11/29 NXT TV Report: Street Profits vs. Sabbatelli & Moss, Kairi Sane vs. Peyton Royce, Mustache Mountain vs. Dunne & Andrews

By Justin James, PWTorch contributor


NOVEMBER 29,  2017

[Q1] Tyler Bate and Trent Seven are facing Pete Dunne and Mark Andrews. Also advertised is Kairi Sane facing Peyton Royce. Street Profits are kicking off the in-ring action. Montez Ford has added a cowboy hat to his ensemble. This looks like it is being filmed at an NXT Live location, it’s a theater in San Antonio. They are facing Tino Sabbatelli and Riddick Moss (again).


Moss and Dawkins start with a collar and elbow, Modd into the corner then he shoves Dawkins in the ref break and ducks through the ropes to anger Dawkins. Waistlock takedown from Moss, but Dawkins gets to his feet and lands a takedown of his own, followed by another, then a third. Mauro Ranallo tells us that Nigel McGuinness will be back in the booth next week. Nice touch there. Shoulder tackle from Dawkins, then a body slam, tag to Ford. Ford gets thrown onto Moss by Ford. Sabbatelli tags in, he hits a huge standing crossbody, but celebrates instead of making the cover. Ford kips up, then dances a bit, leaps Sabbatelli a few times, then hits a dropkick. Dawkins assists when Moss enters the ring. [

Sabbatelli is in the ring getting his bearings and Ford is on the apron after the break. Moss runs a distraction so Sabbatelli can knock Ford off the apron. Sabbatelli brings Ford inside, mounts to five, then repeats it. Hard whip from Sabbatelli. One-two splash and spear in the corner. Moss mocks Ford’s dancing. Ford shows like with chops, but a running back elbow earns two for Moss. Dawkins finally gets the tag and goes on the attack. He powers through the two-on-one game. Big punch puts Sabbatelli down but Moss breaks up the cover.

[Q2] Dawkins again shakes off the two-on-one, rolls Sabbatelli up, he kicks out, Dawkins gets launched and Moss nails him from the outside, Sabbatelli covers for two. Spinebuster/frogsplash combo from Dawkins and Ford wraps it up.

WINNERS: Street Profits at 10:15.

(J.J.’s Reax: Well done NXT Live action in an extremely small venue. The side facing the hard camera has two rows of people, but the crowd loves the action. A bit long to see these two teams go at it.)

After the match, Trent Seven and Tyler Bate congratulate Pete Dunne on his win, and challenge him to a tag match. Dunne waves them away.

“Earlier today” with Seven and Bate. Seven mentions that Dunne had a chance to save Wolfgang from getting beat up by Undisputed Era, so they are going to teach Dunne and Mark Andrews a lesson, and they are a real tag team (“Mustache Mountain”) so that gives them an edge.

“Earlier today” with Mark Andrews. He says he has known Dunne for a while, but he wants to be in the match because he feels that a win tonight positions him as the #1 contender to the UK Championship.

(J.J.’s Reax: I like everything about the UK talent, but I want them to either be featured consistently, or get their own show, so that these stories can be fleshed out better.)

Lars Sullivan promo video. He is shown to be an insane monster. “Sullivan intoxicated by cruelty”, great quote from Ranallo.

(2) KAIRI SANE vs. PEYTON ROYCE (w/Billie Kay)

Lockup, quick break, Royce with an ugly punch to Sane’s face to take over. Arm drag, then Sane blocks a second, wheelbarrow rollup. Sane keeps ducking under Royce as she runs, Royce gives up and stops. Head scissors followed by a dropkick gets two for Sane. Distraction from Kay lets Royce hit the spinning heel kick for two.  Small package from nowhere gets Sane two, Royce responds with a sliding clothesline. [c]

Royce has Sane in a chinlock out of the break. Sane gets rallied to her feet, schoolgirl gets two, but Royce kicks Sane’s legs out. The Interceptor takes Royce down. Running blockbuster, and then Sane charges up her sliding elbow. Insane Elbow, Royce dodges, kicks, nearfall. Royce loses her temper. Sane catches a kick, takes Royce down, lands axe kicks then forearms to Royce, takes the time to knock Kay off the apron. Sane goes up for the Insane Elbow, hits it.

