This article was published 20 years ago this week in the Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter. Over 1,500 back issues are available for VIP members chronicling the wrestling industry in real time over the last 30+ years. Check out the whole array of VIP benefits, including new exclusive daily content, HERE.
JANUARY 12, 1998
(3.5 rating)
[Q1: 3.1]… Jim Ross, Kevin Kelly, and Michael Cole introduced the show, including teasing that Degeneration X’s limo was arriving soon. Ross plugged that Vince McMahon would speak about the Mike Tyson negotiations… (1) The New Age Outlaws won a four-way tag match against The Godwinns, Head Bangers, and Truth Commission ending when Billy Gunn pinned Henry at 4:03 after use of a foreign object… A recap aired of the Outlaws-LOD feud to hype their Royal Rumble rematch… Instead of DX’s limo, Austin’s 3:16 truck pulled up to the arena…
[Q2: 3.1]… They showed Austin standing over the Godwins after Austin apparently stunned them during the commercial break. Austin then drove his truck into the back area and walked to the ring. Cole interviewed Austin who complained about being screwed at last year’s Rumble. He drew a target on his chest… DX’s limo was blocked by the WWF trailer truck. Michaels got out and yelled about being blocked… (2) Kurrgan beat Jimmy Cicero & Lane Diamond at 2:25 in a two-on-one match. Jackal said whenever he is around it’s like “intellectual intercourse.” He said if Tyson shows up at Rumble and gets close to him, he will unleash Kurrgan on him. After the match Kurrgan tore apart a football helmet to show his strength… They went back outside where Michaels yelled at the trailer truck driver. Owen dove through the sunroof of the limo to attack Hunter inside. Michaels and Chyna dove back into the limo and it drove away, with Owen inside. The announcers said, “What’s going on?” Exactly…
[Q3: 3.2]… Ross said Marc Mero said earlier he has had a change of heart concerning Sable. Mero began to speak from mid-ring, but unfortunately his mic didn’t work. They went right to a Sable introduction and showed a seductive video of her on the TitanTron. Then “Sable” came out, but it was actually the increasingly plump Dustin Runnels in drag, with a blond wig, thong underwear, breast cups, and a lace see-through negligee. Mero asked Goldust to take off his robe, then said that’s all he ever asked of Sable — that she do what he asks of her… (2) Vader beat Marc Mero via DQ at 3:10. A minute into the match Sable came to ringside and yelled at Goldust. She gave Goldust a roundkick. Mero ordered Sable to return to the locker room. Vader then attacked Mero at ringside, whipping him into the ringside stairs. At 3:00 Vader gave Mero the Vaderbomb. Goldust attacked Vader from behind with a coconut… They showed DX returning in their limo. They got out, but there was no sign of Owen… The announcers continued to plug McMahon talking about Mike Tyson later…
[Q4: 3.5]… They showed Vader lying in the locker room, throwing a tantrum because Austin gave him the Stunner from behind during the commercial break… They showed a clip of “the last time a celebrity appeared at the Royal Rumble,” Lawrence Taylor, and how it led to an altercation with Bam Bam Bigelow and a match at Wrestlemania, basically teasing that Tyson could get into an altercation with a wrestler leading to a match at Wrestlemania, also… (3) Ken Shamrock & Mark Henry fought Rocky Maivia & D-Lo Brown (w/Kama) to a no contest at 2:40. Before the match Rocky said Cordelle Stewart called him to ask for advice on how to get to the SuperBowl, but he didn’t get around to calling him back and look what happened to him. Henry wore a “Rocky Sucks” shirt to the ring. Fans chanted “Rocky Sucks.” The opening exchanges between Shamrock and Rocky looked really sharp. At 2:30, as Shamrock set up Rocky for a finisher, Henry entered the ring and clotheslined Shamrock, turning heel. Henry dropped two elbows as the NOD encouraged him. Henry and the other NOD members stomped away at Shamrock. Four referees showed up to try to stop the attack, but Rocky chokeslammed him and pinned him as Henry counted to three. Henry took off his t-shirt and revealed an NOD t-shirt… Faarooq came out and argued with Rocky on the stage afterward… After a commercial, Cole interviewed the NOD in the back. Rocky was hilarious, as he told Faarooq he planned it all for him. He said Henry joining the NOD was the second greatest day in the NOD history, the first being “when The Rock joined”………
