WWE Smackdown review
November 16, 2012
Taped 11/13/12 in Cleveland, Ohio
Aired on SYFY
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist
– WWE Open.
– It looks like the voice-over show preview has invaded Smackdown as well. The opening video package previewed the three-way match at Survivor Series for the WWE Title, as well as the traditional Survivor Series match. It closed by previewing Big Show vs. Sheamus for the World Title. “All that…plus much more, tonight on Smackdown.”
– Sheamus was in the parking lot, awaiting the arrival of Big Show, according to Josh Mathews.
– In the arena, Tony Chimel introduced “Cleveland’s own,” The Miz. Mathews and JBL were shown at ringside discussing the Survivor Series elimination match. “Miz is awesome” chant before he even spoke. Miz said it was good to be home. Miz said he was on Team Foley for Survivor Series because of the fans. Miz had the Survivor Series poster on an easel in the ring and bragged about being on said poster. He introduced Mick Foley, who ambled to the ring.
Foley said he wasn’t going to mince words and said he had some hesitation when putting Miz on the ballot. For one, Miz is the villain in his new Christmas book, available at bookstores everywhere. Foley said Miz is a tale of two different people, and he wonders who will show up to compete Sunday. Will it be the Wrestlemania main-eventing, John Cena-beating WWE Superstar? Or the vacation-taking, chair-sitting, makeup-wearing Miz? Miz said he’s the least of Foley’s problems: He has tag champs who don’t like each other, Orton, who doesn’t play well with others, and a guy who stole his Intercontinental Championship. Foley wanted to call for a team meeting right on Miz’s show.
Kofi Kingston was out first. He was followed by Kane and Daniel Bryan, then Randy Orton. Foley opened the floor for anyone to speak, but no one seemed eager to do so. Kane and Bryan argued over starting, and Bryan won out. Bryan insisted that Kane was trying to apologize for calling him a weak link in their team. Kane actually wanted to thank Miz for being such a great tag partner on Raw and said his back feels great for not having to carry a partner. Bryan and Kane continued to argue. Kingston stepped up to stop the fussin’ and-a feudin’. Miz didn’t appreciate Kofi playing the peacekeeper a week after he kicked him in the face after Miz offered a hand.
Foley claimed this was not going well. He said Orton may have to be the voice of reason. Orton reminded Foley that he has spat on him and Foley tossed him onto a pile of thumbtacks once upon a time. But he likes Foley better than anyone else on the team. In fact, there’s not a member of the team that Orton likes or trusts. He knocked Miz’s poster over. Dolph Ziggler’s music interrupted and he led his team onto the stage. Ziggler claimed his team doesn’t have egos. He said they were united behind one charismatic leader. Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez were chatting with each other and Ziggler tried to get him to stop.
Del Rio had a mic and he said Ziggler didn’t have what it took to be a team leader. Of course, he thought he deserved to be the leader. They argued and Foley tried to get a zinger in, but Ziggler told him to shut up. Foley said he used to run this place and he made some pretty good matches. So he asked Booker T. if he could make some matches tonight, with Team Ziggler’s blessing. Foley offered Del Rio and Ziggler vs. The Miz and Randy Orton. I would’ve guessed Miz and Kingston. Ziggler said he’s glad Miz quit his team, as they got someone way better: Wade Barrett.
Barrett said Ziggler was making him blush. He said Team Ziggler replaced a quitter with a winner. Foley said he’s always been a fan of Wade, but he wants to see how he stacks up against Kane tonight. Bryan started yelling “No!” Damien Sandow silenced Bryan and said Team Foley is in disarray. Sandow claimed that Kane’s brutality is the reason Cody Rhodes is not with him tonight. He put down Kingston as well, and Kingston took issue with it. He said he’d be willing to show Sandow what he’s all about, first-hand. Foley said the first match will be Sandow vs. Kingston…and it starts now. Well, after the break anyway.
[Commercial Break]
The bell rang upon return from break. Jumping back elbow by Kingston caused Sandow to seek refuge outside the ring. In an inset, they showed the back body-droop Cody Rhodes received from Kane on Main Event (in slow-mo) and said his status is up in the air for Sunday. Monkey-flip by Kingston on Sandow, who again left the ring to break Kofi’s momentum. Dropkick by Kofi in the corner, then a cover that got two. Sandow was thrown over the top rope after he attempted to throw Kofi over. Kofi dove onto Sandow at ringside. They cut to break 3:04 into the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at the 7:00 mark. Sandow went for a cover, only getting two. He wrestled Kofi to the mat and rubbed his face into the canvas. It was bad enough that every year there’s been a Survivor Series elimination match lately, the story seems to be built around the in-fighting amongst the heels; now they’re doing it with the babyfaces, too. Kingston made his comeback and he hit the Boom Drop. He set up for Trouble in Paradise, but Sandow avoided it. Sandow flew off the top rope with a cross-body for a near-fall. Jaw-breaker by Sandow, but Kofi gave him a back-drop. Sandow kicked out the leg of Kingston and rolled him up for the win, holding the tights in the process.
