcast just about anywhere. Choose the red logo for the “Post-Shows” early this week and the blue logo for the “Flagship” and “Interview Friday” later this week.
The announcers talked about how Jax made Asuka seem less invincible in their last match and Asuka’s streak was in jeopardy. Cole said Asuka knows she’s going to WrestleMania, but tonight is about survival. Jax head-butted Asuka early and then tossed her across the ring. Asuka rolled to the floor. Graves sometimes a true star can be made in defeat, and that happened at Elimination Chamber with Jax. They cut to an inset interview with Charlie Caruso interviewing Alexa Bliss and Mickie James. Bliss said Asuka’s luck is about to run out, and Jax might end Asuka’s career tonight. Cole said Alexa might have to face Asuka at WrestleMania. Asuka countered Jax into an Octopus style submission mid-ring. Jax powered out and again overpowered Asuka on a sunset attempt and then palm-shoved her into the corner. Jax lifted Asuka above her head and spun her around and dropped her chest-first on the mat. [c]
Back live, they showed Jax slamming Asuka into the ringpost during the break. Meanwhile, live, Asuka made a comeback and hit a hip-attack. Cole called it a Shining Wizard because he was watching the replay as it happened. Jax powered out of a cover and then came back and scored her own two count. Jax landed a Samoan drop for a near fall, but Asuka placed her leg over the bottom rope to stop the count. Jax lifted and pressed Asuka over her head, which got a rise from the crowd. She dropped Asuka chest-first to the mat again. Asuka avoided a running legdrop and then applied an armbar mid-ring. Nia powered Asuka up and slammed her hard powerbomb style, but Asuka held on. Jax cried out in pain. Cole called Asuka “tenacious” and touted her incredible performance. Jax stood and tried to power out again after bouncing her off the top rope, but Asuka held on. Jax finally tapped out. Cole immediately touted her incredible performance. They cut to Bliss and Mickie who looked very worried by what they just watched.
WINNER: Asuka.
(Keller’s Analysis: The announcers talked a ton about Asuka’s streak throughout the match. The placement of that match right after the Rousey segment is no coincidence, either, as having them in the vicinity of each other while they can is a good way to put viewers in a position to wonder what would happen if those two faced off. Nia soft-tapping was a nice touch.)
-Afterward, Asuka left to her music. When her music stopped, Jax stood up and held her arm in pain. Cole said she must be devastated. Fans applauded and didn’t seem to take any joy in seeing her in pain.
(Keller’s Analysis: Going to Jax in the ring afterward with no music is kind of established in WWE as a time to applaud someone for a hard-fought match, so that felt like a step toward a full-fledged Jax babyface turn.) [c]
-The announcers said Chloe & Halle will be performing “America the Beautiful” at WrestleMania this year.
(Keller’s Analysis: I love that Graves congratulated Chloe & Halle for getting the WrestleMania gig, rather than acting like WWE was honored to have them perform at WrestleMania. WWE’s use of language is just no accident, and their framing WrestleMania as “the Grandest Stage of the them All” and framing guest stars as benefiting from being associated with WWE instead of vice-versa is part of that.)
-Cole commented on a Twitter exchange between The Bar and The Revival. The Bar said there is no one else to beat, but then Dash listed that they beat Slater & Rhyno multiple time, The Club multiple times, New Day multiple times, the Hardys, and Titus Worldwide, but they’ve never had a title match. “Yet, there’s no one left for The Bar to face?” Cole said if The Revival win tonight, they get a tag team title shot against The Bar at WrestleMania.
(2) THE BAR (Sheamus & Cesaro) vs. THE REVIVAL
Coach said he hopes Sheamus & Cesaro are focused and the latest hot run they’ve had doesn’t go to their heads. Coach: “When I think of one word, I think of tough, I think of unique.” Graves pointed out to Coach that’s two words. They cut to a break a couple minutes in as The Bar regrouped at ringside. [c]
Coach said during the break, The Bar were beating The Revival at their own game, cutting the ring in half and going after one member of the other team. Dash eventually tagged in against Sheamus. Cole said, “There’s nothing pretty about Revival.” The Revival eventually scored a near fall after a superplex/top rope frog splash combo. Sheamus interfered with a Brogue Kick and then Cesaro hit a Neutralizer for the win. Coach said The Revival are now not going to WrestleMania to face The Bar.
