Charlotte spoke to the media at a press conference in Barcelona, Spain, covered by Solowrestling.com. The following are key highlights:
•On the heath of her father, Ric Flair: “He’s doing well. He’s getting better everyday. The support from friends, family, social media, it’s just been amazing. I know he appreciates it, the family does. Thank you.”
•On his next appearance in front of the fans: “I know he’s going to Starrcade the Saturday after Thanksgiving to watch me wrestle in a cage.”
•On what it would take for a women’s match to headline a WrestleMania, and if a women’s Royal Rumble would be a start: “The Royal Rumble would be a great opportunity, but the first step for the women to main event WrestleMania is finding that main event storyline, finding a reason for it to be the main event, the attraction, and I think that is what is going to put us there, finding something the fans are that invested in.”
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Sorry Charlotte the only way a woman’s match headline WM is if Vince goes on to his great reward or some catastrophic event to make Vince unaware of what is happening in the world. Until then, the food table for the tThanksgiving brawl is over there ->
They are years away from two women headlining wrestlemania. As it stands now there are basically 8 to 10 women in the entire company. 4 to 5 on each show. The divisions flat out suck.