WINNER: Sandow, at 10:00. Kind of an anti-climactic finish to a decent match.
– Sheamus was shown in the parking garage, still waiting for Show’s arrival. He thought he heard a car, but it was nothing.
[Commercial Break]
– The exterior of the Quicken Loans Arena was shown as Mathews threw it to more Vickie “proof” of an A.J. relationship with John Cena: The voicemails. I’m more offended by A.J. thinking she’s already at the “it’s me” stage of her phone relationship with Cena.
All six women were in the ring after the video package. Layla tagged in and spanked Aksana. Double-clothesline on Askana, with Natalya. Fox made the blind tag and took over offense on Layla. Northern lights suplex for two. Eve tagged in and somersaulted onto Layla, which that showed an incredible amount of light for a move like that. Kaitlyn and Natalya tried to get the crowd into it to cheer for Layla. Back to Fox, who kicked Layla in the mid-section. Layla appeared to get too close to the corner on a spot where she was supposed to get not-close-enough, so Nattie didn’t even put her hand out for a tag. Kaitlyn eventually came in and took the fight to Fox. The match broke down after Aksana broke up a pin. Fox was dropkicked into Eve, who was knocked off the apron. Inverted DDT helped Kaitlyn’s team pick up the win.
WINNERS: Kaitlyn, Layla, and Natalya, at 3:40. The usual booking to build the Diva’s match at the PPV, but at least they bothered to take the time to plug it.
– The big tag match with Orton & Miz taking on Ziggler & Del Rio is next.
[Commercial Break]
– On the Survivor Series pre-show, Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel will team up to take on Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal of 3MB.
– More of Sheamus in the parking garage. Booker T. walked up and said word is, Big Show won’t even show up with Sheamus standing out there. Sheamus said he’ll move, but told Booker to tell Show that if he has any guts, he’ll meet him in the ring. Booker implored Sheamus to just wait 48 hours for Show, and to keep his cool. Sheamus said he couldn’t promise that. Book said if things get out of hand, there will be consequences. Booker was unhappy as Sheamus walked away.
During Del Rio’s entrance, part clips of his match against Orton last week on Smackdown were shown. If you drink every time Mathews says “Survivor Series implications” tonight, you’d be out by now. Ziggler side-stepped Miz and tossed him over the top rope. He then knocked Orton off the apron and to the floor right next to Miz. They cut to break with the heels in control at 1:25.
[Commercial Break]
Smackdown returned at 4:31 of the match. Orton ran the ropes, but was put down with a knee-lift. Del Rio got the better of Orton, but Orton turned the tide once Ziggler was tagged in. Orton made the tag to Miz, who showed a lot of fire in unleashing lefts on Ziggler in the corner. They turned Miz at the right time, where he can be solidified as a face in front of his hometown crowd. They’ll be willing to accept him as a face right off the bat. Miz went to the second rope, and Del Rio pushed him off while the ref was distracted. Del Rio came in and worked over the arm of Miz. Headbutts sent Miz into the corner, but upon a charge, he was back-dropped to ringside. Rodriguez helped ADR back in, but Miz made the tag to Orton. Orton cleaned house on both heels. Del Rio was still the legal man, and he hit his patented DDT. He got the crowd into it, but Miz tagged himself in and hit his finisher on Del Rio for the win.
WINNERS: Orton and Miz, at 10:31. The more things change, the more they stay the same with Miz. Match was a suitable first-hour main event. Lost in the finish was Del Rio taking the pin instead of Ziggler.
After the match, when Miz celebrated, Orton RKO’d him. Orton did his pose on the second turnbuckle as they replayed the finish of the match.
[Commercial Break]
– Sheamus came to the ring in a huff. Sheamus talked about how Show crossed a line. He said he was happy with their match at Hell in a Cell because they pushed each other to the limit. Shouldn’t he be pissed that he lost the title? That should be the dominating emotion coming out of a match like that. Sheamus took Show to task for beating up his friend, William Regal, and said he’s ready to fight right now. Big Show’s music hit and Show walked out with the title over his shoulder. Show said he isn’t scared of Sheamus, but rather, is scared of what he might do to Sheamus. Show said Sheamus should thank him. Sheamus wanted to “thank” him face-to-face and headed up the ramp. Booker physically cut him off and said things won’t get out of control like they did on Monday. Booker then told Sheamus to leave the building. Show walked to the back as Booker demanded Sheamus leave “his” building. He tried to usher Sheamus to the side of the stage as they went to break.