WINNERS: The Bar in 8:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: This was a good way to set up a match to fill a segment on Raw this week that builds up the idea that The Bar are “out of contenders.”)
-They went to the announcers on camera who threw to a movie trailer for “The Strangers: Prey at Night: End of the Line.” [c]
NOTE: If you have questions or a reaction to tonight’s Raw, send it to wadekellerpodcast@pwtorch.com for the Mailbag Segment of the #WKPWP taped tonight and available a couple hours after Raw ends. Search “Wade Keller” to subscribe to our podcast just about anywhere. Choose the red logo for the “Post-Shows” early this week and the blue logo for the “Flagship” and “Interview Friday” later this week.
-John Cena made his full ring entrance, saluting the announcers on his way. Cole said he’s the only free agent in WWE “and he has earned that right.” Graves said there is one and only one John Cena. Cole said management at Smackdown gave Cena an opportunity, and he took it and earned his way to Fastlane. They showed the crowded Six-Pack Challenge main event at Fastlane.
Cena said he is on Raw tonight to talk to all of the fans about Smackdown. Boos. He said some of them might not want to hear what he has to say, but he suggested they listen. He said he has found his road to WrestleMania. He said even Angle knows what’s at stake and granted him this time. He said some fans might wonder why he’s saying it on Raw instead of Smackdown. He said there’s no way the others in the Fastlane match would let him say what he’s about to say uninterrupted. He said he will break a record this Sunday at Fastlane that has stood for nearly 20 years. He said he will become a 17 time champion at WrestleMania. He was in full “super-serious mode” in this promo. “All records are made to be broken, even the ones we hold so very close,” he said. “I will do this because this is my only road to WrestleMania.” He said he has been smothered in criticism that he is “handed every opportunity” so he is standing there to hold critics back. He said he earned opportunity last Tuesday when he beat A.J. Styles 1-2-3 last week (which shows why a tainted win over Styles wasn’t really an option). He said when he wins on Sunday, critics will say he robbed A.J. Styles of a WrestleMania Moment. “No, no, no,” he said. Cena told Styles to use his rematch clause right away and make it a Triple Threat match. He pointed at the WrestleMania sign at which point Goldust’s music played.
(Keller’s Analysis: There he goes creating that “plausible scenario” that makes it seem like winning on Sunday is possible and there’s a scenario that makes sense for WrestleMania other than Cena-Taker and Styles-Nakamira. They’re covering bases.)
Goldust walked out and said, “I could have been a contender, I could have been somebody, instead of a bum,” he said. “Which is what I am. ‘On the Waterfront,’ 1954.” Goldust entered the ring and called Cena the “leading man.” Cena looked befuddled. Goldust said he’s always had a dream of sharing the silver screen with someone just like Cena. Cena listened intently. Goldust pointed at the WrestleMania sign and said he’d like to soak up the spotlight there. “That dream belongs with me stopping John Cena from going to WrestleMania,” he said. Cena didn’t know what to make of this. Goldust said his dreams never had that perfect ending story. He said it seems like they’ve all been taken from him “just like that.” He said his rainbows had turned grey and evil, but that ends today. Goldust said Cena has a dream, but he has one, too. He said he’s taking control of “this here silver screen as your director for this epic motion picture.” Graves said, “This is weird.” Goldust said Cena’s dreams will certainly be shattered. Cena began to talk, but Goldust punched him (it showed some light, which has become a trend tonight). They abruptly cut to a break. [c]
Cole said this match was made official during the break. Cole said amazingly, these two have never had a match. Coach gave Goldust credit for “taking a moment.” A couple minutes in Goldust escaped a sleeper with a mule kick between Cena’s legs. Graves said Goldust seems to age backward as he gets faster as he gets older. Cena came right back with his finishing routine and a win with an AA.
WINNER: Cena in 5:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: It’s nice that Goldust was able to have a TV match against Cena and have it be set up with a promo that fit the storyline Cena is engaged in. It’s a good use of veterans and good hands – carpenters if you will – like Goldust to have them utilized to give Cena a showcase match that is a level higher than a squash.)
