FREE PODCAST 12/25 – Monday Livecast – MMA Talk for Pro Wrestling Fans: Vallejos and Heydorn give their picks for Fighter of the Year, Fight of the Year, Event of the Year, Submission of the Year, KO of the Year, and Disappointment of the Year, and recap the biggest stories of 2017 (71 min)

December 25, 2017

SHOW SUMMARY: On this special Christmas day edition of MMA Talk for Pro Wrestling Fans, Robert Vallejos and Zack Heydorn look back at 2017 in MMA. They give their picks for: Fighter of the Year, Fight […]

VIP AUDIO 12/24 – Bruce Mitchell Mailbag w/Keller: What was the story with Terry & Dory Funk in the WWF in the mid-1980s? Should Shinsuke win the Rumble? Do wrestlers have any leverage left to stand up to bad creative ideas? Is Triple H more like Flair or Hogan? (52 min)

December 24, 2017

SHOW SUMMARY: In this edition of the Bruce Mitchell Weekend Mailbag podcast, Bruce tackles questions on these topics: What was the story with Terry & Dory Funk in the WWF in the mid-1980s? Should Shinsuke Nakamura […]

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