WINNER: Kairi Sane at 7:17.

(J.J.’s Reax: Fine match for what it was. People keep comparing Sane to Asuka, and I am not seeing it in the slightest. They have totally different styles and personalities. It seems like the only thing they have in common is their gender and nation of origin.)

[Q3] Quick recap of the Ruby Riot – Sonya Deville match from last week. They are advertised for a no holds barred match next week.

Recap of Andrade “Cien” Almas winning the NXT Championship at Takeover: War Games. Footage of McIntyre being checked out, and a confirmation that he was injured. No word on his return timeline.


Dunne and Bate to start. The crowd is chanting for the United Kingdown. Takedown into a hold from Dunne, Bate reverses, covers for one, they both kip up. Why is the crowd cheering for Dunne? Dunne teases a take to Andrews, then takes a cheap shot on Bate, then tags Andrews. Lots of athleticism from Bate and Andrews, dropkick takes Andrews down. Seven tags in, double team from Mustache Mountain for two.

[Q4] Seven with a running sunset flip, Andrews flips through, low dropkick into a cover. Dunne tags in and Dunne starts the joint manipulation routine. Seven breaks free and hits chops, fakes a chop, Dunne ducks, Seven nails a DDT for two. Andrews tags in behind the ref’s back, the ref argues with Andrews so Dunne gets in a nasty cheap shot on Seven. [c]

Dunne is working Seven, but Andrews isn’t in a hurry to tag in. He finally does and continues the beating. Leg drop for two. Andrews forces Seven to the mat. More cheap shots from Dunne in the corner. Seven blocks a monkey flip, blind tag from Dunne who hits a backstabber for two. Dunne holds seven’s arm and wails on him with boots. Back to the fingers. Andrews back in. Hard tag to Andrews who gets mad, so Dunne shoves him. Dunne looks at Andrews as he attacks Seven, letting Seven land a desperation lariat off the mat. Bate tags in, Dunne charges but gets fended off. European uppercut from the turnbuckle, then a running European uppercut. Bate catches a charging Dunne, exploder suplex, kip up, running shooting star press for two-and-a-half. Bate wants the Tyler Driver 97, Dunne slips out, tags Andrews, who hits rapid offense. Standing corkscrew moonsault is good for two. Bate fights from the corner, but is stunned by an enziguri when he heads to the top. Dunne tags in. Andrews with a huracarana off the top, Dunne catches Bate into a powerbomb for a very close nearfall. Awesome sequence. Bob and Bang catches Dunne. Seven and Andrews both want tags. Seven tags, Dunne doesn’t. Andrews saves the match after a slick double team move from Mustache Mountain. Dunne loses the numbers game and is crawling to Andrews. Bate deadlifts Dunne, Andrews tags in and leaps onto Bate as Dunne slips out of the cover, two. Bate dodges a Shooting Star Press from the top, airplane spin to Andrews. Dunne tags in and schoolboys Bate for two. Dunne tries to throw Bate out, Bate bounces off the ropes, right hand, Tyler Drive 97 for the win.

WINNERS: Mustache Mountain at 12:51.

(J.J.’s Reax: Really good match. These guys worked hard to put on an entertaining match. Lots of great reversals and counters, they showed once again just how good this batch of wrestlers are. Will we be seeing Bate taking another run at the UK Championship?)

Post-match, Andrews looks disappointed. He tries helping Dunne up, Dunne shoos him away, then ambushes Andrews after the match. The crowd cheers for Dunne.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Episode that was weak on story, featuring two matches that were much longer than they needed to be. Really fun main event. Dunne is unfortunately in that spot when the crowd cheers for him, despite him using every possible trick in the heel textbook (and doing a good job with it). The problem is that Tyler Bate is the only one in the division who has a clear face personality.

NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: 11/22 NXT TV Report: Pete Dunne vs. Johnny Gargano in main event, Ruby Riot vs. Sonya Deville in likely their final NXT match


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