-Backstage Elias asked Angle to cancel the Symphony of Destruction match because music should bring people together, not tear people apart. Angle said he’d consider it, but then immediately said he considered it and it’s not cancelled. Elias said whatever happens to Braun is on him. Angle said the match is now Falls Count Anywhere. Elias rolled his eyes and walked away.
-Cole hyped the 3rd annual Mizzie Awards coming up next. Graves plugged that Paul Heyman would respond to Roman Reigns tonight. They showed Bayley backstage and Cole said she’d explain her actions last week where she showed “a different side.” [c]
-The announcers threw to a video package on Hillbilly Jim, who enters the Hall of Fame this year, as announced earlier in the day. There was a lot of footage of Hulk Hogan, his on-air buddy. We also got a vintage Vince McMahon cackle-laugh. There was even a glimpse of Billy Jack Haynes, some comedy skits Jim was part of, and celebrating a win with Andre the Giant and Lou Albano.
(Keller’s Analysis: Who inducts him? Would WWE use this as a way to ease Hulk Hogan into the Hall of Fame ceremony?)
-Bayley came out. Graves said he loved seeing Bayley stand up for herself last week. Charlie Caruso interviewed her mid-ring. Caruso said her refusal to tag Sasha Banks last week was surprising, and asked if it was sending a message or ending a friendship. Bayley said the Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber was every woman for herself, but it was hard for her to deal with what Sasha did. She was interrupted by Absolution’s music. Paige congratulated Bayley for finally growing a backbone. She mocked Bayley and said she doesn’t need Sasha to change her diaper anymore, but then criticized her for pushing away the only person who cared about her. She said being in WWE would be a lot easier if she had backup. “If you have no one, you have nothing,” she said.
(4) BAYLEY vs. MANDY ROSE (w/Paige, Sonya Deville)
They cut to an early break. [c]
Mandy controlled the match after the break. When Bayley made a comeback, Deville created a distraction. Bayley, though, countered a schoolgirl with a gator roll for the win.
WINNER: Bayley in 7:00.
-Afterward, Sonya and Mandy attacked Bayley as Paige shouted instructions. Sasha made the save. Absolution retreated. Coach said the timing couldn’t have been any better. Sasha helped Bayley to her feet. Bayley looked apprehensive to forgive. Bayley’s music played. Sasha went in for a hug. Bayley stiff armed her and walked away. “Good for you, Bayley,” Graves said.
-Graves hyped the Braun-Elias match. [c]
-The announcer commented on the Asuka-Nia finish.
-Backstage, they went to a close-up of Nia soaking up her loss and showing emotional vulnerability. In walked Bliss and Mickie. Bliss told Mickie she could handle this. Bliss sat down next to Jax said she knows Jax is disappointed because she lost at EC and won’t be going to WM and now lost again tonight. She said she’s sure she’s disappointed in herself because she’s never seen her give up like that. She said she must be embarrassed and must hate letting her family down. Bliss said she’s not on WrestleMania this year, but next year she’s sure she will be. Bliss said she should proud of what she has accomplished in such a short amount of time. She said she’s been an outcast and bullied and scorned her whole life just because she was bigger than the other kids. Jax began to cry. Bliss said she sees how other people look at her. She said even though she’s seen as a quitter, she can’t let this be her downfall because, if she does, everyone will lose all respect for her. Jax sobbed as the camera zoomed in very close.
-They went back to the announcers. Graves said Bliss’s choice of words might have been rough around the edges, but she thinks her heart is in the right place. Coach said it’s pretty obvious it was getting to Nia and it’s an emotional time for her. Cole pivoted and said it’s been an incredible couple weeks for Rousey. He said she was inducted into the International Sports Hall of Fame. They went to a lengthy video package of the opening segment with Rousey.
-They hyped the Braun Strowman-Elias match and recapped what happened last Monday on Raw and then went to Braun’s “Promo with Words on the Screen.” [c]
NOTE: If you have questions or a reaction to tonight’s Raw, send it to wadekellerpodcast@pwtorch.com for the Mailbag Segment of the #WKPWP taped tonight and available a couple hours after Raw ends. Search “Wade Keller” to subscribe to our podcast just about anywhere. Choose the red logo for the “Post-Shows” early this week and the blue logo for the “Flagship” and “Interview Friday” later this week.