[Q5: 3.2]… Jerry Lawler joined Ross on commentary… DX came to the ring. Michaels’s hair was in braids. Hunter said they gave Owen the big flush and he is headed down the sewer to God knows where. Michaels then talked about Tyson. “You may be the best boxer in the world, but you stick your nose in my business at the Royal Rumble and the Heartbreak Kid is gonna dance all over your face,” Michaels said, while crotch-chopping at the end. Michaels began to talk about Kane. Owen interrupted on the TitanTron, with blood on his face and his pasted-on snarl. Hunter said Owen sure is brave talking on the big screen from wherever, but they are in the ring waiting for him. Owen then walked onto the rampway and threatened to break Hunter’s other leg. A group of WWF officials stopped Owen… Jim Cornette came out to introduce a new addition to his new NWA organization to face the DOA. He called his team the greatest in the history of the National Wrestling Alliance — The Rock & Roll Express. They came to the ring to the Rockers’ music, i.e. Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty… (4) DOA beat The Rock & Roll Express at 2:30 via DQ when the ref caught Cornette interfering with his tennis racquet. Early in the match, out of nowhere, Ross began talking about Raw being the most watched wrestling program worldwide. Cornette explained that despite years of himself and the Midnight Express trying to rid wrestling of the Rock & Roll Express, and in the process gained tremendous respect for the Express. He talked about R&R’s history beating every great team from the Freebirds to The Four Horsemen. Ross explained that Jeff Jarrett was scheduled to be on the program, but couldn’t appear due to an illness in the family. After the match DOA attacked Cornette, but the R&R saved him. Chainz cleared the ring of Cornette and the R&R…
[Q6: 3.5]… Ross plugged the WWF 900 line and said he would have an update on rumors regarding Hulk Hogan appearing in the Royal Rumble… After a commercial break, Lawler begged Ross to tell him about Hogan. Ross said he would address the rumors on the 900 line… A taped segment aired with Cactus Jack in a college football stadium. Cactus talked about Terry Funk dressing up in nylons and calling himself Chainsaw Charlie. Cactus said it’s a bit odd, but “to each their own.” They showed clips of Cactus and Funk in gimmick matches in Japan… (5) Mankind fought Goldust (w/Luna) to a no contest at 0:45. Goldust came to the ring dressed up as Dude Love. Luna wore Dude Love style clothes, also. Before the match could go very far, Austin ran into the ring and gave Goldust and Mankind stunners. He then ran out and ripped the headset off of Ross’s head and stood on the announcing table and talked about the Rumble briefly… Ross interviewed Vince McMahon via the TitanTron. When McMahon came on and mentioned Tyson, the crowd booed. They could have been booing Tyson or McMahon. McMahon took a dramatic pause. McMahon announced that Mike Tyson has been invited to be at the Rumble and Raw (see “Cover Story”)…
[Q7: 4.0]… (6) Miguel & Jose (w/Savio & Jesus) beat Scott Taylor & Taka Michinoku when Jose pinned Taylor at 4:34. Sunny did ring announcing. Regarding Sunny, Lawler said, “I’m not embarrassed to be seen with a younger girl, unless I’m dropping them off at school.”… Ross said somebody is going to get in Tyson’s face, wanting to get a notch on their belt…
[Q8: 4.1]… Cole interviewed DX again. He asked Michaels to reveal his information regarding Kane. Michaels said DX would be glad to be the family Kane never had and accept him into their family of Degeneration X. “Ladies and gentlemen, the newest member of Degeneration X, Kane.” The lights in the arena went out and instead of Kane’s entrance, Undertaker’s music began to play. Undertaker’s video began to play on the TitanTron. Undertaker walked out and toward the ring. Undertaker told Michaels he better be focused on his title defense at the Rumble and vowed to put a six inch hole in his forehead. He then lifted Chyna for a chokeslam, but Hunter made the save with a crutch. A minute into DX beating on him, Kane’s music played and he came out. The announcers wondered what he would do. Kane grabbed Michaels from behind. Hunter nailed Kane with the crutch from behind, then he and Michaels bailed out of the ring. Kane left the ring, then extended his arm to Undertaker. Undertaker sat and signaled back. The crowd popped huge. Great execution… Upon returning from a commercial break, most of the Royal Rumble entrants were standing in mid-ring. Shamrock came out and went right after Henry for a brief brawl. Honky Tonk Man came out next as one of the surprise entrants in the Rumble. Cactus came out next, followed by Austin. Austin, though, attacked some wrestlers from behind. The NOD attacked Austin on the stage, bringing up the question of whether Austin would make it to the event. As wrestlers brawled in the ring, Austin came back out from the back, but the NOD quickly attacked him again. They never got around to actually drawing the order of participants. Having all of the wrestlers stand in the ring sort of gave away how few of them are actually contenders to win the thing… [WK]
NOW CHECK OUT THE PREVIOUS 20 YEARS AGO FLASHBACK: 20 YEARS AGO – KELLER’S WWF RAW REPORT (12-22-97): DX moons the audience, Michaels challenges Triple H for European Title, Undertaker vs. Rock
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