The following report was published on PWTorch.com ten years ago this weekend…
Ring of Honor live event/DVD taping
January 12, 2008
Edson, N.J.
Report by Daniel Chornomaz, PWTorch.com correspondent
(1) YRR defeated El Generico, Delirious, and Quackenbush. Solid opener with good action.
(2) Daniel Puder submission challenge was next – 1000 bucks if you can last one minute. Bobby Dempsey, who got a loud crowd chant, was humiliated, as usual, by Sweeney. Sweeney calls out to the locker room for volunteers. First jobber didn’t last 35 seconds. Next one the same.Claudio Castignoli wants to participate, but Sweeney does not allow it. Puder is very green and it’s obvious he can’t “wrestle” His blows are light. Crowd into Sweeney, but Puder really didn’t get over.
(3) “Historic event” time. Sweeney crowns Hero and Sara Del Ray the first Inter Gender Tag Champs. They defeat another mixed tag team. Hero was wearing a leg brace, but wrestled anyway, with funny results. Match went way too long . Crowd was pro Hero and Del Rey.
(4) Roderick Strong defeated Jigsaw (w/Julius Smokes) via tap out. Crowd ragged on Strong with chants of “Roderick.” So so match.
(5) Jimmy Jacobs defeated Jack Evans in a lackluster bout.
(6) Claudio Castignoli defeated Austin Aries in the best match of the night so far. Aries was busted open hardway on the bridge of his nose.
(7) Claudio challenges Puder for the 1 minute challenge and puts up 1000 bucks of his own money. Claudio lasts the minute, but right after, he’s ambushed by Sweeney who jumps off the top rope onto a chair that’s on Claudio.
Intermission. Fairly quiet crowd up to this point.
(8) Shane Hagadorn & B.J. Whitmer defeated Bobby Dish & Eddie Edwards.
(9) Kevin Steen defeated Brent Albright in a “Battle of the Bulls” match. Steen bled. Good match.
(10) Erick Stevens defeated Bryan Danielson in a good match to retain Steven’s FIP title. Danielson was counted out of the ring at one point, but Erick Stevens asked for the match to continue because he said “he’d be a fighting champion.” Crowd acknowledged Stevens after the match as he won them over by this point.
(11) The Briscoes defeated Age of the Fall. Crazy match.Brawling in all four corners of the arena by all participants including Lacey and Daizee Haze. Jay was put though a table by Jacobs off a very tall ladder and did not return.It’s possible he was injured legit, as the ref Todd Sinclair made the X sign to get help for Jay. It was then three on one. Jack Evans and Jigsaw finally came out to even things out. Necro was superplexed from the apron over the guardrail into the crowd area onto the cement floor in the sick bump of the night. Evans scored the pin on Jacob for the win.
Except for the last match, it was just as so-so card. Crowd erupted for the last match which was one of the most insane brawls I’ve ever witnessed.
Next card April 12th. Est. Attendance 700
NOW CHECK OUT THE PREVIOUS 10 YEARS AGO FLASHBACK: 10 YRS AGO – WWE in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. (1-5-08): Triple H & Jeff Hardy team together in main event, Santino, Snitsky, Maria, Cody, Kozlov, Regal, Ashley
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