-They showed various musical instruments on the stage for the next match. Elias sat at a grand piano and showed off another musical skill. He asked, “Who wants to Walk with Elias.” The crowd said it and cheered. Elias said he loves symphonies because they’re classy and sophisticated, “the opposite of this scumbag town.” He said he’s not a one-trick pony like Braun. “I can do it all,” he said. He walked over and played some drums. Then he picked up his guitar and said Braun might be a Monster Among Men, but he’s living in his world and he’s about to find out that WWE stands for Walk With Elias. He told everyone to silence their cell phones, hold their applause, and shut their mouths. He began to sing about being ready for Braun and he’s going to win “unlike the Brewers and Bucks” and then rhymed that “this place sucks.” (Milwaukee is Packer country, too, so as a Vikings fan, I’m disappointed he let them go by without an insult.)
Elias walked up to the ring and asked for a proper introduction. The lights went dark. The ring announcer introduced him. The lights came back on and there was a stool under a spotlight, but no Elias. He ran to the back. Graves said he’s smarter than he looks. Coach said you can’t blame him. Graves said, “Do you know how you get that good at that many instruments? Well, I don’t know, but I know how you don’t – by going out on a lot of dates in high school.” Elias went out of a backdoor into the parking lot. He got in his car, but when he tried to drive away, it didn’t move. Elias saw something scary in his rear view mirror. Braun happened to be out back lifting the back of his car so it wouldn’t drive. Braun said, “I told you I wasn’t finished with you!” He chased Elias back into the arena. They went to the announcers who were chuckling. Then Braun chased Elias onto the stage.
(5) ELIAS vs. BRAUN STROWMAN – Falls Count Anywhere “Symphony of Destruction” match.
The bell rang as Braun kicked Elias in the ribs. He threw Elias around in the ring and splashed him in the corner, then pounded his chest with a forearm and let out a big yell. Cheers. Elias bashed Braun’s leg with a guitar. Elias landed a top rope elbowdrop for a one count, although Cole managed to prematurely call it a “huge win” before the kickout. Braun kicked Elias in the ribs at ringside. Braun cleared the announce table and then looked at the crowd. He went for a running powerslam, but Elias raked his eyes. Braun came back with a forearm and then saw the bass cello. Or “the biggest guitar in the world,” as Coach called it. Braun bashed Elias with it. Braun slid Elias under the grand piano and then sat and bashed on the keys like a caveman. Braun dropped the grand piano over Elias. Cole sold it like he dropped it from ten stories onto Elias. Braun then pinned him.
WINNER: Braun in 7:00.
-After the match, medics checked Elias for signs of life and then put him in a neck brace and strapped him to a baseboard. Graves said they should throw him into a grinder and make him into bratwurst. Graves said Elias got what he deserved after poking the monster. Cole said he’s not sure anyone deserves this.
-Cole plugged Heyman would be out later. Graves plugged the Mizzie Awards. [c]
-They went to the announcers on stage. Cole said they are planning two massive international stadium shows. One will be Australia in October, but first Apr. 27 in Saudi Arabia with “the Greatest Royal Rumble ever.”
Total squash. The crowd didn’t like it. He took Rhyno down with a kick to the face and a clothesline, then he tormented Slater at ringside with some bizarre looks and postures, and then gave Rhyno a Sister Abigail for the win. (Of course, Cole did *not* say it was a win for Bray before the three count because that would be “giving away the finish”; he only says it before kickouts because that’s *not* giving away the finish, per Vince McMahon Logic.) Graves wondered if Matt would regret what he’s done to Bray.
WINNER: Wyatt in under 1:00.
-Bray paced in the ring and called out Matt Hardy. He called him a coward and told him to show his face. Woken Matt appeared on the big screen and said there is only one battlefield worthy of such cosmic combat – The Hardy Compound! A video aired of Matt at the Hardy Compound. He said the battlefield has been prepared for annihilation and he told Bray to prepare for the Ultimate Deletion.
(Keller’s Analysis: Just when it seemed hope was fading WWE would invest in a full-blown Hardy compound fight, WWE delivered… at WrestleMania?)
