JANUARY 14, 2018
If you attend a live event, please send results to pwtorch@pwtorch.com in the format above. Thanks!
Building accommodates approximately 3,000 and the building looked to be half full. Floor sections sold out mostly, boxes and balconies one-half to three-fourths full all around.
Started at 5 p.m.
(1) “Woken” Matt Hardy vs. Bray Wyatt. I arrived late and missed this. (Matt won the night before, so it likely followed a similar pattern.)
(2) The Bar beat Titus O’Neill & Apollo Crews in 12:00. Sheamus distracted the ref, Cesaro landed an eye poke on Titus, then Sheamus tagged in hit the Brogue kick and got the pin.
(3) Asuka beat Dana Brooke in 5:00. Dana got in a few offensive moves. A few head taps later and Asuka had enough and finished Brooke off with Asuka lock.
(4) Braun Strowman beat Curt Hawkins in 3:00. Hawkins came out said he was gonna end his 155 match losing streak. Braun came out and killed him in under 3 minutes. An extra power slam after the bell. Strowman hopped up on the turnbuckle and did the Hulk Hogan ear thing and then tore his shirt off for the crowd.
(5) Finn Balor beat Elias in 13:00. Elias was already in the ring after a Raw 25 video. He played part of a song, said Waco sucked and said there was no one in the back for him to wrestle. Balor came out and they traded offense for about 5 minutes. Elias got the upperhand for a bit. Balor made his comeback and hit the Coup De Grace for the win.
(6) Sasha Banks & Mickie James beat Nia Jax & Alexa Bliss in 15:00. Alicia Fox was special referee. The match was full of comedy spots, Alexa was trying to stay away from Sasha for the most part. She worked with James for a good portion, tagging Nia in when Sasha would get in. There was a spot in the match where Alexa and Mickie were trading roll-ups back and forth, Foxy got caught up in it and jumped in and attempted to pin Alexa with Mickie counting. There was another spot where Bliss was trying to kip up and couldn’t, threw her tantrum, and eventually attempted and succeeded by rolling to the ropes and using them as an assist. Things broke down and Sasha eventually got Bliss and hit her with the Banks Statement and Bliss tapped.
After the match Enzo came out. Enzo and Nia almost kissed, but Bliss ran and grabbed Nia to the back.
(7) Enzo beat Cedric Alexander to retain the Cruiserweight Title in 10:00. Enzo came out and called Waco, Wacko; same trash-talking as usual. Cedric came out. Nothing special in this match except for Cedric working circles around Enzo. Enzo got the pin with a roll up and feet on the ropes.
(8) Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins beat The Miztourage in a two-on-three handicapped match in 15:00. Decent match, Miztourage in control for most of the match, Rollins was in for most of the match. There were a few tags, but Rollins finally tagged in Reigns and everything broke down. Finishing moves galore. Finally Reigns hit a spear and a tandem powerbomb
Reigns, Rollins, Asuka, and Sasha got the loudest reactions.
If you attend a live event, please send results to pwtorch@pwtorch.com in the format above. Thanks!
NOW CHECK OUT THE PREVIOUS REPORT: 1/13 WWE in Wichita Falls, Tex.: Reigns & Seth vs. Miztourage, Hardy vs. Bray, Enzo vs. Cedric, Balor vs. Elias, Braun vs. Hawkins
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