5 YRS AGO – DGUSA in Huntington Parks, Calif. (1-26-13): Young Bucks, Gargano, Tozaewa, Sami Calliham, Swann, Kendrick, Taylor

The Young Bucks (photo credit Wade Keller © PWTorch)


The following report was published on PWTorch.com five years ago this weekend…

Dragon Gate USA show results
January 26, 2013
Huntington Park, Calif.
Report by Matt Massingham, PWTorch correspondent

Overall, it was a real good show. Not a large crowd, but they were into it most of the night.

(1) Chuck Taylor beat Arik Cannon after knocking Cannon off the top and putting him through a table. This opened with a game of beer-pong, of all things.

(2) Brian Kendrick won the California Fray! Ray Rosas was eliminated first, followed by Johnny Goodtime, then B-Boy, then Johnny Yuma, then Johnny Goodtime, then Brian Cage by Drake Younger. Kendrick teased a student of his entering, but he entered and hit Sliced Bread for the win.

(3) Rich Swann beat EITA with a cartwheel into 450 splash. After the match, Swann put over ETAI and issued an open challenge to any high-flyer in the world.

(4) A.R. Fox beat Samuray Del Sol with a springboard flux capacitor.

(5) Akira Tozawa beat Sami Callihan with a straight-jacket German suplex. Tozawa was most over with the crowd.

(6) The Young Bucks beat Jimmy Susumu & Ryo Saito with More Bang For Your Buck. Only two superkicks from the Bucks tonight.

(7) DGUSA champion Johnny Gargano beat Jon Davis in a No-Ropes match to retain the DGUSA Title. Gargano won after locking in the Gargano Escape and using a ladder for leverage.

NOW CHECK OUT THE PREVIOUS 5 YRS AGO FLASHBACK: 5 YRS AGO – WWE in St. Louis, Mo. (1-17-2014): Cena, Orton, Cody, Swagger, Cesaro, Kane, Maddox, Ryback, Del Rio


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