-They showed Miz and Miztourage backstage. [c]
-Miz stood mid-ring and welcomed everyone to The Mizzies. He said unlike the boring, bloated Oscars last night, the Mizzies recognized greatness, not acclaimed movies no one has seen. He said “Marine 5” should have won Best Picture. He said “Get Out” is what Kurt Angle should do as G.M. of Raw. More movie references. Then he said he wanted to honor the Best of WWE. First up, “Superstars Who is Best at Patting Themselves on the Back.” Seth Rollins, Kurt Angle, and Finn Balor with incriminating snippets. He said it was a tie between Seth and Balor. He said they couldn’t accept their award in person because they weren’t invited. Then came the award for “Worst Decision by a General Manager.” It made fun of putting seven men in the EC, Jason Jordan as his son, and not putting the IC Champ in a WrestleMania match.
Back live, Miz asked, “Who do you think it’s going to be?” Drum roll. Miz said, “Wow, it’s unanimous. Kurt Angle!” He said Angle couldn’t accept the award because he’s too busy sucking up to Ronda Rousey. He said having a Mizzie on his resume will be helpful the day after WrestleMania when he is looking for a new job. Miz said he’d like to now take a break and have a Lifetime Achievement Mizzy. He said he is 55 days away from breaking Pedro Morales’s record for longest reigning IC Champ. Seth interrupted before Miz could announce himself.
Seth said he was in the back enjoying the Mizzies, but Milwaukee was begging him to interrupt because he was dragging. Balor then interrupted Seth. Coach said, “Apparently Seth was dragging.” Balor walked out. Seth was irked. He said that’s two weeks in a row he’s following him around. Balor said he’s not there to follow him, he’s out there to do him one better. Miz said neither of them deserve the IC Title shot at WrestleMania. He said Balor held the Universal Title for one day and hasn’t done anything since then. He said he’ll still tell people “how over you are.” He said, “This isn’t Japan, this is WWE where you have to bust your butt each and every day.” He said in WWE, “to be over,” he needs “more than a hand sign that isn’t even yours.” Miz said last week, they beat him in what amounted to a two-on-one handicapped match. He suggested they do something big tonight and put them at a disadvantage – three-on-two. Seth agreed, saying if that’s what it takes to shut him up, it’s on. Cole’s voice cracked with excitement over a match of this caliber being on Raw. [c]
A few minutes in, Balor went after Miz at ringside after Miz taunted him. He charged, but Bo Dallas popped up out of nowhere and clotheslined him. As Miz gloated, they cut to a break. [c]
After the break, chaos broke out. Seth got his dive through the ropes to ringside spot in against Bo and Curtis. When he went for another dive with Miz in the mix, Balor tagged himself in. Seth wasn’t pleased. They fended off Miztourage. Balor then flip dove onto Miztourage at ringside. Balor went after Miz in the ring with a sling blade and then he went to the top rope for a Coup de Grave. Seth saw it and tagged himself in and then hit the Stomp for the win. Balor sat on the top turnbuckle and just laughed if off.
WINNERS: Seth & Balor in 12:00.
-Angle walked out and said he wanted to announce his match at WrestleMania. He said he won’t be competing against Seth and he won’t be competing against Balor. Miz smiled. Angle broke the news he’ll have to battle both of them in a Triple Threat match. Balor and Seth were happy.
-The announcers plugged Fastlane from the desk. [c]
-Heyman came out. He laid the belt in the middle of the ring and said he is doing that because his client, Brock Lesnar, lets him. He said after Brock defends the title at WrestleMania, if he chooses to defend his title again at Summerslam, he’ll lay it down on the mat again “right next to the UFC Heavyweight Championship.” Not much of a crowd response. Heyman said Reigns’s biggest victory was last year’s WrestleMania against Undertaker, who only wrestled once that year. He said nobody dwelled on that, nor should they, just as it doesn’t matter how often Brock wrestles because Brock Lesnar is Brock Lesnar and to say otherwise is “bullsh–.” He was bleeped. He said next week he will bring out Brock Lesnar. Boos. Heyman said “Afa WrestleMania you can Sika a new title to challenge for, because this one belongs to Brock Lesnar.” It didn’t feel like Raw would end on that note, but Heyman played it as the end for a second. Graves said Heyman made some valid points.
