WWE SURVIVOR SERIES 2017 PREDICTIONS – Tom Gets it Wrong: Raw vs. Smackdown, keeping score on which brand will “reign supreme” tonight


Survivor Series 2017 Predictions – Tom Gets It Wrong

Follow Tom Colohue on Facebook and @Colohue for updates.

So it’s possible, even likely, that I’m going to get all of these wrong.

1. Enzo Amore vs. Kalisto (Pre-Show Cruiserweight Championship)

The only title defended is on the pre-show and is also the least hyped and least interesting match. Kalisto still isn’t really established in the cruiserweight division due to his reluctance to spend any time out of the title picture but here we are. Enzo meanwhile has been absolute gold in the division, upping ratings and gaining eyes on the product even though he is a lacklustre replacement for Neville at best.

Naturally I’m going with Enzo here. We could well see this title go back and forth a lot because of a lot of alternative challengers but you don’t build alternative challengers by doing that.

Winner: Enzo Amore

2. The Shield vs. The New Day

After that long spent building up to the return of The Shield, this result seems a certainty, especially when you consider that none of these matches will lead up to a rematch.

The New Day get the benefit of an opponent who are for once a greater draw than them and to be fair this match should be all sorts of fun.

Winner: The Shield

Raw 1 – Smackdown 0

3. Survivor Series Classic, Womens

Two strong teams enter this match. Both sides are fairly even on paper with a single exception. Asuka. Asuka will maul. Asuka will destroy. Asuka will win.

Winner: Asuka

Raw 2 – Smackdown 0

4. The Bar vs. The Usos

A very interesting match up, not least because both tag divisions have been on fire since mania largely through focussing on a small number of big draw teams who can deliver stellar matches.
This is one in which The Usos can gain a lot with a win, whereas Sheamus and Cesaro can gain nothing. While the divisions are both on the up, Raw’s tag division is made largely of singles competitors with star power. Smackdown is more about teams.

Winner: The Usos

Raw 2 – Smackdown 1

5. The Miz vs. Baron Corbin

A match almost entirely hyped on social media and yet this is a match up with real potential. The Miz seems to have slotted into the face role in this exchange and that works perfectly because Corbin can be a flat track bully and Miz can alter his usual coward routine into an underdog routine quite easily.

As much as Corbin could use a few wins this one seems a dead cert already. The Miz has been playing jobber to the stars. Corbin is not yet a star.

Winner: The Miz

Raw 3 – Smackdown 1

6. Alexa Bliss vs. Charlotte Flair

Queen vs. Goddess. The two biggest female stars in the industry right now go head to head and Alexa Bliss has absolutely no right winning this one. This is Charlotte’s match through and through.

This also seems the most likely time for a Carmella cash in, given that she’s unlikely to feature at mania outside of a big multi woman match and having Charlotte get a big win only to have it taken away is good storytelling. Plus the lack of Ellesworth and the fact that Bliss is a close friend of Carmella means that the two can easily combine to get Alexa’s heat back and begin building for Carmella.

Regardless of whether or not that happens though, this should be a Charlotte victory.

Winner: Charlotte Flair

Raw 3 – Smackdown 2

7. Survivor Series Classic, Mens

This match could go about a thousand different ways. NXT stars could rally to Triple H. Orton could rally to Triple H. Owens and Zayn could get involved. Jason Jordan could get involved. Balor vs. Nakamura could have a big finish. Triple H and Bobby Roode could get in the ring, look at each other, get confused and then walk away. Braun Strowman could get Cena’d. Kurt Angle definitely can’t be in the ring for long.

I’ve been confident of a Smackdown win since day one. Literally two months before the match was announced I was sure Asuka would win the womens match and Smackdown would win the mens match. Over time I’ve become less and less sure but we can at least be certain that the absence of Roman Reigns leaves some room for doubt.

I don’t know. That’s the most wonderful thing about this match. The most telling thing for me is that Angle will be fired as GM if his team lose. Being fired as GM means he can get back in the ring full time.

Winner: Team Smackdown

Raw 3 – Smackdown 3

8. Brock Lesnar vs. AJ Styles

Even with the change from Mahal to Styles this result has actually become more predictable. They can not let Brock Lesnar lose on his way to Wrestlemania or Roman Reigns. It’s just plain not happening.

I don’t see this being the standard 10 minute Lesnar spotfest of brutality that we all know and love. I see this being closer to the Roman vs. AJ matches we had about eighteen months ago. A long match that starts slow and ends fast. This should be a great match until Mahal interferes.

We have to keep the actual feuds going and we have to start building our feuds towards Wrestlemania. So, as I see it, Jinder costs AJ.

Annoying thing? That could result in a DQ win for AJ and a technicality win for Smackdown. AJ and Lesnar then unite to destroy Mahal and everyone goes home happy. Everybody wins. That could definitely happen but right now I’m hedging my bets.

Winner: Brock Lesnar

I’ll see you for another live Twitter session during Survivor Series 2017.

CHECK OUT THE PREVIOUS COLUMN: WWE TLC 2017 PREDICTIONS – Tom Gets it Wrong: Angle & Seth & Dean vs. Braun & Kane & Miz & Sheamus & Cesaro, Styles vs. Balor


1 Comment on WWE SURVIVOR SERIES 2017 PREDICTIONS – Tom Gets it Wrong: Raw vs. Smackdown, keeping score on which brand will “reign supreme” tonight

  1. Why doesn’t Alexa Bliss have a right to win her match? Is it because her opponent’s last name is Flair? I’m not going to deny that Charlotte’s very good. This idea that she’s the crown jewel of women’s wrestling drives me absolutely crazy, though! It’s my personal opinion, but I feel like she’s weak on the microphone. I’d take Bliss over Charlotte in this match, and Becky Lynch over Charlotte on her own brand. People criticize Roman all the time- but a lot of those same criticisms can be applied to Charlotte, if we’re being fair.

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