Nov. 30, 2017
Taped from Ottawa, Ont. (Aberdeen Pavilion)
Aired on Pop TV
Announcers: Josh Mathews & Jeremy Borash
Immediately following tonight’s Impact Wrestling, tune in to the PWTorch Livecast. Mike McMahon and Andrew Soucek will discuss tonight’s show with callers. Listen at www.pwtorchlivecast.com and call the show at 515-605-9345 or email impactlivecast@gmail.com
— The Impact signature aired.
— The Impact opened aired
(1) LAUREL VAN NESS vs. MADISON RAYNE vs. KC SPINELLI — Semifinal in the Knockouts Title tournament
Laurel Van Ness hit the Killswitch on KC Spinelli and covered her for the victory.
WINNER: Laurel Van Ness via pinfall over KC Spinelli
(McMahon: My home wifi was giving me some issues during the opening of the show, so we needed to reset our router and due to that, I missed most of this match. From the last 2-3 minutes I saw, the crowd seemed awfully quiet. It was different seeing Van Ness in the ring as a wrestler, given that her character has had little to do in the ring for several months.)
— Alberto El Patron and Johnny Impact were shown arriving at the arena earlier today.
— Back from the break, Borash and Mathews ran down the lineup of tonight’s show.
Zane is the winner of Global Forged. Zane began the match with a shoulder tackle and then a sweeping leg kick. Ishimori came back with a shoulder to the gut and punches. Zane hit a rolling dive into the corner for a two count. Ishimori hit a kick for a two count. Ishimori hit knees on Zane and then a 450 off the top for the win.
WINNER: Taiji Ishimori in 4:00.
After the match, Trevor Lee and Caleb Konley hit the ring and attacked Ishimori. Lee held the X Division Title high as Ishimori laid on the mat.
(McMahon: Ishimori might be the most underrated guy in Impact Wrestling. I’m honestly not sure where he is from a promo standpoint, but I’ve been thoroughly entertained by all of his matches. Zane, to his credit, looked really good as well, despite the short nature of the match. Off topic, but the sound mix has been absolutely terrible so far. It was incredibly obvious that there was piped-in booing during the Lee attack, and during the match itself, the crowd seemed like it was turned way down.)
— McKenzie Mitchell interviewed James Storm. He’ll face Texano later tonight.
— LAX was at their hangout and they were playing cards. Konnan said they needed to work out the Sami Callahan problem. Homicide said he was going to handle it. Ortiz said they had a chain and they would hang OVE from the roof. Konnan said he liked the staple gun. Konnan said that LAX would get the Tag Team Titles back.
(3) SAMI CALLAHAN vs. RANDY MEYERS — from DEFY Wrestling in Seattle Washington
The match was more of a brawl. After some highlights of stuff in the ring, Callahan and Meyers brawled on the outside of the ring, throwing chairs. Callahan covered Meyers for a two count. Callahan won after a huge clothesline.
WINNER: Sami Callahan
(McMahon: This screamed low budget. Again, the crowd was turned way down, to the point where it sounds very unnatural. This building seemed to be a smaller theater, but the lighting — per usual — wasn’t great. I’m just not sure what the point is of showing these matches from smaller indie promotions. Showing matches from a big show in Mexico or Japan? OK, that I get. But these smaller indie shows, I fail to understand the logic behind it. Was it just there to promote that Defy Wrestling is coming to the Global Wrestling app?)
— McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Alberto El Patron. He called Impact a “little kid.” El Patron said he’s a man. El Patron said he came back to Impact to destroy Impact (the man, not the show or the company). El Patron said no one was watching Impact before he got here, and since he’s been here, they have been watching the show and buying pay per views (he apparently doesn’t read our weekly reports on viewership here at PWTorch.com).
After the interview, the camera cut away to see KM beating up some stagehands. He kept screaming, “ATT! Is that enough!?!”
(McMahon: I liked that they gave an excuse for the KM thing to happen, instead of just having a camera happen to be there when an attack happened. They seem to be abandoning the comedy heel gimmick KM was playing — like Biff from Back to the Future — and that’s fine, because this storyline is something that I think will have more longevity.)
Prior to the match, ATT was shown arriving and KM asked if they saw what he did? Dan Lambert said they have a cowboy to take care of.
The crowd was really into the match at the beginning, clapping along and the volume doesn’t seem to be turned down as much. Texano clotheslined Storm on the outside. Texano had Storm locked in a half crab but Storm got to the ropes. Storm picked up Texano for a Razor’s Edge but Texano got out of it. Storm got the win after a Last Call.
WINNER: James Storm via pinfall in 7:00.
After the match, American Top Team attacked Storm at ringside. Lashley threw Storm into the steel steps. Moose hit the ring to make the save with the chair.
— Johnny Impact was interviewed by McKenzie Mitchell.
— Eli Drake cut a promo backstage with Chris Adonis. He said that he hasn’t forgotten about the five stitches El Patron gave him. Drake said he has two tickets waiting for both of them. Drake then walked past Jimmy Jacobs.
— ECIII joined Mathews and Borash on commentary.
ECIII talked about how he does yoga to stretch and Sydal looks for inner peace. Dux had control early after landing knees on Sydal and then kicked Sydal in the back for a two count. ECIII said that Matt Sydal is great but he doesn’t win when it matters. Dux threw punches at Sydal, who came back with a spinning kick. Sydal hit a standing moonsault for a two count. Sydal hit Air Bourne for the win.
WINNER: Matt Sydal in 5:00.
— A promo aired on El Patron vs. Impact.
The match began on the outside of the ring. Impact hit El Patron with a knee to the head. El Patron kicked Impact off the apron to the outside. El Patron sat on the turnbuckle taunting Impact, who was down on the outside. El Patron went for a quick cover but Impact kicked out. El Patron flipped Impact over the top to the outside.
Back from the break, they showed a clip of El Patron giving Impact a double stomp through the steps. In the ring, Impact began to fight back with punches. Impact missed a dive into the corner but came out with a big clothesline. Impact hit a leg lariat and a kick to the face for a two count. Impact’s side and back are bruised and bleeding after the step spot, and Impact zoomed in on the shot. Impact went for a move off the top but El Patron pulled the referee in front of him. El Patron hit Impact with a low blow and then a big right hand. El Patron woke up the referee and then hit Impact with a DDT but Impact kicked out. El Patron pulled the tape off Impact’s elbow and then tried to stuff it in his mouth. Eli Drake came to the ring. El Patron nailed Drake with a right hand. In the ring, Impact flipped in El Patron and then hit Starship Pain for the win.
WINNER: Johnny Impact in 20:00.
Drake hit El Patron with the belt and then attacked Impact in the ring. Impact hit Drake with a right forearm. Chris Adonis ran to the ring and hit Drake in the back of the head. Drake and Adonis double-teamed Impact. Drake was about to take out Impact with a belt shot, and Petey Williams made the save through the crowd. Williams hit Drake with a Canadian Destroyer to send the crowd home happy.
I have surround sound on a regular television. I did not hear any of the audio issues that are described in this review. Perhaps that is an issue if you stream online? I watch tv on tv.
I do agree the match shown from the Seattle promotion was not really a great tv product, but they explained why they were showing it prior to the match. Apparently, you can find the content or at least some content from this new “partner” on the network. I like seeing matches from other promotions instead of the same six people wrestling each other. Dolph Ziggler vs Bobby Roode part twenty five is not quite as interesting as some of the indy stuff to me.
Del Rio is just not working. I get that he is semi over as a heel, but he is just boring. Del Rio vs Orton in the WWE was always a good time for a nap. I just don’t get his appeal.