Heyman said last week Reigns called Lesnar a “bitch.” He held up the WWE Universal Title belt and said that is Brock Lesnar’s bitch “and you can’t have her.” He said if Reigns wants to be the Universal Champion, he can’t take it out of Lesnar’s cold dead hands, but instead will have to take it out of his hot competitive fingers. He said ever since Lesnar was a big boy, bigger than everyone else in his class, he always wanted to be number one. He said the WWE Championship isn’t a belt, a strap, or a prop. It says to his kids that their father is head and shoulders above everyone else and number one on this planet and “everywhere else in this universe.” He said it’s not how badly he wants the title, it’s how badly the title wants him.
He worked into a crescendo and told Reigns next week on Raw, in Detroit, his client will be here “and you can say anything you want to his face because I think now you’ve learned you don’t want to shoot on the mic with Paul Heyman and you don’t want to shoot in the ring with the reigning, defending, undisputed Universal Champion, Brock Lesnar.” Heyman kneeled to pick up the belt, but Reigns’s music played. Cole said there were rumors Reigns was asked by management to stay away over fear of what he’d do or say, “but the Big Dog is here.”
Reigns talked off-mic to Heyman, then said last week what he said was harsh but true. He said he thought Lesnar would show up, but instead he sent Heyman. “Brock really is a bitch, isn’t he?” he said. Reigns said the fans aren’t asking for much, just for the champion to show up. “And to want to be here,” he added. Reigns said if Lesnar is in Detroit next week, so is he, and he wants him to tell Brock that he can say whatever he wants to his face, but be sure he doesn’t come dressed for a promo segment, he comes dressed for a fight. Heyman took a couple steps back and gulped, then fled. Reigns’s music played. Cole said he is itching for a fight. Graves called it a stern warning from the Big Dog.
NOTE: If you have questions or a reaction to tonight’s Raw, send it to wadekellerpodcast@pwtorch.com for the Mailbag Segment of the #WKPWP taped tonight and available a couple hours after Raw ends. Search “Wade Keller” to subscribe to our podcast just about anywhere. Choose the red logo for the “Post-Shows” early this week and the blue logo for the “Flagship” and “Interview Friday” later this week.
CATCH UP ON LAST WEEK’S REPORT: KELLER’S WWE RAW REPORT 2/26: Elimination Chamber fallout including Brock’s face-off with Reigns, Asuka has a decision to make, Rousey-Authority fallout
What are they doing over there?! They just signed one of the biggest stars in the world and they put her in a crap storyline with the owners of the company who are past their prime and can’t wrestle, it’s a complete ego trip for Stephanie and Hunter. They could have made Ronda a badass superstar if they treated her legitimately but they turned her into a complete joke.
its disgraceful the fact that this once great company actually thinks that real wrestling fans and not the fakes that show up most days these days actually wants Reigns as our new champion…… We don’t.
He doesn’t deserve to beat a guy like Brock Lesnar and in a real life situation, wouldn’t stand a chance against the beast.
It is sad. Vince doesn’t seem to get it, or maybe he is just that arrogant. The ratings will continue to slide. In most businesses, if you don’t give the customer what they want, they move on. That is happening slowly. If Vince had any direct competition, he might learn something.
Would Nia picking Asuka up and holding her over and beyond the ropes not be a reason for the ref to break the hold? Yes, I know… holding WWE to respect it’s own rules is a fools errand but really… she had her outside the ropes.
Fabulous! The one match real pro wrestling fans have been waiting for at Mania, the one match which would probably be a 5 star classic between AJ and Nakamura is now being hi-jacked by Cena. Don’t get me wrong I really enjoyed the match between AJ and Cena at the rumble a few years back, but I along with thousands of others really wanted to see what AJ and Nakamura had in store on a huge stage like Mania. Could just picture Vince, AJ styles and dancin’ Nakamura? That’s not what people want to see, damnit! Put Cena in the match! Guess if I want AJ and Nakamura there’s always YouTube with their NJPW match…
I thought this show was bad from the opening segment to the end. Boring.
Keller really enjoyed the show apparently. Which is odd to me, since he is an old school wresting guy or at least I thought he was old school. This bland, cartoony stuff is boring.