[Commercial Break]
– Show was walking backstage when he came upon Booker. Show complimented Booker for how he handled Sheamus. He said they go back a long time and Booker “gets” him. Booker said he made a main event tonight and Show is in it. In fact, he’ll find out his opponent when he gets to the ring tonight. “It’s not against Sheamus, is it?” Show calmly asked. Booker said no, “but remember, no one’s bigger than the Show.” Oh man, does that mean Khali?
Boss Man Slam by Barrett and a cover for one only 13 second into the match. Big boot by Kane put Barrett on the mat, then a clothesline over the top sent him to ringside. Back in, Kane hit a clothesline off the top. He readied for a chokeslam when the rest of the heel team ran in for the disqualification.
WINNER: Kane, via DQ, at :56. Not much to say about that. Seemed kind of early for the run-in, but maybe the taping was running long.
Daniel Bryan ran out to aid his teammate, but was put down easily. Mick Foley waved on the rest of the troops, so Kofi Kingston headed to the ring. Finally, Randy Orton came out to his theme music. He RKO’d Sandow and Ziggler. Miz then walked out, conspicuous by his absence from the brawl.
– They showed a Sheamus Tweet where he wrote that if he can’t fight, he’ll have a pint. And a picture of a beer was with the Tweet.
– Big Show will face a mystery wrestler in the main event.
– We’ll see what happened as it relates to the WWE Title on Raw, next.
[Commercial Break]
– JBL thanked Outasight for “Now or Never,” which is the theme to Survivor Series.
– After a graphic for the WWE Title match aired, Mathews tossed it to a video package of the build-up to this match.
– Mathews and JBL discussed the situation from earlier as it pertains to Big Show and Sheamus. They again showed Sheamus’s beer Tweet.
– R-Truth came out. He joined JBL and Mathews on commentary. Antonio Cesaro came out for a match, which is next.
[Commercial Break]
Quick take-down by Cesaro. Cara stepped on Cesaro’s hand to take control, then flipped into a headscissors. Cesaro grounded Cara with a tilt-a-whirl back-breaker. Gut wrench suplex by Cesaro. Crazy headscissors by Cara. He spun around twice as fast as he usually does and credit Cesaro for staying with him. Cesaro tossed Cara into the air and caught him coming down with an uppercut. The Neutralizer finished Cara.
WINNER: Cesaro, at 2:20. These two have some awesome chemistry in the ring. Weird to see Cara used as fodder for a U.S. Title match, when he and Rey Mysterio have been featured heavily as a tag team as of late.
Truth go on the mic and asked for the crowd’s attention. He wanted to quote another Jimmy, “Hacksaw” Jimmy Duggan: “USA! USA! USA!” This didn’t really seem to rattle Cesaro. Truth entered the ring and Cesaro backed away and left.
– A graphic of Sheamus’s beer again in his Tweet. Oh, this time he’s done drinking it.
– Big Show vs. a mystery man is the main event. Next.
[Commercial Break]
Of course. Khali shoved Show off on a lock-up. Show went for a chop in the corner, but Khali reversed course and gave him one of his own. Not a lot of heat for that, even from the audio sweetener. Back elbow in the corner by Khali. He slugged Show in the back of the neck with forearms. Show fired back with body shots, then speared Khali to take him off his feet. A cover got only two. At 2:43, Show signaled for the chokeslam. Khali broke it and chopped Show over the head. Show kicked out at two. Khali was shocked. Khali signaled for the Punjabi Plunge. Show fought it off and KO’d Khali, then made the pin.
WINNER: Show, at 3:33.
Sheamus’s music played after the match. He didn’t come out, and Show’s music played again. Show left the ring this time, looking around for Sheamus as he made his way up the ramp. After replays, Show was already shown walking in the parking lot wearing a hoodie. His championship title was notably absent. Matt Striker tried to get a word, but Show ran him off. He tried to enter his bus, but Sheamus jumped out and attacked him amid a few cars. They broke a window in one of them, then the windshield in another. Referees and security attempted to intervene. Sheamus ended up on the hood of the car with the busted windshield. However, he jumped off the back and onto Show, who was trying to walk away. He slammed Show’s head into the car numerous times. Finally, Booker T. and more security had to drag him off. Sheamus vowed to finish it on Sunday.
NOW CHECK OUT THE PREVIOUS FLASHBACK: 5 YRS AGO – KELLER’S WWE RAW REPORT (11/12/12): Final Survivor Series hype, Punk vs. Cena in TV main event, Ryback vs. Maddox, Team Foley fills empty slot, Lawler returns
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