The latest PWTorch.com monthly unboxing video for PWCrate features an unboxing of their September 2017 crate. The theme this month is “Professions.”
PWCrate has several options to fit your budget. There are three main options for subscribers. With the Original crate, you get one t-shirt. Another new option is the Tag Team box, which comes with two t-shirts. The third option is the Triple Threat, which comes with three t-shirts. These boxes will all come with a signed 8×10 from a wrestling legend or indie wrestler. They will also include other items such as DVDs, art prints, buttons, pins, stickers, and more. Depending on the length of your subscription, you can purchase these boxes for as low $14.95-$34.95 depending on which crate you choose plus shipping.
Keep in mind that if you get the Tag Team or Triple Threat crate, only the first shirt is tied into the monthly theme.
There is also a Cheap Heat box for $9.99 that includes an autographed 8×10 from a legend or indie wrestler and two of the collectibles from the regular boxes. Finally, PWCrate has introduced a new option called a Mid Card box for 14.95 plus shipping. This box will get you a shirt designed by Pro Wrestling Tees and a signed 8×10 from an indie or legend wrestler.
If you’re a big wrestling fan, the Triple Threat tier is the way to way to go. PWCrate is really doing a fantastic job of generating different themes. Once again, all three t-shirts were tied into the theme of the month. There were shirts from The Godfather, Repo Man, and Brutus Beefcake. The designs for The Godfather and Repo Man stood out to me. The Godfather was a nice career retrospective with his other personas featured around the central theme of his Godfather character. One of my favorite shirts PWCrate has done was the Repo Man shirt this month, which had a great throwback look to it. I’m still not sure what to make of the Brutus Beefcake figure t-shirt. It’s just freaky to look at to me with a maniacal looking Brutus Beefcake figure shown multiple times in multiple colors.
The rest of the box outshined the shirts this month. Of course, fans will go crazy for the Kenny Omega Micro Brawler. PWCrate’s toy figures have become really popular amongst hardcore each month and Omega is going to be a highly sought after collectible for those that missed out on this crate. The Micro Brawlers have a great design and packaging. I also loved the Spark Plug Bob Holly matchbox style Nascar replica car. It has Sparkplug Holly logos all over it and I admire how much thought is put into the collectibles in these crates each month with custom items like this one.
The other standout item in this month’s box was the Steve Corino presents The Dusty Rhodes Discussion DVD. Corino did a great series of interview DVDs for highspots and this release with a Dusty Rhodes themed discussion is really good. You’re going to be thrilled to add this release to your collection if you got this crate. The working relationship between Highspots and PWCrate is a big win for subscribers.
The autographs this month will excite WWE fans of the 80s as BRutus Beefcake has a signed 8×10 and there’s also a bonus signed million dollar bill replica from Virgil.
The September PWCrate simply had a ton of value given the cost. The cost of the box is covered just with the three shirts, but when you add on the Kenny Omega Micro Brawler, Dusty Rhodes DVD, Sparkplug Holly car, and all of the other items, you have a ton of value.
And now to the unboxing video!
There are several pro wrestling mystery boxes on the market now. In my opinion PWCrate is the best. The shirts are fantastic and you get a ton of value for your money. These boxes sell out fast and the next box is nearly sold out, so act fast. The cutoff date for the next box is Dec. 15, but you don’t want to wait or you risk the box selling out.
ATTENTION: You can purchase a subscription to PWCrate by visiting ProWrestlingCrate.com. Also, You can save 20% off your first purchase at ProWrestlingCrate.com by using the code “PWTORCH.”
Contact Sean at pwtorchsean@gmail.com. Follow Sean on twitter HERE. Follow and like Radican’s Wrestling Community Facebook.com HERE
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