The following are highlights of “Superstar” Bill Dundee on episode 12 of “The Matt Riviera Show.” Check out the full interview on YouTube now HERE. Follow Matt on Twitter (@MattRivieraShow) and on Facebook (facebook.com/MattRivieraShow)
•On his time as head booker in Mid-South Wrestling for “Cowboy” Bill Watts: “We started TV the next week with Ricky (Morton), Robert (Gibson), Dutch Mantel, Terry Taylor. All small guy’s compared to Hacksaw Jim Duggan & Butch Reed… I said ‘Bill, There’s no girl coming to hug Hacksaw Jim Duggan’s neck on the way to the ring. They’re scared of him more than anything’… So Ricky & Robert showed up, you know how the girls went crazy over them, so he said, ‘I see what you mean” … The smaller guys got over, and it wasn’t that I was so great, I’d seen what we’d done with them (in Memphis) and I knew how they could work & what they could do.'”
•On how he became Sir William, managing Lord Steven Regal (William Regal) in WCW: “I said, ‘We need to make him (Regal) a lord’… and they wanted to put Larry Zbyszko with him. I said, ‘Why would you put Larry Zybszko with him? He doesn’t know a damn thing about being an English lord.’ … They said, ‘Well aren’t you from over there somewhere?’… they said, ‘Well, you do it.'”
•On being fired from WCW by Eric Bischoff: “Me and Eric Bischoff didn’t get along… I really didn’t care. After Watts left, it all changed, and it wasn’t what I signed up for, so I really didn’t care. I don’t know of anybody that got along with him… He thought he was better than he was… He was running a company and I didn’t think he should be running it. He hauled the ring for (Verne) Gagne, he wasn’t no big shot with Gagne… When he saw you, he was nice enough to you, but you never know what he was saying about you when you wasn’t there.” .
Matt & Bill also discuss Bill joining the circus as a trapeze artist at age 16, babysitting Buddy Landel on the road, His legendary feud with Jerry “The King” Lawler, his daughter marrying “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton, his strained relationship with his son, Jamie Dundee, Bill Watts’s exit from WCW, his time as owner of Dundee’s Gentleman’s Club and much more!!
Episode 12 of “The Matt Riviera Show” can be viewed my clicking HERE.
NOW CHECK OUT THE PREVIOUS ARTICLE: Interview Highlights: Buff Bagwell details Shane McMahon’s meeting with WCW wrestlers at the final Nitro, his reaction to being released
The UFC? Um, try the UWF, dumb ass.